Pastoral Staff · Pastoral Staff Father David Lemkuhl, Pastor Paula Voborsky, OFS,...

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Pastoral Staff

Father David Lemkuhl, Pastor

Paula Voborsky, OFS, Pastoral Associate,

Mary Mathers, Parish Secretary

Keith Minnery, Music Director


Saint Margaret of Cortona Saturday, 4:30 pm Sunday, 9:00 am & 11:00 am Saint Anthony, Madisonville Sunday, 8:30 & 11:30 am Saint Cecilia, Oakley Saturday, 4:00 pm Sunday, 8 & 10 am

Confessions Call the Parish Office for an appointment

Faith Formation Regular classes K-8 9:50—10:55 am Sundays at SMC

Baptisms & RCIA Call the Parish Office

Parish Office 4100 Watterson

Street Cincinnati, OH 45227 Phone: (513) 271-0856 Parish Fax: (513) 271-1513 Office Hours 8:30 am — 3:00 pm

Please call the parish office if you, or a member of your family, is ill or in the hospital so a member of our Pastoral Staff can visit and we can keep you in our prayers.

The Mission of St. Margaret - St. John Parish is to spread the good news and blessings of Jesus Christ to our community. We gather together to grow closer to Jesus Christ, to worship at the Eucharistic Table, to serve our children, the poor and the needy among us, and to celebrate our diverse community.

Monday, May 30, 10:00 am Mass @ SMC—Fr. Paul † Sarah Knepfle—Joan Rutenschroer

Tuesday, May 31, 9:30 am Mass @ The Barrington—Fr. Paul † William & Marie Hurley & Family

Wednesday, June 1, 8:15 am Mass @ St. Anthony Thursday, June 2, 9:30 am @ St. Theresa—Fr. Pat † Mary Beresford—SJV Seniors

Friday, June 3, 8:15 am Mass @ SMC w/ First Friday Adoration following - Fr. Dave † Mary Sampson—McKenrick Family

Saturday, June 4, 4:30 pm Mass @ SMC - Fr. Dave † Br. Joel Stern—Ruth Meyer Sunday, JuneFamily 5, 9:00 am Mass— -Fr. Dave † For the parish Sunday, June 5, 11:00 a.m. Mass @ SMC Fr. Dave † Dick Wagner—Anniv. Rem.—family † Denysa Kaiser— B’[day Rem - Kaiser

St. Margaret of Cortona

Saturday, June 4, 4:30 pm Presider: Fr. Dave Servers: A Sublett Lectors: C Sulllivan/N Jordan Eucharistic Ministers: A Wittrock/T Wood/ K Jordan/E Best Greeters: need volunteers Gifts: Heitker Family

Sunday, June 5, 9:00 am Presider: Fr. Dave Servers: M Scharringhausen Lectors: M Mather/P Polanski Eucharistic Ministers: J Mullan/ G Schmidt/J Douthit Greeters: M Mathers/K Douthit

Sunday, June 5, 11:00 am Presider: Fr. Dave Servers: Need volunteers Lectors: J Lindgren/P Auer Eucharistic Ministers: B Ferrara/L Gates/ M Eifert/G Irwin/L Keeney Greeters: N Losekamp/D Crabb Gifts: Need volunteers

May 28 & 29, 2016

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

May 21 & 22—

$3912 Envelopes— 93

Thank you!

SAT/SUN— VDP 5th Sunday collection Monday — Memorial Day Mass 10 am Wednesday -Summer Celebration mtg 7 pm Thursday— Bingo Friday— First Friday Adoration following 8:15 am Mass

This week in our parish

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

May 29, 2016 [A]s often as you eat this bread

and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord

until he comes.

Jubilee Year of Mercy: May’s theme is Serving with Mercy. As a parish we are busy about many things as we serve others, within the parish and as outreach. As a warm-welcoming, compassionate caring community, we are living the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Pastoral Council: Many thanks to Karen Brown, Tara Mays, Teresa Mays and Susie Stovall who will be going off of Pastoral Council (their last meeting being the end of June). Maureen “MO” Brunsman, Erin Kabel, Laura Heitker, Amber Losekamp and Peg Polanski. Beginning in August, Tony Brueneman will be the chair and Andrea Corvi will be the vice-chair. Many thanks to Karen Brown for coming back on Pastoral Council to take over as chair when Barb Hervey needed to resign due to ill health. In case you missed it, Barb Hervey passed away on May 16th and was buried on Saturday May 21st. I will be away on vacation until June 1st. Once I am back, it will be a swift conclusion to 12 years of ministering among you. With only 6 office days, I hope that things will be mostly wrapped-up by June 20th--though I will be involved in the Summer Celebration. Our moving date will be June 22nd.

Needed: PlasƟc Grocery/Store Bags!

You know all those plastic bags that you accumulate and don’t quite know what to do with except over whelm our landfill? Well, we have a ministry of crocheting sleeping mats for homeless folks here in Cincinnati. The mats provide a slight cushion to the hard ground as well as providing protection against dampness and dirt. But a 36” x 80” mat with a carrying strap takes about 700 bags to finish. Everyone can participate in this endeavor by bringing in your used bags: all sizes accepted. If you would like to learn how to make a mat, please contact Paula Voborsky, OFS.

Calling All Young Families… Young Families Ministry - What: Bring your own snacks or lunch and blanket! Don’t forget your favorite ball or outdoor game too. When: Sunday, May 29th after the 11:00 am Mass. Where: SM-SJ Church, the ball field next to the church parking lot and Cortona Hall. We hope to see you there! If you would like to receive emails about upcoming events, please contact Andrea Corvi at

News from Fr. Jamie. . . New Parochial Vicar Announced. On May 21st, at the Ordination Mass of the Priesthood, Archbishop announced that our pastoral region has been assigned Fr. Jason Williams. Fr. Williams, 34, spent six years in the Navy on a Nuclear Submarine before he entered his studies for the priesthood. Fr. Williams has many interests, including running, hiking, playing the organ, piano, violin, as well as woodworking. On behalf of the parishes of the region we congratulate and welcome Fr. Williams to our Parishes. I am happy to report that my good friend Fr. Dave Sunberg will now be assisting in our pastoral region. Fr. Sunberg, former pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, was recently appointed spiritual director at the seminary. On behalf of St. Cecilia and St. Margaret—St. John, welcome, Fr. Sunberg.

The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass for couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 4:30 pm at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral. Please let the parish office know if you will be celebrating 50 years of marriage.

Couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary should call the parish office by June 15, 2016.

Our weekly $40 Four Grand

Winners for 2016 is the

Four Grand Club

Let’s Face the Facts and Tell the Truth about Abortion

* Abortion is not about "a woman making a decision about her own body". The child in the mother's womb is a separate, human being with its own heartbeat, DNA, blood type and finger prints. About 50% of the time; the child is not even the same gender! * The vast majority of abortions are done as a form of birth control because the baby is "inconvenient", "too expensive" or a "burden", Very few abortions have anything to do with the health of the mother and less than 1 % is performed as a result of rape or incest * "Leave it up to the woman to decide" totally destroys equality before the law, because it constitutes a complete removal of protection from the child, who is considered a "non-person". It also ignores the coercion women frequently confront from boyfriends and abusive husbands. * We are told that we should not impose our "beliefs" on others. Laws are not passed to control thought, but to control behavior. Pro-lifers do not particularly care what people think about babies, as long as they do not kill them.

IN our parish St. Margaret-St. John

Bob Barlage, Nikki Best, Tom Blankemeyer,

Fr. James Brookes—St. Margaret of York, Don Cafferky, Nancy Callahan, Lorraine Carney, Gina Clark, Robert Davis, Tammy Davis,

Matthew Dickason, Tammy Doss, John Ewald, Kelly Flanigan,

John Forsthoefel, Emma Gough, Brad Giesting, Mary Greis, Jim Griffin,

Heather Griffin, Joe Hillebrand, Lucilia Hock,

Marge House, Betsey (Kerkhoff) Jacquez, Clare Jones, Larry Kahles, Jane Kaeser, Joe Kaeser,

Dee Kaiser, Steve Keeney, Marian Kleiman, Steve & Mary Knepfle, Bob Kohnen, Margie Lemkuhl, Eddie Mahoney, Kevin Mahoney, Debbie Malicoat,

Mary (Marasco) LeRoy, Randy Mays, Rosemary McQueary,

Ruth Miller, Dottie Missig, Molly Montgomery, Martha Muchmore, Betty Nerl, Margaret Nerl, Dick Nichols, Steve O’Connor, Elaine Otto, Esther Quinn, Katie Rahn,

Dee & Paul Rosing, Steve Ruwe, Ted Sentker, John Sheehy,

Jacob Salamon, Louise Spahn, Helen Steele, Mary Lou Sturgeon,

Tom Suddendorf, Kenzie Suddendorf, Alberta Sullivan,

Mary Twigg, Patti Weikert, Teresa K Wilson, Carol Winterich,

Bob Witherby, Jani Wood, Frances Yunker

We try to update our Prayer List. If we took someone off that still needs our prayers or someone that needs to be added, please call the parish office.


First Reading — Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, brought out bread and wine and blessed Abram (Genesis 14:18-20). Psalm — You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek (Psalm 110). Second Reading — Paul gives his description of the institution of the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Gospel — Jesus speaks to the crowd about the kingdom of God and then feeds them with five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:11b-17).


First Reading — Elijah revives the son of a widow (1 Kings 17:17-24). Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me (Psalm 30). Second Reading — Paul explains God’s call to him to preach to the Gentiles (Galatians 1:11-19). Gospel — Jesus raises from the dead the son of a widow in the city of Nain (Luke 7:11-17).

Fed by the Lord Jesus’ words “This is my body” and “This cup is the new covenant in my blood” were only part of his table blessing. Jesus twice said: “Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24, 25). This is the good news of today’s solemnity. Like the five thousand hungry souls, we are fed by our Lord. This is not food that satisfies for only a short time, until the next meal. It is food that lasts and changes us. It is food for sharing in much the same way as Melchizedek did when he brought bread and wine to the returning Abraham. As children of God’s reign, we are blessed to be able to receive and share God’s gift. And we do so in the way most appropriate to our state in life—as parents, children, husbands, wives, or religious.



Games for the kids (including a clown, face painting, sucker pull, fish pond, etc.)

& A NEW DINNER MENU Spaghetti and meatballs

Or Chicken alfredo

Both entrees served with salad and breadstick Tea, water and lemonade included. Pop $1.00 extra.

Adult meals are $9.00 & Children $5.00

8:00 TO 11:00 PM Live Band—Kickstart



Parish community of St. Margaret—St. John

May 2016

May 1—Flying Pig—11:00 am Mass only

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Sixth Sunday of Easter Flying Pig No 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am - Fr. Paul Madison Bowl Sunday Funday

2 7 pm Mass @ SMC Fr. Dave

3 9:30 am Mass @ The Barrington

4 8:15 am Mass @ St. Anthony

5 9:30 am Mass @ St. Theresa Fr. Pat

Parish Life 7 pm St. Francis mtg rm BINGO

6 8:15 am Mass @ SMC w/First Friday AdoraƟon follow-ing—Fr. Dave

7 4:30 pm Mass Fr. Dave w/hospitality aŌer Mass

8 Ascension Sunday 9 am 11 am Mass Young BapƟsm Fr. Dave w/hospitality

9 7 pm Mass @ SMC Fr. Paul Bingo 1-3 pm

10 9:30 am Mass @ The Barrington Worship Commis-sion 7 pm—St. Fran-cis mtg room

11 8:15 am Mass @ St. Anthony Youth Ministry Core Team Mtg. 7 pm @


9:30 am Mass @ St. Theresa Fr. Dave


13 8:15 am Mass @ St. Anthony

14 4:30 pm Mass Fr. Paul MaƩhew 25 Ministries 11 am - 1 pm


Pentecost Sun-day 9 am & 11 am Mass Fr. Paul Early Bird

16 7 pm Mass @ SMC Fr. Dave Summer Celebra-Ɵon mtg 7:30 pm @ St. Francis mtg rm

17 9:30 am Mass @ The Barrington Game Nigh 7—9 pm w/refreshments

18 8:15 am Mass @ St. Anthony


9:30 am Mass @ St. Theresa Fr. Pat


20 8:15 am Mass @ St. Anthony

21 4:30 pm Mass

Fr. George Wilson


Most Holy Trinity Sunday9 am 11 am Mass Kramer & Hughes BapƟsm- Fr. Dave Young Families Ministry 12 noon

23 7 pm Mass @ SMC Fr. Dave Bingo w/ Refreshments 1-3 pm

24 9:30 am Mass @ The Barrington Pastoral Council 7 pm

25 8:15 am Comm Serv @ St. Anthony Breaking Open the Word 7 pm cafeteria

26 9:30 am Mass @ St. Theresa Fr. Paul


27 8:15 am Mass @ St. Anthony

28 4:30 pm Mass Fr. Paul 5th Sunday VDP collecƟon

29 Most Holy Body And Blood of Christ 9 am & 11 am Mass Fr. Paul

30 Memorial Day

10 am Mass Fr. Paul

31 9:30 am Mass @ The Barrington—Fr. Paul

LifeTouch pictures taken for SM-SJ Parish Directory

Fr. Dave on vacation May 25—June 1


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