Pearl Car Care - How Much Water Does your Household Use?

Post on 09-Sep-2014

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These are all great things to be doing, but when it comes down to it, most of them don’t save anywhere close to the amount of water you could save just by using waterless car wash products to wash your car


Sadly, most people couldn't even begin to answer this question. They simply don’t know the answer or even how to figure out the answer. No matter whether you can figure out how to calculate it or not, there is one thing we are willing to bet on – you are using too much water.

Unless you are actively making the effort to save water in every way possible, the odds are that your water consumption is much higher than it needs to be.

People have many tactics and tricks that help them in their efforts to save water. Some people have started by taking shorter showers. Others turn off the water while they are brushing their teeth since they don’t need it until they rinse their tooth brush anyways.

Some of the more environmentally conscious people out there have even gone so far as to install a gray water system in their household to help them to recycle their water to conserve even further.

These are all great things to be doing, but when it comes down to it, most of them don’t save anywhere close to the amount of water you could save just by using waterless car wash products to wash your car.

100 gallons. That’s 400 liters of water. Just imagine 400 one liter bottles of water, all filled up and lined up together.

That is a huge amount of water isn’t it? Could you imagine just opening up each of those bottles and pouring their contents onto the ground? You probably couldn't fathom wasting that much water, but that is exactly what you are doing when you decide to wash your car with water.

For some people, it can be hard to wrap their head around the concept of the waterless car wash. Most people associate cleaning and washing with water, and for good reason – most of the things we wash, we wash with water.

This means that people often have a natural aversion to using waterless car wash products, which is too bad because they can be extremely useful not just for washing your car, but for the environment as well. The only thing we can say, is that before you give the waterless car wash a bad name, you give it a try first.

You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving the waterless car wash a try. Most people end up trying it and become believers for life. Once you see just how clean and shiny your car can get and how much water you can save in the process, it’s pretty hard to go back to washing the traditional way.

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