Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman © 2008 CHAPTER 11 WESTWARD EXPANSION The American...

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Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman © 2008


The American Nation: A History of the United States, 13th edition



• In 1840 Whigs decided to follow Jacksonian strategy and nominated General William Henry Harrison, “Hero of Tippecanoe,” as their candidate for president– Chose John Tyler of Virginia as vice president

• Ignoring the realities of Harrison’s financial situation and upbringing, Whigs used log cabin and cider barrel as their symbols

• Democrats were as organized as the Whigs but did not have much heart for the fight

William H. Harrison becomes President (but not for long…)

• Four-fifths of the eligible voters turned out and gave the election to Harrison with 234 electoral votes to 60

• Less than a month after his inauguration, Harrison fell ill and died on April 4 - John Tyler became president

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When Tyler became president after Harrison’s death, he kept all of Harrison’s Cabinet

Did not get along with Henry Clay who considered himself the true head of the Whig party Tried to enact a new Bank of the

U.S. bill, which Tyler vetoed, causing his Cabinet, except for Secretary of State Daniel Webster, to resign

Tyler, abandoned by the Whigs, tried and failed to form his own party

THE WEBSTER-ASHBURTON TREATYa.k.a. The Maine Boundary Settlement, 1842 Dispute over border between Maine

and New Brunswick Settled by Daniel Webster and Lord

Ashburton, since British needed only a small part of the territory to build a military road connecting Halifax and Quebec Webster placated Maine and

Massachusetts with a phony map Ashburton made concessions

elsewhere on Canadian and American border British dependence on foreign

foodstuffs was increasing American need for British capital

was rising

Manifest Destiny

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Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way (mural study, U.S. Capitol) 1861, oil on canvas Smithsonian American Art Museum, Bequest of Sara Carr Upton

Manifest Destiny

Emanuel Gottlieb LeutzeWestward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way 1861-1862,

stereochrome, United States House of Representatives

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What were the “Push” and “Pull” Factors for going West?

Push and Pull Factors to “Go West!”PUSH PULL

What (or who) are the obstacles toward achieving “Manifest Destiny”?

Manifest Destiny OR Westward Ho!

Issues w/ MEXICO: TEXAS:

The Lone Star Republic or the Lone Star State?

The Mexican War: May I Please have Cali OR should I just take it?

Issues w/ GREAT BRITAIN:- OREGON: OR Not another war with them Limey Brits!?!

TEXAS 1821: Americans led by Stephen Austin began to settle the area

At same time Mexico declared independence from Spain Cotton flourished and Mexican authorities offered free land and

something approaching local autonomy to American settlers By 1830 some 20,000 white Americans in Texas, 2,000 slaves, and only a

few thousand Mexicans Purchase offers

John Quincy Adams had offered $1 million and Jackson tried $5 mill. By the 1820s, flood of American settlers was giving the Mexican government

problems: Most American settlers were Protestant When Mexico abolished slavery in 1829, Texans freed slaves then signed

them to lifetime contracts as indentured servants 1830: Mexico tried to prohibit further immigration into Texas by Americans

1835: series of skirmishes became full fledged rebellion

Mexican President Antonio López de Santa Anna marched north with 6,000 soldiers to subdue the rebels, reaching San Antonio in late February 1836

General Houston’s strategy was to retreat and use defense in depth. His line of supply from the United States was shortened as Santa Anna’s lengthened. The Mexicans were forced to bring up supplies by land because the Texas navy controlled the sea. This force consisted of only four small ships, but it was big enough to do the job.

William B. Travis and 187 men walled up in the Alamo held off Santa Anna for 10 days until the Mexicans breached the walls on 6 March

They killed everyone inside

The Texas Revolution, 1836

Texas “The Lone Star …?Republic or U.S. State? That is the real question!

March 2, 1836: Texas declared its independence

Sam Houston was placed in charge of the army which routed the Mexicans on April 21, 1836 October: Houston was elected President November: plebiscite revealed Texans favored

annexation to U.S. Andrew Jackson recognized Texas but nothing

more Tyler decided to annex it

Senate rejected treaty 35 to 16 -Why??

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THE ELECTION OF 1844 Whigs nominated Clay, ignored

Texas in platform Democrats: Van Buren wanted to

keep Texas out of campaign but Calhoun wanted to make it an issue Winner was dark horse candidate

James K. Polk Opposed high tariffs, did not want

another bank, wanted to take Texas and believed generally in expansion

Platform called for “reannexation” of Texas and “reoccupation” of Oregon

THE ELECTION OF 1844 Decisive factor was Liberty party, an

antislavery splinter group organized in 1840 Only 62,000 voters supported party

candidate 16,000 were in western part of New York

and helped throw the state to Polk Polk’s victory was seen as a mandate for

expansion Tyler called on Congress to annex Texas

through a joint resolution which was done and Texas was annexed as a territory in December 1845

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Persuaded Congress to lower Tariff of 1842 and restore an independent treasury

Opposed federal internal improvements

Committed himself to obtaining Texas, Oregon, and the great Southwest

OREGON Oregon: campaign had demanded all

Oregon Territory but Polk told British minister Pakenham would accept 49th parallel Pakenham rejected

Polk asked Congress for one year notice to abrogate 1818 treaty of joint occupation Notified British in May 1846

British decided to compromise 5,000 Americans in Willamette Valley No more than 750 British subjects British now agreed to earlier proposal

though Vancouver Island remained British and both could use the Strait of San Juan de Fuca

Approved by Senate in June 1846

What were the causes of the Mexican War?

See PDF:“09 Mexican-American War”

Read only Sources C, E, G and I Identify who the authors are and why they

supported or opposed …..the war

Other opponents of the War

William Lloyd Garrison expressed open support for the Mexican people.

Henry Clay declared “This is no war of defense, but one of unnecessary offensive aggression.”

Abraham Lincoln (freshman Congressman from Illinois) called the war immoral, proslavery, and proposed the so-called “Spot Resolutions.”

Henry David Thoreau in an act of civil disobedience was jailed for his refusal to pay the poll tax as a protest against the country’s involvement in the Mexican War.

Congressman Abraham Lincoln opposed the Mexican War as an unjust war of aggression against America’s neighbor

Do you think President Polk provoked Mexico into an unnecessary or unjust war? Why or why not?

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Polk had three—part strategy:1. Clear Mexicans from Texas and occupy

the northern provinces of Mexico2. Take possession of California and New

Mexico3. March on Mexico City

June 1846: American settlers in Sacramento Valley seized Sonoma and raised the Bear Flag of the Republic of California Joined by John C. Frémont of American

exploring party and naval squadron under Commodore John D. Sloat

By February 1847: U.S. had won control of nearly all of Mexico north of capital

March 9, 1847: Scott and U.S. army laid siege to Vera Cruz which they took three weeks later then moved on to Mexico City which took on September 14

“War News from Mexico”, by Richard Caton Woodville

The new telegraph kept the nation closely informed of events

in far-off Mexico.

THE TREATY OF GUADELUPE- HIDALGO Polk sent Nicholas P. Trist to act as peace

commissioner and he met with Scott’s army in May 1847and with peace commissioners in January 1848 Originally authorized to pay $30 million

for New Mexico, Upper and Lower California, and right of transit across the isthmus of Tehuantepec

Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo Mexico accepted Rio Grande as Texas

border Ceded New Mexico and upper

California U.S. agreed to pay Mexico $15 million

and take on $3.25 million in American citizens’

claims vs. Mexico Senate ratified treaty by a vote of 38 to


What were the effects or What were the effects or consequences of the Mexican War?consequences of the Mexican War?

It increased size of the country by a third. At the same time, it created deep political

divisions that threatened the country’s future. It reignited the question of slavery in the western

territories. Many Northerners were convinced that slave

owners had precipitated the war to add new slave states.

Emerson predicted that the U.S. would conquer Mexico “… but it will be as the man who swallows arsenic…Mexico will poison us.”

SLAVERY: Storm Clouds Gather Northern Democrats increasingly uneasy with slavery

August 8, 1846: Congressman David Wilmot introduced an amendment banning slavery from any territory acquired from Mexico

Passed House but failed in Senate In response to Wilmot Proviso, Calhoun proposed that Congress

could not legislate regarding slavery in territories since area belonged to all states, slave and free

Seemed merely a step away from demanding Congress guarantee the right of slave owners to bring slaves into the territories and establish slave codes in the territories

Two potential compromises Extend Missouri Compromise line to Pacific Allowed territories in without mention of slavery, leaving it to local

legislatures to decide (popular sovereignty)

August 1848: Congress barred slavery from the Oregon Territory

Election of 1848 Whigs nominated

Zachary Taylor, offered no platform

Democrats nominated Lewis Cass, father of popular sovereignty, but did not endorse particular scheme for territories

Barnburners (dissatisfied Democrats) joined with Liberty Party to form Free Soil Party which nominated Van Buren

Polled nearly 300,000 votes, about 10 percent of total

THE GOLD RUSH January 1848: James W. Marshall was building a

sawmill on the American River in Sacramento Valley east of San Francisco when he noticed flecks that turned out to be GOLD!

Created international sensation $200 million was extracted in next 4 years

By summer of 1848 San Francisco had become a virtual ghost town and two-thirds of the adult males in Oregon had headed to the California gold fields

During 1849, 25,000 Americans made their way from the east to California by ship

55,000 crossed the continent by overland routes 8,000 Mexicans, 5,000 South Americans and a

number of Europeans joined the rush Between 1849 and 1860 about 200,000 people

(nearly all males) crossed the Rockies to California and thousands more came by ship

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Newcomers referred to those of Latin American origin as “greasers” and sought by law and violence to keep them from digging for gold

Local Californians were also discriminated against

Free blacks were treated no better Indian population was almost wiped out:

population of 150,000 in mid-1840s but only 35,000 in 1860

Compare and contrast the views of Clay, Calhoun, Taylor, and Cass on the issue of slavery in the territories.

Taylor recommended that California be admitted as a state with popular sovereignty while rest of Mexican cession should be made into another state; no need to trouble Congress

Henry Clay proposed compromise plan on January 29, 1850: California should be allowed in as a free state Rest of southwest should be organized as a territory without mention of slavery;

southerners would retain the right to bring slaves there though unlikely they would do so Empty lands in dispute along Texas border should be assigned to New Mexico Territory

and in exchange U.S. should take over pre-annexation debts of Texas Slave trade, but not slavery itself, should be abolished in Washington DC Effective federal slave law should be enacted and enforced in the North

Calhoun, too weak to deliver his speech, watched while Senator James Mason explained that while the plan might save the Union, Calhoun believed that the North should yield on every issue and if it failed to do so the South should secede

Daniel Webster argued in favor of Clay’s proposal due to geography the Wilmot Proviso was unnecessary North had a constitutional obligation to turn over escaped slaves

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July 9, 1850: President Taylor died and Vice President Millard Fillmore took over

Even then the compromise only passed when it was broken up and voted on in several parts California became the 31st state Remainder of Mexican cession divided into New

Mexico and Utah Territories Texas received $10 million to pay debts in

exchange for giving up land claims Slave trade abolished in DC effective

January 1, 1851

THE COMPROMISE OF 1850( continued…)

Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was amended to provide for the appointment of federal commissioners with authority to issue warrants, summon posses, and compel citizens under pain of fine or imprisonment to assist in capture of fugitive slaves If commissioner decided accused was a

runaway, received larger fee than if they declared person free

Bills only passed due to shifting coalitions What does this mean?


Describe or explain the connection between the Mexican War, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Wilmot Proviso, and the great debate on slavery in the territories that led to the Compromise of 1850.

Explain why many thought that the Compromise of 1850 was the final solution to the slavery issue in the U.S.?