Perilous Peaks. Geography: How are mountains formed? Music ... · Grammar – Hyphens and Dashes...

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Year 5 - Home Learning Project - Week 11 - 15/06/2020: Perilous Peaks

Daily activities: English worksheet

and tasks

Read ‘My Cousin is

a Time Traveller’

by David Solomons

and complete the

tasks below.


Complete the White

Rose Maths tasks at the

end of this document - 1

per day. Ensure you

watch the video before

you complete the task.

Reading Plus

Log into Reading Plus and

complete your weekly

reading comprehension

tasks and vocabulary tasks.

Site code: rpendea2

TTRS and Numbots

Working on Times Table Rockstars -

Can you complete all the set games

and challenge somebody in our school?

Are you winning in the current Battle

of the Bands?

PE session

Join Joe Wickes

live every morning

@ 9:00am or

access it any time

throughout the


A Topic activity

from the choices


Try to complete all

of the tasks and

send your work to

your teacher.

This week’s themed learning is based around our new topic of Perilous Peaks.

Geography: Locate mountain ranges around

the world

We’ve all seen the famous images of Mount

Everest - the tallest Mountain in the world but

what other mountains or mountain ranges (a

group of mountains close together) do you know?

Where are they located around our globe?

Take a look at this BBC video for more

information. Look at the world map below – can you use google

maps to locate the mountain ranges and label

these correctly?

Geography: How are mountains formed?

Begin by taking a look on this BBC Bitesize

page and watching the video to gain an

understanding of what mountains are.

Complete the quiz to check your


Mountains can be formed in several

different ways. As a result of this,

different types of Mountains are formed.

These include: Fold Mountains, Fault-

Block Mountains, Dome Mountains,

Volcanic Mountains and Plateau


Investigate how these mountains are

formed by completing the activities below

and then completing the table. You can find

extra information and video to support

your investigation in the links below.

Music: In the Hall of the Mountain King We’re going to begin a music project focusing

on a fantastic piece of music by a Norwegian composer called Edvard Grieg.

You’re going to begin by watching the

introductory film with Dan Starkey from the

BBC ten pieces website. ‘In the Hall of the

Mountain King’ is about a man called Peer Gynt

creeping around in the home of an evil troll

called the Mountain King. Do you think Peer made it out safely?

Play the video and watch and listen again, this

time to the full orchestral performance film

rather than the introduction. While you listen

draw one of the following things

a) The Hall of the Mountain King – i.e. his

grand palace

b) The Mountain King himself – i.e. a scary, ugly monster

c) Peer Gynt running away down a twisty path

d) The full story, featuring all of the above!

Science: Label the parts of a flower We often take flowers and their role in nature for granted.

What is inside a flower? What are the different parts and their functions?

Watch these BBC videos

Video 1 – Parts of a plant and Video 3 – The anatomy of a flower.

Take a walk outside and collect any flowers you see growing wild or flowers

you may have in your garden. Can you dissect (take apart) the flower

carefully and see the different parts? Are all flowers the same inside?

What do your flowers have in common? What are the differences? We’d love to see photographs of any flowers you dissect. You could even try

drawing some sketches of the different parts.

When you have finished looking at the different parts use this diagram to

label the blank flower sheet found below. Then describe the function of

each part in your own words. You can find more information about the

different parts of a flower here.

Science: The pollination process (insects)

Insects don't pollinate on purpose; it's just something that

happens as they collect nectar from flowers to feed on. Insects

are incredibly important when it comes to pollination. For

example did you know that nearly all chocolate relies on midges

pollinating the cocoa plant? Thank goodness for that!

But how does pollination take place? This BBC video will explain

how pollination by insects occurs and will also look at other types

of plant and flower pollination.

Read the detailed information about pollination below and then:

1) Put the mixed up stages of pollination in eth correct order.

2) Use the word bank to complete a description of insect


English: Grammar A hyphen joins two or more words together while

a dash separates words into parenthetical statements.

The two are sometimes confused because they

look so similar, but their usage is

different. Hyphens are not separated by spaces,

while a dash has a space on either side.

Watch the video here for how to use hyphens

and dashes then complete the worksheet below.

English: Writing This ‘Ridiculous Writers’ competition lets kids be kids. It will encourage you to be creative,

imaginative and original whilst having fun and enjoying writing! Adding the challenge of planning and writing a mini saga, a story told in just 100 words, means that you are using your technical

skills box too. Use the worksheets below to create your mini saga then send to your teacher or

submit your entry yourself.

Watch the video here which

introduces you to the activity.

Sticky Knowledge (remembering our previous learning):

History: WW2

Read the information on the role of

women pre and post WW2 then

complete the table below.

Click here for

more information.

Geography: Structure of the Earth and Earthquakes

Can you remember what’s under your feet?

Label the diagram of the Earth’s layers and complete the sentences

explaining how earthquakes happen.

Take a look at this video to deepen your understanding.

Science: exercise

Why do we exercise? What benefits are there from an active lifestyle? Watch this video from The British Heart

Foundation and make notes.

Imagine you're a doctor and a patient has come to you asking for advice about why they should exercise. Write

them a list of benefits using clear scientific vocabulary.

Website links mentioned above: - BBC video showing mountain ranges around the world - BBC Bitesize information on Mountains and how they are formed - Information on types of mountains - Types of mountains and formation video - In the Hall of

the Mountain King - BBC video on parts of a flower - information on the functions of the different flower parts the pollination process - Grammar: Hyphens and dashes – English writing competition – History: WW2 – Sticky Knowledge - Structure of the Earth and Earthquakes – Science sticky knowledge why do we exercise?

Geography: Use google maps to locate these mountain ranges around the world, then label the map below.

Geography: Investigate how the different types of mountains are formed by completing

the activities then complete the table.

Science: Label the parts of a flower and describe their function

Science: read through the different stages of pollination by insects.

Science Pollination: The different stages of insect pollination are all mixed up.

Can you cut them out and put them in the right order?

Science pollination: use the word bank below to fill in the blanks to complete the


Grammar – Hyphens and Dashes

Put the dashes and hyphens in the correct places and then copy the sentences into your workbook. Write the reason why the dashes have been used after the sentences.

Either for:

1. Repetition

2. Subordinate Clause

3. or Suspense

Use red for dashes and green for hyphens.

For example:

‘’ You-you evil king!’’ cried the blue-eyed Aztec woman. (repetition)

1. Sacrificing her was a mistake a mistake that could have been avoided.

2. As the temple door opened, I peered inside the pitch black room and saw nothing.

3. It was only when I squinted that I could see what lay at the bottom of Lake Texcoco gold,

lots of gold.

4. When we get there if we get there I will have something to say about this terrible journey to


5. As I wondered through the city on this damp cold night I found two Aztec farmers cultivating

crops on a Chinampa which they co owned together.

6. ‘’ Go Go away!’’ the red faced, murderous priest shouted.

7. Aztec children respected their elders most of the time as this was important in their civilized

Aztec society.

Now use the picture below to write some sentences about what is happening using dashes and hyphens.

English: Writing

Geography: Structure of the Earth and Earthquakes

Label the diagram:

Complete the sentences:

The Earth’s ________ are always moving. They move so slowly that we usually can’t feel it. The edges of

plates are called ________. Faults can rub together, ________ towards each other, or ________ away from

each other. These kinds of _____________ can cause ____________.

Movements Faults Pull Plates Push Earthquakes

History: WW2

English Home Learning Y5

15/06/2020 –


Each week you will receive a set of English tasks. You should aim to complete

one each day. Spending about 30 minutes on reading, 45 minutes on writing and

at least 20 minutes on grammar and spelling.

It is fine for you to ask for help from parents, siblings or your teacher through


During the first week you will:

Colour the stars when you think you have achieved this.

If you love reading and writing and want more of a challenge you can keep

writing stories based on your own ideas or other books you have read.

Or explore or to find more extracts to read

and write about.

Monday 15th June 2020

Year 5 – My Cousin is a Time Traveller – Chapter 1 – Day 1

Tuesday 16th June 2020

Year 5 – My Cousin is a Time Traveller – Chapter 1 – Day 2

Wednesday 17th June 2020

Year 5 – My Cousin is a Time Traveller – Chapter 1 – Day 3

Thursday 18th June 2020

Year 5 – My Cousin is a Time Traveller – Chapter 1 – Day 4

Year 5 Home Learning – Maths Lesson 1: Add Fractions- Monday 15th June 2020

Please watch the video first:

Year 5 Home Learning – Maths Lesson 2: Add Mixed Numbers - Tuesday 16th June 2020

Please watch the video first:

Year 5 Home Learning – Maths Lesson 3: Subtract Mixed Numbers – Wednesday 17th June 2020

Please watch the video first:

Year 5 Home Learning – Maths Lesson 4: Multiply unit fractions by an integer – Thursday 18th June 2020

Please watch the video first:

Year 5 Home Learning – Maths Lesson 5: Multiply non - unit fractions by an integer – Friday 19th June 2020

Please watch the video first: