Period 2 Trade Expansion

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Long distance trade networks during the Classical Age


Long Distance Trade

AP World History

Unit 1 and 2

Development of Trade Networks

• Dramatic increase in trade due to Greek colonization.

• Maintenance of roads and bridges.• Discovery of monsoon wind patterns.• Increased tariff revenues used to maintain

open routes.

Organization of Long-Distance Trade

• Divided into small segments.• Tariffs and tolls finance local supervision.• Tax income incentives to maintain safety

and maintenance of passage.

Eurasian Silk Roads:• Connected China to Rome. It split in some areas due to mountains

and deserts.

Trans-Saharan caravan Routes• Connected different areas of sub-Sahara Africa , which allowed

connections from eastern Africa to the Indian Ocean trade network


Indian Ocean Sea Lanes• Connected Southeast China to Africa mostly traveled in 3 legs: 1)

Southeastern China to Southeast Asia 2)Southeast Asia to the eastern coast of India and 3) the western coast of India to the Red Sea and Eastern coast of Africa

Mediterranean Sea Lanes• Connected North Africa to the Middle East to the Med. Civilizations

such as Greece and later Rome

“The Silk Roads”

• Named for principal commodity from China.

• Dependent on imperial stability.• Overland trade routes from China to

Roman Empire.• Sea lanes and maritime trade were also


What new technologies facilitated long-distance communication and


 Gen. Zhang Jian was introduced to the

“heavenly horse”, which sparked trade along Silk Road. Along this route the stirrup was introduced from Afghanistan. The nomads like this new technology for military purposes giving protection to the traders.

“The Silk Roads”, 200 BCE-300 CE

Silk Road

Mediterranean Sea Lanes

Indian Ocean Trade routes

Indian Ocean Trade routes

What new innovations in maritime technologies, as well as advanced knowledge of the monsoon

winds, stimulated exchanges along the maritime routes from East Africa to East Asia?

 One new technology for sailing along the

Indian Ocean was the lateen sail, which allowed the sailors to maneuver the ship through the monsoon wind. The sail allowed them to travel across the Indian Ocean, unlike the sailors of the Mediterranean Sea, who sailed close to land.

The Lateen SailAllowed ships to sail into or across the winds more easily.Expanded long-distance trade

Dhow Ship• Improved/larger cargo ship• Used Lateen sail• Developed in ME/Arabia• Expanded long-distance exchange

The Dhow ship andthe Lateen Sail

Trans-Saharan Trade Route

Trans-Saharan Trade Route

The Spread of Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity, 200 BCE – 400 CE

How did the spread of the diseases diminish urban populations and

contribute to the decline of empires?

Diseases spread from place to place through trade. Unfortunately, the plaque caused many in the city of Rome to die and the people were unable to protect themselves from Alaric the leader of the Ostrogoth’s from taking over and brining a final end to the Roman Empire.