Perranporth Choir This week our choir have been very busy...

Post on 30-May-2020

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Perranporth Choir

This week our choir have been very busy indeed! The children

attended Perranzabuloe Church to sing at the Christmas Tree Fes-

tival, the Memory Café in St Michael’s Church and Lavender

Court too. The children sang beautifully and gave outstanding

performances; they really did make us very proud indeed . A

huge thank you and well done to all members of the choir and

the staff leading them.

~ This week’s attendance ~



St Piran Y1

Penhaligon Y2

Boscawen Y3


Y4 Trelawny

Y5 Davy


89.3% 97.9% 98.0% 94.2% 97.4% 92.3% 94.5%

See The Plans For The Skate Park, & Win Prizes

The Parish Council are holding an event for everyone

to see the designs for the skate park at Ponsmere

Valley. It will be held at the Parish Council offices at

Ponsmere Valley, between 3.30pm and 6pm, next

Tuesday the 17th of December.

The Perran Skate Collective will be there, and will be

giving away a new skateboard deck and some chil-

dren's tee shirts - so come along for a chance to win!

Thank You

An enormous thank you to everyone for their support of our Christmas Jumper Day and Decorations

Afternoon. It was a wonderfully festive day and fantastic to have so much Christmas creativity go-

ing on all over the school! You will have the chance to purchase the children’s Christmas creations

at the Fayre on Friday afternoon.

Christmas Dates for Your Diary

Mon 16th Dec - Rec, Y1 & Y2 Christmas Nativity at the Memorial Hall 2pm

Tue 17th Dec - Y5 & Y6 Christmas Production 5.30pm

Thur 19th Dec - Pre School Christmas Nativity 2.30pm

Homeless Shoebox Appeal

Our School Parliament would like the families of Perranporth School to support a

local appeal in aid of homeless people in Cornwall at Christmas time. The

Homeless Shoebox Appeal is an opportunity for us to give a little thought to

those less fortunate at this time of year. By preparing a shoebox or bag with

some essential items (hats, scarf, tooth paste, torch jumpers etc), a huge differ-

ence could be made to someone’s Christmas. The children have suggested

that if families would like to prepare a shoebox, these can be dropped at the

parent waiting shelter before Thursday 19th Dec when Mrs Wordley, who very

thoughtfully suggested the idea, will transport them to the distribution centre. For

more details on the appeal please follow this link:


Perranporth Plastic Free Christmas Market

The Perranporth Plastic Free Christmas Market

is set for Sunday 22nd December from 1.30pm-

4.30pm in the Perranporth Memorial Hall. This

will be a great event for families as we have a

local Santa with us (£1 incl. gift), live Christ-

massy music, lots of festive food including all

you need for a locally produced Christmas

dinner and wonderful craft stalls for last minute

gift ideas - all plastic free of course! It would

be great to see you all there!

Christmas Tree Festival - Esmee Polmear

As you may know the Christmas Tree Festival is in full glory at St Piran's Church Perranzab-

uloe. There are lots of wonderful trees on display and a special tree in memory of Esmee

Polmear. If you pop along, whilst you're there you'll also be able to see a tree from Per-

ranporth School and lots of other local organisations too.

School Crossing Patrol Position Available

CORMAC are now advertising the position of a School Crossing Patrol. This

is an exceptionally important role to ensure the safety of our children com-

ing to school each day. So, if you, or anyone you know is interested in tak-

ing up the lollipop mantel, please do respond to the advert contact COR-

MAC on Tel: 01872 323313 or email