PGCE Primary Wider Curriculum Presentation PJ1 Group C Group leader Rachel Connell Group name: The...

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PGCE Primary Wider Curriculum Presentation


Group C Group leader Rachel Connell

Group name: The Thamps

Time detectives: mapping out the past and present

Subjects covered in the visit to the park •Geography•Art•History

Prior learning: Prior knowledge

The children will need to have knowledge and skills before they embark on tasks on the visit.

They will need to learn new skills such as:•how to use a camera•develop their attention to detail•how to read, use and create different types of maps•how to make an anemometer and record the wind speed •how to study brickwork and determine the age of a building.

The following slides suggest how to build up knowledge and skills needed for the visit.

Prior learning: Prior knowledge

Week one

Outcomes for week 1: •Be able to compare the brickwork of their house with the

school’s brickwork and suggest what materials they are

made of. •Explore the idea of the different viewpoints of an object

using a camera

Lesson one: Discuss their home with partner. Children will

have photos cut in half that they have to find around the

school. Sketch the bricks and take a photo in the same

viewpoint. Compare with the bricks of their house and the


Lesson two: produce a collage of the two different bricks.

Prior learning: A visual puzzle providing stimulus for introducing the topic to the


Prior learning: Prior knowledge

Week two

Lesson one: PSHE - Children will reflect on what’s interesting

and attractive in Northampton. Children solve visual puzzle on

previous slide and then discuss the park and its facilities.

Children are given a scenario “You have no money. What can

you go out and do in the park?”

Lesson two: make a map to interesting parts of the school on a


lesson three: make a sticky collage using found objects from

around the school.

Lesson three: create a nature collage or sculpture in the style

of Andy Goldsworthy

Prior learning: Prior knowledge

Week three The children’s briefA family is thinking about visiting the area of Northampton. Guess what? They come from Northampton too…but in Massachusetts, USA! You need to tell them what’s interesting in the park and show them how to have fun in the park - from making your own art work, the facilities and showing them how to discover the park’s rich history through its physical features- manmade and natural.

Lesson one: Use ICT suite to make find out information about Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. Children create questions to ask. Lesson two: A special lesson with a live video feed to a class in Northampton, MA. Children look at different types of maps to locate our town and Northampton in MA, USA. Lesson three: Make and anemometer to use on visit.

Prior learning: Risks in the park discussed and shared with the children

Schedule for activities on the day Arrive at school 8:50am - do a register and check all children have correct clothing and medication. Do a safety check

on road safety and put children into buddy pairs before exiting the school grounds.

Leave school at 9:15am - walk to park

Arrival at Abington Park 9:45 am - take registers, put children in their groups with their assigned adults. Give out medications packs to appropriate adult with appropriate children and adults record who’s got medication to take and what. Safety checks - go through with the children. Let them know where toilet facilities are, what time the breaks are, designated meeting points and check the children know who their medication. Conduct measurement of wind speed and temperature. Begin tasks at 10am- Group one - start to map the area around the church and graveyard. Become time detectives and have four different types of maps of the church and try to work out its age by using these and exploring the site; continually asking questions. They will also have clues about a famous lady who is buried in the church and they have to discover her and document her grave through either photography or drawing. Group two - start to map the area around the manor house/museum. Their history task is to study the brickwork of the house work out its age. Once finished the task they will document the monument through photography, taking pictures from different viewpoints, distances and angles; zooming into the brickwork. Present their findings to the groupCross the road to the playground for a 15 minute breakBegin tasks at 11.20 am-Group one - map the area around the water tower/dovecote. Through exploration and questioning the children can try to work out the use of the water tower. They will also look at the brickwork for Group two - map the area around the gate. Work out its age from looking a four different types of maps and then sketch it as a completed park of the manor.Once finished the task they will document the monument through photography, taking pictures from different viewpoints, distances and angles; zooming into the brickwork. Present their findings to the groupgo back to playground area12:25 - 13:10 Conduct measurement of wind speed and temperature. Begin task at 13:15 pm Nature collage - mapping of the park 45 mins- groups make sculptures of the monuments and then place on a map made from found materials. Place paper frame on the map and take photos. 14.00pm Break 14:15pm Colour study with pastels - share and evaluate workShot list - children will have a list of photos to take: something interesting, beautiful, up close, far away, upside down etc.15:15pm go through road safety checks, children get into buddy pairs and walk back to school. 15:45pm Arrive back at school and ensure children get home safely.

Opportunities activities provide

Geography •To develop the skills of making a map and reading a map•To explore various types of research methods•To record the weather•To collect materials

History •To explore the history of park and their local area

Art •To be creative with objects never used •To experience making a collaborative 2D artwork

Social, Emotional and Behavioural•To work in a different, less enclosed environment

Most of all: to experience these subjects as they are in real life situations and occupations.

Risk assessment of the day

Precautions taken and considered for:-• The route:-- roads and width of pavement• Activities:-- grouping the children with an adequate number of adult• Personal health and safety:- - buddying and road safety - park safety- recognising safety signs around the park - clothing and equipment- knowing designated meeting areas- knowing where the toilets are • Respect for nature and the facilities in the park:- - respect for the environment- respect for other people using the park - respect for each other• Support staff prepped on safety and schedule of the day• Regular breaks

Outcomes of activities on the day

Geography:Children can use a map correctly and identify key features of the park.Children can talk about the local climate.Children have improved and applied observation skills to assist their work.

History:Children can produce sounds of Victorian household with voices and instruments.Know about history of local park and its surrounding dwellings.

Art:Understand how natural materials can be used instead of traditional art tools.Effectively use a camera to assist artistic thinking.

Brief for activities in the classroom

Children will be asked to make a guide book for the visitors of the park who are from Northampton in Massachusetts, USA. The guidebook will need to:

•Contain a map of the park

•Highlight the interesting parts of the park through:- explaining the history of the monuments and the park- displaying their selected images of the photographic hotspots

•Information about activities in the park- materials they can use to create art in the park

•Safety information - what they need to wear- what they need to be careful around in the park •Information about facilities in the park- where they can shelter- toilet facilities- where they can eat•What the weather will be like and how it differs from Northampton, MA.

Opportunities for ICT and Computing in the classroom with strong cross

curricular links to Geography

The cross curricular link between ICT and Geography is predominant.


To be able to create a post card.To be able to create a map marking out key features of the park.To be able to identify the local climate.To compare the local climate with Northampton MA, USA.To be able to accurately use weather instruments.To be able to observe, record and use field work skills to make a range of maps.To be able to effectively read maps.


Children can use a map correctly and identify key features of the park.Children can talk about the local climate.Each child has a postcard providing detail about Northampton.Groups will have a map they have all contributed to placing key features of the park on the map and giving information about each one.Children have improved and applied observation skills to assist their work.

Lesson 1: Using the teacher will create the map and the children will add markers and

label key features of the park e.g bandstand, church and add a description. This will be printed and

put on a board with string linking photos they had taken to the park of the features.

Lesson 2: Make a post card on Purple Mash to the persuade them to visit Abington park.

Opportunities for art in the classroom

Objectives:To be able to produce collages using natural materials.To be able to produce collages using manmade materials.To be able to consider pattern, colour and shape through photography and observational drawing.

Outcomes:Understand how natural materials can be used instead of traditional art tools.Effectively use a camera to assist artistic thinking.

Lesson possibilities:•Study of David Hockney and his landscape paintings•Study of Anthony Gormley and his wild art•An emphasis on texture focusing on leaf rubbings from leaves and bark collected on the visit - create a collage of leaf rubbings.

•Recording observational drawings on iPads and exploring other ways to record •Enlarged map

Opportunities for history in the classroom with cross curricular links

into music, dance and drama.

Objectives:To know more about the local area.To understand how the park has changed over time.

Outcomes:Children can produce sounds of Victorian household with voices and instruments.Know about history of local park and its surrounding dwellings.

Lesson ideas:Music - produce sounds of Victorian household with voices and instruments and compare modern day sounds with Victorian sounds.

Drama - Reenact the working lives of those living in the surrounding houses moving in unison like workers and groaning.

• Contingency plan: should the weather be awful the children will have a talk about victorian households surrounding the park and participate in activities e.g the process of washing clothes. They can then make a sketchbook, like an inventory, of the objects, handling them gently and commenting on their materials and state, their use and whether the use they were invented for were used in this way or another way.

How will it benefit their learning in wider curriculum subjects? Learning opportunities

Children gain understanding of and exposure to:

• the importance of exploration and investigation• research methods• the need for conservation•colour, shape and pattern in the landscape

Children gain skills in learning that develops:

• their visual literacy •speaking and listening• the quality of their research methods and expands their observational and recording skills

• their ability to work in a group•how to manipulate digital technologies

How will it benefit the teaching of the wider curriculum subjects?

•Provides various assessment opportunities such as:-speaking and listening: using specific vocabulary and quality of questioning -ability to work in a group -to evaluate the pupils appropriate selection of a range of materials - natural and manmade, found and brought.

•A way of promoting high expectations in:- researching and exploring - attitudes to working together- a good attitude to the environment

•A way of engaging all learners:- children that lack confidence in art- children uninterested in geography- children uninterested in history

•Provides scope for activities in the classroom -resources they can take back to the classroom and build on-•A chance to explore what the subjects are about, this cannot be done in the classroom- Both history an geography are about excavation, using sources, building on the past to work out the present and recording the findings.

Medium term outcome

An exhibition will be held of all the maps made in class

and on the day, all art works created on the day and

after and documentation of the day. The adults will be

filming throughout the day on iPads and interviewing the

children; snippets of this will be show in a video montage

in an assembly. This is achance for the children to walk

around and explain what they did to their parents and

which will help them to remember the events of the day,

historical facts about the park and research methods

they used to undertake the study