Photographs doublepage spread

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Photo Shoot for Double Page Spread

I did not use these images because he doesn't really stand out and his attitude does not convey Indie. And in the right image he is not giving direct address so does not appeal as much.

The images here I did not use because he blends into the background due to his skin tone. His facial expressions are quite blank also.

I did not use these images because they did not look interesting and are too far away and cant capture an indie attitude.

I did not use these photographs because they are too blured.

Out of all of them I did like these images but in the end decide not to use them as I decided to go with this image.......

In the end I went with this image as I liked the way he is standing and his face position as it looks interesting and appealing. He gives the indie attitude which is relaxed none care look, and really stands out.