Plug the Holes - Wordupness

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Plug the Holes - Taking Security Seriously when Developing Themes. Callum Hopkins' slides form his talk at #wordupness in November 2012. Based around the topic of securing wordpress system when developing themes for clients or for mass production.


Plug the Holes#wordupness

(Taking security seriously when developing themes)

Presented by: Callum Hopkins


Wordpress’ awesome attributes

Open Source - free to use + build

No rules, limits or restrictions

Huge development & user community

Wordpress’ weakest attributes

Open Source - core exposed

no set standard - rubbish work accepted

ignorant users & arrogant devs

my story - brute force exposure




my story - brute force exposure

wp footprints viewable in website’s source

no limit on number of login retries

admin login username wasn’t changed

wordpress shock facts

Wordpress is not 100% secure out of the box

more than 30 known wp 3.x core vulnerabilities

83% of hacked wp blogs were not upgraded

Let’s Improve Wordpress

Obscure Wordpress

Lock down Wordpress

secure wordpress

Lock Wordpress down

Lock down login attempts

remove write access for wp-content

rename admin usernames

secure Wordpress

high level password security for admins

remove editor from appearance panel

change admin user id from 1

obscure Wordpress

encode wp-config

remove all wordpress footprints

rewrite for admin panel

wordpress Resources lockdown plugin

Better wp security

Hide wp Footprints


Things to remember

be serious about security

any website can be targeted despite status

always code to the best of your abilities