Plumbobs 10

Post on 10-May-2015

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The Plumbobs – an OWBCChapter 10

Welcome back to my Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge family, the

Plumbobs. As you know, I have been writing this story as if the current

heir/heiress is narrating, but I’ve gotten bored of that so from now on it’s

just going to be my typical observational type story. This is far easier and

more fun for me to write so hopefully the chapters will come out a bit

quicker than they have been and I can actually finish this challenge!

So, on with the story …

The very first thing that happened upon entering the Plumbob household was that the Gypsy dropped of a Genie lamp. That’ll come in very handy next

generation with our Bad Apple Heiress. That’s right! You lovely people voted for Dotty to be Heiress. To be fair, the others had no chance against an Alien Bad

Apple. Also, she finger guns and I loves her.

That very same day the triplets were shipped off the Uni,

having completed the Golden Trio Bonus for me. Goodbye

Pip, Lainey and Rhys!

That left just Brody, Kana and Dotty in the house and let’s face it, Dotty is the most entertaining of the three. Therefore, this chapter is mostly Dotty spam. She likes to pose a lot, which is understandable as she’s beautiful.

She also loves the dance sphere and is very good as it. She never falls off.

And then of course there’s the dancing. The slap dance appears to be her favourite.

But I make sure she does her homework too. She normally does it in the middle of the night, as her sleep schedule is wacked and she usually goes

to sleep as soon as she gets home from school.

Kana’s around too. She also likes to dance and that’s about it.

Here’s another of Dotty’s many hobbies, she’s really good!

And of course she’s very neat too, always making sure her teeth are sparkly clean!

She occasionally brings friends home from school, but I have no idea if she actually makes friends with them. I doubt it, she usually looks very

unimpressed by them.

Dotty, being the good Bad Apple that she is, often serves up food for her parents. Usually this goes well,

But sometimes she gets distracted, by the bar.

Thankfully she’s not set anything on fire (yet!), things just come out rather crispy.

Kana and Brody are very polite about the accidents and just eat whatever Dotty serves them. Kana can’t always hide her feelings though.

Now for a day in the life of Kana. First off, Dotty congratulates her for getting two BFF’s (which I’m sure happened a long time ago), and Kana

wishes she could adopt Dotty to be her own. Awww.

Then, once Dotty and Brody have left for school and work, she admires the portraits of her lovely children.

She takes a moment the remember the deliciousness that was breakfast,

And then gets baffled by one of the dining room chairs,

Before figuring out how to sit down, and then daydreaming about her hubby.

She does a bit more picture admiring, focusing on the portrait of Brody when he was a teenager,

Before playing the base for the rest of the afternoon.Exciting ay?

Oh Brody, sometimes I forget you have 10 nice points.

One day Dotty bought Sophia home from school. She’d had an unfortunate incident with her mother, in which Pamela pounced on

Sophia and bit her before I had a chance to stop it. Meh, I think she looks cute as a vampire. And don’t worry, Sophia went straight home after

saying goodbye to Dotty.

Dotty is generally a very good natured Bad Apple, but sometimes she takes her frustrations out on the

flamingos. She always stands them back up again though so I don’t mind. Also, Captain Gnomington has been missing for I don’t how long, I’m not sure

he’s coming back.

I hate houses with hardly any sims in (especially when those sims are elders and teens), and so the Plumbobs adopted a dog.

His name is Moody and Dotty adores him.

Probably because he tried to eat her homework, and we all know how much Dotty hates homework.

Kana scolded him so poor Dotty still had to do her homework,

But then she had to leave for work (she has a part time job at the hospital). Dotty went straight to sleep and Brody was at work and I was

very concerned that Moody might destroy the house.

Fortunately he found his bone. He’s such a good doggy.

When Brody got home he got to know the newest member of the family, and Moody took quite a shine to him. Awww.

I had Kana wish for a longer life seeing as she didn’t get permaplat until she was old. I don’t want her to die when Dotty’s still a teenager!

Brody still loves the dance sphere. I’m always scared he’s going to get abducted again, but at least he can’t get pregnant now.

Dotty maxed out the Music & Dance hobby! Too bad it’s not her one true hobby as she has to max that for the freetime bonus. Still, science shouldn’t be too hard to max once I can give her a few commands.

Kana loves to tell Dotty the story about Brody and the cockroaches. I don’t even know when that happened.

Dotty really loves Moody. And sleeping in her parents bed rather than any of the 5 other beds in the house.

Hehe, I love Kana in her work uniform and hat. So adorable.

This is the science idle action isn’t it? She must have some science enthusiasm then, she’s such a good girl.

Like father like daughter.

Just a typical day in the Plumbob household. I can’t wait until there are some babies around again!

Moody has a job in the service career and Kana is in charge of training him. It won’t be long until he’s a Seeing Eye Dog.

Kana invited of the triplets one evening, and they spent most of the night dancing.

She’s such a poser!

Dotty and Lainey managed to get some red hands in too.

Lainey was wandering around whistling and having angry thoughts about the Greek House placeholder Chandler, but I shall tell you all about that

incident next chapter when we take a quick look at the uni goings on.

The triplets made sure to take advantage of the free bar and home cooked meals, and then went on their way, back to La Fiesta Tech.

Meanwhile, Dotty likes to mop snow!

And finger gun of course. I was going to say she must have got the outgoing points from her alien daddy, because Brody only has 3, but so does Kana

and Pip has 10 outgoing points and Rhys has 8, so who knows!?

One day, Dotty found some pimples and she was mortified! However, you can’t actually see the spots on

her skin tone, but she knew they were there!

Woop, Moody reached the top of the Service career! Oh how I love his hairy face.

Dotty bought Lydia Roseland home from school and she’s gorgeous! Her parents are Cyd and a very pretty townie called Kelly. I think Rhys had his first kiss with her big sister Charlotte, who is also very lovely. I really need

to get back to playing the rest of the houses in this ‘hood!

She and Dotty get on like a house on fire (they were gossiping about Kana when she was right there!)

And they played games all night long. It’s good to know Dotty has some friends.

Dotty thinks Uncle Sam is super smexy.

This is Keisha Hamilton, she’s so cute. Her grandma is Marylena Hamilton, and she looks a lot like her.

This slide is to show that Dotty maxed the body skill! She may also have a dance sphere addiction.

Brody and Kana are getting on in years, but they’re still 3 bolt stalkers, when I’m not making them do other stuff that is.

Awww, Dotty’s last of school. They grow up so fast!

Kana has been teaching Moody ALL his skills, just for something to do. They’ll be done very soon.

Finally the day has come for Dotty to go off to Uni. She got 5 scholarships, all by herself:- Hogan Award for Athletics- Will Wright Genius Grant- Quigley Visual Arts Grant- SimCity Scholar's Grant- Tsang Footwork Award.Not bad, not bad at all!

Kana and Brody had the intention of waving Dotty off,

But they got distracted by each other

Goodbye Dotty Plumbob! *finger guns*

So there we have it. Brody’s reign has come to an end, and a good job he did too. He and Kana raised wonderful triplets and a alien bad apple, getting me lots of points.

They both maxed their OTH enthusiasm and Brody wrote a novel to make sure I didn’t lose any of my bonuses. Plus, he’s awesome.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll join me next time to see a very brief Uni summary, before getting onto the important stuff i.e. Dotty babies!