Poetry for Children

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Kinds of Poetry


  • 1. Poetry for Children

2. An artistic expression of thought and emotion in rhythmical language. Like a musical score that must be interpreted by the human voice in order to get the fullest enjoyment. 3. Qualities of a Poetry Has musical and rhythmic qualities that children enjoy. Appeals to the imagination. The emotional content must be sincere, worth expressing and must be universal in appeal. Subject of poetry must be varied. 4. Classification of Poetry 5. Narrative Poem 6. Ballads 7. Epic 8. Metrical Romance 9. Lyric Poem 10. Songs 11. Pastoral Poems 12. Sonnets 13. ElegyThe little toy dog is covered with dust, But sturdy and stanch he stands; And the little toy soldier is red with rust, And his musket molds in his hands. Time was when the little toy dog was new And the soldier was passing fair, And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue Kissed them and put them there. "Now, don't you go till I come," he said, "And don't you make any noise!" So toddling off to his trundle-bed He dreamed of the pretty toys. And as he was dreaming, an angel song Awakened our Little Boy Blue,-Oh, the years are many, the years are long, But the little toy friends are true. Ay, faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand, Each in the same old place, Awaiting the touch of a little hand, The smile of a little face. And they wonder, as waiting these long years through, In the dust of that little chair, What has become of our Little Boy Blue Since he kissed them and put them there. 14. Ode to Nightingale 15. Factors that influence appreciation of Poetry The Teacher The Pupil 16. Different activities that children can involve themselves: Read poetry aloud Memorize favorite line or stanzas Set up strap books Participate in declamation contests Join poetry reading club Interpret renew meaning and rhythms of poem in a pantomime. 17. Values of Poetry Enriches children's experiences Develops correct enunciation and pronunciation of words Develops literary appreciation Develops imagination Enlarges vocabulary Improve the aesthetic sense Gives them pleasure and delight Improve their outlook in life and nature 18. Uses of Poetry To correlate worth other subject To commemorate certain events To express the meaning and rhythm of a poem in a pantomine To express their thoughts, feelings and imagination Writing poems by children 19. Steps in teaching a poem 20. I Preparation II Introduction III Presentation IV - Second reading by the teacher V - Memorization 21. Choral Speaking and Reading 22. Define Choral Reading or Speaking -The interpretation of poetry by several voices speaking as one. -The interpretation of poetry for the purpose of sharing enjoyment of it. -Involves the use of book or script. 23. - is a group that is reading a text aloud. It helps to develop reading fluency and word pronunciation. It also helps self-confidence and gives motivation. - ensemble speaking by a group often using various voice combinations and contrasts to bring out the meaning or tonal beauty of a passage of poetry or prose 24. Poems suitable for Choral Speaking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Universal in tone Vary in mood, content, and type Lyrical and narrative Rich in auditory image With marked rhythm Can be used with three voices 25. Types of Choral Speaking Arrangement 26. Refrain 27. Sequence 28. Antiphonal 29. UnisonII The Owl and the Pussy-Cat Pussy said to the Owl, By Edward Lear I "You elegant fowl! The Owl and the Pussy-cat How charmingly sweet went to sea you sing! In a beautiful pea-green O let us be married! too boat, long we have tarried: They took some honey, and But what shall we do plenty of money, for a ring?" Wrapped up in a five-pound They sailed away, for a note. year and a day, The Owl looked up to the To the land where the stars above, Bong-Tree grows And sang to a small guitar, And there in a wood a "O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my Piggy-wig stood love, With a ring at the end What a beautiful Pussy you of his nose, are, His nose, You are, His nose, You are! With a ring at the end What a beautiful Pussy you of his nose. are!"III "Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will." So they took it away, and were married next day By the Turkey who lives on the hill. They dined on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon; And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon, The moon, The moon, They danced by the light of the moon. 30. Line-a-child 31. Kinds of Voices or SemiChoruses - Light or High Voices - Dark or Low Voices - Medium Voices 32. Steps in Choral Speaking 1. Read the selected for its content 2. Determine the type and the mood of the poem 3. Understand the meaning of the poem 4. Know the rhythmical nature of the poem 5. Read the poem with the children 6. Repeat the selection together 7. Apportion the parts and lines to the children 8. Make sure that the voices blend properly 9. Avoid sing-song recitation 33. Values - Enhances greater appreciation for poetry - It enriches the artlike experience by extending imagination and sympathy - It develops good speech habits, articulation and enunciation - It develops self-confidence and poise - It develops cooperation and social understanding