Polonia Italia Spagna

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Documentazione di un gemellaggio elettronico.


Polonia Polonia ItaliaItalia Spagna Spagna

1° step1° stepActivities 2007Activities 2007


Teachers A. Codamo, L. Emo

Conceptual map We

My school

Computer science laboratoryLibrary

My city

This is Via Marina (up)

This is Via Marina (down)

The sea “Stretto di Messina” (Tightened of Messina)

The beach

The rowing boat

The port

Ferryboat Boat Hydrofoil

My class room

Group photo

map that describes the activities Year 2006.2007

From Italy


Reggio Calabria


This is our school The name of our school is ITALO FALCOMATA’

Our class room

Photo group

This is the library

This is the computer science laboratory

This is Via Marina “Italo Falcomatà”(up)

These are the palms

This is a Ficus

These are palms

Thi is

The sea “Stretto di Messina” (Tightened of Messina)

This is the beachThis is Messina

it is in Sicily

This is Reggio and … this is our the beach

Tightened of Messina

These are Rowing boats

This is Via Marina (down)

We are happy

This is the port



Ferryboat boat hidrofoil