POP Your Profile!: How to Activate Your LinkedIn Potential

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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• Showcase personal brand

– Control what others discover about you

• Expand your company’s reach

–Make company’s brand more accessible




Talent Brand


Talent Brand Index



Pick a partner, and pull up [his/her/their/hir] LinkedIn

profile on your computer or mobile phone.

Pretend you don’t know your partner or the company,

and answer these questions based on the profile:

1. What is your first impression of [him/her/them/hir]?

2. What is your impression of the person’s company?


Question for you:

Did your partner’s impression of you

based on your LinkedIn profile align

with how you want to come across to


POP Checklist


1. Profile photo

2. Summary

3. Visual content

4. Work experience

5. Skills

6. Endorsements

7. Headline

8. Education

9. Recommendations

Profile Photo

8Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn

Profile Photo Tips

First thing people notice about you

• Use a current photo.

• Keep the background simple.

• Snap your picture in color.

– These receive more clicks and better responses than B&W photos.

• If you want to use a B&W photo, though, stick to a black or white


Profile Photo Tips


First thing people notice about you

• Exude warmth with your smile.

– Smiling with teeth is the most impactful characteristic.

– A closed-mouth smile cuts half of your likeability impression.

• Dress like you are going to work.

• Only show your torso and up.

• Make sure your image fits the 200 x 200 pixels display.



A proud third culture kid, I grew up moving from country to country, learning about the Indian, European, and American cultures, connecting with people from different walks of life, and finding out truly motivates people. I went to school to learn about how these motivations drive health and how that impacts mankind.

After a few years of working in healthcare in the private and federal sector, I spent a summer in Pune, India, to learn about how under-resourced communities are served on the ground. I learned of an organization that was tackling domestic violence and discrimination against women by helping men believe in and practice gender equitable behavior.

Here’s what I learned: Some of the most impactful, systems-changing ideas in health and wellness use hypothesis-based problem solving to change mindsets for whole communities.

I came to Ashoka to learn about these systems-changing ideas. At Ashoka, I map out the world’s market of impact-focused innovators in health, education, civic engagement, economic development, and human rights. Using our “Total Addressable Market” approach, I connect with these entrepreneurs to see how they can engage with Ashoka!

Interested in engaging with Ashoka? Want to share ideas on the future of health and wellness? Email me at schunduri@ashoka.org.



A 1.5 generation Filipino American, I lived half of my life in the Philippines and the second half in the US. My moment of awakening came at the convergence of those two narratives: a visit back to my hometown in 2003 that reintroduced me to the starkness of inequality in the land of my youth - and the power of people and communities to shape a new future.

I believe that the root causes of our problems lie at the level of systems and consciousness - and that our solutions need to play at the same level of change. At the same time, I am pulled to models of change that are anchored in identities, lived narratives, and personal agency.

All of this has led me to Ashoka, the world's pioneer network of system-changing social entrepreneurs, and its mission to catalyze a future in which everyone can make change. I also lead my own venture, Kaya Collaborative, to transform the young Filipino diaspora into a support network for Philippine innovation.

I’m most excited by challenges that allow me to mobilize community, listen boldly, imagine together, and build. I am inspired by individuals and institutions fighting for change, for the flourishing of their own potential, for a better life and for a world in which (in the words of Paulo Freire) "it is easier to love.”

Summary Tips


• Personalization is key.

– Show your backstory—the arc of your career.

– Connect how your past fits or doesn’t fit into your present.

• Write in first-person.

– This mimics having a conversation with the reader.

• Keep content in short paragraphs (3-4 lines).

• Use verbs to drive your summary.

– Keywords are for the Skills section.

• Be short and sweet with the allotted 2,000 characters.

Most important space of your profile

Where have you been?

Take 3 minutes to brainstorm these questions:

1.Professionally, what is your most valued accomplishment?

2.What is the story behind the turning point that led you

towards social innovation? Do you have a “mind shift”

moment that challenged your assumptions about social


3.What attracted you to work at your company?

Who are you now?

Take another 3 minutes to brainstorm these questions:

1.What are your superpowers? What do you do better than anyone else?

2.How do you see yourself as a changemaker in society?

3.What is the “level of impact” that you aim for, and why?

4.(Employees) What do you do at your company? What major project(s)

are you working on?

5.(Interns) What do you study at school? And how do you customize your

studies to relate with interest in social innovation?

Where do you want to go?

Take another 3 minutes to brainstorm these questions:

1.How has working/interning at your company shaped your

career aspirations?

2.What kind of challenges do you see yourself being driven to

in the future?

3.What kind of world are you building towards?

Visual Content


Visual Content Tips


• LinkedIn is more than an online

résumé; It is a storybook.

• Affirm your expertise with tangible


– Display your talents whether you

are in Search, IT, or Global


– 90% of what we process is visual.

• Create dialogue with viewers.

Visual enhancement

Work Experience Tips


• Consider this section as a timeline of your growth as a professional.

– Tie your past experience into where you are today.

• Overview each company in 2-3 sentences.

• Emphasize accomplishments, not responsibilities.

– Use bullet points to increase skim value.

• *Include a quote about your performance from a client or letter of


Interest and credibility to your story



21Networking with like-minded individuals

• Participate in 5-10 quality groups to show depth and gain the most benefit.

• Make sure the groups are well-managed.

– Are the group managers engaged and visible?

– Do the majority of discussions revolve around questions and dialogue?

– Are there many promotional links, updates, or spam in general?

• EACH: Position yourself as a thought leader and an influencer.

• You can message other members without a first-degree connection.

• You can view other members’ profiles even if they are out of your network.

Groups Tips

Skills & Endorsements Tips


Keywords you want to be

found for

• Think like a recruiter.

– This section was created for talent


• Only list true qualifications and skills.

– Do not merely list them for the


• Scroll through the Skills & Expertise

function to gain inspiration for keywords.

– Pick skills with a smaller size and a

positive growth rate.

• Endorsements are a grid of competency.

– They are not a substitute for


AcknowledgementTake a moment to complete this endorsement


Either with a colleague in the room or for a person

on your team, endorse someone for 1-3 specific

skills you can vouch for.



Headline Tips

• Sell yourself even before the hello.

– Convince others to open your profile.

– Stand out from your competitors in a search.

• Invent your own headline.

– You are more than the job title bestowed upon you.

• Uniquely describe yourself and what you do in 6-8 words.

– What is your value proposition?

– What do you want people to hire you for?25

Directly under your name

Thank you for coming!

Q & A


1.Is there anything you wanted to learn that we missed?

2.What worked in our presentation?

3.What do you think we can do better in our next




1. LinkedIn (Photos, Summaries, Talent Brand Overview, etc.)

2. http://wmblogs.wm.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Screen-shot-2012-07-23-at-5.39.53-PM1.png

3. http://www.statista.com/statistics/274050/quarterly-numbers-of-linkedin-members/

4. http://www.dawsondawsoninc.com/linkedin-job-searching/

5. https://blog.bufferapp.com/7-vital-statistics-to-help-with-your-linkedin-marketing-strategy

6. https://brand.linkedin.com/etc/designs/linkedin/katy/global/clientlibs/img/default-share.png

7. https://lgbt.wisc.edu/documents/LGBTCC-Gender_pronoun_guide.pdf

8. http://www.jeffbullas.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/linkedin_infographic_stats_facts.jpg

9. http://www.slideshare.net/mprofs/19-reasons-your-linkedin-photo-is-an-epic-fail

10. https://www.photofeeler.com/blog/perfect-photo.php

11. http://talent.linkedin.com/blog/index.php/2014/12/5-tips-for-picking-the-right-linkedin-profile-picture

12. http://blog.ebsta.com/sales/linkedin-profile-picture-size/

13. http://www.job-hunt.org/personal-branding/personal-branding-with-linkedin-summary.shtml

14. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-write-perfect-linkedin-summary-william-arruda

15. http://www.linkedinsights.com/3-stunningly-good-linkedin-profile-summaries/

16. http://blog.trap.it/blog/social-selling-donts-what-not-to-do-with-your-linkedin-bio

17. http://www.nextavenue.org/how-use-linkedin-promote-your-personal-brand/

18. http://www.forbes.com/sites/williamarruda/2014/09/07/three-steps-to-writing-the-perfect-linkedin-summary

19. https://students.linkedin.com/content/dam/university/global/en_US/site/pdf/LinkedIn%20Profile%20Checklist%20-%20College%20Students.pdf

20. http://www.business2community.com/linkedin/build-linkedin-professional-portfolio-0705256

21. http://blog.linkedin.com/2013/05/01/visually-enhance-your-professional-story-on-your-linkedin-profile/

22. http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/linkedin-professional-portfolio/

23. http://mashable.com/2013/05/01/linkedin-visual-profile/

24. https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-trick-to-getting-more-people-to-look-at-your-linkedin-profile-is-almost-too-easy

25. http://dijitalfarm.com/2013/linkedin-professional-portfolio-benefits/

26. http://blog.linkedin.com/2013/05/01/visually-enhance-your-professional-story-on-your-linkedin-profile/

27. http://www.toprankblog.com/2013/03/linkedin-optimization-tips/

28. http://www.powerformula.net/2838/linkedin-experience-section-use-your-past-experience-to-ensure-future-success-2/

29. http://www.komarketingassociates.com/blog/optimize-your-linkedin-profile/

30. http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-network-using-linkedin-groups/

31. http://simplicitysmallbiz.com/2012/03/main-benefits-of-joining-a-linkedin-group/

32. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140708162049-7239647-16-tips-to-optimize-your-linkedin-profile-and-enhance-your-personal-brand

33. http://www.careerealism.com/linkedin-skills-employers-attention/

34. http://www.careerealism.com/tips-linkedin-endorsements-skills/

35. http://mashable.com/2011/03/14/linkedin-skills/

36. http://www.circled.us/linkedin/adding-skills/

37. http://www.linkedstrategies.com/linkedin-recommendations-vs-linkedin-endorsements-a-definitive-overview-part-1/

38. http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/manage-linkedin-endorsements/

39. http://launchyourjob.com/what-does-your-linkedin-headline-say-about-you/

40. http://www.forbes.com/sites/lizryan/2015/04/10/how-to-write-a-killer-linkedin-headline/

41. http://jorgensundberg.net/how-write-your-killer-linkedin-headline/

42. http://launchyourjob.com/what-does-your-linkedin-headline-say-about-you/