Portfolio e CV of Cheng

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Trace / Pure Portfolio of Adon 2015

Lettera di Motivazione

Personal Honor

魚 (

電気女皇 (

Personal Information


Professtional Experience

Main Competition Experience

Computer skills

Language skills

Curriculum Vitae










Bueno Aires - AGN Nuevo Edicio Archivo General De La Nacion

Competition (International)2012 SummerBueno Aires , Argentina


Moving Bridge Borderless - South AsiaHonor - Honorable Mention

Competition (Conceptual)2013 SpringSouth Asia


Leave e River Alone New Attitude Toward River Recycle / Share / Protect

Competition (Student)2014 SpringJakarta , Indonesia


Conceptive Plan for the Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbour

Competition (International)2015 SpringXi’an , China


Fengxi New Town

WWith the popularization of innovation of new generation infor-

mation technologies including cloud computing, mobile internet

and internet of things, massive amounts of data is generating

rapidly and become a huge trend in our daily living consump-

tion. e big data era is coming. How to welcome such develop-

ment opportunity and time shock? How to change to a

high-speed developed information ecosystem instead of simple

information transferring and sharing? Since Fengxi New Town in

Xixian New Area is now leading the development of “Big Data”,

how can use the big data most? How to welcome the big data

era? All questions will be solved one by one.

e big data is blending into our lives and the Fengxi New Town

in Xixian New Area with big data and information industry de-

velop very well and becomes the new point of information in-

dustry in Shaanxi

Taipei Extra-OrdinaryURS 27Honor - 2012 Taipei Urban Landscape Award

Expo Project 2011 SummerTaipei , Taiwan


While thinking about urban development progress,We try to include people living standard in the city, be-tween the various space possible,Explore the land, people, urban space warp thread, to show the city of Taipei Wang Sheng Fengpei life force.

Taipei City Government's Urban Development Depart-ment, at the Taipei urban renewal with the centennial and the 2011 IDA World Design Annual, planning "Taipei residence aesthetics forward the plan", Select at the Civic Boulevard, Linsen North junction of Huashan prairie, pluralistic way View Advantages and defects in Taipei for living both assets and looking at the future outlook for living inoutlook for living in Taipei.

Invited just won the Outstanding Project Award Qiu Wenjie architect architect, director of the Taipei Interna-tional Arts Village Su Yaohua, environmental artists as Pan, rainbow over Tibetan culture medium Xu et al Chouzu curatorial team. From architecture, art curator, art angle landscape planning "Taipei piece of living through extraordinary situation ─" exhibition, with alleys aesthetics, space design, the concept of the ecoalleys aesthetics, space design, the concept of the eco-logical cycle of different groups of cultural and creative conguration space unit, creating a more diverse urban life value.

Projects also invited artists and design, cultural and crea-tive team, with immediate effect in the prairie manner are carrying out a series of creative activities expanded exhibition and pluralism, this piece of prairie roll distur-bance!

Expo Concept

What's most livable city?What is the aesthetics of the city?

Bei was a child living in Taipei, Taipei always feel ugly,IIt was half a stay but was surprised to nd different every day in Taipei.

Academic Project2011 WinterBeriln , Germany

A201Urban Exhibition Center for Contemporary art at Berlin

SiteWe began to learn further about this site, First,in the lower left corner of this site is exactly the point of conict of the two moving lines, and we placed a square to opening it, than to create a high amount of volume as the entrance image, that can also make square in more obvious.

Moveover, in-depth look at the site, it located between the two at-shaped moveline,Based on archiMoveover, in-depth look at the site, it located between the two at-shaped moveline,Based on archi-tectural order we set ,we try to use the wood deck to link each other, this wood deck not only linked with large and small of the glass box, but also surrounded the sculpture plaza in the middle, and then connect the outdoor platform, such as an artist residential roof.

Finally ground oor not just an entrance of museum but also is a urban park and people can very comfortable to Pass through it and integration into the environment

Main Exhibiation Detail

This 1/50 detail diagram shows everything

about the main exhibition space,from Material to

architectural pattern and elements.

First ,Artificial Illumination hide with Beam Pattern

in 12mX6m,

the element will strengthen the architectural order,the element will strengthen the architectural order,

than the wood mullion not only just the exhibition wall,

but also it is the way let artist to exhibit their work in

all the main exhibiation space,this strengthen the concept

about constructivism, prodution.


Warm Roof--Timber

Wood Mullion 50cm X 5cm

Curtain Wall Pattern 300cmX350cm

Artificial Illumination with Beam Pattern

ProdutionI readed the dada and constructivism, I extend this basic idea of space to another important idea, the glass box and the wall in the ground is directly linked with the artist's studio, which studio will link directly with the artist's residence together, the whole unit like a production line,

Academic Project2012 SummerMilano , Italy

A202Frammenti Morfologici Water Architecture Porta Genova – Milano

Morphologial Fragments

Based on the analysis we discovered different characteristics of the area. We focused on the morphology of the different existing blocks and decided to complete each of them by our designed buildings.As concept our project can be expressed as Morphological Frag-ments.

To conclude, from the analysis we choose to complete each morphological fragment that result from the urban growth and its develop-ment.

We hope that with the linear elements throughout the entire base conguration based on each city fragment set a different program, with the drama of each of the different urban with the drama of each of the different urban fragment space is made of different patterns corresponding to the volume, and we let the water completelyinto the base, trying to keep the two sides of urban persontrying to keep the two sides of urban person-ality purely through linear segments con-nected line, rather than take a straight bridge connected

Technical Detail

AAbout the entrance of the museum, and the miles an important axis of the end of, we must strong architectural vocabulary to corre-spond to this axis, we have created a very large door, slightly below the horizon large public space without column, very close to the surface,a very dramatic space, but also the en-trance to the museum and Export

Material on the interior space, we intend to use very clean water concrete, combined with the simple round lights framed and put in concrete, we hope to reach a simple and smooth texture, so that the interior space into a simple but elegant background, and can bring a variety of exhibitionsarticle

Based on the analysis we discovered different characteristics of the area. We focused on the morphol-ogy of the different existing blocks and decided to complete each of them by our designed build-ings. As concept our project can be expressed as Morphological Fragments.

Academic Project2012 WinterPiacenza , Italy

A203Lift it up a little bit Piacenza Expo

Section B

Ground Floor +0m

IIn the Ground oorof the building with a

central idea. lift it up a little bit. At this level

people can freely walk into the roof of the

green platform, the whole building seemed to

disappear, simply relying on lightweight glass

box to do a longitudinal link, in the middle of

the Great Court, to give the green light and

the undergthe underground museum, but also makes the

whole building have the overall link.

Technical Detail

TTo the main oor and connecting green roof

glass box, as well as the front of the large can-

tilevered, we use the SRC, oor thickness of

up to one meter in order to maintain such a

concept, and we have studied the oor with

Glass Box of connecting points endcaps and

waterproong problems

Academic Project2005 AutumnTainan , Taiwan

A103Beside the Wall Co-Operation Student Dormitory

Beside the Urban WallIn No.22 Alley

In-Between the Landscrpe Performance / Art / Life / Society

esis Project 2014 AutumnPiacenza , Italy



Under Landscape ConnectionBlur the border between city and Nature

After a series of fundamental analysis and understanding for the city, We will place in our basic concepts of performance spaces in this axis, and give them corresponding program so that our concepts can extend to every area on this axis. On space techniques,techniques,we mainly change the lanscape to create a variety of differ-ent levels of the spaces,and green and water throughout the entire axis. We try to create an In-Between the Landscape which is a landscape be-tween city and nature ,create a open random and diverse nature.