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SCIENTIST POSITIONChemistry of Imaging Probes

Sunnybrook Health Sciences CentreUniversity of Toronto

The Sunnybrook Research Institute invites appli-cations for a scientist position as a CHEMIST withspecific interests in developing targeted contrast andimaging agents. The successful candidate will buildor relocate a research program focusing on applica-tions of these imaging agents to basic and clinicalresearch. Experience in the field of molecular im-aging with a focus on molecular imaging chemistry isprerequisite. Responsibilities include developing andtesting multimodality targeted imaging probes ap-plicable to optical, nuclear, ultrasound microbubble,and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).The candidate will join the Discipline of Imaging

Research which is currently comprised of 18 facultyand 180 staff/trainees in a state-of-the-art researchfacility housing 1.5 and 3T research-dedicated GEMRI systems, augmented with a custom insert gra-dient coil for preclinical work and an Oxford Hyper-sense polarizer for 13C work, as well as a combinedGE X-ray/MRI suite dedicated to research on image-guided interventions. An additional research 3T Philipssystem will be installed within the next year. TheDiscipline has a micro-PET, a 7T micro MRI, and anew dual-photon microscope for in vivo microscopicimaging and internationally competitive faculty andsupport staff with expertise in ultrasound and X-rayimaging. Several investigators focus their efforts on theutilization of microbubble and nanoparticle contrast/therapeutic agents. Finally, the Research Institute isfinalizing plans for the installation of a cyclotron andaccompanying radiopharmaceutical laboratory for ra-diotracer research and clinical use. Emphasis will beplaced on developing solid biophysical approacheswith applications aligning with the cancer, cardiac,neurosciences, trauma, and musculoskeletal programsat the hospital.The successful candidate will hold an academic

rank, commensurate with experience, in the Depart-ment of Medical Biophysics or other cognate depart-ment at the University of Toronto. He or she willbuild and maintain an internationally competitive re-search program, foster local and international col-laborations, and participate in graduate training andpostgraduate training.Applicants should submit a covering letter de-

scribing current research interests and future re-search goals, complete curriculum vitae, relevantreprints, and the names of three potential referencesto:

Janet BindingFor Kullervo Hynynen, Ph.D.Director, Imaging Research

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre2075 Bayview Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M5E-mail: janet.binding@sunnybrook.ca

Deadline for application: June 13, 2008.We thank all applicants for their interest but only

candidates shortlisted for interview will be contacted.In keeping with Sunnybrook_s Valuing Diversity Initiative,

applications from all qualified persons are encouraged. Inaccordance with Canadian immigration requirements, thisadvertisement is directed initially to Canadian citizens andpermanent residents.

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION is available indrug development for peripheral neuropathies andnerve regeneration. The project requires experiencein primary neuronal cultures and assay development.Background in medicinal chemistry is desired. Ahighly motivated postdoctoral researcher will interfacewith the Johns Hopkins University High ThroughputScreening Center and develop new approaches todrug screening. The Laboratory of Dr. Ahmet Hokeis in the Department of Neurology and is part of thePeripheral Nervous System Regeneration Group with-in the newly established Brain Sciences Institute atJohns Hopkins University.Please send curriculum vitae and three references

to e-mail: ahoke@jhmi.edu.



Anatomical SciencesMedical College of Georgia

Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy atthe Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia,invites applications for a full-time faculty position atthe rank of Assistant/Associate, or Full Professor.The successful candidate will take part in teachinghistology and anatomy to medical students. Candi-dates must have a Ph.D. or M.D. and have aminimum of two years of teaching experience inhistology and other anatomical sciences. Salary isdependent on qualifications and experience. TheMedical College of Georgia is a state-supportedcomprehensive medical school whose mission is totrain physicians and other health professionals tomeet the health care needs of the state. TheDepartment of Cellular Biology and Anatomy pridesitself in state-of-the-art interdisciplinary research andexcellence in education. Applicants should submit aletter with description of teaching interests andexperience, curriculum vitae, and names of threereferences to: Adarsh Gulati, Ph.D., Chair, SearchCommittee, Department of Cellular Biology andAnatomy, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta,GA 30912-2000. E-mail: agulati@mail.mcg.edu.Review of applications will begin immediately andcontinue until the position is filled. Refer to PO# E-08116906.

The Medical College of Georgia is an Equal EmploymentOpportunity and Equal Access Institution.


The Department of Biochemistry and Micro-biology in the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicineand the Cell Differentiation and Development Centerat Marshall University seek candidates for a full-time,tenure-track ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in cellularimmunology. Applicants should have a Ph.D. and/orM.D. or equivalent degree and postdoctoral experi-ence. Although all well-qualified candidates will beconsidered, preference will be given to individualswith research interests in the epigenetic regulation ofimmune response or the role of the immune systemin cardiovascular disease. The successful candidatewill be expected to establish an externally fundedresearch program and participate in the teaching ofmedical microbiology or immunology courses. Excel-lent startup funds, state-funded salary commensuratewith experience, and modern research facilities willbe provided. Applications should include curriculumvitae, representative reprints, a summary of past ex-perience, a short statement regarding research inter-ests and future plans, and a list of three referenceswith postal and e-mail addresses. All application mate-rials should be e-mailed to Dr. Donald Primerano,e-mail: primeran@marshall.edu.Telephone: 304-696-7335. Review of applications will begin on May 1,2008. The Marshall University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and has an affirmative duty toreasonably accommodate otherwise qualified individuals with adisability.


The Molecular Medicine Laboratory in the De-partment of Medicine at Loma Linda University isseeking candidates who have a doctoral degree in abiological science for work in the fields of genetherapy, cell population dynamics. A strong publica-tion record in peer-reviewed journals is required.Experience in gene therapy, skeletal repair, fluores-cence activated cell sorter analysis, and marrow trans-plantation is desirable. Please send curriculum vitaeand the names of three references to David Baylink,M.D., F.A.C.B., at e-mail: dbaylink@llu.edu.



e @







Anatomical SciencesMedical College of Georgia

Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomyat the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta,Georgia, invites applications for a full-time fac-ulty position at the rank of Assistant/Associate,or Full Professor. The successful candidate willtake part in teaching histology and anatomy tomedical students. Candidates must have a Ph.D.or M.D. and have a minimum of two years ofteaching experience in histology and other an-atomical sciences. Salary is dependent on qual-ifications and experience. The Medical Collegeof Georgia is a state-supported comprehensivemedical school whose mission is to train phy-sicians and other health professionals to meetthe health care needs of the state. The Depart-ment of Cellular Biology and Anatomy pridesitself in state-of-the-art interdisciplinary re-search and excellence in education. Applicantsshould submit a letter with description of teach-ing interests and experience, curriculum vitae,and names of three references to:Adarsh Gulati,Ph.D., Chair, Search Committee, Depart-ment of Cellular Biology and Anatomy,Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA30912-2000. E-mail: agulati@mail.mcg.edu.Review of applications will begin immediatelyand continue until the position is filled. Referto PO# E-08116906.

The Medical College of Georgia is an Equal Em-ployment Opportunity and Equal Access Institution.

25 APRIL 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE www.sciencecareers.org552

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The Wellcome Trust is a charity registered in England, no. 210183.

Candidates are expected to have an

excellent track record in their scientific

field and be able to demonstrate their

ability to carry out independent research.

The Fellowship provides five years of full

salary support and research costs in the

first instance and is potentially renewable.

Candidates should normally have between

five and ten years’ postdoctoral research


The scheme provides support for research

across the Wellcome Trust’s scientific

remit, from laboratory-based basic

research to clinical, population and public

health studies.

Further information and preliminary

application forms are available at


Preliminary applications must be

received by 9 June 2008.

Full applications will be invited by

5 July 2008.

Senior Research Fellowships inBasic Biomedical Science 2008/2009

Senior Research Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science

provide support for outstanding postdoctoral scientists based

in academic institutions in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

The Wellcome Trust is the largest charity in the UK. It funds innovative

biomedical research, in the UK and internationally, spending around

£650 million each year to support the brightest scientists with the best

ideas. The Wellcome Trust supports public debate about biomedical

research and its impact on health and wellbeing.

International Senior Research Fellowshipsin Biomedical Science 2008/2009

International Senior Research Fellowships provide support for

outstanding researchers, either medically or scientifically qualified, who

wish to establish an independent career in a Croatian, Czech, Estonian,

Hungarian, Polish, Slovakian, Slovenian or Indian academic institution.

Candidates are expected to have a

substantial track record in their chosen

area of research and have between five

and ten years’ experience at either

postdoctoral level or clinical equivalent.

Applications are particularly encouraged

from researchers working outside their own

countries who wish to return home.

The Fellowship provides five years of full

salary support and research costs.

The scheme provides support for research

across the Wellcome Trust’s scientific

remit, from laboratory-based basic

research to clinical, population and public

health studies.

Further information and preliminary

application forms are available at


Preliminary applications must

be received by 9 June 2008.

Full applications will be invited by

5 July 2008.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Division ofIntramural Research (DIR) is seeking several outstanding individuals for its newProgram in Systems Immunology and Infectious Disease Modeling (PSIIM).

Modern technology allows the analysis of immune responses and host-pathogeninteractions at multiple levels - from intracellular signaling networks, toindividual cell behavior, to the functioning of a tissue, organ, and even the wholeorganism. The challenge is not only to collect the large amounts of data, but alsoto organize it in a manner that enhances our understanding of how the immunesystem operates or how pathogens affect their hosts. To do this, it is necessaryto develop detailed quantitative models that can be used to predict the behaviorof a complex biological system. These models can help explain the mechanismsunderlying physiological and pathological responses to infection or vaccination,which can then be employed to design better therapies or vaccines.

Achieving these goals requires an interdisciplinary effort and for this reason thePSIIM is organized as an integrated team of scientists and support staff. Withinthe PSIIM, there will be groups with expertise in the areas of computationalbiology, bioinformatics, proteomics, genomics, cell biology, immunology, andinfectious diseases. These teams will have access to the latest technology forgene expression profiling, high content screening of RNAi libraries for thediscovery of pathway components, imaging tools, genomic and proteomicanalysis, cores for the genetic manipulation of animals, and a substantialcomputer infrastructure. They will also have access to BSL3 facilities for workingwith infectious agents of high priority for human health and biodefense.Although the PSIIM has been established within NIAID and has an immune /infectious disease focus, it is also expected to play a major role in fostering thegrowth of systems biology efforts throughout the NIH and involving diversebiomedical areas.

Current teams in the PSIIM include Immunology, Computational Biology –Modeling and Simulation, and Molecular / Cell Biology – High-throughputscreening. The PSIIM is now recruiting for tenure track or tenure level teamleader appointments in the following areas:

Bioinformatics / Biostatistics: the incumbent will lead a group focused ondeveloping and implementing computational tools and statistical methodsfor the analysis of genomic and proteomic data. The ideal candidate will havea strong background in statistics, mathematics, programming, and modelingbiological systems as well as a strong interest in collaboration with biologistsfor the elucidation of biological mechanisms. The group will include expertise insoftware development (C++, Java, Perl, SQL etc.), knowledge of bioinformatictools, databases and algorithms, and experience with heterogeneous computerenvironments (UNIX, Windows, Mac).

Proteomics: the incumbent will lead a group involved in the developmentand application of new methods for the determination of protein number,binding affinities, post-translational modification, and other qualitative and

Help Us Help Millions

quantitative aspects of protein expression and behavior that are necessaryfor computer modeling and simulation. Tools such as mass spectrometry andmicrofluidic-based multiplexed binding assays are expected to be key elementsin the efforts of this group. A strong background in protein biochemistry and therelevant instrumentation needed for high-throughput, high-sensitivity analysisis required.

Genomics: the incumbent will be responsible for developing novel approachesto the systems-wide analysis of such issues as transcription factor andepigenetic control of gene expression, the effects of allelic polymorphism ongene expression and function, quantitative measurement of gene expression,and the role of non-coding regions and transcripts such as miRNAs in regulatinggene/gene product expression patterns. Knowledge of modern methods inhigh-throughput analysis of gene transcription, transcription factor bindingsite identification, analysis of epigenetic modifications, and analysis of generegulatory circuits is required; bioinformatics experience is desirable.

These positions and the research activities they conduct are fully funded by theintramural research program of NIAID. Each team leader is expected to builda working group consisting of postdoctoral fellows, students, technicians, andstaff scientists. The team leaders will work with the Program Director to helpset the goals for the PSIIM and to determine how best to reach these goals asan integrated group. To ensure appropriate career trajectories for those joiningthe PSIIM team effort, the NIH has modified its tenure policies to take specificaccount of contributions made in such a team science setting. Applicants shouldbe seeking a difficult challenge in which creativity, technical expertise, and astrong desire to achieve in a team setting will be critical for success.

Interested candidates may contact Dr. Ronald Germain, Program Director, PSIIM,DIR, NIAID at (301) 496-1904 or email (rgermain@niaid.nih.gov) for additionalinformation about these positions.

To apply, submit your curriculum vitae, bibliography, and a detailed statementof how your expertise can contribute to the success of the PSIIM program, toWanda Jackson at NIAID.DIR.Search@niaid.nih.gov. In addition, three letters ofreference must be sent directly from your three referees to Dr. Robert Hohman,Chair, NIAID Search Committee, c/o Wanda Jackson at NIAID.DIR.Search@niaid.nih.gov or 10 Center Drive, MSC 1356, Building 10, Room 4A22, Bethesda,Maryland 20892-1356. Email is preferred. Completed applications MUST bereceived by Friday, May 23rd. Please refer to ad #019 for bioinformatics/biostatistics, #020 for proteomics, and #021 for genomics on all correspondence.Further information regarding the DIR laboratories is available at:http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/about/organization/dir/default.htmand information on working at NIAID is available on our website at:http://healthresearch.niaid.nih.gov

For more information about the NIAID systems biology program, please visithttp://www.nih.gov/catalyst/2006/06.09.01/page1.html

Tenure Track/Tenure Investigator Positions in Systems Immunology and Infectious Disease Modeling


The National Eye Institute (NEI), National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, is seeking exceptional candidates for the position

of Health Scientist Administrator in the Division of Extramural Research. The Division coordinates all aspects of the NEI extramural research

grants and contracts program. The position advertised is for a Program Director in the Retinal Diseases Program. The Program supports clinical

and laboratory research on diabetic retinopathy, sickle cell retinopathy, and other vascular abnormalities of the retina; inflammatory diseases of

the retina; retinoblastoma; retinitis pigmentosa and other inherited retinal degenerations; macular degeneration; and retinal detachment and vitreal

disorders. Future directions for this program are expected to employ promising new technologies and collaborations with new disciplines, such

as bioengineering, which hold great promise for understanding retinal diseases.

The incumbent will direct and oversee the administration of a research grant portfolio in the field of retinal diseases. This includes developing,

managing, administering, and evaluating a comprehensive programof grants; advisingNEI senior staff regarding both the scientific and administrative

matters affecting the retinal diseases research portfolio; representing NEI in broader NIH extramural matters; coordinating program planning and

evaluation activities; and providing reports and statistics related to the Retinal Diseases Program.

This is a career Federal position. The salary range is $69,764 – $127,442 per annum, commensurate with qualifications and professional experience.

A full benefits package is available, which includes retirement, Thrift Savings Plan participation, health, life, and long-term care insurance.

Applications will be accepted through 05/23/2008. The complete vacancy announcement, along with mandatory qualifications and application

procedures, can be obtained via the USAJOBS website at http://www.usajobs.com. Please refer to announcement numberNEI-08-240055-DE.

For questions, please contactMs. Thomascene White at (301) 435-5713 or whitet1@od.nih.gov. Applications and supporting documentation

must be received by close of business, 05/23/2008.

The Office of Naval Research is seeking a qualified individual

to manage sponsored basic/applied research, and advanced

development programs and projects in the broad area of coastal

geosciences. The sponsored efforts are conducted principally at U.S.

universities and industry or Federal laboratories. This is a Federal

Civil Service position at the GS-13/14/15 level ($82,961 – $149,000)

depending on individual qualifications, and geographic location. The

position is subject to flexibility in its location.

The position requires knowledge and experience in the fundamental

theories, concepts, and current state-of-the art research and/or

technology development in the area of coastal geosciences, including

but not limited to, riverine and estuarine dynamics, sediment

transport mechanics, nearshore wave mechanics and circulation,

coastal geophysics, geoacoustics and geology, coastal and terrestrial

remote sensing, and development of technologies for in situ and

remote sensing of the coastal and terrestrial environments.

Resumes should be submitted to hrdeptjobs@onr.navy.mil with

“Program Officer Coastal Geosciences” annotated in the subject line.

For additional information please visit our website at


Program Officer, Coastal Geosciences


The Molecular Pharmacology Department at St. Jude Children'sResearch Hospital has an opening for a faculty member at theAssistant/Associate Member level. Molecular Pharmacology is a highlyinteractive basic science department with interests in signal transduction,cell cycle regulation, tumor progression, chromosome segregation,topoisomerases and both non-mammalian and mammalian model systems toinvestigate molecular therapeutics. Opportunities are available for collaborationwith other basic science departments in the areas of biochemistry, chemical biology,genetics, structural biology, tumor cell biology, immunology, and developmentalneurobiology, and with clinical programs involved in the treatment of solid tumors andhematological malignancies.

For the assistant level, outstanding candidates with post-doctoral research experience aresought with an interest in developing an innovative and competitive research program,while candidates at the Associate Member level should have a distinguished researchprogram supported by peer-reviewed grants. Applicants with experience in any arearelevant to cancer treatment will be considered; candidates with interests in the fields ofmolecular mechanisms of epigenetic regulation, molecularly targeted therapeutics, theidentification of novel anti-cancer drug targets, or development of model systemsrelevant to childhood cancer are especially encouraged to apply.

A generous start-up package is available for an outstanding candidate with state-of-the-art core facilities provided through an NCI-funded Cancer Center. St. Jude Children'sResearch Hospital was founded by Danny Thomas, and continues to receive supportfor research and clinical programs through the fundraising efforts of theAmerican Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC). More information onSt. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the department and faculty can be obtained atwww.stjude.org.

Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, brief statement ofresearch interests and contact information for professional references at:


St. Jude is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free Workplace.

Candidates receiving offers of employment will be subject

to pre-employment drug testing and background checks.

FACULTYPOSITIONDepartment ofMolecular Pharmacology


Chair, Lecturer &TeachingFellow in Evolutionary Biologyand EcologyAs part of a major development in the Department of Biology

at the University of York, we are seeking to appoint a Professor,

a Lecturer and a Teaching Fellow at the interface between

Evolutionary Biology and Ecology. At least two further

appointments will be made within the next two years. York was

top in the UK for citations per research paper published between

2001 and 2005 in the field of Plant and Animal Science

(Thomson Scientific UK), and represents a thriving,

interdisciplinary research community across all major areas of

modern Biology.

Chair (REF: A08128)We are seeking an outstanding and dynamic scientist, with an

international track record, to provide academic leadership in

research and teaching. You will be highly-motivated and address

fundamental questions in a relevant area, such as adaptation to

environmental change, conservation genetics, phylogeography

and any aspect of population genetics or environmental genomics.

Lecturer (REF: A08129)You should be ambitious and have a proven track record ofhigh-quality research. You will be expected to develop anindependent research programme of international standingand develop teaching in the same field.

Teaching Fellow (REF: T08130)We are seeking a Fellow for a fixed-term appointment oftwo years to contribute to undergraduate and Masters-levelteaching in population and conservation genetics andevolutionary biology.

Salary scales will be: Professor (minimum £52,372 pa), Lecturer(Grade 7, £33,780 - £41,545 pa), Teaching Fellow (Grade 6,£27,446 - £33,780 pa), depending upon experience.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Chris Thomas(cdt2@york.ac.uk; 01904 328646), Professor Peter Young(jpy1@york.ac.uk; 01904 328630) or to the Head of Department(Professor Dale Sanders, biohod@york.ac.uk; 01904 328555).

For further particulars and details of how to apply, please seeour website at: http://www.york.ac.uk/admin/persnl/jobs/ orwrite to HR Services, University of York, Heslington,York YO10 5DD, quoting the appropriate reference number.

Closing date for Chair and Lecturer applications: 12.00 noon onThursday 22 May 2008.

Closing date for Teaching Fellow applications: 12.00 noon onThursday 15 May 2008.

The University of York is committed to diversity and haspolicies and developmental programmes in place to promoteequality of opportunity.




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FACULTY POSITIONSDepartment of Molecular Genetics

The Department of Molecular Genetics (http://www.lerner.ccf.org/molgen/) at the Cleveland ClinicLerner Research Institute invites applications for faculty positions, at ranks specified below. We areseeking scientists with a record of accomplishment in molecular genetics with a preference for thefollowing three areas.

Viral Pathogenesis - Senior and junior scientists interested in the molecular aspects of pathogenesisby a clinically important virus. The recruits will join the Section of Virology in the department, withlaboratory space close to BSL3 facilities. The ideal candidates will take advantage of the strongimmunology research in this and other departments of the Lerner Research Institute.

Molecular basis of a chronic disease - The goal is to recruit a senior researcher with an opportu-nity to lead the recruitment of additional junior faculty members. The ideal candidate should be anM.D./Ph.D. or an M.D. who uses sophisticated molecular genetic approaches to study major chronicdiseases; examples include Diabetes and Aging-related disorders.

MicroRNA - We would like to recruit a faculty member whose research interest focuses on theregulation of biosynthesis of microRNAs and/or their mechanisms of action. This individual shouldbe enthusiastic about interacting with other scientists who are studying the roles of microRNAs inspecific diseases. There is opportunity to interact with many members of the local RNA community,including those at the highly regarded RNACenter of Case Medical School.

Candidates should send an application electronically, stating their specific research interests, curriculumvitae, research plans and the names of three references to:Ganes C. Sen, Ph.D., Chair, Departmentof Molecular Genetics, E-mail:moleculargenetics@ccf.org.

The Lerner Research Institute, which is among the top 10 in National Institutes of Health fundingamong research institutes in the United States, is home to more than 150 laboratories involved in awide range of basic and translational investigations in the life sciences.Well-equipped, subsidizedcore facilities support the research effort. Institute faculty enjoy generous salary support aswell as bridge funding in the event of temporary loss of grant support. All Institute faculty arealso members in the Department of Molecular Medicine at Case Western Reserve University and areeligible to supervise graduate and medical students.

The Cleveland Clinic is located near University Circle, five miles east of downtown Cleveland. Thisarea is Cleveland’s cultural, medical and educational center. Medical research in institutions locatedhere places Cleveland as one of the major medical research environments in the country.Also locatednearby are several outstanding museums and Severance Hall, home of the Cleveland Orchestra.

Cleveland Clinic is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.



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Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology

The University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences invites applications and nominations for the positionof Chair of the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology. We seek an outstanding scientist with a strong research record,including extramural support, and a commitment to excellence in teaching undergraduate, graduate and professional medicaland allied health education. The applicant should possess interpersonal and leadership skills in mentoring faculty, directingstudents and performing administrative duties. The candidate must hold a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degree in anatomy,cell biology, or a related discipline.

The Chair will oversee a department whose current active research interests include neurosciences, cell and cancer biology.The department offers M.S., Ph.D., and M.D./Ph.D. degrees and numerous traditional anatomical courses at the graduatelevel, instructs first and second year medical students, and provides undergraduate courses to allied health and non-majors.Further information is available at: http://www.med.und.nodak.edu/searches/ and


Review of applications will begin June 1, 2008 and the search will remain open until the position is filled. Applicants shouldsubmit a detailed curriculum vitae, a letter of interest outlining prior experience, research interests, teaching philosophy,plans for the future and the names and addresses of three references electronically to judysolberg@medicine.nodak.edu orvia mail to: Joshua Wynne, M.D., Professor of Internal Medicine

Executive Associate DeanAssociate Dean forAcademicAffairs and Chair of the Search CommitteeThe University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health SciencesOffice of Academic Affairs and Faculty Affairs501 North Columbia Road, Stop 9037Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202-9037

The University of North Dakota is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

The Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences at the Faculty ofMathematics and Natural Sciences invites applications for a tenured facultyposition to further develop hearing sciences within the Lower Saxonian„Centre for Hearing Research“. The following position can immediately befilled:

Professor of Cochlea/Brainstem Physiology (W2)

We seek outstanding candidates with an established research program inauditory physiology on the cellular or systemic level. The successfulapplicant will have an international reputation and a record of externalfunding. We are particularly interested in applicants focusing on themammalian auditory system. Research participation within the DFG-fundedtransregional collaborative research centre SFB/TRR 31 „The Active AuditorySystem“ and contributions to the International Graduate School„Neurosensory Science, Systems and Applications“ are desired.The successful applicant will teach courses in the BSc and MSc programin „biology“, in the MSc program „Audiology and Hearing Technology“ andin the PhD program in „Neurosensory Science and Systems“. A reducedteaching load until the end of 2012 allows developing a strong researchprogram.Qualifications are specified in §25 NHG.Since the Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg have concluded a coope-ration agreement, active contributions to this cooperation are desirable.The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is an equal opportuni-ty/affirmative action employer. In order to increase the percentage of femalefaculty members, female candidates with equal qualification will be givenpreference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered incase of equal qualification.

Applications including the usual documents (curriculum vitae, list ofpublications, certificates, diplomas, and list of previous teaching activities)should be sent by 31 May 2008 to the Carl von Ossietzky Universität,Director of the Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences,Faculty V, D-26111 Oldenburg.



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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

Faculty Openings in Chemical EngineeringKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is beingestablished in Saudi Arabia as an international graduate-level researchuniversity dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement thatwill benefit the region and the world. As an independent and merit-basedinstitution and one of the best endowed universities in the world, KAUSTintends to become a major new contributor to the global network ofcollaborative research. It will enable researchers from around the globe towork together to solve challenging scientific and technological problems.The admission of students, the appointment, promotion and retention offaculty and staff, and all the educational, administrative and other activitiesof the University shall be conducted on the basis of equality, withoutregard to race, colour, religion or gender.

KAUST is located on the Red Sea at Thuwal (80km north of Jeddah).Opening in September 2009, KAUST welcomes exceptional researchers,faculty and students from around the world. To be competitive, KAUST willoffer very attractive base salaries and a wide range of benefits.Further information about KAUST can be found athttp://www.kaust.edu.sa/

KAUST invites applications for faculty position at all ranks (Assistant,Associate or Full Professor) in Chemical Engineering including areassuch as:

� Catalysis� Complex fluids� Energy engineering� Fluid mechanics� Membranes� Molecular modelling and thermodynamics� Process systems engineering� Reaction engineering� Separations technology

High priority will be given to the overall originality and promise of thecandidate�s work rather than the candidate�s sub-area of specialisationwithin Chemical Engineering. Nevertheless, KAUST is particularlyinterested in applicants whose research has applications in the fields ofwater desalination, clean combustion and catalysis.

An earned PhD in Chemical Engineering or a related science orengineering discipline, evidence of the ability to pursue a program ofresearch, and a strong commitment to graduate teaching are required.A successful candidate will be expected to teach courses at the graduatelevel and to build and lead a team of graduate students in Master�s andPhD research.

Applications, including a curriculum vitae, brief statements of researchand teaching interests, and the names and contact details of at least 3referees, should be sent to the Search Committee by electronic mail tokaust.chemeng@imperial.ac.uk Please note that the Search Committeemay also appoint additional referees at its discretion. The review ofapplications will begin immediately, and applicants are stronglyencouraged to submit applications as soon as possible; however,applications will continue to be accepted until December 2009, or until all10 available positions have been filled.

In 2008 and 2009, as part of an Academic Excellence Alliance agreementbetween KAUST and Imperial College London, the KAUST faculty searchwill be conducted by a committee consisting of professors from theFaculty of Engineering at Imperial College London. This committee willselect the top applicants and nominate them for faculty positionsat KAUST. However, KAUST will be responsible for actual recruitingdecisions, appointment offers and explanations of employment benefits.The recruited faculty will be employed by KAUST, not by Imperial.Faculty members recruited by KAUST before September 2009 will behosted in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London as AcademicVisitors until KAUST opens in September 2009. At Imperial, theseAcademic Visitors will conduct research with Imperial staff and mayoccasionally teach courses.

Enquiries and applications: kaust.chemeng@imperial.ac.uk

Valuing diversity and committed to equality of opportunity



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BerkeleyUniversity of California


The University of California,Berkeley, seeks applicants at boththe senior and junior levels for threetenured / tenure-track facultypositions in the general area ofmicrobial metabolic engineering, tobe held in the Department ofBioengineering within the Collegeof Engineering, and in theDepartment of ChemicalEngineering within the College ofChemistry.

These positions represent anexciting opportunity to developa fully funded program inbiofuels research within theEnergy Biosciences Institute(http://www.energybiosciencesinstitute.org).Of particular interest are individualswhose research includes metabolicengineering and synthetic biology;however, creative and energeticindividuals who show extraordinarypromise or accomplishment in areasrelevant to EBI will be considered.Applicants must have a Ph.D. andevidence of outstanding scholarshipwithin a relevant discipline. Start-upand research funds will be providedby EBI.

To apply, please send a curriculumvitae, detailed statementsof research and teachinginterests, and names and addressesof three references toebi-search@berkeley.edu or to

Chair, EBI Search CommitteeDepartment of Bioengineering

306 Stanley HallUniversity of California

Berkeley, CA 94720-1762

Refer potential reviewers to theUC Berkeley Statement ofConfidentiality found at:http://apo.chance.berkeley.edu/evalltr.html

Applications will be accepteduntil June 1, 2008.

The University of California isan equal opportunity,

affirmative action employer.

Post-Doctoral Fellows

We have immediate openings for quali�ed and highly motivated researchersto pursue post-doctoral training. GIS provides a rich academic environmentfor post-docs to engage in research that applies cutting-edge technologiesin genomics, genetics, proteomics, and bioinformatics to address questionsin the biology of stem cells, cancer, and immunity. Post-doctoral fellowsreceive internationally competitive funding and travel allowances to attendscienti�c conferences. Current openings are described below. Please visitour website www.gis.a-star.edu.sg for a complete listing of our faculty andexciting areas of research. A PhD degree and a strong record of researchexcellence are required.

StemCell and Developmental Biology:Apostdoctoral position is availableto work on identifying factors that specify hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs).This work involves performing a transcriptome analysis on various mouseembryo-derived cell populations. Genes identi�ed will be studied by a varietyof approaches: overexpression during ES cell differentiation, knockout mouseanalysis and cloning zebra�sh homologs to analyze function using knockdownmorpholinos. A strong interest in developmental biology and expertise in abroad range of cell biology and biochemical techniques (tissue culture, PCR,puri�cation of DNA, RNA, �ow cytometry etc.) is highly desirable.

Computational Genomics (Stem Cells and Human Development):

A postdoctoral position is available to work on statistically decipheringtranscriptional networks encoded in the human genome using datamining andnovel algorithms that combine genome sequence informationwith proprietaryhigh-throughput functional data.Workwill frequently involve interactionwithexperimental researchers. Speci�c projects include computationally mappingthe regulatory networks of stem cells and unearthing the elusive genomicDNA sequences that set humans apart from chimpanzees and other greatapes. Ideal candidates will have a PhD in a quantitative �eld, experience inprogramming, data analysis and algorithm development and the potential tolead multidisciplinary projects.

Cancer Genomics: You will work in a multidisciplinary environment ofmolecular biology and bioinformatics to address fundamental cancer biologyquestions.Youwill develop and use comprehensive genomics approaches andthe state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technologies to study cancer genomeaberrations and their consequences in transcription regulation of cancer cells.This program is also funded by NCI. Ideal candidates should have strongmolecular biology experiences and interests in cancer biology.

Human Genetics: A postdoctoral position is immediately available fora highly motivated individual to study the genetic basis of breast cancer.Using both hypothesis-driven and genome-wide approaches, we will identifycommon genetic variants that are important for breast cancer susceptibility andprogression. The study is built on collaboration between GIS, the KarolinskaInstitute (Sweden) and the Helsinki University Central Hospital (Finland).The successful applicant requires a Ph.D. and a strong background in humangenetics/statistical genetics/biostatistics. Prior working experience in breastcancer research is preferred, but not required. The applicant is expected towork independently and help train other junior staff.

Functional Genomics:Apostdoctoral position is available in June to pursuefunctional studies of human genes associated with Parkinson’s disease genesusing animal models such as zebra�sh and mouse. We are seeking a highlymotivated individual with a PhD degree in neuroscience and solid trainingin biochemistry and molecular biology. Candidate must have hands-onexperience in basic biochemistry and molecular biology techniques such asWestern blot analysis, subcloning, nucleic acid extraction, PCR, RT-PCR,and immunostaining. Prior working experience with animal models ispreferred. The candidate must be a team player and is also expected to workindependently.

Systems Biology: Projects for quali�ed individuals are available to explorebiology via a systems-based approach. You will mine our proprietary datasets from genomic and genetic studies to identify candidate genes thatare involved in human disease. Computational approaches will drive theselection of disease genes, which will then be evaluated by experimentalstrategies you design. Experimental biologists with basic computationalskills are encouraged to apply. Positions are also available for experiencedbioinformaticists interested in gene expression networks, statistical genetics,and comparative genomics.

If you are interested in joining a highly talented research team situated in aunique location with a global vision, please forward a cover letter, curriculumvitae and a list of three references to:

Of�ce of Research Affairs, Genome Institute of Singapore

Genome, 60 Biopolis Street, #02-01, Singapore 138672

Email : gisrecruit@gis.a-star.edu.sg

(Only shortlisted candidates will be noti�ed)


Department of Integrative BiologyFaculty Position in Paleobiology

DirectorUniversity of California Museum of Paleontology

The Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Califor-nia, Berkeley is seeking an outstanding scientist for a tenured position(Associate Professor or Professor) in Paleobiology. Applicants with aPh.D. and an exceptional research record in any area of Paleobiology(taxon or process-based) will be given serious consideration. This posi-tion will include a 5 year appointment as Director of the Universityof California Museum of Paleontology, thus previous administrativeexperience will also be advantageous. Candidates must also have astrong interest in undergraduate and graduate teaching and will beexpected to contribute to instruction in paleobiology as well as in theirspecific area of expertise.

Interested applicants should send a CV, bibliography, a brief descrip-tion of research and administrative accomplishments and objectives,statement of teaching interests, selected reprints, and the names andaddresses of three referees to the address below. Applications must bereceived by 15 July 2008.

Applications should be submitted electronically via email to:Berkeley.Paleobiology@gmail.com or via: http://ib.berkeley.edu/admin/jobs/paleoucmp.php. If electronic submission is not possible, materialsmay be sent by regular mail to: Paleobiology Search, Department ofIntegrative Biology, 3060Valley Life Sciences Building, University

of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3140 USA.

The University of California is anAffirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB) isseeking aChair of theDepartment of Pharmacology andToxicology.The Department currently consists of sixteen full-time faculty and issupported by $7 million of annual research funding from NIH. Currentresearch in the Department is focused on four areas: neuropharmacol-ogy, cancer pharmacology, molecular toxicology, and drug discoveryand development. The Department enjoys the advantages of the vibrantUTMB centers and institutes and excellent research core facilities. Themost relevant to the faculty research centers at UTMB include theNIEHS Center in Environmental Toxicology, Center for Cancer CellBiology, Center forAddiction Research, Center for Structural Biologyand Molecular Biophysics, Center for Molecular Medicine, Center forBiomedical Engineering, Center forAging, Center forVaccineDevelop-ment, and Institute for Human Infections and Immunity.

We are interested in candidates with a strong record of accomplishmentin basic research; a major commitment to the education of graduatestudents, postdoctoral researchers, and medical students; experiencein leadership and administration; and the ability to provide innova-tive leadership for all of the scientific and educational activities of theDepartment. Candidates are encouraged to submit a letter of interest,statement of career goals as they would relate to the role of Chair,curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information for threereferences to:

David H. Walker, M.D.

University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston

301 University Blvd.

Galveston, TX 77555-0609

Email: dwalker@utmb.edu

The University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply.



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Faculty Position:Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, Program in Emerging Infectious Diseases,


The Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore (Duke-NUS GMS) is recruiting an infectiousdisease epidemiologist to develop an epidemiologic research program, and to coordinate buildinglaboratory and epidemiologic capacity in selected countries of Southeast Asia for the purpose ofdeveloping more effective, early warning infectious disease surveillance. This senior scientistmust have an international reputation and demonstrated ability to establish and lead a team ofresearchers. The programwill concentrate on detection and transmission of diseases with epidemicpotential (arboviruses, zoonotic and respiratory pathogens) and on novel pathogen discovery.Although the program will be based in Singapore, it will include other countries in the region, oftenin collaboration with other academic and non-academic partners. There will be opportunities forcollaboration with the Duke Global Health Institute and other emerging diseases-related programsat Duke, and with the Asia-Paci�c Institute of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases at theUniversity of Hawaii.

The successful candidate will have a doctorate in epidemiology or a medical degree in humanor veterinary medicine supplemented with formal epidemiological training. He/she will have anoutstanding history of scholarly achievement, grant funding, and mentoring. Strong interpersonaland leadership skills and the proven ability to work in a rapidly changing international and culturallydiverse environment are key qualities required.

The Duke-NUS GMS is unique in bringing post-baccalaureate, research-intensive medicaleducation to Asia, and represents a truly global partnership between two leading U.S. and Asianuniversities: Duke University and National University of Singapore. The Duke-NUS GMS sharesa modern campus with Singapore’s largest hospital and several national research centers.

This faculty member will be based in Singapore and will be part of the senior management team inthe new Emerging Infectious Diseases Program. He/she should be eligible for appointment as anAssociate or full Professor at the Duke-NUS GMS. The position will include full salary, generousstart-up support, and �ve years of annual research funding.

Interested candidates should sendCV and the names of three references toDuane JGubler, Sc.D,Director, Program in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical SchoolSingapore, by email to: faculty.epi@gms.edu.sg. The reference code “SINGA7673” shouldalso be indicated in the application cover letter. The search will remain open until the position is�lled. Visit the Duke-NUS GMS website at www.gms.edu.sg.

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The University provides a career advisory service for partners of new

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The Integrated Department of Immunology at National JewishMedical and Research Center and the University of Colorado DenverSchool of Medicine invites applications for two faculty positions at theAssistant or Associate Professor level. The successful candidate will beexpected to develop a competitive research program focused on theimmune system. Although we encourage application by candidates inall areas, special consideration will be given to those interested in onof the following: respiratory immunology and infection; stem cellbiology; and the application of imaging to studies of immunologicprocesses. Candidates should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree and atleast three years of post-doctoral experience. Please send yourcurriculum vitae and statement of research interests and arrange forthree letters of reference to be sent to:

Dr. Philippa Marrack, Chair Search Committee5th Floor, Goodman Building,National Jewish Medical and Research Center1400 Jackson StreetDenver, CO 80206marrackp@njc.org

Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until thepositions are filled. National Jewish and the University of Coloradoare equal opportunity employers.

AA/EEO & Tobacco Free

Ross University School of Medicine offers an exciting full

time opportunity for a new Chair of the Physiology

Department. This position combines a career in innovative

medical education using state-of-the-art teaching facilities

with life in Dominica, “The Nature Island” of the Caribbean.

Each year, Ross University places more graduates in U.S.

medical residency programs than any other medical school.

The successful candidate will hold a Ph.D. and/or M.D. and

have a broad knowledge base in human physiology with a

record of outstanding achievements as a scholar and an

educator. The Chair of Physiology must have significant

experience in the U.S. medical education system and have

held leadership positions.

Ross University offers a competitive salary and benefits

package. For a full job description and further information,

please e-mail lwelke@rossu.edu or visit our website at

www.RossU.edu/medical-school, select “Careers” and

copy/paste your resume, or complete our online application

process. Ross University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Ross University School of MedicineCommonwealth of Dominica,W.I.

Chair of Physiology

Department of Engineering Sciences,The Ångström Laboratory

Chairin Applied Materials ScienceUFV-PA 2008/752

Chairin Solid State ElectronicsUFV-PA 2008/753

Chairin Ion Physics with speciality in Accelerator MassSpectrometryUFV-PA 2008/754


Full information about the positions is availablefrom the Uppsala University website www.uu.se atwww.personalavd.uu.se/ledigaplatser/engindex.html

Applications should be directed to the Vice-Chancellorand mailed so as to arrive at Uppsala University, RegistrarsOffice, Box 256, S-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden, or fax +46 18471 2000, no later than May 20, 2008.



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Faculty Position:Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, Program in Emerging Infectious

Diseases, Vietnam

The Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore (Duke-NUS GMS) isrecruiting an infectious disease epidemiologist to coordinate a project onpathogen discovery, emerging infectious disease surveillance and epidemiologicresearch in Vietnam. The epidemiologist must have an international reputationand the demonstrated ability to establish and lead a team of researchers.The project is a joint effort between the National Institute of Hygiene andEpidemiology (NIHE) in Hanoi, the University of Hawaii and Duke-NUSGMS, and will concentrate on detection, identi�cation and risk factors fortransmission of diseases with epidemic potential (arboviruses, zoonotic andrespiratory pathogens). There will be opportunities for collaboration with theDuke Global Institute and other emerging diseases-related programs at Duke,and with theAsia-Paci�c Institute of TropicalMedicine and Infectious Diseasesat the University of Hawaii.

The successful candidate will have a doctorate in epidemiology or amedical degree in human or veterinary medicine supplemented with formalepidemiological training. He/she will have an outstanding history of programdevelopment, scholarly achievement, and training. Strong interpersonaland leadership skills and the proven ability to work in a rapidly changinginternational and culturally diverse environment are key qualities required.

The Duke-NUS GMS is unique in bringing post-baccalaureate, research-intensive medical education to Asia, and represents a truly global partnershipbetween two leading U.S. andAsian universities: Duke University andNationalUniversity of Singapore. The Duke-NUS GMS shares a modern campus withSingapore’s largest hospital and several national research centers.

The faculty member should be eligible for appointment as an Assistant orAssociateProfessor at theDuke-NUSGMS. Interested candidates should sendCVand three references toDuane JGubler, Sc.D, Director, Program inEmergingInfectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, by

email to: faculty.epi@gms.edu.sg. The reference code “VIET626” shouldbe indicated in the application cover letter. The search will remain open untilthe position is �lled. Visit the Duke-NUS GMS website at www.gms.edu.sg.

Faculty Position in Mammalian Neuroscience

McLaughlin Research Institute seeks an innovative scientist who can takeadvantage of the Institute’s strengths in mouse genetics to address importantproblems in neurobiology, neurological or psychiatric diseases, or relatedareas. Low animal care costs and transgenic services facilitate mouse-inten-sive projects that would be cost-prohibitive at many other centers.Applicantswith interests in animalmodels for human disease, novel strategies for genomemodification or dissection of cellular function, aging, or behavior are particu-larly encouraged to apply. Candidates should possess a doctoral degree and arecord of research excellence as a postdoctoral fellow or as an independentinvestigator.Applicants at any level will be considered. The applicant shouldhave, or be capable of developing, a productive research program that cancompete successfully for grant funding. Candidates should be willing andable to establish both intramural and extramural collaborations.

The Institute is a small non-profit organization located near Montana’sRocky Mountain front that offers a non-bureaucratic, interactive researchenvironment in a spacious modern research building. Faculty members alsobenefit from the active involvement of MRI’s Scientific Advisory Commit-tee (Irv Weissman, David Baltimore, David Cameron, Neal Copeland,Jeff Frelinger, Leroy Hood, Nancy Jenkins, and James Spudich). Foradditional information see www.montana.edu/wwwmri. For specificquestions about the Institute contact George Carlson, John Mercer, JohnBermingham or Deb Cabin at MRI.

Applications, including names and contact information for three to fiveindividuals who may serve as references, should be sent to:

George A. Carlson, Ph.D.

Director, McLaughlin Research Institute

1520 23rd Street South

Great Falls, MT 59405

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.



e @








new award announcement:



Securing funding for unproven ideaspresents a major challenge for inde-pendent junior scientists. The DamonRunyon-Rachleff Innovation Awardhas been developed to help address thischallenge by providing support for thenext generation of exceptionally creativethinkers with “high risk/high reward”ideas. Research supported by this awardmust be novel, exceptionally creative and,if successful, have the strong potential tosignificantly impact our understanding ofand/or approaches to cancer prevention,diagnosis or treatment. A maximum of5 awards will be granted each year. Theawards will provide $450,000 in directcosts over three years.




Faculty Positions in the Departments ofMolecular Therapeutics,

Cancer Biology, Infectology andMetabolism and Aging

The recently established Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter Florida is seeking outstanding applicants fortenure level faculty positions in theDepartments ofMolecular Therapeutics, Cancer Biology, Infectology,andMetabolism andAging. The Institute applies integrative molecular genetic, biochemical, biophysi-cal and chemical biology approaches to elucidate cellular and molecular mechanisms associated withneurological disorders, cancer, infectious diseases, metabolic syndrome, aging, and neurodegeneration.These mechanisms are exploited for the design and testing of novel therapeutics.

The Departments are seeking highly qualified and interactive investigators who will bring and initiatecreative programs that can take advantage of the unique high-throughput core facilities of The ScrippsResearch Institute, Florida, including genomics, proteomics, crystallography, informatics as well ascell-based screening and lead optimization for the development of unique research tools and noveltherapeutics.

Appointments are available at the Associate and Full Professor levels in Molecular Therapeutics andCancer Biology, and at all levels in the departments of Infectology andMetabolism andAging. ScrippsFlorida offers very attractive startup packages, unique core services, and the outstanding intellectualenvironment of The Scripps Research Institute for fostering top-tier basic and translational research. Inaddition, through collaboration with theMax Planck Society, aMax Planck Institute with state-of-the-artbio-imaging capabilities is being established adjacent to the Scripps Institute in Florida.

Interested candidates should submit theirCurriculumVitae, a synopsis of their past research accomplish-ments, and of their current and proposed research programs, along with complete contact informationfor at least four professional references, to:• Dr. Patrick R. Griffin, Chairman, Department of Molecular Therapeutics, c/o Mary Krosky

• Dr. John L. Cleveland, Chairman, Department of Cancer Biology, c/o Marika Kernick

• Dr. Charles Weissmann, Chairman, Department of Infectology, c/o Marilena Fernandez

• Dr. Roy G. Smith, Chairman, Department of Metabolism and Aging, c/o Ms. Kathleen Ryan

The Scripps Research Institute, Scripps Florida, 5353 Parkside Drive, RF-1, Jupiter, FL 33458




The Bodossaki Foundation Scienti�c Prizes are to be conferred for theninth year. These awards were established as part of the Foundation’spublic bene�t activities in the �eld of education. Their objective is torecognize and support the intellectual work of Greek scientists aged upto 40. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is pleased to announce thatthe Bodossaki Foundation Scienti�c Prizes for 2008 (22.000,00 Eurosfor each �eld) are to be awarded to the following �ve scientists:


Professor at the Department of Economicsat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

in the �eld of Economics/Political Economy/Political ScienceMIHALIS C. DAFERMOS

Reader at the Department of Pure Mathematicsand Mathematical Statisticsat the University of Cambridgein the �eld of MathematicsGEORGE A. KONTOPIDIS

Assistant Professor at the Veterinary Departmentat the University of Thessaly

in the �eld of Targeted Drug DevelopmentNIKOS K. PARAGIOS

Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematicsat the École Centrale de Paris

in the �eld of Theories, Methods and Techniques,of Biomedical Applications of Informatics and Telecommunications


Senior Research Scientistat INSERM, Paris

in the �eld of Targeted Drug Development.


Expansion in Emerging Pathogens Research

TheDepartment of Infectious Diseases and Pathology, College ofVeteri-naryMedicine and the Emerging Pathogens Institute at the University ofFlorida are seeking to hire a mid-career scientist in a tenure-track posi-tion at the rank of Associate or Full Professor to lead research programexpansion.Applicants should possess the PhD, DVM/PhD or equivalentdegree(s) and have an outstanding international reputation as evidencedby publications in research journals. Primary responsibilities will be tobuild a competitive research program focused on the control of vector-borne infectious diseases including zoonoses and diseases affecting eitherhumans or animals. The encumbent will participate in hiring a cluster ofjunior faculty to add depth and vigor to the program. Teaching may beat the professional, postdoctoral and graduate levels. The Departmenthas excellent research facilities and programs in infectious disease andcomparative immunology, and the Emerging Pathogens Institute at theUniversity of Florida is a campus-wide program of excellence to studyemerging pathogens.

Applicants should submit a letter outlining professional goals, a cur-riculum vitae, and a list of three references to:

Dr. Anthony F. Barbet

Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathology

College of Veterinary Medicine

P.O. Box 110880

University of Florida

Gainesville FL 32611-0880

Email inquiries are welcome (barbet@ufl.edu). The search committeewill begin reviewing applications May 1, 2008. Applications will beaccepted untilMay 30, 2008 or until an applicant pool has been estab-lished. The start date is flexible and negotiable.

The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



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Agency forScience,Technologyand Research

Singapore invites applications for theSingapore Translational Research(“STaR”) Investigatorship Awards

A unique and innovative opportunity foroutstanding translational and clinical research investigators


The STaR Investigatorship Award is a prestigious award, jointly offered by the Singapore Ministry of Health’s National MedicalResearch Council (NMRC) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), to recognise and support investigatorswith outstanding qualifications in translational and clinical research.

Tenable in Singapore, STaR Investigators may start a new research programme which can potentially advance Singapore’s prioritiesin biomedical research and healthcare or contribute to the Translational and Clinical Research (TCR) Flagship Programmes*(jointly supported by A*STAR and NMRC). STaR Investigators may also spend up to 20% of their time engaging in direct patientcare in Singapore.

In keeping with the international status of the STaR Investigatorship Awards, recipients will receive very competitive researchsupport and remuneration, appointments at A*STAR’s Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS) as well as tenure-trackappointments at the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, or Duke–NUS Graduate MedicalSchool (GMS).

Three categories of the STaR Investigatorship are available:[i] Distinguished Senior Investigator (DSI),[ii] Senior Investigator (SI), and[iii] Investigator (INV).Successful candidates will receive 5-year support for DSI and SI, and 3- to 5-year support for INV. Awards include (I) Annualresearch support, (II) Annual salary support and (III) Start-up costs. The awards are renewable for further terms upon excellentexternal reviews.

Profile of a STaR Investigator:• Medically qualified doctors (MDs) or PhDs active in translational and clinical research or who conduct research that involves

integrating basic scientific discoveries with clinical applications• You may be a physician scientist, clinical investigator, population geneticist, epidemiologist, health services researcher or an

investigator engaged in other kinds of population-based biomedical research• Applicants should have a strong track record of scientific achievement and impact in translational and clinical research

The STaR Selection Panel includes:� Professor Edward Holmes (Executive Chairman, National Medical Research Council & Executive Deputy Chairman, Clinical-

Translational Sciences, A*STAR Biomedical Research Council)� Professor Edison Liu (Executive Director, Genome Institute of Singapore)� Professor Judith Swain (Executive Director, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences)� Professor John Wong (Dean, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore)� Professor Sanders Williams (Dean, Duke–NUS Graduate Medical School)� Professor K Satkunanatham (Director of Medical Services, Ministry of Health)� Professor Jean Paul Thiery (Deputy Director, Institute of Molecular & Cell Biology)� Professor Ivy Ng (Chief Executive Officer, KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital)

Where applicable, shortlisted applicants will be invited to Singapore for a 3- to 5-day visit for in-depth interaction with the scientificcommunity to better understand the local research support and environment, and to meet with the STaR Selection Panel.

*TCR Flagship Programmes seek to integrate, coordinate and leverage on the full spectrum of research capabilities in Singapore, from basic

science to clinical research, and be highly competitive with the potential for the supported programme to be an international leader in the following

disease oriented areas: cancer, cardiovascular/metabolic disorders, neurosciences, infectious diseases and eye diseases. It is not necessary

for applicants to be part of the TCR Flagship team to apply to the STaR Investigatorship Award.

All applications are to be submitted online through the Research, Innovation and Technology Administration (RITA) system.To apply, please go to http://www.nmrc.gov.sg

Applicants are also required to send in 1 original hardcopy to NMRC at the following address:

Singapore Translational Research (STaR) Investigatorship AwardsNational Medical Research Council

11 Biopolis Way, #09-10/11, Helios, Singapore 138667

For further enquires, you may direct email to:MOH_STAR_NMRC@moh.gov.sg

Closing Date: 22 June 2008, 5pm Singapore time(UTC/GTM + 1 hour)



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Mercer University School of MedicineMacon, Georgia

Mercer University School of Medicine invitesapplications for a 12-month salaried, tenure-trackposition in medical genetics at the rank of Assistant,Associate, or Full Professor. The successful candidatemust have a strong commitment to excellence inmedical education and will participate in a multi-disciplinary, case-based medical curriculum. In ad-dition, the candidate will be expected to develop anindependent research program capable of attractingexternal funding. Applicants should have a doctoraldegree with an expertise in human genetics from anaccredited university/college and at least three yearsof postdoctoral training. Preference will be given toindividuals with medical genetics experience. Inter-ested applicants will need to apply online at website:https://www.mercerjobs.com. Affirmative Action/EqualOpportunity Employer/ADA.


Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine

A position is available as part of a funded programproject related to mitochondrial function in ischemicheart disease. In addition to having a strong desireto work on heart disease, the interested candidateshould have prior experience working with bothmitochondria (preferably heart mitochondria) andanimals. Candidates experienced with the purifica-tion of membrane proteins and/or with experiencewith heart tissue related to the effects of ischemiaand ischemia reperfusion injury will be given pref-erence. Please send your curriculum vitae and a list ofthree references, their locations, and e-mail addressesto:Dr. Peter L. Pedersen, e-mail: ppederse@jhmi.edu,Department of Biological Chemistry, Johns HopkinsUniversity, School of Medicine. Johns Hopkins is anEqual Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


BIOSTATISTICIANBarrow Neurological Institute

St. Joseph_s Hospital and Medical CenterPhoenix, Arizona

The Barrow Neurological Institute and St. Joseph_sHospital and Medical Center are seeking an experi-enced Biostatistician. This full-time position will comewith an affiliate appointment at Arizona State Uni-versity. The successful candidate will be in early tomid career, will have a Ph.D., and will have dem-onstrated success in securing extramural funding forone_s own studies and the work of others. The ca-pacity to work with investigators in a variety of dis-ciplines in clinical and basic research and on bothprospective and retrospective studies research will bean asset. Candidates should send a description of theirtraining, experience, and career ambitions, curricu-lum vitae, and names and contact information forat least three references to: Dr. George Prigatano,Search Committee Chair, Newsome Chair, De-partment of Clinical Neuropsychology, BarrowNeurological Institute, 350 West Thomas Road,Phoenix, AZ 85013. E-mail: george.prigatano@chw.edu.

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION available July 1,2008, to study the molecular mechanisms of Tlineage development and transformation using bothzebrafish and murine models. Available projects in-clude: (1) executing a zebrafish genetic screen toidentify genes controlling T cell development andtransformation; (2) understanding the basis for block-ade of T cell development by ribosomal proteinL22 deficiency (Immunity 26:759-772, 2007); or(3) investigating the role of signal strength in ab/gdlineage commitment (Immunity 22:595-606, 2005).Experience in molecular biology and zebrafish ge-netics desirable but not essential. The successful ap-plicant will enjoy a competitive salary and will haveaccess to subsidized housing and child care and anactive postdoctoral association. Curriculum vitae andthree references should be sent to: David L. Wiest,Ph.D., Fox Chase Cancer Center, 333 CottmanAvenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-2497. Fax:215-728-2412; e-mail: david.wiest@fccc.edu.Equal Opportunity Employer.


POSTDOCTORALPOSITIONS are available toinvestigate the mechanisms and regulation of bloodcoagulation and fibrinolysis with molecular biology,protein chemistry, enzyme kinetics, and fluorescencespectroscopy techniques. Interested individuals whoare recent Ph.D. degree graduates in biochemistry,biophysics, chemistry, or biology should send a copyof their curriculum vitae and arrange for two lettersof recommendation to be sent to: Dr. Paul E. Bock,Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Depart-ment of Pathology, Stallworth Rehabilitation Hos-pital, Room 1205, 2201 Children_s Way, Nashville,TN 37212. E-mail: paul.bock@vanderbilt.edu.Vanderbilt University is an Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction Employer.


Postdoctoral Fellow position is available in theMolecular Medicine Laboratory, Loma Linda Uni-versity, Loma Linda, California. A central focus ofthe Laboratory is on skeletal tissue augmentation/repair. A Ph.D. with a strong background in cell andmolecular biology is required. Competitive salary.Please send curriculum vitae and the names of threereferences to: David Baylink, M.D., via e-mail:dbaylink@llu.edu.



The United States Department of AgricultureForest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station(RMRS) headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado isfilling a permanent, full-time position for theProgram Manager for Air, Water, and AquaticEnvironments Science Program at the GS-15 gradelevel. The salary range is $89,115 to $145,201. Thevacancy announcement will be open to all U.S.citizens, government and nongovernment, andadvertised through websites: http://www.usajobs.gov and www.avuedigitalservices.com. For moreinformation on this position go to the Station_swebsite: http://www.fs.fed.us/rmrs. To expressyour interest in this position, complete the outreachform and return to Alison Hill at e-mail: ahill01@fs.fed.us or fax: 970-295-5927. If you have ques-tions, call Alison, telephone: 970-295-5942.

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS, University ofWisconsin, Madison. Positions immediately availa-ble to study the molecular mechanisms of inflam-mation in asthma and pulmonary fibrosis (e.g.NatureImmunology 6:1280, 2005; Journal of Immunology177:6999, 2006; J. Clin. Investig. 188:479, 2008).Requires strong skills in cell and molecular im-

munology. Will be part of a large, interlaboratorygroup of established and highly interactive in-vestigators. Send curriculum vitae, letters of refer-ence, and research statement to: James MalterM.D., Professor of Pathology, 509T WaismanCenter, 1500 Highland Avenue, University ofWisconsin, Madison, WI 53705 (e-mail: jsmalter@wisc.edu). UW-Madison is an Affirmative Action/EqualOpportunity Employer.

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