Positve Thoughts

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Positive thoughts

Live happily

Think Positively

Either move orbe moved.

Colin Powell

Thoughts that’s boost your moral

You will become assmall as your

controlling desire;as great as your

dominant aspiration.James Allen

One cool judgmentis worth a thousandhasty counsels. The

thing to do is tosupply light and not

heat. W. Wilson

Good thoughts areno better than gooddreams, unless they

be executed!Ralph W Emerson

What comes out ofyou when you are

squeezed is what isinside of you.Wayne Dyer

Worry is like arocking chair – it

gets you nowhere.Tuchy Palmieri

Life is like a wheel,sometimes you're atthe top, sometimes

you're at the bottom.Philippine Proverb

Most people wouldrather give than get


It's hard, but it's notas hard as you thinkif you think positive.

Shirlene Cooper

There is no wayto prosperity,prosperity is

the way.Wayne Dyer

There's nothingwrong with anger

provided you use itconstructively.

Wayne Dyer

Before you embarkon a journey of

revenge, dig twograves.


Do or do not.There is no try.


I not only use all thebrains that I have,but all that I can

borrow.Woodrow Wilson

We are not creatures ofcircumstance; we are

creators of circumstance.Tuchy Palmieri

There is a time to letthings happen and atime to make things

happen.Tuchy Palmieri

I would rather losein a cause that willsome day win, thanwin in a cause thatwill some day lose.Woodrow Wilson

Education is anornament in

prosperity and arefuge in adversity.


If you have only onesmile in you give itto the people you

love.Maya Angelou

Nothing will comeof nothing.

W. Shakespeare

Do not impose on others what you yourself do not


You never know what is enough unless you

knowmore than enough.

William Blake

Believe in the power of possibilities. Believe

you canaccomplish anything

you put your mind to. S Richards, R.N.

Happiness and moral duty are

inseparably connected.

George Washington

In times of trouble and you need help, you will see your

real friends.Philippine Proverb

People see me and say, 'If you can do it, so can

I,' and I amthere to tell them yes,

yes they can.Emma Rhodes, ED.

On the highway of life you must often change

directions to get where you are going.

Tuchy Palmieri

Lose an hour in themorning and you'llbe running after it

all day.English Proverb

An ounce of actionis worth a ton of

theory.Friedrich Engels

One travels moreusefully when alone,

because hereflects more.

T. Jefferson

There's nothingwrong with anger

provided you use itconstructively.

Wayne Dyer

Thank you,

