power presses! if YU1 - Chronicling AmericaSteam power presses! Ohio Press. ail things being ejiial....

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  • gclmvmt (Chronicle. CONGRESSIONAL Guernsey county, paid in presenting the CHOICE EXCERPTS. LOVERS' TROUBLES..IMPORTANT PRIMARY ELECTION—TAYLOR name of Mr. Taylor for the nomination MARIETTA'S YOUTHFUL ELOPERS WILL

    FOR CONGRESS. at tin-- I)e:!aire Convention. in lSi2,ihat. Everv man is an original and solitary RETURN WISER THAN THEY WERE. Steam power presses!

    Ohio Press.ail things being ejiial. Congressional char:ici"er. Xone can either understand Marietta Specia Cincinnati April 26.

    The Republican Central Committee ofhonors should !.e divided among the j or fePj tnf, of his own life like The busy tongues are still wagging if AIL'HE WAS ONCE A PIRATE. count u-- himself. S3Jefferson connty met at the Court House The Hepublicans of the county and of . and the two hearts that would like toMR. BAYARD APPOINTS A CONSUL WHO beat as one are still doto within this city on the :Jd inst. agreed tt!on this committee know Gen - ! Toerf. are few occasions in life in compelled

    AT ONE TIME GAVE AID TO THEand have announced Saturday, the 12th eral Holiingsworth, and regard him as which we are more caUed upon to wath

    singleCharlesblessedness. YU1Mr. H.SEMMES. the eer in the joint of ability and real ourselves narrowly, and to resist the as-


    Smith, Jr.. of this city,of May. as the day for holding the pri-mary

    and Miss Jennie IX ofCleveland Letter in New York Mail and Express. worth of any of the other candidates of various temptations, than in Pugh, Harmar,Thomas T. TunstaU, of Mobile, Ala., elections in this county. Prima-

    riesnamed in the district, and, this being so. conversation. whose elopement was mentioned Tues-day,

    Do vou feel duU. laniru'd. life-less,

    who by the nomination and for the election of delegates to rep-resent

    they insist that the usuages of the dis arc safely quartered and sheltered vandandi!ttKTiliIiy

    menially ; experiencemiserable, both

    a sensephysi-

    cal! ofthe under the roof of a relative of the young fulluees or after eating, or of "one-nc69- ,"Jefferson county at Congress trict m recent vears should now obtain Xo can speak or act, but itconfirmation of the I'nited Suites lie youthe man. at Belmont, (J., whither or emptiness of stomach in the inorn-i- u.ional District Convention, to assemble in favor of his eanctk'.aev, they-wen-twill come.'after longer or shorter circu-

    lation,tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in

    Senate has been aiMiated United States at Hellaiie the l"th of May, are to be like drawn bill drawn on Xa-ture- 's afterfailing in several instances to pro-

    curemouth, nretnilar appetite dizziness, frequentOF A DIFFERENT SORT. a " "uiunvd specksConsul to San Salvador, has an interest-

    ingheld the day Saturday. May the necessary license to wed. beadachrs. eyesight, tioatingsameon reality, and be presented there for before the ycs. nervous pnwtrr.tion or ex-

    haustion,Gen. H. V. Boynton, the Washington It was their intention when12, 18.S.-- S. S the are import leaving irraahiiity of temper, hot flushes,hLstory. He came near being exe-cuted

    primaries with the answer: Xo effects.ant, and should enlist the siecial atten- - j correspondent of the Com mw-ia- Gnztlt.

    payment Monday to go to Pennsylvania to be mar-ried,

    alternating with chilly sensations, sharp,coldduring the war as a pirate, and biting, transient pains here and tlicre,

    tion of everv Republican voter in Jeffer - sends to his jujier the following n re- - " Tiiiis:: is nothing makes a man sus- - but becoming aware of the fact that feet, drowsiness ati- -r nvals, wakefulness, orfor months lan.uished in prison his would their disturbed and unrcfreshing eleop, constant,many youth marriage,son county having regard for local, as ply to the letter of Mr. McXamee: i peer much, more than to know little; prevent indeserilml'le feeling of dread, or of impend-ingfor having assisted the pirate Semnies. well as the interests of the country at ' and therefore men should remedy sus--J they left the train at Wheeling and went calamity?Mr. McXam-- : e shows his gral. of pa-- i to lJellaire. where they stopped at the If you have Kit, or nny considerable numberof the Alabama. II jn. Jev H. Mac-Mat- large. triotisin, whioti is that of petty sooils-- ! picion by striving to know more, and of the sy:uptonis, you are gulfcrin? fromFrom condition of affairs in in smother. Globe Hotel, not registering as man and that most common cf Amerieau maladi.spresent not to theirwho the keep suspicionsof this city, was. during man. in this declaration: j wife. Bilious DyspefieLu or Torpid Liver, associutedTuesday they undertook to1 'iintmuu tin till iliict..r in T if h.m get aConsul at knew TunstaU . I :;:! recently the ReniiKi.-aMsn- f tie" with ly&ieisi, or Indigestion. The moreMorocco,war, - i license at Bellaire; then to Wheel-

    inghas that in his going disease has theraemiers stopping ieg;sia:onior ecK. j fi,,,, ilnrrisoii muntv. nave exiwtv! Hint m If.u'PY is the man who complicated your become,well i because a bill was

    . .....proposed for refund tli ! , of - t'.i.i-- s tri veil liim lie whiI.I vol soul which acts upon the dejected as they met the same diSiculty. greater Notheinattfrnumberwhatandstairediversityit hasofreached,symp-toms.Mr. MacMath says, in a letter recent-ly

    111-- ini'liri cuiitiiuuiru ;- ... .iiiiv i 11 r fnit-.fu- l

    II S!tTIIlb?rvires

    .I,... II .lITtllike


    irt.ll..i:Vlrt-vrs- .

    m I rl'a lltun April airs upon violet roots. Gifts from A Wheeling pa;er said of it: lr. Pierce' Golden .lledicni Uiseoverywill subdue it, if taken according to direc-tionswritten, that TunstaU was removed as States in supjort of the government iht tH r.uoni are sun l'1..!!. in mt Oft. an.! the hand are silver and gold, but the A ynuii m:m of M.trirU.'t- ami

    x yoim;; Ia.lv ! for a reasonable length of time. If notVUlll.'mtl.leil tlwho. as f'.retn.'itt itzeiit. have the H inn.ir ;tijl: at tV nii.e'i o.li fur iimrrithe of the rebellion which u:cn neiuir: Mjvei uoi cured, complications multiply and Consump-tionduring war ne;l:1 gives mat aw were rei::s.nl a iieiii4e on a tikiiiIbecause of his SouthernConsul at Cadiz of the Lungs. Skin Diseases, Heart Disease,would, if have awarded a million ' buy. Ins yomft. an.l w:iv advi.eJ !y rl.e .'.o::i:egold canpassed, and otherThat is, a man honored respected lmr.ie anil wait three 01 I:mr Kbeumatism, Kidney Disease, or graveeasympathies, and then waited in Spain and a half of dollars justly due the Mate in the district for faithful sen-ices- , as! "s. maladies are quite huhlo to set in ai)d soouer

    His advice not heeded. be-ing

    induce fatitl tenniniition.for soin"thing to turn up. He adds: of Ohio it is evident that citizens of such predecessors as John A. Uingham He that will often put eternity andwas They or



    Golden Medical IHs-tove- ryabout out of went to the rel-ativesAt this time the rebel privateer Sum-

    ter,the Xorth now, as well as before the was. should now "step down and out" the world before him, who will dare to

    money acts powerfully upon the Liver, andabove mentioned, and have since through that greatcommanded by Semines, of Ala., war, need men of ability and experience from the jsition thus described which j look steadfastly at both of them, will remained there. The father of the boy cleanses the system of ail blood-bu- and


    purities, The Belmont Chronicle.who was afterward Captain of the Ala-lmru- nominated and elected, to look after he has made for his district, because j find that the more often he contera-soin- e from whatever cause arising. It isreceived a letter to-da- y asking his permis-sion

    equally cfiicacious in acting upon the kid-neys,was cruising in the Mediterranean sectional as well as individual, political of the Republicans in a corner of i plates them, the former will grow great-i- t to married, but refused. and other excretory orgaiw, cloaiisiiig,

    and on the East Atlantic Jcean, com-mitting

    and national interests which is one of think their time has come to enjoy of- - j er and the latter less.get was strengtliening, and healing their ileases. As

    The excitement in this community has an appetizing, irstorative tonic, it promotesdepredations on unoffending the prime reasons why we advocate the rice. ot a thought for the good oi not subsided, and the unfounded dige&tion and nutrition, therohy iniilding up

    American merchantmen, with her ren-dezvous

    renomination and reelectioii of Hon. J. Congress or the district, not a patriot ii- - Every evil to which we do not suc-cumb

    many both Uesh and strength. In muiitrial districts,about have caused the this wonderful moilielne hsrumors going sen-

    sationgained great

    in the llay of Gibraltar. In I). I ay lor, v. ho at present represents ; ,;is.ltjon auove s;K!iis. is a benefactor. As the Sandwich undue celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills andFebruary, ltM2, the Sumter put into the this, the Seventeenth district in the Con-- j Such are the men who bv petty in-

    gressIslander believes that the strength and to assumeof

    proportions. Fever, Dumb Apue, and kindivd diseases. REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER!into The families the parties are broken-hearted

    Ir. Pierce's Uolucu medical Dig.bay in need of coal to continue her of the I'nited States. trigue and demands for rotation in valor of the enemy he kills passes eoverythe and well beover affair,career of destruut ion. The day preced-ing

    J. D. Taylor has not only been )ic;, Wl,ujd forever prevent a district himself, so we gain the strength of the if they have heard all the rumors.may

    ALL RUF-SCn-and in full view of Gibraltar the an active, industrious, attentive, but j ,ninina the least nrominenee in Con- - temptation we resist. A brother of the young lady left this from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the

    had the American prominent member of Congress, since worst bcrofuia. i!, " bevrr-sore- s.Sumter destroyed brig ana its irom aoingstress, representativesXeojKilitan, within the marathne zone his election. In tiie Forty-eight- h Con-

    gressit the g.d of which they are Life is a warfare, and he who easily afternoon for Belmont, and will, doubt-less, Scaly or Ilough Skin, in short, all diseases The attention of the public is directed to the fact that TIIE CHKUMCI.E is now arraved '.ike a bridegreatest deserts double duty he be-

    traysbring the sister home caused by bad blood are coiKiuered by tine

    of the dominions of the Moorish Sultan. he was a member of the Territori-al

    capable. The men who do desponds a powerful, puniying. miu mi igi.n'iing meui-cii-the noblest property of man, which She is of age, but he will have consider-able

    Great IjitinK Ulcers rtipidly hint underSemnles requested icnnission of the Committee and made the first full most injury to a district are those who is dauntless resolution; and he rejects influence with her, and the commu-nity

    its benign inliuenee. Esicei;i!ly hns it mani-fested

    IN AN ENTIRE NEW OUTFIT,Governor of the fortress to take on suf-ficient

    and practical report on the Mormon jilan an intrigue to send new men while its jioteiK'y in curing Tetter, Eczeinc,the providence of that AU gracious Be-ing

    being of a forbearing nature will be Erysicias, lloils. Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scroi-uIo- urcoal to continue the cruise. This question. The report was en-dorsed

    its sitting representative is a man of fair who and rules the universe. glad to let bygones be bygones, and will Sores and 8welliiij-3-,

    iiip-joi- nt D:sv.-as- and that mcclianieallj it shall lie greatly the superior of any nenspapet pointed in lids part of Ohio.was refused in view of what had takan by the Congressional committee ability, and to add that strength which guides White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Keck,both theirrestore to formergladly good and Cnlurg" G lands. Send ten cents inplace the day before. Tiierouon Semmes so popular that Congress ordered sev-

    eral' comes onlv with long service. If our Creator has so bountifully pro-

    videdstanding. .Ttattips for a lar-j- o Treiitise, with colored

    sent Paymaster Myers, an of thousand copies of the roiwirt print-ed

    A writer who so glibly used the terms existence which isplates, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount

    for here,our for Treatiso Scrofulous Affections.the navy, and Mr. TunstaU, to Cadiz. for distribution. "ingenious sophistry," and "bold state-ments

    but momentary, and for our temjHiral PERSONAL.a on

    IT WILL BE THE AIM OF THE PUBLISHERBLCGD S3 THE L!FE."Spain, to procure coal. TunstaU, ever He made the first pension by Washington City corres;ond-ents,- " wants, which wiU soon be forgotten, Mr. X. II. Frohlichsteiii, of Mobile, Ala.,"FCHTKE

    Pierce'sready to assist the rebels and being well sjieech in favor of supporting invalid should hinfoeif be freer from these writes: 1 take great pleasure iu recom-mending

    Thoroiifchlv eieiinse it by usit-j- r Er.andioi5cu JScdicKlfor IWscovcry, goodhow much more must He have done to make it a eon lete register of events tlir.t interest the peeple of Belmont County. Km MKS Itacquainted with the Spanish orticers. soldiers those without health or the defects than, in a discussion which turns in world.

    I r. King's Xew Discovery for digvslion, a pain, buoyant spirits, vital shall be a iaier than ever before, and shall ; always cleau,the everlastingwas a necessary aid to Myers. They means of support in favor of pension-

    ingmainly upon a question of three terms,

    our enjoyment Consumption, ha ing used it for a severe sirengtu and boc.iy hcaltii vriU bv established. iiiteiesling, and iustnictive. Its pr.lilisher believeswent on board a French steamer which widows of soldiers who died in lim-

    itedto assert that Mr. Taylor "was elected Any one who i3 much talked of must attack

    of bronchitis and catri rli: it gave CONSUMPTION,me instant relief and entirely curedtouched at Tangiur, Morocco, fmU to circumstances for the pensioning to and served as a member of the Foi be maligned. This seems to be a harsh and I have not been atilieted since. I alsoine. which is Scrofula of Uie is arrested The Republican Partyof orphans of dead soldiers, r.ndr six-teen

    and cured by this remedy, it taken in theCadiz. Thev landed at Tangier to see and FiftiethForty-eight- h conclusion; but when vou consider how beg to state that I had tried other reme-dies

    er.rlier sragca of tho disease. From its mar-velousthe curious old citv, and our Consul years of age. He has taken an ac- - Congresses," when, as a rr.al.UT of fact, much more given men are to depreciate with no good result: have also use.: power over this terribly fatal disease, the best instrument for the highest advancement of the American people, and v.ill sjre i Uitkrean

    (Jenerai, learning of their presence, im- - j tive part in the interests of wool he served only sis weeks ?i the close of j ian to a!,recjate. vou will acknowledge Electric Bitters and Dr. King's Xew Lifewheu

    toflrstthe public.


    Piercenow world-fame- d

    tliought seriouslyrem-

    edy advaui'e the ineasiiies of that politicalorganization. This year tiie most nit L.. .nib's

    arrested and put them in the ! ers -a- dvocated laws in the interests of Mr. lilegra.T 's term of the two years t!l.u there is )We t'nltn m the saying, Pills, both of which I can reeommeiid. cf caliing it his Consumption Ci ke," but imlitiestl Killenga.-'enie-

    aim to keepin

    abreastits uistorv

    ofwill!l.e times,

    Ite lought.and will

    1 liElie



    American consular prison and in irons, labor, without injustice to capitalists. w inch made up the Fortv-sevi-nt- h Con- - , Dr. Kings's Xew Discovery for Consump-tion,

    abandoned that name as too restrictive for alwavs' a si urdy advocate of the pi ineiples andWe could other facts without coughs and colds, is "sold on a posi-

    tivea medicine which, from its wonderful com-bination

    measures oi the llepuhUcan party.Thev were transferred to an American give many gress. Further than this he was elected Example has more followers than rea-son.

    of tonic, or strenj-thenin- alterative,vessel and landed at Fort Warren, off j reference to Hon. J. I. Taylor's success to these six weeks, and to the Forty-eight- h We unconsciously imitate what guarantee. Trial bottles free at or g, anti-bilio- pectoral, andPatterson & Sons' drag store. 1. nutritive proiK-rties- , is unequfcled. not onlyBoston. After soma months Myers was I as a representative in Congress, but Congress at the same time, so pleases us, and insensibly approximate as a reraedv for Consumption, but for ailexchanged for an officer of equal rank. ! have not, in this issue, time or space. that the three elections element entirely to the characters we most admire. In Chronic Diseases of theand Secretary Stanton gave TunstaU the But these should suffice should be suf-

    ficientdisappear. this way a generous habit of thought 6i J feet lift toying Liver. Blood, and Lungs. The Material Interests of Belmont Countyto secure his renomination andoption of remaining i" prison during the and of action carries with it an incalcu-


    war or leaving the country. He chose reelection without opposition. BUYING VOTES WITH PENSIONS. influence. ForofWeak




    Catarrh,Blood, Short-

    ness Bron-chitis,

    will receive careful attention, and every means available used to make TIIE CMUOXICIJ5the latter, and until the fail of the Con-federacy

    But few. if any Congressmen, during Cleveland Leader. Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred a li.seiiJ and interesting newsia!cr.remained in Europe. Mr. Tun-

    staUthe brief term few years Col. J. D. If speak ill of thee, flee home to affections, it is an elticiont remedy.Total Disability Black, the Democrat-


    any Sold hv Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Bottlesis an accomplished and scholarly Taylor has represented the eople. have thv own conscience and examine thy for $5-0- SUBSCRIPTIONS $2.00.boss of the Pension Bureau, was giv-

    encents in for Dr. Pierce'sSend ten stampsman. introduced more bibs or secured their heart; if thou be guilty, it is a fair in-

    struction.adoption as laws. During the session a shaking up iu the House on Friday Make use of both; so thatbook on Consumption. Address,

    SELDOM WHAT THEY SEEM. of theForty-eigtht- h Congress, thirteen by Mr. Henderson, of Iowa, and it is thou distil honey out of gall, and out of World's Dispensary

    Kedical Isssciatioa,hills intiTMliifwl hv him hpesinip create secret friend. 6C3 KSain S--

    -, BUFFALO, N..probable that he will be made the sub-ject

    an op.cn enemy aTais is a sort of topsy-turv- y world. I n,,nt natjonai jaws". For soldiers he iiasXo one seems to be satisfied. One man secured hundreds of individual pensions of considerable discussion during Slander is a poison which extinguish TO ADVERTISERSis struggling t get justice and another for residents of his own and other ... j - . . i. . i es ehp.ritv, both m the slanderer and in XDEHTAKIXG.

    Ohio districts, and has become soecia'.lv is uic evKieni internum oi i.:e i jeiuocrai- - the v.no.

    listens to it; so that a sin- - A1.KX. BARI.-KTT- . KHKPHERO HAVlS. We desire to sav that THE C11KOMC1 E is read by the be t (H?opleof Plmont County, and tliais nving from it. ' ic administration to convertthe Pension ... ..person

    . I . . .... ... t ol t. IrtHntfo aiiords unsiii passed facilities for reuciiing the ieople of the County.. ,i popular with that class of patriotic citi- - n a ... oni:' UrtlUii.tl v ilia luu.r ia..One man is ordered to eat eggs be-- , zens wh( a!most nanimonslv reKard 1,lureau into a political machine, tnrough j of sou!s, since it kills not only BARRETT & DAVIS, Rates ofAdvertising Furnished on Application.cause they are nutritious, and another is Hon. J. D. Tnvh.rn a nVf heart which the money appropriated for pen-- , pimiiat-- it. hot also thosecautioned to leave them alone because si..ns is to be distributed where it will do FUXKRAI. DIRECTORS,as well as brains.' who do not reject it.they produce bile. the most good. Democratic heelers are

    ANOTHER VIEW. to be rewarded, and attempts will be We liave in stork a full line ofBobinson takes a sherry to give him Bad company is like a nail driven in-toan apjetite, while who has a E. B. McXamee, Secretary of the Har-


    made to bribe Republican veterans to a post, which, after the first and sec-ond

    BE WISE!vote and work for the retention of the BOOTS AND SHOES DRESSED WITH THE JOB DEPARTMENT.wine cellar, can't touch a drop on ac-

    countCounty Republican Committee, in blow, may be drawu out with little Undertaking Goods,

    of his apoplectic tendencies. Democratic administration in power. difficulty: but being once driven up toa letter to the Cincinnati Cnmnieri-ia- l IVolff'sACMEBIackingPension certificates are being issued toThe prize fighter reforms and becomes the head, the pincers cannot take hold In A!i Styles and Prices.Gazelle, of the 24th ult., in reply to a who have never applied forthsm.poisonsa preacher, while the theological student to draw it out, but which can only be NEVER GET KARD AtiD STIFF, NEW MATERIAL!.and in sent to Dem-ocrats

    case they areWashington special iu the same every of the wood.his to become paper dene bv the destructionleaves university a pro-fessional

    who have done work for the par Alvrayfi look nemi. Equally good for No&yWocttn'a Good Hearses, Careful Drivers.baseball pitcher. says: or Child's Shoes. No blacking brash repaired, andty or to i epuoiieans wnose immence at be but the polwhioff is docoin threa minutes without lobar.One man keen a pistol to protect Xow as to the "record" f.u:ts of which T.ie Devil himself would ais sought to purchase ur. lieimerson WATER PROOF and warranted to prcserrehini3e'f against burglars, while his this correspondent wrii.es. Col. Joseph P(in,n..)t:b!e a(lvPrsarv werehe not su leather, and keeps it soft and durable. Immediate Attention to All Orders.ma-i- t.-u-s caarge on the noor or toe ,neighbor doesn't keep one for fear of D. Taylor was elected to and has serv-

    edHouse and sustained it by proof. o i .....'f corVes5.ondent,,,.;fK vimand: a party'.;. thatists. held Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, 0. The Chronicle Job Officeshooting some member of the house by as a member of the personage than ex . . . . . . Try it on your Harness.i v 4,i ii.. l.i v n ft ,.1)1 nnMor Comer Main and Fair Ground Sliest,mistake. Forty-eight- h and Fiftieth Con-

    gresses.. ii iee u;ovi uit: in a uic out, i.uwv-- WOLFF & RANDOLPH. FHiLACELFHIA.Morrison, of Illinois, was included in th Is beiug ifctted ititcauldron could never make it boil over,One rich man wears poor clothes be-

    causeIn the Forty-sevent- h Congress list of Black's beneficiaries, and he had ST. CI.AIRSVILLS, 0.

    he is rich and can do anything, he served out the unexpired term of the manhood to return the certificate, were therenot a fulness of water with I) RESS MAKlXtJ.Hon. J. T. deceased, in 1884 in it. New Presses,I'pdegrail. Types,fine clothes be-

    causewhile a poor man wears saying that he did not want a pension,the Seventeenth I have enciird a ItltlCSS MAKIN"(i NOTICE.he is poor and wants to create the District, as stated, was had never asked for one, and would not on East Main Street. .St. 'lairsvi!!e.impression that he is not. changed, and consisted of the counties accept one. Thousands of Democrats As s fit ely as God is good, so surely where I am p:eiarel to rut, lit an.l make dresses

    of Belmont, Guernsey, Xo'ole, Monroe there is no such thing as necessary evil t all kinds, ml in the latest stvles. A lilie:al Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. RULES,One man escapes all the diseases that have no doubt recei veil, these unsolicited share oi piitronace wheilrtl. Satis!rt'ry workflesh is heir to and is killed on the rail-road;

    and Washington, but it was not so cartiiientes and kept them. For bv the religious mind, sickness and guarantee.!. 4 li'-l- Miss HKI.I.K KK.KK. In pursuance of an order of the ProbateCourt ofand death not to be accounted I w.li oiler for sale at'strongly Democratic" as would seem pain are Behimnt county, Ohio, public BORDERS !When all the returns are in the rotten-nesshalfanother man through a aitction ongoes from the 'statements of this dispatch. evil-;- . Moral evils are of our own mak TXFAXT1LE SKiX DISEASES.of Black's administration of thewithout scratch and thendozen wars a In 15S1 Gov. Foster carried ing: and undoubtledlv the greater partthe counties Muiulny, Mrj 7th, 1SSS,of pension bureau is likely to be shown Our eldest ehild, now six of when ANDdies whooping cough. of this district b an aggregate majori-ty

    up. oi them mav be prevented. Deformities years ase, an EVERY OTHER ARTICLE REQUIRED IN AThe Democrats four years ago could not infant six months- - ehi wxs attacked with a virulent At 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, on the premises, theThe laborer with ten children keeps of 88, and again in 1SS7, it is believed of mind, as of body, will sometimes oc ilcseriited leal situate in thefind words to express their indignation malignant skin disease. All ordinary remedies following etate, ft 1 J ? 1 TV rout of debt on $10 a week, while many by an increased majority, although the cur. countv of 1'clmont and State of Oui.i, ,iat the management of the pension bu-reau

    faiiinir.we called onr family physieinn,who attempt the villa."1 of Pleasant drove, in said .'ountv. io.lWal withbank 1X)unmarriedan a exact figures are not at hand, as the re-- under Commissioner who ed to cure it: but il apiead with almost inerrdihle for the same at a stu lie in the renter of ftmnfim.nn prinnno ir.fiDudley,week can't get along without helping 1)(rt f the Secretary of State contain- - realivoiwu Tiierk is no happiness in the world rapidity, until the lower iwrtion of the little fel section 27. township 7. range 3. station 1; Ihcncenever did anything that was lorth 1. rods a.c.i s links to a staKc in the road, y 1 A Allhimself to the bank's funds ing the election statistics for that vear to adverse criticism, and no sooner dot equal to that of blessing others. Xot low 's erson, from the middle of the ha-- k down to thence imrlh sin,0 west 2 rods and 7 links to a JJJL&&jJAJljJ VW jlilQ VA11VVGood people die and bad people live. has not yet been distributed. At the only by giving money to the needy, help his knees, Wits one soli.! r:is!i ugly, paiufui, hloteli stake under the southwest corner of hay scdes:they get into power than their "reform'" ed, and msili. ions. Vi 1:kI rest at tiien-- e south 3.V west rods i a stake on the iitr-ne- rto t'ae'sick, food to the hungry, is this e no niht, lieThe man who is fat with health can't District Convention in 1S84 Mr. Taylor commissioner do section line; liience south .vi1, ea.t io isto what

    get employment, and the man who is was renominated, and, although makingproceeds just blessing compassed; we gain it as we peace by day. finally, we were atl ised to try the ii links to the place oi contiiiiii:;; :.-!- .they had charged, but could not prove, I'utieura Remedies. Tho effect was .simply marv roils. Old Customers and New Onesmaking money hand-over-fi- has to give a creditable light, was beaten by Gen. against Commissioner Dudley. Any give it. by sympathy, by affection, by elous, in liiree or lour eeKs a complete cure was Apnraiso.I at $300.

    uji business on account of ill health. Warner 216 votes, to explain which this seeing that which is best in our friends wrouKiiT, leaving tne little k now s pemin as w;i:it Tkiims iK Sai.k Deferred payments nottoevman or set of men who will use or at-tempt

    and healthy as tlrnu Ji lie had never lieen attacked. eeed two years and to lear interest from the da WILLwhich PLEASE BEAKthat IX 5IIXD- You will sometimes see a man plant-

    ingcorresiKmdent ingeniously adds that "the to use the money donated by the and shutting our

    eves to In my opinion your v:,tualile remedies saved Ins of s:ile, to Ik- - secured bv mortgage on the premises.district had given to Judge Hoadly at worst. :;nd bv taking joy in their good me. anil t.Miay lie is a strong, iieaiiliy clulil, r CHAi'l.r.S ,. Illl.l Ailiu'raround his f;r thetrees place shade; government to the defenders of the feiily well, no rejietition bavin" ever occurred. I of the estate of ChamlK-ilain-, dcc"d.Mary

    and, at the same time, yon will see an-other

    the previous election a majority of 500." I'nlon, for the purpose of buving votes, things, even whenour own portion is i;F;o. R. SMITH, We Do Superior Job Work,cutting down all the trees around The year of this Democratic majority, are not entitled to public trust or confi-


    scant and poor. Atfy-at-I-i- and Att'y, Aslil.md, ft.Reference: J. (i, Weist, druggist, Ashland, O.

    his hoiise because they produee too much 18S;!. was one of general Republican Le;;al xot ice.moisture. disaster, and to take the vote of that GRAINS OF GOLD. THorSAX I)S OF CHILDREN" Nellie A. Scott. whse pi.:ee ii residence is un And At Fair Prices.

    The diwtor tells Morrill that if he year as the llepublican standard of the WILL 1888 BE A YEAR OF WAR? Slander is the solace of malignity. known, will take not ire. that on t'.e Ttli il iy o:Are Iwirn into the world every day with some ecze-- April. IS.sk, (icor-i- W. Scclt filed bis petition iicounties is about as fair as it would bedoesn't quit work and take a rest he'll go Philadelphia Inquirer. own secrets if you have any. nialiius affection, such as milk crust, srall he:ul. the I'ourt of Comion 1'i- as oi Rtlinuut coimtvKeep your T. I'LAIKSVILLEto the enthusiasm in iimn'.e.r for Mcompare present tliio, lieing cans., 4791, praying a S pLUM.MER--into a decline, and then tells Blakely that Guernsey for a continuance of The present is the fifth of modern Xever morning wore to evening but scurf, or dandruff, sure to ilevel.--p into an agoniz-

    ingyorce from slid Nellie A. Scott on Uiegiound of will-fulif he does not abandon his sedentary county eczema, tiie iubiiig. burning and disfiguration absence fiirmor? than three years, and lhaiJoseph D. Taylor in with the times in which the aggregate of the fig-

    uressome heart did break. be ! afterand off somewhere and work Congress, of which make life a prolonged torture unless pr.ii. said cjiiise will tor hearing on an Mayposition go enthusiasm which prevailed in the coun-

    tyis 25, and there will be but five If utter affronting speeches, you erly treated. aaii, issn. f. ii. sEiHiwit t. ifiaruiu am Great Reduction!.on a farm he will die of torpidity of the you A warm bath with Culicuia Soap, an exipiisite 4 l!H!t Att'y fur i it If.

    sliver. in1802. the darkest year of the war, more years in which such a combination will have to hear them. Skin Iteautifjer. and a single anoiication of I'uti

    when another Guernsey statesman a is possible prior to the year 25i.'9. Prob-ably

    In a better year we will find our youngeura,Resolvent,

    tha ;re::tthe

    S!;iiiev IHood

    t'ure, witiiPurihcr.

    a littleis otteii

    t'utic.irasuf- LEJAL NOTICE. IX PRICE OFDemocrat was but few have ever heard of the old years and our old friends. eieiit to arrest the progiess of the disease, ami WORKS.The recent death of ex-Go- v. Hoffman, elected to Congress and displaced one of point to a speedy and cure. lohn W. flh.ver. resi'.ing at Xakomis, ilont- -prophecy, which runs as follows: Judge of people by their questions Hence, no mother who loves her children, who goiiierv countv, lliiuois, win lake ii'iii.-c- . FINE CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS.of Xew York, at Wiesbaden, was occa the strongest pillars of Lincoln's admin-

    istrationWhen the sum of the figures is twenty-f-

    ive,their takes pride in their beauty, purity and health, and the day of November. l.s7, John M. W.hMlhiirnrather than by answers. in Itestowiug them eiiild's inherit fiied his in'iitiou in error in the t'ourt oi Coii.monHon. John A. Bingham. uix.ii a greatestsioned by a single effort of politeness some warlike kingdom will draw An effort made for the happiness of ance, a skin without a olenusli, anil a hodv nour l'leas of Bel nt. lit connty, Ohio, in case iiuiultcr EVANS 8c CLOSE, One fm Fine Catiiiut P4vhis part. For he has suffer-


    In 1886, the limits of the distract hav-ing

    the sword. ished by pure blood, should fad to make trial of 4;Vf', against said John V. Clover and others, th.upon yearsbeen restored, Mr. Taylor was again others lifts us above ourselves. the Cuticura Remedies. object and prayer of which is to reverse the judg-mentfrom heart trouble. He had been But peaceful nations in peace shall To see what is right and not do it is of Miles li. ll.li t. a Justice of the I'cace ol Designers anil Dealers in Two Dollars!nominated and given what his friends thrive. said coimtv of remtercd on tiie leth dav Onlywarned against going up and down long then claimed he was entitled to, "another Students of modern history will read-


    want of courage or of principle. Soap,Sold everywhere.

    5.; Cuticura Resolvent,lrice. Ciitieiira.

    1. I'reparediMc. : Cuticura

    by the olOctol-er"-,

    and against1SS7.said

    infavorofplaiutilT in


    Johnfor the


    oi MARBLE AND GRANITEnights of stairs, long walks and undue chance for a third term."' At the Con-

    vention,recall how faithfully this prophecy One must study to know, know to un-

    derstand,roTTKii ukui: a i kkmicai.i o, Boston, Mass. $4:i.4.'( and costs. Siiid iu error will be for

    exertion of any kind. He was even to which was held in Steuben ville, has been fulfilled in the four previous understand to judge. pages,t"SendM illustrations,for " How

    andto Cure

    lnu testimonials.Skin Diseases,' hearing

    iiitii ilay of Mav,"said


    or sooi


    thereafterHe.:s on

    asth.the MONUMENTS ! One Dozen Card Photos $1,1.50 and 2.00,avoid putting on his own shoes. The he received the vote of everv delegate years to whieh it applied. All controversies that can never end business of the Court will nemiit

    he died lie in from Harrison county, although some of JOHN M. WOODBrKX, STATUARY, KEADSTCNES, aecurding to style and finUh.day was apparently good In 16'JS Russia, Denmark and Poland had better perhaps never begin. lia.nur. in cuor.health. He was with his wire and child them were warm friends of Col. ('. L. formed the coalition against Sweden Do not anticipate trouble, or worry0u by


    and Scalp preservedJledlcated


    beautified C. W. Carrol!. Atfy for ITtf. 4 .Vol TABLETS, Four Baudiiil livn Ton Tintyptx, 25c.in their sitting room at the hotel. His Poorman, of Belmont county, who was which inaugurated the war that ended about what never happen. Keepmay An immense stork of Firture Frames and Albumswife, who was dressed, desired to change then contesting the nomination with Mr. in the disastrous defeat of Charles XII. in the sunlight. & SON'S, Cemetery Curbing and Vaults. at liait the usiuil pi ice.her slippers for a pair of buttoned boots. Taylor. He was afterward generously p.VTTEHSOXat Pultowa. The 1789 will beever Constitutional Catarrh.year Plumirer's 1138 Main Vaand elected, Slander meets no regard from a noble St.. Wheeling. W.She called upon the child to assist her, snpjiorted and, until recent-ly,

    memorable on account of the breakingbut her husband anticipated the child, the Hepublicans of the district, at out of the French revolution. mind; only the base

    believe what the No single disease has entailed more suffering or Druggists and THE FIXKST DKSICNS IXand bent over to the task himself. least those of Harrison county, have The year 1708 witnessed the campaign base only utter. hastened the breaking up of the constitution than You win s veCATAR R HScarcely had he leaned over than he fell that at the close of" the term of Bonaparte in Egypt aad the forma-tion

    Heaven's gates are not so highly arch-ed

    Catarrh. The sense of smell, of biste, of sight, of MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK-upon the floor and was dead in a mo-ment.

    thus given him, he would voluntarily of the second European coalition as princes' palaces; they that enter andhearing,

    sometimethe human voice, the mind one or more, Booksellers, V'iil le FuraUhed I'atrnus. Momey,ail, yield to its destructive Influence.step down and out, honored and there must go upon their knees.respect-

    edagainst France. In 187'J war broke out The prison it distributes throughout the system Time,for faithful services- - like his prede-

    cessors,between England and Afghanistan, fol-lowed

    They asked Lnkman, the fabulist, atUt"ks every vital force, and makes up the most sr. vLArmrii.r.E, ohm.According to the retnrn3 of the Dem-


    a number of whom are still liv-ing

    by the invasion of the latter coun-try

    From "whom did you learn manners? He robust of constitutions. Ignored, because but lit WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK' Pain, V.election officials, Louisiana cast

    in the district, and who, as foremost by British troops. In what manner answered, From the unmannerly. tle understood, by most physicians. in:otently as- - Dealers in A

    twice as votes for the Democraticcitizens, have the unbounded confidence the prediction is to be verified in 1888 Xothing is rarer than a solitary lie;


    from it..jhave

    q.iA-sni- ci

    lit tie hone to lieliu.iiis,relieved

    uioscof it

    siMirrmj;this side Pure and Chemicals, Patent We furnish fcoiw mtrtt at rrmmnalJr rale and

    Troubleand Drugsmany respect of the people. remains yet to be seen, but the present for lies breed like Surinam toads; you of the grave. It is lime, then, that the iNipular invite orders lor ali parts ui tiie euuiilrv.To this treatment oi mis terriiiie disease remedies Willi AND WILL CI' BEcandidate for (Sovernor a week as higher plane of citizenship, nyago condition of Europe seems to promise cannot tell (tne but out come a hundred in the reach of all Passed into the hands at once

    she did for President Cleveland in 1&S4, having in mind the illustrious examples an abundant fulfilment of the prophecy. young ones. competent and triistulirthr. Tne new and hither-- Medicines, Paints, Oiis, W'e have at our olTiee C AT A Rof Bingham, of Harrison, and Danford, o untried method adopted bv lir. Saniord iu I hewhile the Republican vote is said to be He that fancies himself very enlight-ened

    i.iriMi,iii..ii..i ins i..!iii,tii lire lias won uic ucan India Inkof Photographic Designs, Drawings,Belmont, and the late Mr. Tpdegraff, approval of thousand. It Is instantaneous iii WINDOW CLASS,about equal to that cast in 1884. Gov. of Jefferson, and Mr. Albright, of Guern-sey,

    A MAN WITH CONSCIENCE. because he sees the deficiencies of relief in all head colds, snecziiill, sniifliing and Original PlatesiicEnery's instructions to his returning the Republicans of Harrison coun-ty

    New York Sun. others may be very ignorant, because he andmostobstructed



    clcailiigrapidly removes

    the he;ul.the LAMPS, Ely's Cream Balm. HAY-FEVE- R

    officers throughout the State, to it now desire to promote Mr. Taylor, Wife (to husband, in the grocery bu-siness)

    has not studied his own. sweetening tile breath, restoring tiie senses oi Of nil orU turned out liy us. :.! will furnish A partiele Is spplieil into each nostril and isFANCY GOODS, draw for new desius. tKstiinatesthat your parish returns a large Demo-cratic

    for whom thev have nothing but the John, I do wish you would join Iu the same degree that we overratesmell, taste

    tendeii.an.l hearing,

    y of theand


    towardsthe con-

    stitutional the lunipnislied,aiid orders prompt!) tilled. asiriregistered,

    enlde.60 eents.


    at dnutaists;free.

    li) wail,,

    majority," were obeyed to the let kindest feelings of respect, notwith- - the church, and become a Christian. ourselves, we shall underrate others; for lungs, liver and kidneys. AMI L'VAXS 3 In, 87 tLT ItKiw., JJSl.reeUHUh St., X. Y..

    ter. But they made it a little too unan- - standing the flea-bitin- g pn.nensitv oi Yon promised me you would. injustice allowed at home is not likely Sanford's Radical Cure consists of one bottle of& CLOSE,

    imous too lonk well. Xo party ever , ine of ,is friends and newspa perheln. Husband I know 1 did, Maria, and to be corrected abroad.theImproved

    RadicalInhaler,t lire, one




    oneand on. Toilet Articles. !.Vs7-t- ST. CI.A IRSVILLE, . 100 PER PKOF1T ami SAMPLES FRKK to nrft

    honestly polled twice a3 many votes for j cm. I will: but I've got to work off that stock Wouldst thou learn to die well? learn with treatise and ihris lioii, ;iiiil soM bv all drug-gistsCENT. rrti'Tit-tsf- for Settt' titiwit

    (overnor as for I resident in any Mate, Xo ingenious sophistry, or bald state-ments

    oi maple sugar nrsi. l in no hvpocnte. first to live well. Acknowledge thy ben-efits


    .Mass.1. I'..TI K.H iUl' & CilK.Mtl !,!. Co.. LIEBIG COMPANY'S for Httrio 'irw. knirk wk-i- . Vr(tt at muiwith an interval of jess than four lor trr!si. 1k. S itt, tH .nailvay. New "uk.years by Washington City crresiond-cnts- . by the return of other benefits, butbetween the elections. The Louisiana can altr or change the frozen fact "I f,f ess we have so many things to never revenge thy injuries. KIDNEY PAINS, EXTRACT SPOONER FAT. COLLARelection colossal fraud. OFwas a SCHOOL. BOOKS MEAT,that Col. J. D. Taylor, of Guernsey couh-t- v, learn at our schools that we don't hav? Xo is far preferable to bad,

    nomina'ed room to understand them," said Strii.-.- and Weaknesses, Cannot Col.e a Korsa. CTJ. r , . , . , ' was f..r Congress- in -ISM-- 'any a because we are more apt to catch the I'inest and Cheaoest itself to Hones Nack.ak winana au.iueu 10 a minuter ami lias lillle Boston girl, pathetically. Adjusts anypaper contiuoiis'v since then received vices of others than their virtues, as dis-

    easeHPt Relieved in one minute bv that marvel-mi- s ttjj two rrwj ot stucni.15.of prominent and influential memlters j the support of Republican voters at each is far more contagious than health. Antidote to Pain. lni!:tii!.:llon and STATIONERY MEAT FLAVORING STOCK Will do:d Kanws In plan.

    of the city as "old-timers,- '" but the types ; succeeding (Vnere.isional election "WhatV. more love y than a peaceful J i ',T--Weakness,T,K' the CiitM u,,! inti-l'r'i- I'lni-- f Jvs Gtnuint unL-t-s siamptd Jf'l n"'t '"lgot it "old terriers,"' and the editor had As to the candidacy of Mr. Hoilipgs-wort- grandmother?" a:ks a contemporary. "I that is , plaster. Especially"ly ndapt.il A SPECIALTY. Soups, Made Dishes and Sauces.to apologize. Her granddaughter. KE.Mt Harry getting desper-ate.

    i iitstantly relieve and siteetlilv cure K YOUR HAKNES9- -the Republicans of Harrison He left me in a terribly agitated Kidncv and Cterlue Pains nn. !!kncss. War- - Annual sales S,ijco,kio jars. MAX&f) F3H THEU.county would, as he would himself, OAi.. like a reptile crawling over state hist evening, and threatened to do druggists.

    riinu-i- l vastly21 cents:



    forall mber

    i ; or.pliisi.---s- .

    p sMge frf,At all

    of N. B. - Genuine only with !e of BaronYou will never hear the introductory scorn to present a candidate simply be-cause

    bright jrass, leaves a trail and a sting. something that he might regret all his I'trlTKK Ilyili AMlCllKMlfAl.t o., Boston, Mass. The 0:d Stand, 0;;pob!te Treasurer's Office, Liebitr's ATril,"taieiMMKi'iATKr,.

    house on NeedleworkLAmrstowork


    aphrase, I may say without vanity," but the county is entitled to the nom-

    inationlife." "Did he? Then it seems he has SIGNATURE IN BLUE INK oiiies. iSent any illstnn.s). (hmh! iwy ransome striking characteristic instance of by the usages of the district. T;ie increased saloon tax is closing a really made his mind to ask to A MONTH. No eapiui re.iilrei!. A isood laln-l- . tn made. Kyerythiiie Ii:rntshe.L lartieiitarT' ..,.. . up you eliams? toneike mnuev. Apply for territory j aenws Ine. Ail.lresH Artl.lie Xecdlvaurk Cu., IX Maysnitpr is sure to follow. jnpt fllOVp lieliovn , !: (fllir'lin.j.....,, Pfi,.,, gii-rt. iii.iii ill uiihmg: ..Iluw.'s iu maiTj- - him." alouce. U.S. Uiudeiliach Co. '.Newark, N.J. GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES. lo Iw Uad uf all storekeepers, sroecrs, dil'liti stint. New York i itr.