PPROUDISSUE YBHighlights - YBH of Passaic 2.1.13 .pdf · ally allow the kids to step up and take...

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A Message from Our Menahel Dear Parents,

This week, YBH was privileged to welcome the Bostoner Rebbe of Har Nof, shlita . After a beautiful show of Kavod Hatorah, with a Kabalas Panim of students awaiting the Rebbe outside YBH, the Rebbe inspired the talmidim and talmidos by speaking at four separate gatherings, to connect with the chil-dren of all ages.

At two of these gatherings, the elementary and middle school boys groups were treated to the Rebbe teaching them two nigunim (songs) that truly moved them spiritually. They learned the songs and sang along with the Rebbe, accompanied by our very own Rabbi Shabbos, the YBH boys music teacher.

I feel that one of the best ways to help children of all ages develop a love for yiddishkeit is through neginah. The difference between

neginah and music is that music can serve as entertainment. You can sit back and enjoy your ices at the same time. Neginah, however, is getting your neshama involved, tapping into the essence of one’s being.

The חתם סופר was ready to give away a fraction of his כח התורה to have a stronger connection to neginah, which he said lifts a per-son to greater heights in עבודת ה‘ . May we be זוכה to utilize this great gift that Hashem provides, helping us get closer to Him through the כח of a niggun and be inspired to grow in ! מחיל אל חיל , יראת שמים and תורה

Good Shabbos!

Rabbi Berel Leiner






Parshas Yisro

Hadlakas Neiros:4:56

Havdalah: 6:15 PM



Feb 1 2013


Dear Parents,

I hope a wonderful and restful vacation was en-joyed by all! It is great to see all of the beautiful children back at school looking refreshed and en-thusiastic as they jump into another semester of learning and productivity.

This week several teach-ers have introduced a fan-tastic new learning tool to their classrooms – the “Class Dojo,” who helps them learn to monitor their own behavior and learning choices, resulting not only in an even more engaging learning environ-ment, but teaches the children the critical life skill of self-awareness and self-monitoring.

The program is simple but highly effective and excit-ing for the children. Each child is assigned a little critter to represent his/herself and a classroom of critters is set up on the SmartBoard. The teacher designates “green” and “red” behaviors - those being the ones she wants encouraged or discour-aged in the classroom. Some “green” behaviors are staying on task, com-pleting assignments, and working cooperatively with peers. “Red” behav-iors include calling out, fighting with peers or in-terrupting others.

As the day progresses, with the touch of a finger the teacher can track their students’ progress. Some of the teachers quietly enter the behaviors and some actu-ally allow the kids to step up and take ownership on their own. It’s amazing to watch a first grader say “Oops, I called out” and

actually take ownership by tapping a “red” on their critter.

At the end of the week, the program can even cre-ate a report for the chil-dren and their parents of how well the week went. What powerful feedback – and all without any repri-mand or punitive meas-ures.

Just good old fashioned (or in this case, high tech!) chinuch!

At this time only a few classes have jumped aboard with the “Class Dojo,” but it’s clear in every classroom, that per-sonal growth, responsibil-ity and pride in achieve-ment are a part of the YBH plan!

Have a great Shabbos!

Mrs. Estee Hebel

Parnes Hayom

Learning was dedicated on the following days:

Thursday, 20 Shevat


In commemoration of the shloshim of

Chaya Hinda

bas Avrohom

Mrs. Irene Markowitz great-grandmother of

Hudi (4B), Shuie (3B) and Chaim (Pre1A-R)


sponsored by

Mr. and Mrs. Murray Markowitz





FEB. 15th










Mr. Levi & Mrs. Rivky Blumenfeld

Eli (6B) Racheli (3G) & Ahuva (K-D)

on the birth of a daughter , Alta Tzipora

Mordechai Rosenthal

(7B) & family on his Bar Mitzvah

Rabbi Ely & Mrs. Miriam

Bacon Temimah (5G) Noam

(4B) Dovid (2B) & Leora (K-D)

on the birth of a daughter


Mrs. Tzivia Gottesman

on the loss of her beloved father

Mr. Isaac Fishman Tzally (2B) &

Mindy (P1A-R)

Dr. Melissa Steinberg

on the loss of her

beloved father

Mr. Fred Shapiro

(YBH donor )

Dear Parents: Welcome back!

The Morahs and talmidos of YBH returned to school from mid-winter vacation refreshed and eager to resume their limudim.

At YBH, we pride ourselves on our experienced and dedicated Morahs who strive to perfect and incorporate new methods into their teachings.

On this note, the Morahs of grades three through eight were priveleged to partake in a hands on and stimulating Rashi work-shop presented by Mrs.Blimi Lampel, a master curriculum coordinator for elementary school grade levels.

Through an interactive work-shop, Mrs. Lampel emphasized the importance of teaching Rashi, skill by skill. She expanded on the key element of building on a solid foundation. She dem-onstrated clear objec-tives for each grade level and explored different techniques to ensure mastery of Rashi skills. Practical strategies of how to lay the groundwork in the younger grades were pre-sented so the girls will be fluent in recognizing the letters of Rashi and reciting the Rashi script inside the Chumash. She discussed the importance of familiarity and usage of Rashi vocabulary so that the students gain confidence with Rashi text. Mrs. Lampel also explained how this will allow the older girls to advance in analyzing its content and figuring out Rashi’s difficulty by questioning its text. The Morahs were introduced to the concept of “sugei Rashi”, pat-terns of which most of Rashi’s

questions comprise. The crucial aspect of integrating the Rashi back into its pasuk was also dis-cussed.

The Morahs received a handout of Chazara techniques and sam-ples of enrichment assignments for students who are advanced in this area.

It was a wonderful opportunity for the Morahs to gain insight and share ideas in this key area of our Limudei Kodesh curricu-lum. I look forward to sharing more samples of professional development workshops that our Morahs experience to en-hance the growth of your

daughters’ education.

May this presentation be an in-spiration and a resource for the Morahs to continue to teach and mold their talmidos for the re-mainder of the school year.

On another note, the annual Grandmother- Mother- Daughter brunch was a most memorable event for the grandmothers, mothers and daughters of YBH. On a personal note, it was especially beautiful for me this year to have my mother and mother in law attend as proud grandparents of my first grade daughter. Weeks of planning, practicing, preparations and

anticipation crystallized in a magnificent event that shines as one of the highlights of the year. The girls performed beautifully against a backdrop of breathtaking scenery. The theme

of“ והיה כעץ שתול על פלגי מים”

emerged through song and dance as well as a heartwarming slide show. Of course, a produc-tion of such magnitude would be impossible without the input of countless individuals who gave willingly of their time and tal-ents. Their contributions are greatly appreciated! A tremen-dous hakaras hatov is extended to the chairwomen:


who once again dedicated hours of their time to ensure the suc-cess of the event!!

May we continue to shep nachas from all the girls at YBH.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Mrs. Chana Frumet Stern

Mrs. Aisenman’s 4G:

I am very excited to be educating the girls of 4G. They are all working very hard learning math, new vocabulary and spelling words. We are being creative in our learning process, and each girl has started writing in her own journal. The purpose of this journal is to allow them to use their imaginations and write creatively about a topic of their choice. This past week they started working on a persuasive essay about why they should be president. (They were allowed to choose what they wanted to be president of – United States, a company, school, class, etc.) Stop by our classroom and see the girls’ autobiog-raphy poems. The girls also decorated t-shirts with their favor-ite place in New Jersey. Their creativity is amazing!

Morah Stern’s kitah vuv:

The 6th grade girls have learned the pesukim in Parshas Terumah in depth, which discusses the building of the mishkan and the keilim. They have become masters at note taking and have increased their confidence reciting rashis fluently with correct punctuation. In addition, they have advanced in their analytical thinking skills by figuring out Rashi’s difficulty with the text. Our “Ozer Millim B’rashi” bulletin board is filling up with “gems”. Key phrases that rashi uses are placed on the gems, increasing the girls’ rashi vocabulary. The girls are able to utilize and identify these words in the rashi, thus enabling them to understand the contents by working with a chavrusa or independently. The girls are also in the midst of designing a creative and beautiful scrapbook which brings the pesukim alive and allows them to use their artistic talents!

The girls of 6G are proud to say that they are “guards” in shmiras halashon. As part of the halacha curriculum, we are privileged to partake in a special program started by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. Each month we learn and discuss a different set of halachos .The girls receive points according to their achievements on the halacha assignments. For each set of points they accumulate, they go up in rank. Some girls can proudly say they have achieved the rank of “Officer”. Hopefully, next month the girls will move up to the rank of “Sergeant”. Congratulations to Temima Hirschman for wining the school-wide raffle last month!

Mrs. Cherkez’s 3G:

This week the girls have been reading a play called “Pushing Up the Sky.” Students learned about the structure of a play and demonstrated their understanding by working as partners and writing plays of their own. Their plays incorporated scene changes, stage directions and interesting dialogue that moved the plot forward. In math, they are completely immersed in mulitiplication. We are using flash cards, drills, music and even monsters to memorize multiplication facts! Way to go, 3G!


Pre1A-M showed so much love and kavod for Eretz Yisrael by putting on a beautiful Tu B’Shvat play in Ivrit. They made lovely costumes and scenery with pictures of the Shivat Haminim and trees, rain and sun. The yeladim observed that while it is cold in Passaic, New Jersey, people began planting in Eretz Yisrael on Tu B’Shvat. They longed for Mashiach to come so that we could keep all of the Eretz Yisrael mitzvahs. They sang a sweet grand finale song in their sweet voices: “Take me to Eretz Yisrael On Tu B’Shvat…. Put me on an El Al plane…. Whether there is sun or there’s rain Let me root, root, root for Eretz Yisrael

My roots lie deep in the land Let’s go to Eretz Yisrael Hand in hand…..”

A Peek Into Our Week: Morah Rosenberg’s kitah daled:

The girls are always learning new and exciting skills. They have become quite fluent in reading and writing י ‘‘רש s. They can break up new words from the פםוקים by finding and translating the , שרש

ראש מילה& מילה and putting it all together. They can even סוף translate an entire פסוק on their own! They enjoy learning new concepts and work hard to do well. We put on skits in Ivrit about in Alaska and Florida. What fun it was dressing (weather) מזג אבירfor hot and cold weather! We baked “map cookies” as we travel through ארץ ישראל in נביא, learning about all the נסים that happened to בני ישראל in each place.

Todah Rabba from Morah Perele’s ECD:

A very important part of the reading process in pre-school is set-ting aside time to read to the children. Library time in our pre-school is very special. We are fortunate to have parent volunteers come in on a weekly basis to be our librarians. The children feel very important sharing their favorite books from home. They also feel special when their parent comes to read these books to their class. A special bonus is when a grandparent comes to read. We thank all the parents and grandparents who have volunteered to do library time with their child’s class.

If you would still like to sign up, contact the class mother to see if there are any slots left for this year. Parents and teachers working together creates a wonderful atmosphere in the classroom and helps our children succeed.