ppt on retail by kiran kumar (1)

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What is Retailing ?

Retailing is a set of business activitiesthat adds value to the product sold to theconsumers for their personal and family use.

often people think of retailing only as saleof products in stores, but retailing also involves asale of services.


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:Evolution of Retailing

  The emergence of retailing in India now has more to do with the increasing

, -purchasing power of buyers especially post

, ,liberalization increase in product variety and,the increasing economies of scale with the aid of

 modern supply and distribution management. :solutions Activity Name a few existing retailers

, .in India who you feel are quite successful

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Types of Retailing

Investigatingsix differentsorts of shoppingenvironment

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Local shops such asnewsagents and small

grocery stores.They sell everyday 

items (called ‘loworder goods).

Their customers arelocal people from thenearby streets.

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CBD Comparison Store

They include book shops,shoe shops and chainstores like Woolworths.

Shops found in theC.B.D. ( CentralBusiness District )usually sell more

expensive high-order goods.

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Street Market

They sell vegetablesand other goods

(sometimes clothes)on some days of theweek.

They are often targetedat up-market 

customers e.g.organic farmers’markets.

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Out-of-town Superstore

These are very largebranches of a retailchain, usually foundat the edge of a cityin retail parks.

The largest stores are


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Retail Park 

Areas that have been set-aside at or near the edgeof towns and cities where out-of-town stores can

be grouped together. Sometimes large structures like Bluewater are

created, so many retailers can be housedtogether.

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Metro Stores The latest trend inretailing, these newscaled-down innercity supermarkets are

often attached topetrol garages,making shopping easyfor people at the sametime as they re-fuel

their cars. They also provide

services for peoplewho live withinwalking distance of 

the garage

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Technology in Retailing

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Technology in RetailingTechnology in Retailing

Financial and Accounting

Human Resource Management

Store Front Management

Purchasing & Inventory Management

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•Store Front & InformationManagement

•P-O-S (point of Sale); Processing

•Stock Balancing Report ; Real time and Batch

•Setting of MAX - MIN Inventory level

•Merchandise Ranking

•Compare and Analysis Cost , Profit ,Volume

•Outcome of Accounting data

•Network and Communication Support

•e-Purchasing ; Automatic StockReplenishment

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•Store Front & Information Management

•P-O-S (point of Sale);Accessories

Cash Register Cash Drawer 



Soft wareBarcodePrinter 

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•Technology & Inventory Management

•Reduce stock and Investment cost

•Reduce risk of stock out cost•Supply Chain Management ; SCM 

•Efficient Consumer Response ; ECR 

•Automatic Stock Replenishment ; ASR 

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Products to Consumer 

•Automatic Stock Replenishment ; ASR 


Logistic Business

Take careof 


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•Supply Chain Management ; SCM 

 The process that involved with procurement, purchasing ,

production , distribution , transportation , warehouse and inventory


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Retailing in India

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:Indian Retail Scenario At A Glance

  The contribution of retail industry to

India’s GDP is more than


.Indian retail

( )industry organized as well as unorganized

 spreads over more than 6 .million outlets Even though India has well over 6 million retail

,outlets of all sizes and styles the country

 sorely lacks anything that can resemble a retailing industry in the modern sense of the

.term It was only in the year 2000 that the global management consultancy AT Kearney put a figure to

 Indian retail Industry – . , .Rs 400 000 Retailing in.India is still thoroughly unorganized

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: :Few Indian Retailers

:A Few Indian Retailers R -eliance Pantaloons –The different formats of Pantaloons are Big Bazaar – The

-Discount Hypermarket Pantaloons The Family Store Central Mall – One point shopping Food Bazaar – &Food Grocery

 Super Market God Bazaar – specialty store RPG – The:different retail formats of RPG group are Spencer’s( )earlier known as Food World – Super Market Spencer’s

 Hypermarket Health and Glow Music World

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:Forces Governing Indian Retailing

:Forces Governing Indian Retailing Consumer Pull Rising income and greater purchasing power of the Indian

 customer and the tremendous growth of the middle class in- .the post liberalization era Growing urbanization leading.to a variety of customer needs Significant increase in the

 number of brands in the Indian market leading to a larger.option set for the Indian customer Media boom leading to

 an increased level of awareness levels and exposure to the.international trends and concepts Changing demographics propelling the growth of retail industry. 

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 Merchandise management

  Merchandise management attracts people with strong analytical,capabilities an ability to predict what

 merchandise will appeal to their target markets and a skill for negotiating with vendors as well

.as store management to get things done  Many retailers have broken

 merchandise management activities into two:different yet parallel career paths buying and

 merchandise plan

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Category management  Category management is aretailing concept in which the range of productssold by a retailer is broken down into discretegroups of similar or related products; these

groups are known as product categories(examples of grocery categories might be: tinnedfish, washing detergent, toothpastes).

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Store designThe primary objective of store design is to

implement retailer strategy. the design must be

consistent with reinforce the retailers strategy bymeeting the needs of target markets and building asustainable competitive advantage.


Ø Influence customers buying behavior

Ø Provide flexibility

Ø Meet legal requirementsØ Cost maintenance

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Store layout

Store layout is the term used to refer theinteriors and the allocation or the plan in which theproducts are displayed in the store .It is quite imperativefor the retailers to understand the customer and preparea customer friendly layout.

A customer friendly layout gives an impetusto the shopper to spend more time in the store henceincreasing the chances of shoppers buying moremerchandise

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 Customer service in retailØ  Retailers also can build a

 sustainable competitive advantage by

.offering excellent customer serviceØ Offering good service consistently isdifficult because customer service is provided by

retail employees, and humans less consistentthan machines.

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 Retail strategy  The term strategy is frequently

. ,used in retailing For example retailers talk

,about their merchandise strategy promotion, , ,strategy location strategy location strategy and.private brand strategy The term is used so

 commonly it appears that all retailing decisions, ,are strategic decisions but in truth retail

’strategy isn t just another expression for retailmanagement.

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Digital retail

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Digital retailing 

Integrating the physical world with digital technology(and vice-versa) is one of the most interesting andopportunity rich territories of our age, and where a lot of the most important work in our industry will be done over

the coming years.

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It is the customers one stop

shop with cutting edge

technology for the entire rangeof household electronics,

appliances, computers, gaming

and telecom products brought

to customers in ademystifying, enjoyable &

experiential ambience

supported by the highest

quality of service and value.



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:What is Digital Signage?

•  Digital signage refers to a variety of technologies.used to replace traditional retail signs Instead of static,print signs and billboards digital signage is composed of

 electronic signs dispersing content and messages in the, .most targeted interactive way

,Liquid crystal displays plasma display panels and-scrolling message boards are a few of the more common in- ,store devices used to project full motion video sound and


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How digital is being used in the retail environment?

Ø Attracting attention, engaging customers and activelydriving them into the store

ØProviding intelligent, real time interactive displays

ØDelivering context sensitive promotions and real time sales

and offers.ØEnhancing the shopping experience, including easier

browsing/fitting, enhancing peer and shop assistant review,

easy access to product reviews and details

ØCapturing customer demographic and behavior dataØProviding in store experiences