Ppt who znext engelstalig londen 9 december 2010 def.website

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Give sports back to the youth!

Heino van Groeningen

whoZnext in a nutshell

• whoZnext aims to encourage youth participation in sport

• whoZnext addresses 8-18 year olds

• whoZnext teams are active in local communities, in schools and in sports clubs

• whoZnext is financed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports, Coca Cola and the Johan Cruyff Foundation

• whoZnext employs whoZnext teams and a media campaign

Media campaign

Cinema commercial

<laten zien>

Why a media campaign?

• To encourage youngsters to become active

• To communicate a positive view of youth participation:

- it’s socially-minded- it’s good for your c.v.- it’s fun

• Young people like taking part in activities that the media focus on

Important publicity activities

• Cinema commercials

• School posters

• Posters in discotheques, sports canteens, etc.

• Playground tour and action games

• whoznext.nl

• Newspapers for sport and voluntary work

• Youth magazines

• (Regional) radio and TV

• Sports federation and sports council magazines

• Hoardings

• etc.

Main outlets

whoZnext teams

Basic facts whoZnext team

• Group of youngsters plus adults as coaches or advisors

• Active at regional and national levels(community, clubs, schools)

• WhoZnext teams organise (promotional) activities

• Plan their own campaign strategy

Organises together with her team the opening of a fitness centre at school

Organises together with his teama cage soccertournament for youth in his city

Do research to find out if their sports club is youth-oriented

whoZnext & Cruyff Foundation

In association with the Johan Cruyff Foundation, we encourage physically or mentally challenged youngsters to become active in whoZnextteams.

How does NISB support whoZnext teams?

Training for leaders and whoZnext teams


Tools, scripts and helpdesk

We also hope to offer whoZnext teams:

• Financial support from business partners (Coca Cola, Leerlingen.com)

• Access to funds (JCF, VSB-fonds, Stichting Doen)

• Various sports federation initiatives (the federations are very interested)

Conditions that have to be in place locally:

• A suitably qualified coach• An activity budget of at least EUR 500 for the

whoZnext team• Outfit for members of the whoZnext team

(EUR 50 each)• EUR 500 for the whoZnext training• In terms of prolonging activities, adequate support for and embedment of the whoZnext team

Factors for success

whoZnext team & school

• Credits as incentive• Active in and outside

school• Mixed groups• Obvious learning gain

• The whoZnext team is wound up at the end of the school year

• Little hope of external funding

whoZnext team & clubs

• Activity budget as incentive

• Clubs usually positive• Sport for All incentives


• The step towards street sports is a big one

• Involving immigrant youngsters is not easy

whoZnext team & the street

• Taking groups and contacts already in place as starting point

• WhoZnext methods are closely linked to what community sports workers are used to

• Mixed composition

• Continuity is a concern (few external incentives)

• Approaching clubs and schools is not easy

State of affairs

• The campaign’s image is seen as ‘very

successful’: people are becoming involved and want to join up

• 400 whoZnext teams are presently active and numbers are rising

• Youngsters are making frequent visits to the website

• We have a fruitful year of whoZnext team activities behind us

• Provincial sports councils, sports federations and training courses on sports and physical activity want to remain involved with whoZnext

• The low-threshold training (simulation game) is rated highly by coaches, supervisors and leaders and youngsters

• More and more European countries have shown interest. Let’s go Europe!


• The overall theme for 2011 is to transfer knowledge to intermediaries, i.e.through expert meetings, train the trainer courses

• More support for teams by giving them tools for self-promotion

• Keep products at the ready

• whoZnext goes Europe (training keyplayers 2011)

5 reasons for getting involved...

1. Youngsters enjoy organising sports themselves, and you know at once that you

are addressing their needs and wishes

2. WhoZnext is actively engaged in the media and has a positive image from which organisations can benefit

3. WhoZnext has developed various youth participation tools that a coach needs to

have on board

4. WhoZnext builds bridges between the community, schools and sports clubs

5. Youngsters have a right to be actively involved in the organisation of their




WhoZnext is a project of the Netherlands Institute of Sports and Physical Activity (NISB)

NISB is the national centre of expertise and innovation for sports and physical activity with the tasks advising, assisting, informing and quality improvement.

Netherlands Institute of Sports and Physical ActivityHorapark 4 Ede P 6710 BP Ede T (0031)318490900 F (0031) 318 - 490 955 E info@.nisb.nl W www.nisb.nl

Give sports back to the youth!

Heino van Groeningen