PR vs. Advertising vs. Marketing

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Advertising vs. PR vs. Marketing

PR is…» A managed process

» Mutually beneficial

» Relationships

» Various Publics





Special Interest

This matters because……

PR is all about targeting messages to publics and establishing connections

Journalism PR

VERY different animals.

Both write, interview people have excellent grammar skills BUT…



Objective observers Gather info to provide to greater public

Write for mass audiences Reach audiences through ONE channel

PR Professionals» Think strategically» Inform while changing attitudes or behavior

(facts still necessary!)

» Write for specific, special publics» Use a variety of communication channels

1. PR Professional interviews a CEO.

2. PR Professional writes a Press Release.

3. PR Professional sends the release to reporters and Journalists.

4. Journalists decide to run or not run the information.

5. Journalists may add, edit or delete pieces to fit a storyline.

6. Journalists may also trash the release.

7. PR Professional accomplishes goal, or revisits the goal to see if other tactics may work.


Red Bull: an Awesome Example of Integrated Marketing Communication

>> IMC

Name given to all types of planned messages used to build a brand: (brand meaning how an audience perceives a company, service or product)

Parts of IMC

• Advertising• Personal Selling

• Sales Promotion

• Packaging

•Publicity•Events and Sponsorship•PR•Direct Marketing•Customer Services

An IMC plan of attack will use

creativity, synergy,

integration and


Benefits to IMC?

• -• Improved relationships with all audiences• Increases brand trust• Fosters internal communications and

coordination among all departments• Cost effective

Technology changes communication everyday.

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CreditsAndrea Genevieve Michnik

Intro to PR

St. Edwards University- Spring 2011



All photos protected under Flickr Creative Commons