Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and HIV Drug Resistance · Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and HIV...

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Pre-ExposureProphylaxis (PrEP)

and HIV Drug Resistance

Training materials for healthcare workers

Training Modules

Module Training Topic Slide Number

I HIV and drug resistance 3

II Risk of drug resistance with PrEP 11

III Drug resistance testing among PrEP seroconverters 17

IV Dried blood spot collection steps with venipuncture 22

V Interpreting drug resistance test results 35

VI Counseling PrEP clients about drug resistance 49

Module I:HIV and Drug Resistance

How Do ARVs Work?

• When someone becomes infected with HIV, the virus begins to make copies of itself inside the body

• Antiretrovirals (ARVs) are drugs that stop the virus from making copies of itself

• A combination of 3 ARVs is usually needed to stop the virus from making copies

What Are Tenofovir And Truvada?

• Tenofovir (1 drug) or Truvada (tenofovir + emtricitabine = 2 drugs in one pill) are currently being used as PrEP medications

• Tenofovir and Truvada are also a part of the commonly used 3-drug ARV regimen to treat HIV

• Tenofovir and Truvada alone:

– effectively prevent HIV infection if used correctly

– are not effective at treating HIV; full 3-drug ARV regimen is required to treat

What Happens When HIV Mutates?

• Sometimes, the genetic material in the virus changes; these changes are called mutations

• The mutated virus begins to make more and more copies of itself inside the person’s body

• ARVs work best to treat what is called the “wild-type” (or non-mutated) virus

• Because ARVs are less effective at stopping mutated virus from making the copies of itself, the proportion of mutated virus grows, leading to treatment failure

– this is called “acquired drug resistance”

What Is HIV Drug Resistance?

What does this mean?

• The resistance will be to specific HIV drugs (not all types of ARVs)

• These specific drugs will not be able to stop all of the HIV viruses from making copies

• It often happens due to problems with adherence

• A different combination of 3 drugs may be needed to treat HIV

• If PrEP users develop resistance, they may have fewer choices of the ARV drugs that they can use for treatment (but they will still have options)

The ability of HIV to continue making copies of itself in the presence of ARVs is called HIV drug resistance

Acquired Drug Resistance: Impact of Adherence

• Before a person with HIV starts ARV therapy (ART), they may have mostly “wild” type virus

• Once they start ART, the amount of virus in their body decreases

• If the person does not take their ARVs regularly, the virus in their body can mutate and become resistant to some ARVs

• If the drug resistant virus continues to grow, the current ARV regimen will no longer be effective

*Figure from

Are There Other Ways To Get Drug Resistant Virus?

The person can get HIV from someone whose virus already mutated and became resistant to one or more ARVs. This is called “transmitted drug resistance.”

Why Is HIV Drug Resistance A Concern With PrEP?

• Tenofovir and Truvada that are used for PrEP are also used in the “first-line” ARV treatment regimen — that is providers’ first choice of ARV drugs for treating HIV (commonly two NRTIs and a NNRTI).

• If an HIV-positive client develops resistance to tenofovir or Truvada, the provider has to:

– find another first-line combination of ARVs that may be effective against the mutated virus OR

– switch to a second-line regimen (commonly 2 NRTIs and a ritonavir-boosted PI)

It is important to reassure clients with resistant virus that there are still treatment options

Module II:

Risk of Drug Resistance with PrEP

Drug Resistance Scenarios While On PrEP

• A person with HIV transmits

drug resistant virus to HIV-

negative partner who takes


• PrEP does not protect

against the resistant virus

• PrEP user becomes infected

with drug resistant HIV

• A person starts taking PrEP

during acute HIV infection

(before HIV test turns


• Keeps taking PrEP until

she/he gets a positive rapid

test result

• HIV becomes drug resistant

• HIV-negative person takes PrEP

• Becomes infected with HIV,

but keeps taking PrEP until she

gets a positive rapid test result

• HIV becomes drug resistant

Less likely scenario(if PrEP is taken correctly)

How Could Someone Take PrEP And Not Know They Were Infected?

1. By not getting tested for HIV, a PrEP user may not be aware that she/he has become infected

▪ This is why it is important for PrEP users to get tested at the frequency recommended by the program

2. If a person was recently infected, the HIV test might not have detected the infection because of the window period of the test

▪ This is why it is important for providers to assess for symptoms of acute HIV infection before providing PrEP

PrEP and Drug Resistance: Scenario

A client is taking Truvada as PrEP. Because she was very busy for the last few months, she had a hard time remembering to take PrEP regularly and became infected with HIV.

PrEP and Drug Resistance Scenario: Outcome #1

• She returns to the clinic for her routine HIV test within a month of her seroconversion. She learns right away that she is positive, so the PrEP provider informs her to stop using the PrEP medications.

• Because she stopped using the PrEP medication so quickly, the HIV virus did not become resistant to Truvada, as confirmed by her resistance test result.

• She is referred to the ART clinic and initiates first-line ARV treatment regimen, which includes Truvada.

PrEP and Drug Resistance Scenario: Outcome #2

• She misses her next clinic visit and continues taking Truvada as PrEP

inconsistently. She returns to the clinic for PrEP refill and an HIV test

approximately 6 months after her seroconversion. Her resistance

test results show high levels of resistance to Truvada.

• Because she continued using the PrEP medication after

seroconversion, the virus became resistant to Truvada.

• She is referred to the ART clinic and initiates 2nd line treatment

regimen, which doesn’t include Truvada.

Module III:

Drug Resistance Testing Among PrEP Seroconverters

Drug Resistance Testing Rationale

For the individual client and provider:

• Drug resistance test results will guide treatment options, including recommendations to initiate 2nd line regimen if needed

For the policy maker:

• Analyzing drug resistance test results across all PrEP users who become HIV infected will provide important information about:

– the effectiveness of the national PrEP program and whether additional client support may be needed for PrEP adherence and/or routine HIV testing

– whether the frequency of HIV testing is adequate to capture seroconversions as quickly as possible

– changes in overall rates of HIV drug resistance in the country

Drug Resistance Testing In PrEP Seroconverters

• Blood for a dried blood spot (DBS) sample will be collected using venipuncture

• Client’s demographic and adherence data will be collected using a brief data collection form

Drug Resistance Testing In PrEP Seroconverters

• Blood for DBS will be collected upon identification of seroconversion

• If blood is not collected on the day of seroconversion confirmation, clients should be asked to return as soon as possible to complete the procedure

• Results will be returned to the clinic as soon as possible (time will vary based on location)

Drug Resistance Testing In PrEP Seroconverters

• DBS sample collection will be done at the clinic

• Drug resistance testing will be done at a centralized laboratory

• The centralized laboratory will not have any identifying information about the client

– the sample and results will be tracked only by a barcode

• Results will be provided to the clinic that collected the sample in a form of the report listing identified mutations and affected drugs

Module IV:

Dried Blood Spot Collection with Venipuncture

Step 1: Obtain Informed Consent [if required by program]

• After confirming HIV infection with PrEP client, review consent for DBS collection.

• If consent is obtained, continue.

Step 2: Complete Data Collection Form

Complete the data collection form to record client’s demographic and adherence data.

Resistance Data Collection Form

Date of Specimen Collection (DD/MM/YYYY) _______________ Client ID/Barcode Sticker ________________________

Date of First Positive HIV Test (DD/MM/YYYY) _____________ Date of PrEP Initiation (DD/MM/YY) __________________

Sex Male ___________ Female ___________ Other _____________

Date of Birth: ____________________

Was the client adherent?

Yes, usually used medication as instructed

Somewhat adherent, used medication but not daily

No, mostly did not use medication as instructed

Please insert the completed form, along with the dried DBS card, in the envelope for shipment

Step 3: Affix Barcode Labels

Remove barcode labeled stickers and affix stickers to:

• Two DBS cards

• Data collection form

• Client’s medical file

• Blood collection tube

Step 4: Wash Hands And Put On Gloves

• The clinician will wash his/her hands with soap and water, and then put on well-fitting gloves

–non-sterile gloves are sufficient

Step 5: Apply Tourniquet And Wipe Puncture Site

• Apply a tourniquet 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) above the puncture site

• Wipe the puncture site with the alcohol wipe. Allow the site to air dry for 30 seconds

Step 6: Collect Blood

• Anchor the vein by placing a thumb BELOW the venipuncture site

• Guide the needle into the vein at a 30 degree angle and fill the connected EDTA blood collection tube

• Once done:– release tourniquet– withdraw needle– apply a gauze pad to site– apply Band-Aid as needed

Step 7: Invert The Tube

• Gently invert the blood collection tube gently 2 to 4 times to mix anti-coagulant (EDTA) additive with the blood

• Then open the stopper carefully

Step 8: Aspirate Blood

• Aspirate whole venous blood using a transfer pipette

–avoid air bubbles

• It takes 1 to 2 drops of blood per circle (or 50μL–100 μL)

Step 9: Transfer Blood To Two DBS Cards

• Transfer 1-2 drops of the blood to the center of each circle without touching the filter paper directly with the tip of the pipette

• Fully saturate the entire circle

• Complete all five circles on each of the two DBS cards

• Avoid touching and smearing the blood spots

Step 10: Drying DBS Cards

• Do not stack or allow DBS to touch other surfaces during the drying process

• Keep away from direct sunlight

• Dry DBS cards, with the blood facing up, on the drying rack at room temperature for a minimum of 3 hours (preferably overnight)

• The blood color on the DBS cards will change from bright red to dark red as it dries

Step 11: Packaging DBS Cards

• After the DBS cards dry, insert both into the sealable plastic bag with the desiccant pack(s) and humidity indicator

– up to 5 desiccant packs may be needed, depending on environmental conditions

• Avoid using bags that are too big as the cards will shuffle inside the bag

Step 12: Prepare For Shipment

• Place a label on the outside of the sealable plastic bag indicating bio-hazardous contents

• Put the sealable plastic bag and data collection form into a rip-resistant envelope and then into brown shipping envelop and seal for shipment.

• Mail the envelope as soon as possible, but within 3 days

Module V:

Interpreting Drug Resistance Test Results

Getting The Result Back From The Lab

• Drug resistance test results take on average 2 weeks, but the time it gets to the clinic may vary depending on setting

• By the time test results are available, the client may or may not have started ART

• Clinic staff will retrieve the result and confirm client identification using the barcode sticker

• The clinician or other trained staff will either:

– counsel the client on his/her results and their implications for future treatment

– forward the results to the client’s ART provider

What Does a Drug Resistance Test Measure?

A drug resistance test identifies presence of HIV mutations that have been linked to resistance to ARVs

Understanding Terminology: Codon, RT and PR

• Codon: a sequence of three building blocks (nucleotides) that corresponds with a specific amino acid. A “chain” of codons makes up viral genetic code

• Reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease (PR): viral enzymes, in which genetic code is analyzed in order to detect mutations that are known to result in drug resistance.

Understanding Terminology: Major vs. Minor Mutations

Major mutations:

• Commonly occur during virologic failure (when ART fails to adequately suppress a viral load)

• Located at structurally important parts of a viral protein

• Reduce susceptibility to one or more ARV

Minor mutations:

• Commonly occur in untreated patients as natural variants

• Are rare or emerge later, after other drug-resistance mutations occurred

• Have little or no effect on susceptibility to ARVs

Understanding How To Read Mutations

• Scientists use a letter

and number to describe

HIV’s genetic material

• The NUMBER shows

where the mutation


• The LETTER shows how

it changed. M184V -- a mutation in the reverse transcriptase (RT) gene that causes resistance to 3TC (lamivudine)

Why Is This Terminology Important?

• These letters and numbers will be on the client’s drug resistance report

• The mutation pattern will:

—let the healthcare workers know which drugs the client is resistant to

—help the ART provider to decide which drugs to prescribe to the client to treat his/her HIV infection

Can HIV Have More Than One Mutation?

HIV can be resistant to one

drug or multiple drugs

How To Interpret HIV Drug Resistance Results

• The results will indicate which ARVs have reduced effectiveness

• Each HIV drug has its own resistance result, which can be:

What Do The Drug Resistance Results Mean?

SUSCEPTIBLEThere is no evidence of resistance to this




There is some evidence of resistance but it

may not have been validated or clinically




This ARV’s effectiveness is significantly


What Is In The Drug Resistance Report?

The Summary Data identifies the subtype.

This client is infected with SUBTYPE C HIV-1.

The percentage tells how closely the person’s virus

matches a known subtype.

What Is In The Drug Resistance Report (continued)?

• RT mutations affect resistance to drugs in the NRTI and NNRTI class (first-line ART)

• The report shows this client does not have RT-based drug resistance and can be treated with the first-line ARV regimen.

What Is In The Drug Resistance Report (continued)?

• Protease Inhibitors (PR) are usually part of the second-line ARV treatment regimen

• PR mutations may not be relevant as long as there are valid options for the first-line treatment regimens

• Knowing both, RT and PI mutations is important when making a decision if/when switching to a second-line ARV regimen is warranted

What If There Is Resistance Found?

The specific mutations causing the resistance

and what drugs are affected will be shown.

The comments may help the doctor who is

prescribing therapy to have more information

about the specific kind of resistance.

Only the client’s clinician can decide which ARVs the client should take

Module VI:

Counseling PrEP Clients About Drug Resistance

Client Counseling

• Maintain respectful attitude and show acceptance

• Avoid:–being judgmental–arguing, confronting, and pressuring

the client into action

• Employ good counseling skills, such as asking simple open-ended questions, using active listening, paraphrasing and reframing

Client Counseling (continued)

• Provide counseling on the outcome of client’s resistance test and explain:

—what test shows

—impact on treatment

—next steps

Tips for Resistance Counseling When Providing Results

• Resistance can be hard to understand. It is important to:

– assess client’s understanding

– encourage client to ask questions

• If a client’s test results show resistance, explain:

– there are different degrees of resistance

– resistance to a certain ARV does not automatically mean that one can no longer use it

– even when a certain ARV is not effective due to resistance, other treatment regimens exist

Additional Tips for Resistance Counseling

While on PrEP:

• Emphasize the importance of taking medication as instructed

• Explain importance of adherence in preventing resistance

• Build client’s skills for adherence to PrEP:

– identifying approaches to improve adherence

– discuss a realistic, doable plan

In case of seroconversion:

• Provide referrals and explain their importance

• Follow up on referral completion

Minimizing Risk of Resistance: Key Counseling Points

Avoid Getting HIV: Use PrEP consistently and correctly while at-risk of acquiring HIV. Resistance to ARV drugs cannot occur in a person who does not have HIV.

Attend Clinic Visits: HIV testing will be done quarterly. If testing shows that a person has become infected with HIV, PrEP should be stopped immediately to avoid developing drug resistance.



Minimizing Risk of Resistance: Key Counseling Points

Do Not Share PrEP: Sharing PrEP with other people, even with a partner, could be harmful. They could have HIV, and not know it. If a person with HIV use PrEP, this could cause resistance to ARV drugs.

PrEP works if you use it: The benefits of PrEP are greater than the risk of resistance. But minimizing the risk will help to limit the potential impact on HIV treatment.



What If I Need Help?

For help with DBS collection procedures, counseling messages, or interpreting the drug resistance outcome report, contact: (insert appropriate contact information here)