Presentation 02. You don't need to read very much history to discover that there is one thing...

Post on 20-Jan-2018

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You don't need to read very much history to discover that there is one thing which binds together people like William Wilberforce, Lord Shaftsbury, Hudson Taylor, Dr. Barnardo, Martin Luther King …. As they looked out on God's world they discovered different things which appalled them: the slave trade, the exploitation of children, the fate of the unevangelised, the plight of orphans, and racism. They surely all had a God-given vision of how things might be changed despite, in many instances, battling against profound difficulties and awesome opposition.



NehemiahPresentation 02

The Work Begins

Chapter 2v1-20

Presentation 02


Presentation 02

You don't need to read very much history to discover that there is one thing which binds together people like William Wilberforce, Lord Shaftsbury, Hudson Taylor, Dr. Barnardo, Martin Luther King …. As they looked out on God's world they discovered different things which appalled them: the slave trade, the exploitation of children, the fate of the unevangelised, the plight of orphans, and racism. They surely all had a God-given vision of how things might be changed despite, in many instances, battling against profound difficulties and awesome opposition.


Presentation 02

All became instruments for change! Each of these men could describe the burden resting on their heart, a burden that grew as they were gripped by a sense of God's love, compassion and justice. God enabled them to identify a need and equipped them to address that need. They were not dreamers but men of vision, burdened and equipped by God to work towards particular goals. Our world has need of such men and women. The church has need of such men and women. Nehemiah was such a man. A man passionately concerned for God's honour and for the success of God's work. It is one thing to have a dream, it is quite another to see that dream taking shape.

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Nehemiah was a valuable and trusted servant of Artaxerxes, ruler of the Persian empire - a powerful dictator in a totalitarian state. And several things were necessary to implement Nehemiah’s dream. First the king would need to overturn an earlier decree concerning Jerusalem cf. Ezra 4v21. Secondly, he would need to be persuaded to release Nehemiah from his service. The better you are at your job the more reluctant your employer is to let you go! Cf. v6 'when will you get back'. There were also practical considerations; travel visas to secure safe passage, building materials to begin the work of reconstruction in Jerusalem... How was Nehemiah going to broach the subject and how might the king react?

The Providence Of God

Presentation 02

We have before us a remarkable example of the providence of God. Nehemiah had expected to be the one to take the initiative. He was doubtless looking for the right moment to speak when the king provided the opening. He became aware of Nehemiah's troubled expression and asked what was wrong.

So often we are anxious about how we are going to raise important matters with other people, which concern the work of God and discover that the opening is providentially provided. If God is in something we can expect to see him at work.

The Providence Of God

The Providence Of God

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The king gave Nehemiah the opportunity to speak. However, Nehemiah was anxious about opening his mouth. Courage has been defined as being “not so much the absence of fear, as faithfulness in spite of it”. Human weakness and timidity do not matter if only we have faith in a strong and powerful God. Look carefully at v4-5, 'I prayed to the God of heaven and said to the king'. Prayer before speech that is the pattern! Nehemiah's request is made succinctly. He had doubtless rehearsed over and over again what he would say. This was not a rash or thoughtless request. Notice everything had been thought through.

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The king gave Nehemiah all that he needed v8-9. Indeed, Nehemiah was given more than he asked for. Prayer changes people as well as situations. There was no quibbling or arguing on the part of the king. Should we be surprised? Nehemiah knew that ‘the heart of the king was in the hand of God.’ Prov. 21v1. God holds the key that unlocks everyhuman heart to ensure that his purposesare advanced.

Nehemiah’s mission, was God's mission and therefore, God could be trusted to overcome every obstacle no matter how great. Do we view the work of God in this way? If it is God's work, then surely God can be trusted to remove every obstacle.

The Providence Of God

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Nehemiah clearly grasped that God was the source of the king’s goodness towards him. Cf. v8 'because the gracious hand of God was upon me the king granted my request.' In spite of his fear, Nehemiah was sure God would act. Alongside, natural human fears great confidence in God can co-exist.

Paul remarks on this paradox in 1 Cor. 2v3-4, 'I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling. And my speech was... in demonstration of the Spirit and power.'

There is a legitimate fear that drives us to cling to God in even greater dependence in the Lord's service. Fear did not dampen Nehemiah's vision or undermine his faith!

The Providence Of God

The Secret Survey

Presentation 02

Whenever, concern is expressed on the part of the people of God good to expand God’s work and honour his name, there will be opposition.

We find that opposition in v10 and v19. Opposition, which came from outside of the city, and discouragement from within it, helps explain Nehemiah's approach to his work in Jerusalem. Immediately, upon his arrival he did not hold a press conference. Instead, after three days rest which helped him recover from the exhaustion of the journey, Nehemiah made a secret survey of the condition of the walls in the dead of night.

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Nehemiah, had been called by God to do a specific work. It is often wise to inspect quietly the scene of ones future labours. Imagine the desolation of Nehemiah's heart as he examined the ruins. As we ask, “Why did Nehemiah begin his survey secretly at dead of night?” I want to suggest three reasons.

First, he surely wanted to approach the work with a healthy realism. He had to see for himself what he was up against. He wanted to be clear in his own mind exactly what had to be done. An objective assessment was necessary before any plans could be published. Even his companions are kept in the dark. Perhaps he thought that it was too early for them to rise to the demands of the situation?

The Secret Survey

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Secondly, it was important that he saw the situation and formulated his plan without being unduly influenced by those discouraged in the work. Imagine Nehemiah trailing a retinue of city elders around the walls with him and listening to them say, “There is no point, we have tried to build these walls in the past. The task is too great, the difficulties too daunting”.

Cold water would be poured upon his heart that could have dulled his vision. Nehemiah wisely protects himself from the spirit of discouragement which gripped the hearts of some of God's people. He didn't want his vision dismissed as a bright idea that would not work.

The Secret Survey

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Thirdly, Nehemiah's secret survey would also ensure that he did not tip the hand of the enemy. If they had wind of what was happening then their opposition would have made it much more difficult for Nehemiah to secure the support of the population of Jerusalem who would be required to help him in the work.

His approach ensured that the opposition would be given no time to marshal their arguments and thus sabotage the work before it began.

The Secret Survey

A Public Challenge

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Having made his survey, Nehemiah makes his plans public in v17ff... He had a clear idea of what he wanted to accomplish. We cannot serve God very effectively if we do not know what we are trying to do. We as a church need to be clear about what we see our objective to be, where we are going, what we are trying to accomplish.

Surely we in our day have to build up the walls of Jerusalem. God's name in not only being dishonoured in our land but in our national church. Is our task not also one of restoration?

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Nehemiah speaks to the people of the disgrace that was theirs v17... They had lost credibility in the eyes of the world. When godless people see churches half-filled on a Sunday morning and closed in Sunday evenings and falling into disrepair and being sold as furniture warehouses it sees no reason to take her message seriously.

When they see the church always pleading for a little extra money and too afraid to ask for sacrificial giving, changing its beliefs to accommodate the demands and fancies of each new generation, then they see no reason to take her message seriously. Is this not part of the church's disgrace in our day? Are we aware of this disgrace?

A Public Challenge

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Look at the basis of Nehemiah's exhortation. He shared his vision. He describes the providences of God which had made possible his return to Jerusalem. His confidence for the future was not based in the help of a foreign king, nor in his ability to stir the population of Jerusalem but upon the God who had made promises to his inmost soul.

Now we really need to give credit to the people of Jerusalem. They recognised that God had spoken to Nehemiah and to them. They were of one mind with him in the work. There were no objections, no reservations.

A Public Challenge

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Look at the people’s response, 'Let us rise up and build‘ v18. They are fired with a fresh enthusiasm for the work of God. If we do not see the Spirit of God as the author of that enthusiasm within their hearts then we are missing something very significant.

Nothing encourages the leadership of the church more than when the people of God say, 'Let us arise and build'. Does that spirit infect you? As we look at our church our nation are we dispirited? Do we see only danger and difficulty and hard work? Or do we see as Nehemiah did what God intends to do in and through us?

A Public Challenge

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There is of course opposition v19... We cannot expect to begin a new stage in God’s work without experiencing opposition. Whenever, the church begins to show signs of spiritual recovery she is more likely to experience criticism than encouragement. Satan's stratagem is to demoralise and embarrass. Sanballet, Tobiah, and Geshem were powerful and influential neighbours from outside of Jerusalem. They began by ridiculing the work of God. 'It will never work, you will never accomplish anything worthwhile, you are wasting your time'.

Do not underestimate the power of ridicule. There will always be opponents who sneer at any determined effort to advance the work of God.

A Public Challenge


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There is one fail-safe answer to this kind of contempt and it is given by Nehemiah in v20, 'The God of heaven will give us success'. This is the safest response to ridicule and opposition. God will vindicate his work!

If we are convinced, as Nehemiah was, that the hand of his God is upon us, then no matter how great the task, we can face it with supreme confidence. The God who burdens our hearts to pray and who creates a vision for his work, and the God, who works in the providential circumstances of our lives - dealing with all of the practical difficulties, can be trusted to prosper his work despite the fiercest of opposition.


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Nehemiah was not engaged in hopeful speculation but in the fulfilment of a God-given objective. Because of this he could continue the work with confidence. Do we have that confidence in the work to which God has called us? Do we share a God given vision for our church fellowship? If so we can say with the confidence of faith: 'The God of heaven will give us success'.