
Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Website analysis

Faith Howley

Purpose the purpose of this website is to inform about the product Range and promoting events and selling a desirable life style, relentless market themselves a music inspired product by making a connection with new and current music

Layout and Format and primary focus The layout of this website fits in with the alternative style of the brand and the layout is unconventional with the navigation bar down the side and other promotional events and features linked on the home page. However the link are displayed clearly with obvious order and bold white headings. Imagery has also been used attract and create interest for example using images of famous sponsors of the brand ( professor green) . The primary focus of the website is the 8 cans which have been displayed larger than the other features the show this is the main feature of the brand. there is links to social sites which makes the brand more accessible and means people can share the brand with friends connecting it to their social identity.

Navigation the main navigation bar is located on the left side of the site and has 8 sections linking the different pages of the website there's is a smaller horizontal navigation bar at the top with links to social media and the relevant products. There is sub content on the right side containing link to events and articles all of which are accompanied with images to interest the reader. The search bar in the right hand corner allows people to find content easily.

Content the content tries to relate to the audience by showing images and features relating to the common interest, of Music.

Target audience the target audience is young males between the ages of 13-19 who are interested in rap and urban music. inspired by high energy life styles and look up to people like Professor Green.

Regulation Although the internet is an unregulated medium relentless energy drink is a commercial brand it must advertise Fairley which is overseen by the advertising standard authority.

Style the design of the website is dark and alternative, creating intrigue. There are no bright colours used and the text is monochrome, so adding the moving image in the background adds interest on another layer.

Purpose the purpose is to inform about the brand and the events they have, Monster is a sports related brand and markets its self as an extreme energy drink. The website is a place to host this information and to display the ethos and character of the brand

Layout and Format and primary focus The website has a traditional layout with a clear and regimented order on the page. The sub content is displayed under different heading with the appropriate videos and pictures. The primary focus of the website is the extreme photos which have a clear heading intriguing the view to click on the article or video. There is also a small paragraph of text explain the content engaging the viewer so they feel more informed.

Navigation The horizontal navigation bar at the top of the page, has 7 sections clearly displayed which makes it simple for the viewer to find the content they want easily, high energy images are used as icons for articles engaging the view allowing them to click on the content that interests them.

Content the content is appropriate for the target audience and shows appropriate content and extreme images to interest the reader.

Target audience The target audience for monster energy is males aged 13-19 who are interested and partake in extreme sport and want a high energy lifestyle, like that advertised by monster.

Regulation Although the internet is an unregulated medium. This is a commercial site and monster is a company which is selling a product to the public therefore it must be regulated so all advertisement is fair and appropriate. ASA is the regulator in charge of this.

Style the design of the website is dark and grudgey, with element of the trademark lime green colour which creates a theme throughout the pages.

Purpose the purpose of this website is to inform about rockstar energy and its products the events it holds and its branding. Rockstar is associated with extreme sports so the website shows exciting pictures of extreme sports as well as containing information about upcoming events

Layout and Format and primary focus The layout of this website is clear and simple with limited content . The large white text used is clear and bold, making it obvious what the images are about, the large high action watersports picture is the primary focus of the site along with the ‘ Wakeskate Tour’ banner the format is basic and mainly image based, with relevent images the background for all the content shown.

Navigation the main navigation bar is located on the bottom of the site and covers the whole length of the page with two scroll arrows. Each image has a title as to what the content shows. There are large bigger content boxes on the right. On the top of the site there are some text buttons to the main articles of the site. Making it easy for people to find the content they are interested.

Content the content tries to relate to the audience by showing images that show things they are interested in, (extreme sports). And by marketing a high energy life style.

Target audience the target audience is young males between the ages of 13-19 who are interested in water sports, music and other extreme sports. The website appeals to these people as it has action shots of extreme sports it makes them feel they can achieve a high impact fast pace and exciting lifestyle by attending the events advertised.

Regulation Although the internet is an unregulated medium relentless energy drink is a commercial brand it must advertise Fairley which is overseen by the advertising standard authority.

Style The website has a display of high energy sport pictures with bright colours and yellow the signature colour is an element throughout.

The purpose of a energy drink brand creating a t-shirt is to advertise and market the product creating a specific audience for the product and a community as people can show their interest in the brand and the conventions associated with this brand, for example it could be assumed someone who wears a monster t-shirt is interested in motor sports.The layout of the t-shirts is simple with the logo in he centre with brand appropriate colours making it clear what the person is interred in, Making the logo the primary focus of the t-shirt.