Prez worldskills

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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Technologies for Professionals

MissionTo raise the profile and recognition of skilled people,

and show how important skills are in achieving

economic growth and personal success.

How technologies make professional skills more popular

StatisticService for Statistics

• Attractiveness of specific skills in differrent regions,

spheres and among employers

• Income level for different occupations

• Attractiveness of work skills in different countries

The service collects comprehensive analytics

of skills using open andanalytical data

of World Skills professional competences list

HRService for Applicants and Employers

World Skills has an extensive knowledge base of professionals

and career beginners

Service lets employers advertise their vacancies. First to receive

these job offers are professionals in World Skills base.

The service promotes either Worls Skills movement or work skills

by themselves, due to the fact that the participants get the best jobs

in the bestcompanies.

EducationService for work skills distance learning based

on World Skills knowledgebase. It is the system that

hosts online training courses, tests and group training.

Service will improve the quality of education

and career of World Skills movement participants

Services may also include elements

of a professional social network

for communication and experience

exchange between members

of the World Skills movement

AIS Podmoscowye

management and development of 150 websites for Moscow Region Government including and

professional competence in web-site building includig highloadedinformation systems

Skilled editorial office for internet issues

Licensed operator for telematics, tech audit and data transfer

Own server farm

Building effective internet communication in model Citizen to Government

Usable web and mobile interfaces, secure information systems

Program development and technical support

New technologies and business processes in internet project management

Design, infographics, project management

Сore competencies