PROB (PROBUS) (276-282)

Post on 31-Dec-2016

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Posrebren novac - Antoninijan

Kovnica: Siscia (Sisak)



Svetlana Pantelić

Udruženje banaka

pregledni naučni članak


Marko Aurelije Prob rođen je 232. godine u Sirmiumu. Zahvaljujući pokazanom junaštvu u mnogim borbama i sposobnosti rukovođenja vojskom proglašen je carem 276. godine. Vladao je šest godina sa uspehom i u ratnim sukobima i u miru, sprovodeći javne radove: gradnju kanala, mostova, hramova, isušivanje močvara, sadnju vinove loze, itd. Prob je tako prvi doneo vinovu lozu i u predele Fruške gore, u blizini Sirmiuma. Na jednom od takvih mirnodopskih poslova vojnici su ga ubili 282. godine. Kovao je i svoj novac i na njemu se mogu pročitati natpisi: „Semper Victorioso“ i „Restitutor Ilirici“ koji na najbolji način govore o Probovoj slavi kao vojskovođe i vladara.

Ključne reči: Marko Aurelije Prob, Sirmium, Senat, car Valerijan, car Aurelijan, car Tacit, Sarmati, Goti, Persija, Panonija, Galija, Mezija, vinova loza, Semper Victorioso, Restitutor Ilirici, kovani novac

JEL klasifikacija: B11, E42, N23

Rad primljen: 14.08.2012.

Odobren za štampu: 30.08.2012.

UDK 737.1(497.113)"01/02"




vo 4



Silver plated coin - Antoninianus

Mint: Siscia (Sisak)

Svetlana Pantelić

Association of Serbian


scientific review article


Marcus Aurelius Probus was born in 232 in Sirmium. Thanks to the bravery he demonstrated in numerous battles and his competence as a military commander, he was appointed Emperor in 276. He ruled for six years with success, both in war conflicts and in times of peace, focusing on public endeavours: construction of canals, bridges, temples, drainage of marshes, planting of vine, etc. Probus is thus the first person to have brought vine into the region of Fruška Gora, in the vicinity of his hometown Sirmium. During one such peacetime engagement, in 282, he was assassinated by the soldiers. Probus minted his own coins bearing the inscriptions of “Semper Victorioso” and “Restitutor Illirici”, which speaks volumes of his fame as a military commander and a ruler.

Key words: Marcus Aurelius Probus, Sirmium, Senate, Emperor Valerian, Emperor Aurelian, Emperor Tacitus, Sarmatians, Goths, Persia, Pannonia, Gaul, Moesia, vine, Semper Victorioso, Restitutor Ilirici, coins

JEL Classification: B11, E42, N23

Paper received: 14.08.2012

Approved for publishing: 30.08.2012

UDC 737.1(497.113)"01/02"

Marko Aurelije Prob (Marcus Aurelius Probus) rodio se 232. godine u Sirmiumu na seoskom imanju. Otac Maksimus ili

Dalmacije bio je vrtlar ili vojnik - njegovo ime i zanimanje ne znaju se pouzdano.

Oko 256. godine car Valerijan otkrio je vrline Proba i poverio mu prvo dužnost tribuna, a potom i rukovođenje nad tri, odnosno deset legija. Svoje junaštvo i sposobnost rukovođenja vojskom iskazao je u mnogim bitkama na svim meridijanima carstva, što je alegorično prikazano kao trijumf na četiri velike reke carstva: Rajni, Dunavu, Eufratu i Nilu. Ceneći njegove sposobnosti, car Aurelijan ga je stavio uz svoj tron. Smrt Aurelijana zatekla je Proba na dužnosti zapovednika vojske u Egiptu. Kada je umro car Tacit, koga je Senat izabrao kao prelazno rešenje, Prob se uključio u borbu za vlast. U kratkom građanskom ratu pobedio je znatno moćniju vojsku Florijana i Senat ga je proglasio carem, odajući mu velike počasti, što je doprinelo tome da bude slavljen poput najvećih antičkih heroja.

Njegovi savremenici bili su oduševljeni činjenicom da jedan čovek u tako kratkom periodu može da vodi toliki broj ratova na dalekim razmeđima carstva i da je većina pobeda bila pod njegovom neposrednom komandom. Obnovio je mir u svim provincijama, umirio opasnu granicu u Retiji, srušio sarmatske upade, Gote naterao na mir, pobedio brojne uzurpatore prestola, dok mu je persijski kralj sam ponudio mir.

Marcus Aurelius Probus was born in 232 on a farm in Sirmium. His father Maximus or Dalmatius was either a gardener or a soldier - his

exact name and occupation are not known for certain.Around 256 Emperor Valerian discovered the virtues of Probus and

entrusted him first with the duty of a tribune, and then with the command over three, and ten legions. His bravery and military skills were demonstrated in many battles that he fought on all meridians of the Empire, which is allegorically represented as the triumph on the four big rivers of the Empire: Rhine, Danube, Euphrates and Nile. Appreciating his ability, Emperor Aurelian kept him close to his throne. When the Emperor Aurelian died, Probus was on duty as the commanding officer of the army in Egypt. After the demise of Emperor Tacit, whom the Senate had elected as a transitory solution, Probus joined the fight for the throne. In a brief civil war, he defeated the considerably more powerful army of Florianus and the Senate proclaimed him Emperor, with large honours, which contributed to him being celebrated like the biggest heroes of the ancient times.

His contemporaries were amazed by the fact that in such a brief period a single man can lead so many wars at the distant parts of the Empire, most of the battles having been won under his direct command. He renewed the peace in all provinces, settled the precarious border in Raetia, put a stop to the Sarmatian attacks, forced the Goths to a truce, and defeated numerous usurpers of the throne, whereas the King of Persia himself offered the peace.

U miru Prob svoju veliku energiju usmerava na gradnju kanala, mostova, hramova

i isušivanje močvara i na tim aktivnostima zapošljava vojnike. Osim toga, u Panoniji, Galiji i Meziji sadio je vinovu lozu, ali i na Fruškoj Gori, blizu rodnog Sirmiuma. Na osnovu zabeleženih podataka Prob je označen kao prvi čovek koji je vinovu lozu doneo i u oblasti današne Srbije.

Na jednom takvom poslu vojnici, razdraženi zbog vrućine, vlažnog tla, iznureni i gladni, ubili su ga u kuli, pretpostavlja se u Sirmiumu, zarivši stotinu mačeva u njegovo telo.

In times of peace, Probus channelled his excessive energy into the construction

of canals, bridges, temples and drainage of marshes, on which activities he employed his soldiers. In addition, he had vine planted in Pannonia, Gaul and Moesia, but also at the mountain of Fruška Gora, in the vicinity of his hometown Sirmium. Based on the available records, Probus is considered the first man to have brought vine into the regions of today’s Serbia.

On one such occasion, the soldiers, irritated by the heat and humid soil, exhausted and hungry, assassinated Probus in a tower, presumably in Sirmium, having plunged a hundred daggers into his body.

Prob je kovao novac na kojem je prikazan sa kratkom kosom i bradom, lica bez bora. Na reversnoj legendi njegovog carskog novca nalazi se

natpis „Semper Victorioso“, epitet koji je stekao zahvaljujući svojoj hrabrosti i vojničkoj veštini. Kuje i novac sa natpisom „Obnovitelj Ilirije“ (Restitutor Ilirici) nakon uspešnih borbi protiv neprijatelja carstva.

Literatura / References

1. Jovanović, Aleksandar. Tlo Srbije zavičaj rimskih careva. Beograd: Princip Bonart Pres. 2006.

2. Lopandić, Duško. Purpur imperije - Rimski carevi sa prostora Srbije i Balkana. Beograd: Book & Marso. 2007.

3. Matović Dragana. Veliki ratnik Prob, Večernje novosti, 27.7.2009.

Probus minted coins bearing his image with short hair and beard, his face without wrinkles. The reverse of his

imperial coins bears the inscription “Semper Victorioso”, the epithet he deserved thanks to his courage and military skill. He also minted the coins with the inscription “Restitutor Illirici” after his successful battles against enemies of the Empire.