Problems due to overuse of energy Resources Unit III Part V.

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Problems due to overuse of energy ResourcesUnit IIIPart V

Problems due to overuse of energy Resources

• Some of the major problems which arise due to over exploitation of energy resources

• A) Extinction of resource: It has been predicted that many of the non renewable sources like crude oil, will completely deplete in the 35 to 40 years as they are limited and get centuries to replenish

• B) Pollution: Overuse of energy sources results in emission of Co2, So2, Nox, particulate matter which causes air pollution, and related problems like , acid rains, global warming.

Extinction of Resource


• Economic effects: As these resources will be depleted, cost will increase, which will seriously effect economy and the development of the nation.

• Need for the development of new technology:• The technology used for conventional resources will become

obsolete so new technology has to be developed using alternate fuels.

Economic Effects

Need for the development of new technology

Environmental Impact due to Mineral Extraction

Environmental Impact due to Mineral Extraction

• Mining and processing of minerals have considerable impact on land, water, air, and biological resources.

• Deforestation and degradation of Land: The top soil and vegetation are cleared from mining area to get access to the deposit. Such large scale deforestation and degradation leads to ecological imbalance. Mining activity can cause a considerable loss of land due to Chemical contamination, destruction of protective layer of soil. There may be considerable loss of wild life habitat. Huge quantity of debris may spoil the aesthetic value of the region

• Subsidence of land: It is associated with underground mining. The presence of Old, deep mines may cause the ground surface to subside, this may seriously damage buildings, roads, farmlands.

• Ground water contamination: Mining activity pollutes the ground water. Chemicals used in mining activity may pollute the water, some heavy metals leached into ground water and contaminate it.


Water Contamination

• Surface water pollution: The acid mine drainage waste contaminates nearby rivers, streams and lakes. Such acidic water is detrimental for aquatic life, plants and people who consumes contaminated water.

• Air Pollution: The suspended particles, sox, soot, arsenic, lead may be emitted in atmosphere which are dangerous for health

• Noise pollution: Blasting activity and transporting vehicles cause noise disturbance to local residents and wild life.

• Occupational Hazards: Most of miners suffer from various respiratory and skin diseases due to continuous exposure to SPM and toxic substances. They may suffer from silicosis, asbestosis.

Occupational Hazards


• Write a brief essays on the following topic• “Every source of energy has its limitation and problems”.


• What are the effects on environment due to extraction of mineral resources?

• Write explanatory notes on

Over-Exploitation of Energy Resources