PROCUREMENT PROGRAMS (P-1R) RESERVE ......The Procurement Programs – Reserve Components (P-1R)...

Post on 10-Feb-2021

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    Department of Defense BudgetFiscal Year 2021

    Feb 2020Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)




    The Procurement Programs – Reserve Components (P-1R) exhibit is a subset of the Procurement

    Programs exhibit. It reflects the Service Actuals/Estimates for those funds which will be used to

    procure equipment for the National Guard and Reserve Components for FY 2019 – FY 2021.

    Preparation of the P-1R cost the Department of Defense a total of approximately $38,000 in FY 2020.








    PAGE Component Summary Summary I Summary, National Guard Only - Funded in Active Appropriations II Summary, Reserve Only - Funded in Active Appropriations III Summary, National Guard and Reserve - Funded in the NG&RE Appropriation IV Army Aircraft Procurement A-1 Missile Procurement A-3 Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles A-4 Procurement of Ammunition A-6 Other Procurement A-9 NG&RE, Army Reserve D-1 NG&RE, Army National Guard D-1 Navy Aircraft Procurement N-1 Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps N-2 Other Procurement N-3 Procurement, Marine Corps N-4 NG&RE, Navy Reserve D-1 NG&RE, Marine Corps Reserve D-1 Air Force Aircraft Procurement F-1 Procurement of Ammunition F-3 Other Procurement F-4 NG&RE, Air Force Reserve D-1 NG&RE, Air Force National Guard D-1

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard and Reserve Equipment FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 FY 2020 Appropriation Base + OCO Base Enacted Emergency OCO Enacted Aircraft Procurement, Army 906,557 2,027,218 Missile Procurement, Army 85,772 60,095 Procurement of W&TCV, Army 367,154 419,603 Procurement of Ammunition, Army 151,579 188,290 Other Procurement, Army 983,771 871,135 NG&RE Army Reserve 180,000 205,000 NG&RE Army National Guard 421,000 395,000 Total Department of the Army 3,095,833 3,566,341 600,000 Aircraft Procurement, Navy 291,147 362,164 Procurement of Ammo, Navy & MC 559 598 Other Procurement, Navy 20,435 21,865 Procurement, Marine Corps 140,575 141,431 NG&RE Navy Reserve 65,000 100,000 NG&RE Marine Corps Reserve 13,000 Total Department of the Navy 530,716 526,058 100,000 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 248,295 275,607 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force 26,539 Other Procurement, Air Force 90,248 107,783 NG&RE Air Force Reserve 200,000 205,000 NG&RE Air National Guard 421,000 395,000 Total Department of the Air Force 986,082 383,390 600,000 Grand Total Department of Defense 4,612,631 4,475,789 1,300,000 Page I UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard and Reserve Equipment FY 2021 FY 2020 OCO for Total Enacted FY 2021 Direct War (Base+Emerg+ FY 2021 OCO for Base and Enduring Appropriation OCO) Base Requirements Costs Aircraft Procurement, Army 2,027,218 1,141,528 Missile Procurement, Army 60,095 23,317 Procurement of W&TCV, Army 419,603 202,751 Procurement of Ammunition, Army 188,290 174,413 Other Procurement, Army 871,135 1,250,422 NG&RE Army Reserve 205,000 NG&RE Army National Guard 395,000 Total Department of the Army 4,166,341 2,792,431 Aircraft Procurement, Navy 362,164 522,343 Procurement of Ammo, Navy & MC 598 615 Other Procurement, Navy 21,865 5,623 Procurement, Marine Corps 141,431 54,561 NG&RE Navy Reserve 100,000 NG&RE Marine Corps Reserve Total Department of the Navy 626,058 583,142 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 275,607 353,336 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force 107,783 125,530 NG&RE Air Force Reserve 205,000 NG&RE Air National Guard 395,000 Total Department of the Air Force 983,390 478,866 Grand Total Department of Defense 5,775,789 3,854,439 Page IA UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard and Reserve Equipment FY 2021 FY 2021 Total Total Appropriation OCO (Base + OCO) Aircraft Procurement, Army 1,141,528 Missile Procurement, Army 23,317 Procurement of W&TCV, Army 202,751 Procurement of Ammunition, Army 174,413 Other Procurement, Army 1,250,422 NG&RE Army Reserve NG&RE Army National Guard Total Department of the Army 2,792,431 Aircraft Procurement, Navy 522,343 Procurement of Ammo, Navy & MC 615 Other Procurement, Navy 5,623 Procurement, Marine Corps 54,561 NG&RE Navy Reserve NG&RE Marine Corps Reserve Total Department of the Navy 583,142 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 353,336 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force 125,530 NG&RE Air Force Reserve NG&RE Air National Guard Total Department of the Air Force 478,866 Grand Total Department of Defense 3,854,439 Page IB UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard Only, Funded in Active Appropriations FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 FY 2020 Appropriation Base + OCO Base Enacted Emergency OCO Enacted Aircraft Procurement, Army 870,459 2,013,467 Missile Procurement, Army 85,772 60,095 Procurement of W&TCV, Army 339,495 397,999 Procurement of Ammunition, Army 127,646 158,559 Other Procurement, Army 738,928 543,794 Total Department of the Army 2,162,300 3,173,914 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 197,361 218,352 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force 19,944 Other Procurement, Air Force 75,675 85,057 Total Department of the Air Force 292,980 303,409 Grand Total Department of Defense 2,455,280 3,477,323 Page II UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard Only, Funded in Active Appropriations FY 2021 FY 2020 OCO for Total Enacted FY 2021 Direct War (Base+Emerg+ FY 2021 OCO for Base and Enduring Appropriation OCO) Base Requirements Costs Aircraft Procurement, Army 2,013,467 1,130,768 Missile Procurement, Army 60,095 23,317 Procurement of W&TCV, Army 397,999 202,751 Procurement of Ammunition, Army 158,559 146,875 Other Procurement, Army 543,794 835,846 Total Department of the Army 3,173,914 2,339,557 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 218,352 265,275 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force 85,057 99,654 Total Department of the Air Force 303,409 364,929 Grand Total Department of Defense 3,477,323 2,704,486 Page IIA UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard Only, Funded in Active Appropriations FY 2021 FY 2021 Total Total Appropriation OCO (Base + OCO) Aircraft Procurement, Army 1,130,768 Missile Procurement, Army 23,317 Procurement of W&TCV, Army 202,751 Procurement of Ammunition, Army 146,875 Other Procurement, Army 835,846 Total Department of the Army 2,339,557 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 265,275 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force 99,654 Total Department of the Air Force 364,929 Grand Total Department of Defense 2,704,486 Page IIB UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for Reserve Only, Funded in Active Appropriations FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 FY 2020 Appropriation Base + OCO Base Enacted Emergency OCO Enacted Aircraft Procurement, Army 36,098 13,751 Procurement of W&TCV, Army 27,659 21,604 Procurement of Ammunition, Army 23,933 29,731 Other Procurement, Army 244,843 327,341 Total Department of the Army 332,533 392,427 Aircraft Procurement, Navy 291,147 362,164 Procurement of Ammo, Navy & MC 559 598 Other Procurement, Navy 20,435 21,865 Procurement, Marine Corps 140,575 141,431 Total Department of the Navy 452,716 526,058 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 50,934 57,255 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force 6,595 Other Procurement, Air Force 14,573 22,726 Total Department of the Air Force 72,102 79,981 Grand Total Department of Defense 857,351 998,466 Page III UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for Reserve Only, Funded in Active Appropriations FY 2021 FY 2020 OCO for Total Enacted FY 2021 Direct War (Base+Emerg+ FY 2021 OCO for Base and Enduring Appropriation OCO) Base Requirements Costs Aircraft Procurement, Army 13,751 10,760 Procurement of W&TCV, Army 21,604 Procurement of Ammunition, Army 29,731 27,538 Other Procurement, Army 327,341 414,576 Total Department of the Army 392,427 452,874 Aircraft Procurement, Navy 362,164 522,343 Procurement of Ammo, Navy & MC 598 615 Other Procurement, Navy 21,865 5,623 Procurement, Marine Corps 141,431 54,561 Total Department of the Navy 526,058 583,142 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 57,255 88,061 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force 22,726 25,876 Total Department of the Air Force 79,981 113,937 Grand Total Department of Defense 998,466 1,149,953 Page IIIA UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for Reserve Only, Funded in Active Appropriations FY 2021 FY 2021 Total Total Appropriation OCO (Base + OCO) Aircraft Procurement, Army 10,760 Procurement of W&TCV, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army 27,538 Other Procurement, Army 414,576 Total Department of the Army 452,874 Aircraft Procurement, Navy 522,343 Procurement of Ammo, Navy & MC 615 Other Procurement, Navy 5,623 Procurement, Marine Corps 54,561 Total Department of the Navy 583,142 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 88,061 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force 25,876 Total Department of the Air Force 113,937 Grand Total Department of Defense 1,149,953 Page IIIB UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard & Reserve, Funded in NG&RE FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 FY 2020 Appropriation Base + OCO Base Enacted Emergency OCO Enacted Army Reserve 180,000 205,000 Army National Guard 421,000 395,000 Total Department of the Army 601,000 600,000 Navy Reserve 65,000 100,000 Marine Corps Reserve 13,000 Total Department of the Navy 78,000 100,000 Air Force Reserve 200,000 205,000 Air National Guard 421,000 395,000 Total Department of the Air Force 621,000 600,000 Grand Total NG&RE 1,300,000 1,300,000 Page IV UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard & Reserve, Funded in NG&RE FY 2021 FY 2020 OCO for Total Enacted FY 2021 Direct War (Base+Emerg+ FY 2021 OCO for Base and Enduring Appropriation OCO) Base Requirements Costs Army Reserve 205,000 Army National Guard 395,000 Total Department of the Army 600,000 Navy Reserve 100,000 Marine Corps Reserve Total Department of the Navy 100,000 Air Force Reserve 205,000 Air National Guard 395,000 Total Department of the Air Force 600,000 Grand Total NG&RE 1,300,000 Page IVA UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Summary for National Guard & Reserve, Funded in NG&RE FY 2021 FY 2021 Total Total Appropriation OCO (Base + OCO) Army Reserve Army National Guard Total Department of the Army Navy Reserve Marine Corps Reserve Total Department of the Navy Air Force Reserve Air National Guard Total Department of the Air Force Grand Total NG&RE Page IVB UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2031A Aircraft Procurement, Army FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 FY 2020 S Base + OCO Base Enacted Emergency OCO Enacted e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 01: Aircraft RQ-11 (RAVEN) National Guard 6,480 U AH-64 Apache Block IIIA Reman National Guard 24 505,050 U UH-60 Blackhawk M Model (MYP) National Guard 28 614,640 66 1,272,574 U UH-60 Black Hawk L and V Models National Guard 10 82,299 23 155,747 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Aircraft 703,419 1,933,371 Budget Activity 02: Modification of Aircraft CH-47 Cargo Helicopter Mods (MYP) National Guard 1,744 4,203 U Utility/Cargo Airplane Mods National Guard 3,095 U Reserve 11,297 U Network And Mission Plan National Guard 33,748 4,944 U Reserve 10,851 504 U Comms, Nav Surveillance National Guard 57 64,693 45,725 U Reserve 7 8,396 11,432 U Aviation ASSURED PNT National Guard U Reserve U GATM Rollup National Guard 135 10,733 1,892 U Reserve 34 2,691 229 U Page A-1 UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2031A Aircraft Procurement, Army FY 2021 FY 2020 OCO for Total Enacted FY 2021 Direct War (Base+Emerg+ FY 2021 OCO for Base and Enduring S OCO) Base Requirements Costs e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 01: Aircraft RQ-11 (RAVEN) National Guard U AH-64 Apache Block IIIA Reman National Guard 24 505,050 24 461,974 U UH-60 Blackhawk M Model (MYP) National Guard 66 1,272,574 23 492,005 U UH-60 Black Hawk L and V Models National Guard 23 155,747 14 100,899 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Aircraft 1,933,371 1,054,878 Budget Activity 02: Modification of Aircraft CH-47 Cargo Helicopter Mods (MYP) National Guard 4,203 2,034 U Utility/Cargo Airplane Mods National Guard 3,095 3,471 U Reserve U Network And Mission Plan National Guard 4,944 1,872 U Reserve 504 192 U Comms, Nav Surveillance National Guard 45,725 32,384 U Reserve 11,432 4,048 U Aviation ASSURED PNT National Guard 21,066 U Reserve 2,633 U GATM Rollup National Guard 1,892 1,606 U Reserve 229 172 U Page A-1A UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2031A Aircraft Procurement, Army FY 2021 FY 2021 Total Total S OCO (Base + OCO) e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 01: Aircraft RQ-11 (RAVEN) National Guard U AH-64 Apache Block IIIA Reman National Guard 24 461,974 U UH-60 Blackhawk M Model (MYP) National Guard 23 492,005 U UH-60 Black Hawk L and V Models National Guard 14 100,899 U ---------- ---------- Total Aircraft 1,054,878 Budget Activity 02: Modification of Aircraft CH-47 Cargo Helicopter Mods (MYP) National Guard 2,034 U Utility/Cargo Airplane Mods National Guard 3,471 U Reserve U Network And Mission Plan National Guard 1,872 U Reserve 192 U Comms, Nav Surveillance National Guard 32,384 U Reserve 4,048 U Aviation ASSURED PNT National Guard 21,066 U Reserve 2,633 U GATM Rollup National Guard 1,606 U Reserve 172 U Page A-1B UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2031A Aircraft Procurement, Army FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 FY 2020 S Base + OCO Base Enacted Emergency OCO Enacted e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c RQ-7 UAV MODS National Guard 4,000 2,000 U UAS MODS National Guard 3,600 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Modification of Aircraft 151,753 74,024 Budget Activity 04: Support Equipment and Facilities Common Ground Equipment National Guard 17,946 1,985 U Reserve 1,227 166 U Aircrew Integrated Systems National Guard 2,240 10,360 U Reserve 672 U Air Traffic Control National Guard 22 28,336 5,892 U Reserve 1 1,636 748 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Support Equipment and Facilities 51,385 19,823 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Aircraft Procurement, Army 906,557 2,027,218 Page A-2 UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2031A Aircraft Procurement, Army FY 2021 FY 2020 OCO for Total Enacted FY 2021 Direct War (Base+Emerg+ FY 2021 OCO for Base and Enduring S OCO) Base Requirements Costs e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c RQ-7 UAV MODS National Guard 2,000 U UAS MODS National Guard U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Modification of Aircraft 74,024 69,478 Budget Activity 04: Support Equipment and Facilities Common Ground Equipment National Guard 1,985 6,252 U Reserve 166 3,110 U Aircrew Integrated Systems National Guard 10,360 U Reserve 672 U Air Traffic Control National Guard 5,892 7,205 U Reserve 748 605 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Support Equipment and Facilities 19,823 17,172 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Aircraft Procurement, Army 2,027,218 1,141,528 Page A-2A UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2031A Aircraft Procurement, Army FY 2021 FY 2021 Total Total S OCO (Base + OCO) e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c RQ-7 UAV MODS National Guard U UAS MODS National Guard U ---------- ---------- Total Modification of Aircraft 69,478 Budget Activity 04: Support Equipment and Facilities Common Ground Equipment National Guard 6,252 U Reserve 3,110 U Aircrew Integrated Systems National Guard U Reserve U Air Traffic Control National Guard 7,205 U Reserve 605 U ---------- ---------- Total Support Equipment and Facilities 17,172 ---------- ---------- Total Aircraft Procurement, Army 1,141,528 Page A-2B UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2032A Missile Procurement, Army FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 FY 2020 S Base + OCO Base Enacted Emergency OCO Enacted e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 02: Other Missiles MLRS Reduced Range Practice Rockets (RRPR) National Guard 660 6,249 894 8,261 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Other Missiles 6,249 8,261 Budget Activity 03: Modification of Missiles Stinger Mods National Guard 55,115 51,834 U AVENGER MODS National Guard 18,656 U ITAS/TOW Mods National Guard U MLRS Mods National Guard U HIMARS Modifications National Guard 5,752 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Modification of Missiles 79,523 51,834 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Missile Procurement, Army 85,772 60,095 Page A-3 UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2032A Missile Procurement, Army FY 2021 FY 2020 OCO for Total Enacted FY 2021 Direct War (Base+Emerg+ FY 2021 OCO for Base and Enduring S OCO) Base Requirements Costs e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 02: Other Missiles MLRS Reduced Range Practice Rockets (RRPR) National Guard 894 8,261 984 9,239 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Other Missiles 8,261 9,239 Budget Activity 03: Modification of Missiles Stinger Mods National Guard 51,834 U AVENGER MODS National Guard U ITAS/TOW Mods National Guard 2,500 U MLRS Mods National Guard 9,364 U HIMARS Modifications National Guard 2,214 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Modification of Missiles 51,834 14,078 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Missile Procurement, Army 60,095 23,317 Page A-3A UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2032A Missile Procurement, Army FY 2021 FY 2021 Total Total S OCO (Base + OCO) e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 02: Other Missiles MLRS Reduced Range Practice Rockets (RRPR) National Guard 984 9,239 U ---------- ---------- Total Other Missiles 9,239 Budget Activity 03: Modification of Missiles Stinger Mods National Guard U AVENGER MODS National Guard U ITAS/TOW Mods National Guard 2,500 U MLRS Mods National Guard 9,364 U HIMARS Modifications National Guard 2,214 U ---------- ---------- Total Modification of Missiles 14,078 ---------- ---------- Total Missile Procurement, Army 23,317 Page A-3B UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2033A Procurement of W&TCV, Army FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 FY 2020 S Base + OCO Base Enacted Emergency OCO Enacted e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 01: Tracked Combat Vehicles Bradley Program (MOD) National Guard 19,000 U M109 FOV Modifications National Guard 10,593 U Paladin Integrated Management (PIM) National Guard 19 162,502 22 232,651 U Assault Breacher Vehicle National Guard 7 31,203 U Joint Assault Bridge National Guard 9 56,902 30 137,011 U Reserve 1 4,567 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Tracked Combat Vehicles 280,200 374,229 Budget Activity 02: Weapons and Other Combat Vehicles MULTI-ROLE ANTI-ARMOR ANTI-PERSONNEL WEAPON S National Guard 2,707 396 U Reserve 712 U Precision Sniper Rifle National Guard 624 U COMPACT SEMI-AUTOMATIC SNIPER SYSTEM National Guard 13,699 2,373 U Reserve 189 70 U Carbine National Guard 10,847 14,255 U Reserve 20,084 16,076 U Handgun National Guard 12,296 U Reserve 5,082 U Page A-4 UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2033A Procurement of W&TCV, Army FY 2021 FY 2020 OCO for Total Enacted FY 2021 Direct War (Base+Emerg+ FY 2021 OCO for Base and Enduring S OCO) Base Requirements Costs e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 01: Tracked Combat Vehicles Bradley Program (MOD) National Guard U M109 FOV Modifications National Guard U Paladin Integrated Management (PIM) National Guard 22 232,651 15 137,898 U Assault Breacher Vehicle National Guard U Joint Assault Bridge National Guard 30 137,011 12 61,867 U Reserve 1 4,567 U ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Tracked Combat Vehicles 374,229 199,765 Budget Activity 02: Weapons and Other Combat Vehicles MULTI-ROLE ANTI-ARMOR ANTI-PERSONNEL WEAPON S National Guard 396 2,986 U Reserve U Precision Sniper Rifle National Guard 624 U COMPACT SEMI-AUTOMATIC SNIPER SYSTEM National Guard 2,373 U Reserve 70 U Carbine National Guard 14,255 U Reserve 16,076 U Handgun National Guard U Reserve U Page A-4A UNCLASSIFIED

  • UNCLASSIFIED Department of the Army FY 2021 President's Budget Exhibit P-1R FY 2021 President's Budget Total Obligational Authority Feb 2020 (Dollars in Thousands) Appropriation: 2033A Procurement of W&TCV, Army FY 2021 FY 2021 Total Total S OCO (Base + OCO) e Line Item Nomenclature Quantity Cost Quantity Cost c Budget Activity 01: Tracked Combat Vehicles Bradley Program (MOD) National Guard U M109 FOV Modifications National Guard U Paladin Integrated Management (PIM) National Guard 15 137,898 U Assault Breacher Vehi