Profile Perfect - Your Image, Your Brand

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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How online profiles define us to others and ourselves.


Profile Perfect Putting Your Best Face[book] Forward

Photo by: Tina Issa (Flickr)

Social media platforms play a significant role in how individuals are defined by others and


Photo by: Julie (BrandTwist)

“I share, therefore I am.” – Sherry Turkle

The new philosophy has become:

But the real question is, which profile picture will

get me more likes?

Photo from: Paul Floyd (Flickr)

When creating our digital personas, we choose to share the best parts of ourselves and our lives.

Photo by: Digital McGyver Photo by: Paige Baumgartner

Photo by: Paige Baumgartner

Photo by:

“We’ve always cherry picked what we share online, but more than ever, what

you see isn’t what you get.” – Bianca Bosker

Photo by: Shianux (Flickr)

Photo by: Christopher Aigner

Technology allows us to alter our image. Thus, pictures online may represent an individual inaccurately!

Many people think of their online identity as a distinct entity.

Photo by: Sabrina Espinol

Globe and Mail columnist tweeted:

Photo Retrieved from Twitter

However, everything you post online is a piece of the

puzzle that creates your image. Your online business

persona isn’t limited to LinkedIn.

Photo by: Yoel Ben-Avraham (Flickr)

“The bottom line is that today we can judge people without even meeting them. You may not have the opportunity to impress me in person because I have already formed my

opinion of you based on what I find online.” –C.E.O Krista Nehe

Photo by: Suspenseful (Tumblr)

What you post online cannot be erased, even if you click delete.

Photo by: Amar Toor

Photo by:Wesleyan University

“Think about what people are doing on Facebook today. They're building an image

and identity for themselves, which in a sense is their brand.” – Mark Zuckerberg

Photo by: BrandYourself

Photo by: Dale Spencer (flickr)

Photo by: The Zeus of Marketing

Social media platforms also

affect us psychologically.

They fulfill various social


Photo by: Erika Glasier (Flickr)

Like every debate, there are two sides.

Facebook can make us feel good about ourselves in a healthy way – Psychology Today

Facebooking has become “me-booking” leading to narcissism. - Christopher Carpenter

Photo by:Tim Biesbrouck

“Unlike a mirror,

which reminds us of

who we really are

and may have a

negative effect on

self-esteem if that

image doesn't

match with our idea,

Facebook can show

a positive version

of ourselves.”

– Jeffery Hancock

Photo by: SuretoShine (Flickr)

“Despite the name

'social networks,' much

user activity on

networking sites is self-

focused.”– Brittany Gentile UGA

doctoral candidate

Photo by: Edwin Vlems

No matter which side of the debate you’re on, there is no denying social

media impacts our self-image.

Photo by: Yummistyle

Some argue social media promotes narcissism…

Photo by: Reisha Baker

Others worry it damages

self-esteem Photo by: Leslie Goldman

We can focus on all the potential issues social media may cause…

…or find ways to better leverage the benefits it offers.

Photo by: Liran

Namely, we can leverage the branding tools literally at our fingertips!

Photo by: Jeff Schmitt

Social media allows you to create a digital self portrait.

How will you draw yourself?

Photo by: Stephen Wiltshire Photo by:


Photo by:

“The Flight From Conversation” The New York Times “New Selfie-Help Apps Are Airbrushing Us All Into Fake Instagram Perfection” Huffington Post “How does your online persona match with ‘real’ life?” The Globe and Mail “Personal Branding: Why You Need a Personal Brand Online” Launch Yourself “Social Media’s Dual-Edged Sword: Narcissism vs. Self-Esteem” Psychology Today “Is Facebook Good Or Bad For Your Self-Esteem?” Psychology Today