Project founded by eContentplus Programme Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia Provision of...

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Project founded by eContentplus Programme


Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia

Provision of interoperable datasets to open GI to EU communities

Provision of interoperable datasets to open GI to EU communities

TWG Trasportation




Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia

Provision of interoperable datasets to open GI to EU communities


Agenda 30/01/2008

• Presentation and discussion of document D3.4 TOC and template

• Check of the matching tables• Questions and problems

Provision of interoperable datasets to open GI to EU communities



• We will use the INSPIRE model for this theme• We need to analyse the DS we have, in comparison with the

INSPIRE MODEL• Because of this we have reorganised the goals of the

deliverables D3.X. more close to the INSPIRE model instead of developing a GIS4EU model

• We have subscribed the INSPIRE Testing Phase

Provision of interoperable datasets to open GI to EU communities


Document D3.4 TOC and template

D3.2-4 Common data model: <theme>• Introduction about adopting INSPIRE data model

– [GIS4EU/INSPIRE process overlapping (not developing GIS4EU model but adopting INSPIRE DM)] (responsible Stefania + Carmelo)

• Brief overview of the INSPIRE data model (Jordi+Gobe )– Description of the theme context (see D2.3 Inspire)– Description and overview of the INSPIRE DM

• Description of the methodology used to compare GIS4EU datasets with INSPIRE data model (Anna)

• Comparison of GIS4EU datasets with INSPIRE data model (Jordi+DP )– For each GIS4EU DS

• GIS4EU feature/attribute that fits on the model• GIS4EU feature/attribute that are not included in INSP DM• Critical analysis of the matching process at DS level

• Critical analysis of the matching process at theme level (Anna+Jordi+Stefania+Carmelo+TWG )

• GIS4EU <theme> common data model (Anna, Jordi+TWG )– [Subset of the INSP DM according to GIS4EU DS]– [reference to INSPIRE feature/attribute that are not present in the GIS4EU DS]

• Conclusion (Jordi,Anna+all other contributors )• A – Annex• A.1 – list of GIS4EU DS involved into the process• A.2 – Matching tables for each GIS4EU DS

Provision of interoperable datasets to open GI to EU communities


Check of the matching tables

• Matching tables received:– INSIEL– RPIE– RVEN– MAV– IGP– ICC

• Matching tables not received:– CGE– RLIG