Psychology is commonly defined as: a. The study of behavior b. The study of the mind c. The study of...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Psychology is commonly defined Psychology is commonly defined as:as:

a.a. The study of behaviorThe study of behavior

b.b. The study of the mindThe study of the mind

c.c. The study of behavior and mental The study of behavior and mental processesprocesses

d.d. The study of early childhoodThe study of early childhood

c. The study of behavior and mental c. The study of behavior and mental processesprocesses

Which of the following are the Which of the following are the goals of psychology?goals of psychology?

a.a. Describe, manipulate, control and Describe, manipulate, control and examine behaviorexamine behavior

b.b. Describe, explain, predict and change Describe, explain, predict and change behaviorbehavior

c.c. Predict, control, examine and change Predict, control, examine and change behaviorbehavior

d.d. Manipulate, control, explain and Manipulate, control, explain and change behaviorchange behavior

b. Describe, explain, predict and change b. Describe, explain, predict and change behaviorbehavior

Psychology often questions to what Psychology often questions to what extent we are controlled by biological extent we are controlled by biological and genetic factors or by the and genetic factors or by the environment and learning. This ongoing environment and learning. This ongoing debate is known as the _____.debate is known as the _____.a.a. Nature vs. Nurture controversyNature vs. Nurture controversy

b.b. Mind vs. Body DualismMind vs. Body Dualism

c.c. Interactionist positionInteractionist position

d.d. Biopsychosocial ModelBiopsychosocial Model

A. Nature-Nurture ControversyA. Nature-Nurture Controversy

Applied research is conducted to Applied research is conducted to study __________.

A)A) How people apply knowledge in an How people apply knowledge in an educational settingeducational setting

B)B) Theoretical questions that may or Theoretical questions that may or may not have real-world applicationsmay not have real-world applications

C)C) The goals of psychologyThe goals of psychology

D)D) A specific real-world problemA specific real-world problem

D. A specific real-world problemD. A specific real-world problem

The experimental group, in an The experimental group, in an experiment, is the group in experiment, is the group in which the participants _____.which the participants _____.

A.A. Do not receive the independent Do not receive the independent variablevariable

B.B. Receive the dependent variableReceive the dependent variable

C.C. Do not receive the DVDo not receive the DV

D.D. Receive the IVReceive the IV

D. Receive the IVD. Receive the IV

The total of all possible cases The total of all possible cases from which a sample is selected from which a sample is selected is called the called the __________.

a.a. subject poolsubject pool

b.b. populationpopulation

c.c. selection groupselection group

d.d. control groupcontrol group

B) populationB) population

The first step in the scientific The first step in the scientific method is _____.method is _____.

A.A. Forming a testable hypothesisForming a testable hypothesis

B.B. Developing a theoryDeveloping a theory

C.C. Reviewing the literature of existing Reviewing the literature of existing theoriestheories

D.D. Designing a studyDesigning a study

C. Reviewing the literature of existing C. Reviewing the literature of existing theoriestheories

The ______ variable is the The ______ variable is the variable that is measured.variable that is measured.

a.a. IndependentIndependent

b.b. InterveningIntervening

c.c. ControlledControlled

d.d. DependentDependent

D) DependentD) Dependent

The tendency of experimenters The tendency of experimenters to influence the results of their to influence the results of their experiment in an expected experiment in an expected direction is called ____.direction is called ____.A)A) Experimenter biasExperimenter bias

B)B) Control biasControl bias

C)C) Observational biasObservational bias

D)D) Experimental biasExperimental bias

A) Experimenter biasA) Experimenter bias

A hypothesis is derived from a A hypothesis is derived from a ______.______.

a.a. ideaidea

b.b. research paperresearch paper

c.c. brainstormingbrainstorming

d.d. theorytheory

D) theoryD) theory

A procedure to ensure that each A procedure to ensure that each individual has the same individual has the same probability as any other of being probability as any other of being in a given group is called a given group is called _____.

A.A. Random selectionRandom selection

B.B. Random assignmentRandom assignment

C.C. Representative selectionRepresentative selection

D.D. Representative assignmentRepresentative assignment

B. Random assignmentB. Random assignment

Cells within your body Cells within your body specialized for conducting specialized for conducting

information are called ____?information are called ____?a.a. DendritesDendrites

b.b. Neurons Neurons

c.c. AxonsAxons

d.d. NucleotidesNucleotides

b. Neuronsb. Neurons

The three major parts of a The three major parts of a neuron are ____.neuron are ____.

a.a. Glia, dendrites, and myelinGlia, dendrites, and myelin

b.b. Myelin, dendrites, and axon Myelin, dendrites, and axon

c.c. Dendrites, axon and cell bodyDendrites, axon and cell body

d.d. Axon, glia, and myelinAxon, glia, and myelin

c. Dendrites, axon and cell bodyc. Dendrites, axon and cell body

The ____ consists of all the The ____ consists of all the nerves that connect to sensory nerves that connect to sensory receptors and control skeletal receptors and control skeletal

musclesmusclesa.a. Parasympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system

b.b. Spinal cordSpinal cord

c.c. Somatic nervous system Somatic nervous system

d.d. Action potentialAction potential

c. Somatic nervous systemc. Somatic nervous system

___ provide structural, ___ provide structural, nutritional, and other support nutritional, and other support

for the neuron, as well as some for the neuron, as well as some communication functionscommunication functions

a.a. DendritesDendrites

b.b. AxonsAxons

c.c. Nurturing bodiesNurturing bodies

d.d. Glial cellsGlial cells

d. Glial cellsd. Glial cells

Chemical messengers that are Chemical messengers that are secreted into the synapse are secreted into the synapse are

called ____.called ____.

a.a. IonsIons

b.b. NeurotransmittersNeurotransmitters

c.c. NeurocommunicatorsNeurocommunicators

d.d. NeuromodulatorsNeuromodulators

b. Neurotransmittersb. Neurotransmitters

The synapse is the point where The synapse is the point where ____.____.

a.a. The soma attaches to the dendriteThe soma attaches to the dendrite

b.b. Neurotransmitters are manufacturedNeurotransmitters are manufactured

c.c. Information transfers from neuron to Information transfers from neuron to neuron neuron

d.d. The action potential beginsThe action potential begins

c. Information transfers from neuron to c. Information transfers from neuron to neuronneuron

If you are accidentally hit on the If you are accidentally hit on the head and you see flashes of head and you see flashes of light, most likely the blow light, most likely the blow activated cells in the ____.activated cells in the ____.

a.a. Frontal lobesFrontal lobes

b.b. Temporal lobesTemporal lobes

c.c. Occipital lobes Occipital lobes

d.d. Parietal lobesParietal lobes

c. Occipital lobesc. Occipital lobes

The frontal, parietal, occipital, The frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes make up the and temporal lobes make up the

________a.a. BrainBrain

b.b. Cerebral cortex Cerebral cortex

c.c. SubcortexSubcortex

d.d. Brain stemBrain stem

b. Cerebral cortexb. Cerebral cortex

The major divisions of the The major divisions of the central nervous system are ___.central nervous system are ___.

a.a. Sympathetic and parasympatheticSympathetic and parasympathetic

b.b. Somatic and autonomicSomatic and autonomic

c.c. Gray matter and white matterGray matter and white matter

d.d. Brain and spinal cord Brain and spinal cord

d. Brain and spinal cordd. Brain and spinal cord

The parasympathetic nervous The parasympathetic nervous system is dominant when a system is dominant when a

person is ___.person is ___.a.a. StressedStressed

b.b. RelaxedRelaxed

c.c. Frightened Frightened

d.d. AngryAngry

b. Relaxedb. Relaxed

The parasympathetic and The parasympathetic and sympathetic are the major sympathetic are the major

divisions of the ____ nervous divisions of the ____ nervous systemsystem

a.a. AutomaticAutomatic

b.b. SomaticSomatic

c.c. Central Central

d.d. AutonomicAutonomic

d. Autonomicd. Autonomic

The principle whereby an axon The principle whereby an axon either fires or does not fire an either fires or does not fire an action potential is called the action potential is called the

__________a.a. Sodium-potassium Sodium-potassium

b.b. Axon terminal Axon terminal

c.c. ShotgunShotgun

d.d. All-or-none lawAll-or-none law

d. All-or-none lawd. All-or-none law

Damage to the medulla can lead Damage to the medulla can lead to loss of loss of ____.

a.a. VisionVision

b.b. RespirationRespiration

c.c. HearingHearing

d.d. SmellSmell

b. Respirationb. Respiration

The cerebellum, the thalamus, The cerebellum, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus are all and the hypothalamus are all

____.____.a.a. Lower-level brain structures Lower-level brain structures

b.b. Cortical areasCortical areas

c.c. Brain stem areas Brain stem areas

d.d. Spinal cord areasSpinal cord areas

a. Lower-level brain structuresa. Lower-level brain structures

Split-brain research has Split-brain research has indicated that, in most people, indicated that, in most people, the left hemisphere is largely the left hemisphere is largely responsible for _____ abilitiesresponsible for _____ abilities

a.a. MusicalMusical

b.b. SpatialSpatial

c.c. ArtisticArtistic

d.d. LanguageLanguage

d. Languaged. Language

Neurons are the basic units in Neurons are the basic units in the _____.the _____.

a.a. Nervous system Nervous system

b.b. SynapsesSynapses

c.c. DendritesDendrites

d.d. BodyBody

a. Nervous systema. Nervous system

_____ is an organism’s _____ is an organism’s awareness of its own self and awareness of its own self and


a.a. AwarenessAwareness

b.b. ConsciousnessConsciousness

c.c. AlertnessAlertness

d.d. Central processingCentral processing

a. consciousnessa. consciousness

_____ processes are mental _____ processes are mental activities that require minimal activities that require minimal

attention, without affecting attention, without affecting other activities.other activities.

a.a. ControlledControlled

b.b. PeripheralPeripheral

c.c. ConsciousConscious

d.d. AutomaticAutomatic

d. Automaticd. Automatic

Biological rhythms that occur on Biological rhythms that occur on a 24-hour cycle are called _____.a 24-hour cycle are called _____.

a.a. Circadian rhythmsCircadian rhythms

b.b. SynchronismsSynchronisms

c.c. Diurnal circuitsDiurnal circuits

d.d. Noctural transmissionsNoctural transmissions

a. Circadian rhythmsa. Circadian rhythms

The _____ theory says that sleep The _____ theory says that sleep allows us to replenish what was allows us to replenish what was depleted during daytime depleted during daytime activities.activities.a.a. Repair/restorationRepair/restoration

b.b. Evolutionary/circadianEvolutionary/circadian

c.c. Supply/demandSupply/demand

d.d. Conservation of energyConservation of energy

a. repair/restorationa. repair/restoration

Insomnia occurs when you Insomnia occurs when you persistently _____.persistently _____.

a.a. Have difficulty staying awake Have difficulty staying awake

b.b. Go to sleep too earlyGo to sleep too early

c.c. Awake too earlyAwake too early

d.d. All of the aboveAll of the above

c. Awake too earlyc. Awake too early

_____ is a disease marked by _____ is a disease marked by sudden and irresistible onsets of sudden and irresistible onsets of

sleep during normal waking sleep during normal waking hours.hours.

a.a. DyssomniaDyssomnia

b.b. ParasomniaParasomnia

c.c. NarcolepsyNarcolepsy

d.d. Sleep apneaSleep apnea

c. Narcolepsyc. Narcolepsy

A chemical that blocks the A chemical that blocks the action of a neurotransmitter is action of a neurotransmitter is called a/an _____.called a/an _____.

a.a. Synaptic inhibitorSynaptic inhibitor

b.b. AntagonistAntagonist

c.c. AlternatorAlternator

d.d. Receptor-blockerReceptor-blocker

b. Antagonistb. Antagonist

A mental desire or craving to A mental desire or craving to achieve the effects produced by achieve the effects produced by

a drug is known as _____.a drug is known as _____.

a.a. Withdrawal effectsWithdrawal effects

b.b. DependencyDependency

c.c. Psychological dependencePsychological dependence

d.d. Physical dependencePhysical dependence

c. Psychological dependencec. Psychological dependence

Requiring larger and more Requiring larger and more frequent doses of a drug to frequent doses of a drug to produce a desired effect is produce a desired effect is

characteristic of _____.characteristic of _____.a.a. Withdrawal Withdrawal

b.b. ToleranceTolerance

c.c. Psychoactive dependencePsychoactive dependence

d.d. All of the aboveAll of the above

b. Toleranceb. Tolerance

Which of the following drugs is a Which of the following drugs is a central nervous system central nervous system


a.a. AmphetamineAmphetamine

b.b. AlcoholAlcohol

c.c. HeroinHeroin

d.d. BarbituratesBarbiturates

a. amphetaminea. amphetamine

Which of the following is NOT Which of the following is NOT classified as a hallucinogen?classified as a hallucinogen?

a.a. MescalineMescaline

b.b. PsilocybinPsilocybin

c.c. AmphetaminesAmphetamines


d. LSDd. LSD

_____ drugs produce sensory _____ drugs produce sensory distortions or perceptual distortions or perceptual


a.a. StimulantsStimulants

b.b. OpiatesOpiates

c.c. DepressantsDepressants

d.d. HallucinogensHallucinogens

d. Hallucinogens d. Hallucinogens

EEG is the abbreviation for EEG is the abbreviation for _____, which is used to record _____, which is used to record

brain waves.brain waves.

a.a. Electrical emissions graphElectrical emissions graph

b.b. ElectroencephalographElectroencephalograph

c.c. Electro-energy gramsElectro-energy grams

d.d. Even elephants get grumpyEven elephants get grumpy

b. Electroencephalographb. Electroencephalograph

Your breathing is regular, your Your breathing is regular, your heart rate and blood pressure heart rate and blood pressure are slowing, and you can be are slowing, and you can be awakened easily. It is most awakened easily. It is most likely that you are in _____.likely that you are in _____.

a.a. A hypnogogic transition between A hypnogogic transition between wakefulness and sleepwakefulness and sleep

b.b. A daydreaming stateA daydreaming state

c.c. Stage 1 sleepStage 1 sleep

d.d. Stage 2 sleepStage 2 sleep

c. Stage 1 sleepc. Stage 1 sleep

A relatively permanent change A relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of in behavior as a result of

practice or experience is the practice or experience is the definition of ___.definition of ___.

a.a. LearningLearning

b.b. ConditioningConditioning

c.c. Behavior modificationBehavior modification

d.d. ModelingModeling

a. Learninga. Learning

When your mouth waters at the When your mouth waters at the sight of a chocolate cake, it is sight of a chocolate cake, it is

an example of example of ____.

a.a. Operant conditioningOperant conditioning

b.b. Social learningSocial learning

c.c. Vicarious conditioningVicarious conditioning

d.d. Classical conditioningClassical conditioning

d. Classical conditioningd. Classical conditioning

Suppose a boy learns to fear Suppose a boy learns to fear bees by being stung when he bees by being stung when he

touches a bee. In this situation touches a bee. In this situation the unconditioned STIMULUS is the unconditioned STIMULUS is

the ____.the ____.a.a. BeeBee

b.b. Sting Sting

c.c. FearFear

d.d. CryingCrying

b. Stingb. Sting

Suppose a boy learns to fear Suppose a boy learns to fear bees by being stung when he bees by being stung when he

touches a bee. In this situation touches a bee. In this situation the unconditioned RESPONSE is the unconditioned RESPONSE is

the ____.the ____.a.a. BeeBee

b.b. Sting Sting

c.c. Fear Fear

d.d. CryingCrying

c. Fearc. Fear

Which of the following is the Which of the following is the proper sequence of events in proper sequence of events in

classical conditioning?classical conditioning?






Higher order conditioning occurs Higher order conditioning occurs when an____.when an____.

a.a. Previously neutral stimulus elicits a Previously neutral stimulus elicits a conditioned responseconditioned response

b.b. Neutral stimulus is paired with a previously Neutral stimulus is paired with a previously conditioned stimulusconditioned stimulus

c.c. Neutral stimulus is paired with Neutral stimulus is paired with unconditioned stimulus unconditioned stimulus

d.d. Unconditioned response is paired with a Unconditioned response is paired with a conditioned stimulusconditioned stimulus

b. Neutral stimulus is paired with a b. Neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned stimulusconditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, In classical conditioning, extinction occurs when the ____.extinction occurs when the ____.a.a. Conditioned stimulus is no longer paired Conditioned stimulus is no longer paired

with the unconditioned responsewith the unconditioned responseb.b. Conditioned response is no longer paired Conditioned response is no longer paired

with the unconditioned stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus c.c. Conditioned response is no longer paired Conditioned response is no longer paired

with the unconditioned stimuluswith the unconditioned stimulusd.d. Unconditioned stimulus is ambiguousUnconditioned stimulus is ambiguous

b. Conditioned response is no longer paired b. Conditioned response is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimuluswith the unconditioned stimulus

Anything that causes an Anything that causes an increase in a response is a ___.increase in a response is a ___.

a.a. Conditioned stimulusConditioned stimulus

b.b. ReinforcementReinforcement

c.c. PunishmentPunishment

d.d. Unconditioned stimulusUnconditioned stimulus

b. Reinforcementb. Reinforcement

Anything that causes a decrease Anything that causes a decrease in a response is a/an a response is a/an ____.

a.a. Conditioned stimulusConditioned stimulus

b.b. Reinforcement Reinforcement

c.c. Punishment Punishment

d.d. Unconditioned stimulusUnconditioned stimulus

c. Punishmentc. Punishment

Negative reinforcement and Negative reinforcement and punishment are ____.punishment are ____.

a.a. The sameThe sameb.b. The best ways to learn a new behaviorThe best ways to learn a new behaviorc.c. Not the same because negative Not the same because negative

reinforcement increases behavior and reinforcement increases behavior and punishment decreases behaviorpunishment decreases behavior

d.d. Not the same, even though they both Not the same, even though they both decrease behaviordecrease behavior

c. Not the same because negative c. Not the same because negative reinforcement increases behavior and reinforcement increases behavior and punishment decreases behaviorpunishment decreases behavior

Making yourself study before Making yourself study before you go to the movies is a good you go to the movies is a good

application of ____.application of ____.

a.a. Negative reinforcementNegative reinforcement

b.b. Positive punishmentPositive punishment

c.c. Fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement Fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement

d.d. The Premack principleThe Premack principle

d. The Premack principled. The Premack principle

Gamblers become addicted to Gamblers become addicted to their “sport” as a result of ____.their “sport” as a result of ____.

a.a. Previously generalized response Previously generalized response discriminationdiscrimination

b.b. Previously extinguished response Previously extinguished response recoveryrecovery

c.c. Partial (intermittent) reinforcement Partial (intermittent) reinforcement

d.d. Behavior being learned and not Behavior being learned and not conditioned conditioned

c. Partial (intermittent) reinforcementc. Partial (intermittent) reinforcement

Superstitious behavior occurs Superstitious behavior occurs because ___.because ___.

a.a. It has been reinforced on a fixed ratio scheduleIt has been reinforced on a fixed ratio scheduleb.b. The person or animal thinks the behavor causes a The person or animal thinks the behavor causes a

reinforcer when in reality the behavior and the reinforcer when in reality the behavior and the reinforcement are not connected reinforcement are not connected

c.c. It is reinforced on a random ration scheduleIt is reinforced on a random ration scheduled.d. The behavior and the reinforcement come close The behavior and the reinforcement come close

in proximity to one another, causing the in proximity to one another, causing the superstitious behavior to increase in magnitudesuperstitious behavior to increase in magnitude

b. The person or animal thinks the behavior causes a b. The person or animal thinks the behavior causes a reinforcer when in reality the behavior and the reinforcer when in reality the behavior and the reinforcement are not connectedreinforcement are not connected

In Pavlov’s classical conditioning In Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiments with dogs, experiments with dogs, salivation was the ____.salivation was the ____.

a.a. Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

b.b. Conditioned response (CR)Conditioned response (CR)

c.c. Unconditioned repose (UCR) Unconditioned repose (UCR)

d.d. Both b and cBoth b and c

c. Unconditioned repose (UCR)c. Unconditioned repose (UCR)

In Watson and Rayner’s Little In Watson and Rayner’s Little Albert experiment, what was the Albert experiment, what was the

neutral stimulus (NS)?neutral stimulus (NS)?a.a. The sight if the experimental roomThe sight if the experimental room

b.b. A loud noiseA loud noise

c.c. A rabbitA rabbit

d.d. A ratA rat

d. A ratd. A rat

Albert Bandura’s social learning Albert Bandura’s social learning theory emphasized ____.theory emphasized ____.

a.a. Classical conditioningClassical conditioning

b.b. Operant conditioning Operant conditioning

c.c. ExtinctionExtinction

d.d. ModelingModeling

d. Modelingd. Modeling

In Watson and Rayners In Watson and Rayners experiment, what was the experiment, what was the

conditioned emotional response conditioned emotional response (CER)?(CER)?

a.a. Avoidance behaviorAvoidance behavior

b.b. Superstitious behaviorSuperstitious behavior

c.c. FearFear

d.d. None of the aboveNone of the above

c. Fearc. Fear

In Watson and Rayner’s In Watson and Rayner’s experiment, what was the experiment, what was the

conditioned stimulus?conditioned stimulus?a.a. The sight if the experimental roomThe sight if the experimental room

b.b. A loud noiseA loud noise

c.c. A rabbitA rabbit

d.d. A ratA rat

d. A ratd. A rat

In higher order conditioning, a In higher order conditioning, a neutral stimulus is paired with neutral stimulus is paired with

____.____.a.a. Another neutral stimulusAnother neutral stimulus

b.b. A previously conditioned stimulus A previously conditioned stimulus

c.c. Two or more unconditioned stimuli Two or more unconditioned stimuli

d.d. Two or more unconditioned Two or more unconditioned responsesresponses

b. A previously conditioned stimulusb. A previously conditioned stimulus

Spontaneous recovery occurs Spontaneous recovery occurs when ___ suddenly appearswhen ___ suddenly appears

a.a. Your lost walletYour lost wallet

b.b. A previously extinguished response A previously extinguished response

c.c. An extinct instinctAn extinct instinct

d.d. A forgotten stimulus- response A forgotten stimulus- response sequencesequence

b. A previously extinguished responseb. A previously extinguished response

Children may learn to salivate to Children may learn to salivate to McDonalds golden arches as a McDonalds golden arches as a

result ofresult of

a.a. AdvertisingAdvertising

b.b. Classical conditioningClassical conditioning

c.c. Higher-order conditioningHigher-order conditioning

d.d. All of the aboveAll of the above

d. All of the aboved. All of the above

Operant conditioning is an Operant conditioning is an example of ___ in actionexample of ___ in action

a.a. Thorndikes law of effectThorndikes law of effect

b.b. Skinners law of reinforcementSkinners law of reinforcement

c.c. Watsons rule of punishmentWatsons rule of punishment

d.d. Pavlovs theory of stimulus-response Pavlovs theory of stimulus-response

a. Thorndikes law of effecta. Thorndikes law of effect

____ are unlearned, usually ____ are unlearned, usually satisfy a biological need, and satisfy a biological need, and increase the probability of a increase the probability of a

response response a.a. Primary instinctsPrimary instincts

b.b. Secondary instinctsSecondary instincts

c.c. Primary reinforcersPrimary reinforcers

d.d. Secondary reinforcersSecondary reinforcers

c. Primary reinforcersc. Primary reinforcers

Observational learning theory Observational learning theory suggests that we learn many suggests that we learn many

behaviors by ____.behaviors by ____.

a.a. Imitating others Imitating others

b.b. Observing our inner processesObserving our inner processes

c.c. Teaching othersTeaching others

d.d. Shaping our own and others Shaping our own and others behaviorsbehaviors

a. Imitating othersa. Imitating others

In Albert Bandura’s classic bobo In Albert Bandura’s classic bobo doll study, children acted doll study, children acted

aggressively because ____.aggressively because ____.a.a. They were rewarded for their They were rewarded for their


b.b. Of observational learning Of observational learning

c.c. They were positively punishedThey were positively punished

d.d. All of these optionsAll of these options

b. Of observational learningb. Of observational learning

Maintenance rehearsal Maintenance rehearsal ______________

a.a. Prevents motivated forgetting Prevents motivated forgetting

b.b. Prevents chunkingPrevents chunking

c.c. Reenters information in sensory Reenters information in sensory memorymemory

d.d. Reenters information in STMReenters information in STM

c. Reenters information in sensory c. Reenters information in sensory memorymemory

Which of the following is a Which of the following is a recognition test of memory?recognition test of memory?

a.a. Remembering a name that goes with Remembering a name that goes with a facea face

b.b. A multiple choice testA multiple choice test

c.c. An essay testAn essay test

d.d. Reciting the names of the state Reciting the names of the state capitalscapitals

b. A multiple choice testb. A multiple choice test

You notice that you tend to do You notice that you tend to do better on exam questions from better on exam questions from

the first and last of each the first and last of each chapter. The most likely chapter. The most likely explanation is the ____.explanation is the ____.

a.a. Anterograde amnesia effectAnterograde amnesia effect

b.b. Problem of distribute practiceProblem of distribute practice

c.c. Serial position effectSerial position effect

d.d. Sleeper effectSleeper effect

c. Serial position effectc. Serial position effect

Short-term memory receives Short-term memory receives information from sensory information from sensory memory and from ____.memory and from ____.

a.a. Long term memoryLong term memory

b.b. Working memoryWorking memory

c.c. The perceptual processing networkThe perceptual processing network

d.d. Maintenance rehearsalMaintenance rehearsal

a. Long term memorya. Long term memory

The process that allows us to The process that allows us to store more information in short-store more information in short-

term memory by grouping term memory by grouping information into units is called information into units is called

____.____.a.a. Maintenance Maintenance

b.b. Collective organizationCollective organization

c.c. Chunking Chunking

d.d. Proximal closureProximal closure

c. Chunkingc. Chunking

To increase the duration and To increase the duration and capacity of you STM you should capacity of you STM you should

try ____.try ____.

a.a. Maintenance rehearsalMaintenance rehearsal

b.b. ChunkingChunking

c.c. Constructive processConstructive process

d.d. All of the aboveAll of the above

b. Chunkingb. Chunking

The ____ effect suggests that The ____ effect suggests that people will recall information people will recall information

presented at the beginning and presented at the beginning and the end of a list better than the end of a list better than

information from the middle of information from the middle of the list.the list.

a.a. RecencyRecency

b.b. Serial position Serial position

c.c. LatencyLatency

d.d. PrimacyPrimacy

b. Serial positionb. Serial position

Developmental psychologists Developmental psychologists are not interested in ___.are not interested in ___.

a.a. Fetal well-beingFetal well-being

b.b. Age-related differencesAge-related differences

c.c. Age-related similaritiesAge-related similarities

d.d. Life after deathLife after death

d. Life after deathd. Life after death

Age at crawling, walking, and Age at crawling, walking, and toilet training is primarily toilet training is primarily

dependant on the ____dependant on the ____a.a. Educational level of the parentsEducational level of the parents

b.b. Specific training techniques of the Specific training techniques of the child’s caretakerschild’s caretakers

c.c. Maturational readiness of the childMaturational readiness of the child

d.d. Genetic influences inherited from Genetic influences inherited from both mother and fatherboth mother and father

c. Maturational readiness of the childc. Maturational readiness of the child

A ____ is the most appropriate A ____ is the most appropriate research method for studying research method for studying age-changes across the life age-changes across the life

span.span.a.a. Case studyCase study

b.b. Natural observationNatural observation

c.c. Longitudinal study Longitudinal study

d.d. Cross sectional studyCross sectional study

c. Longitudinal studyc. Longitudinal study

Conception occurs when a Conception occurs when a ________

a.a. Fertilized egg implants in the uterine Fertilized egg implants in the uterine lininglining

b.b. Ovum undergoes its first cell divisionOvum undergoes its first cell division

c.c. Ejaculation occursEjaculation occurs

d.d. Sperm cell unites with an ovumSperm cell unites with an ovum

b. Ovum undergoes its first cell divisionb. Ovum undergoes its first cell division

Rapid cell division from Rapid cell division from conception to two weeks is conception to two weeks is known as the ____ periodknown as the ____ period

a.a. FetalFetal

b.b. GerminalGerminal

c.c. EmbryonicEmbryonic

d.d. ConceptualConceptual

b. Germinalb. Germinal

At birth an infant cannot ____.At birth an infant cannot ____.

a.a. See as well as an adultSee as well as an adult

b.b. Recognize the taste or odor of its Recognize the taste or odor of its own mothers milkown mothers milk

c.c. Feel painFeel pain

d.d. Turn its head without helpTurn its head without help

a. See as well as an adulta. See as well as an adult

The period of life when an The period of life when an individual first becomes capable individual first becomes capable of reproduction is knows as ____.of reproduction is knows as ____.a.a. The growth spurtThe growth spurt

b.b. AdolescenceAdolescence

c.c. Puberty Puberty

d.d. The latency periodThe latency period

c. Pubertyc. Puberty

Which of the following is Which of the following is correctly matched?correctly matched?

a.a. Lorenz=ageismLorenz=ageism

b.b. Piaget=permissive parentingPiaget=permissive parenting

c.c. Harlow=contact comfortHarlow=contact comfort

d.d. Baumrind=accommodationBaumrind=accommodation

c. Harlow=contact comfortc. Harlow=contact comfort

According to Freud, infants become According to Freud, infants become attached to the caregiver that attached to the caregiver that provides ____, but according to provides ____, but according to Harlow, attachment results fromHarlow, attachment results from____.____.a.a. Oral pleasure; contact comfort Oral pleasure; contact comfort

b.b. Unconscious needs; imprintingUnconscious needs; imprinting

c.c. Nourishment; touchingNourishment; touching

d.d. None of the aboveNone of the above

a. Oral pleasure; contact comfort a. Oral pleasure; contact comfort

Harlow’s research with infant Harlow’s research with infant monkeys and artificial surrogate monkeys and artificial surrogate

mothers indicates that ____.mothers indicates that ____.a.a. The most important factor in infant The most important factor in infant

development is a loving environmentdevelopment is a loving environmentb.b. Attachment is not essential to normal Attachment is not essential to normal

developmentdevelopmentc.c. There is no significant difference in the There is no significant difference in the

choice of wire or terrycloth motherchoice of wire or terrycloth motherd.d. The most important variable in attachment The most important variable in attachment

may be contact comfortmay be contact comfort

d. The most important variable in attachment d. The most important variable in attachment may be contact comfortmay be contact comfort

According to Piaget, an infant According to Piaget, an infant acquires ___ when he or she acquires ___ when he or she understands that people and understands that people and

things continue to exist even when things continue to exist even when they cannot directly be seen, they cannot directly be seen,

heard or touched.heard or touched.a.a. ConservationConservation

b.b. Reversibility Reversibility

c.c. EgocentrismEgocentrism

d.d. Object permanenceObject permanence

d. Object permanenced. Object permanence

Piaget used the term Piaget used the term egocentrism to describe the fact egocentrism to describe the fact

that ___.that ___.a.a. All children are naturally selfish during the All children are naturally selfish during the

first few years of lifefirst few years of lifeb.b. Children view the world from one Children view the world from one

perspective (their own)perspective (their own)c.c. The child’s limited logic impedes his or her The child’s limited logic impedes his or her

understanding of the need to shareunderstanding of the need to shared.d. Children are unable to conserveChildren are unable to conserve

b. Children view the world from one b. Children view the world from one perspective (their own)perspective (their own)

During Piaget’s fourth stage of During Piaget’s fourth stage of cognitive development, cognitive development,

adolescents first become adolescents first become capable of ____.capable of ____.

a.a. Egocentrism Egocentrism

b.b. Dealing effectively with Dealing effectively with transformationstransformations

c.c. Using language and other symbolsUsing language and other symbols

d.d. Hypothetical thinkingHypothetical thinking

d. Hypothetical thinkingd. Hypothetical thinking

Today the interactionist Today the interactionist approach to development is approach to development is

supported by ____.supported by ____.a.a. More nativists than empiricists More nativists than empiricists

b.b. More empiricists that nativists More empiricists that nativists

c.c. More psychologists More psychologists

d.d. More psychiatrists than psychologistsMore psychiatrists than psychologists

c. More psychologistsc. More psychologists

The ____method of research The ____method of research may confuse genuine age may confuse genuine age

differences with cohort effects, differences with cohort effects, differences that result from differences that result from specific histories of the age specific histories of the age

group studied.a.a. Cross-culturalCross-cultural

b.b. LongitudinalLongitudinal

c.c. Cross-sectional Cross-sectional

d.d. All of the aboveAll of the above

c. cross-sectional c. cross-sectional

Schemas are cognitive Schemas are cognitive structures that contain structures that contain

organized ideas about the world organized ideas about the world and____. and____. a.a. Expand or differentiate with Expand or differentiate with


b.b. May assimilate new informationMay assimilate new information

c.c. May accommodate new informationMay accommodate new information

d.d. All of the aboveAll of the above

d. All of the aboved. All of the above

According to Piaget, According to Piaget, accommodation means that a accommodation means that a

schema has ____schema has ____a.a. Been changed to fit new information Been changed to fit new information

b.b. Been used to understand new Been used to understand new informationinformation

c.c. Reversed itselfReversed itself

d.d. Conversed itselfConversed itself

a. Been changed to fit new information a. Been changed to fit new information

Piagets four stages of cognative Piagets four stages of cognative development start with the development start with the

sensorimoter and preoperational sensorimoter and preoperational stages, and end with the ____ stages, and end with the ____


a.a. Assimilation and accommodation Assimilation and accommodation

b.b. Operation and abstraction Operation and abstraction

c.c. Concrete and formal operationalConcrete and formal operational

d.d. Concept testing and deductive Concept testing and deductive reasoningreasoning

c. Concrete and formal operationalc. Concrete and formal operational

Egocentrism is present in which Egocentrism is present in which of Piaget’s stages of cognitive of Piaget’s stages of cognitive


a.a. Preoperational and operational Preoperational and operational

b.b. Preoperational only Preoperational only

c.c. Sensorimoter and preoperational Sensorimoter and preoperational

d.d. Sensorimoter only Sensorimoter only

a. Preoperational and operational a. Preoperational and operational

The child who believes the sun The child who believes the sun follows him or her around and that follows him or her around and that trees have feelings are probably in trees have feelings are probably in the ___ stage of development.the ___ stage of development.a.a. PreoperationalPreoperational

b.b. ““terrible teens”terrible teens”

c.c. Concrete operationalConcrete operational

d.d. Formal operationalFormal operational

a. Preoperationala. Preoperational

During Kohlberg’s ____ level of During Kohlberg’s ____ level of moral development right and moral development right and wrong are judged on the basis wrong are judged on the basis

of consequencesof consequencesa.a. Conventional Conventional

b.b. Amoral Amoral

c.c. PostconventionalPostconventional

d.d. Preconventional Preconventional

d. Preconventionald. Preconventional

When people have developed When people have developed their own standards of right and their own standards of right and

wrong they are judged by wrong they are judged by Kohlberg’s theory to be at the Kohlberg’s theory to be at the

____ level of morality____ level of moralitya.a. Adolescent Adolescent

b.b. Postconventional Postconventional

c.c. NonconventionalNonconventional

d.d. ConventionalConventional

b. Postconventionalb. Postconventional

Kohlberg’s theory of moral Kohlberg’s theory of moral development has been criticized development has been criticized

for its ____. for its ____.

a.a. Cultural bias toward western ideas of Cultural bias toward western ideas of moralitymorality

b.b. Political bias in favor of conservatives Political bias in favor of conservatives

c.c. Sexual bias in favor of women Sexual bias in favor of women

d.d. Ethnic bias against anglosaxonsEthnic bias against anglosaxons

a. Cultural bias toward western ideas of a. Cultural bias toward western ideas of moralitymorality

The positive or negative The positive or negative resolution of 8 developmental resolution of 8 developmental challenges is characteristic of challenges is characteristic of

___ theory ___ theory a.a. Freud’s psychosexual Freud’s psychosexual

b.b. Freud’s psychoanalyticFreud’s psychoanalytic

c.c. Maslow’s hierarchecical Maslow’s hierarchecical

d.d. Erikson’s psychosocialErikson’s psychosocial

d. Erikson’s psychosociald. Erikson’s psychosocial

According to Erikson, the According to Erikson, the challenge faced by infants in challenge faced by infants in

their first year is ____their first year is ____

a. weaning a. weaning

b. object premanenceb. object premanence

c. trust versus mistrust c. trust versus mistrust

d. toilet training d. toilet training

c. Trust versus mistrustc. Trust versus mistrust

According to Erikson, the need According to Erikson, the need to develop a sense of identity is to develop a sense of identity is

the principle task of ____.the principle task of ____.

a.a. The phallic stage of psychosexual The phallic stage of psychosexual development development

b.b. adolescence adolescence

c.c. middle adulthoodmiddle adulthood

d.d. The generativity versus stagnation The generativity versus stagnation stage of developmentstage of development

b. adolescenceb. adolescence

According to Erikson, the inner According to Erikson, the inner conflict during which an conflict during which an

individual examines his or her individual examines his or her life and values and makes life and values and makes decisions about life roles is decisions about life roles is

called a(n) ____ crisis.called a(n) ____ crisis.a.a. Midlife Midlife

b.b. ClimactiericClimactieric

c.c. Integrity Integrity

d.d. IdentityIdentity

d. Identityd. Identity

In Erikson’s final stage of In Erikson’s final stage of psychosocial development, psychosocial development,

adults may ____ .adults may ____ .a.a. Regret lost opportunitiesRegret lost opportunities

b.b. Become despondent Become despondent

c.c. Review their accomplishmentsReview their accomplishments

d.d. Any of the aboveAny of the above

d. Any of the aboved. Any of the above

Moral judgment is self centered Moral judgment is self centered and based on obtaining rewards and based on obtaining rewards and avoiding punishment in this and avoiding punishment in this

stage of moral development stage of moral development a.a. Preoperational Preoperational

b.b. PreconventionalPreconventional

c.c. Conventional Conventional

d.d. PostoperationalPostoperational

b. Preconventionalb. Preconventional

Once an individual excepts, Once an individual excepts, internalizes, and applies the internalizes, and applies the

rules of society in making moral rules of society in making moral decisions, he or she is in the decisions, he or she is in the

______ stage. ______ stage. a.a. Formal conventional Formal conventional

b.b. ConventionalConventional

c.c. Informal operational Informal operational

d.d. Social operational Social operational

b. Conventionalb. Conventional

According to Erikson, industry is According to Erikson, industry is the result of successful the result of successful

completion of this stage of completion of this stage of development development

a.a. Infancy and toddlerhood Infancy and toddlerhood

b.b. ages 6 – pubertyages 6 – puberty

c.c. Young adulthood Young adulthood

d.d. Middle adulthoodMiddle adulthood

b. ages 6 – pubertyb. ages 6 – puberty

During early childhood, your child During early childhood, your child will have a growing self awareness will have a growing self awareness and need for independence. and need for independence. Erikson called this psychosocial Erikson called this psychosocial crisis the need for ____.crisis the need for ____.

a.a. Authoritarian discipline Authoritarian discipline

b.b. acceptance versus mistrust acceptance versus mistrust

c.c. Autonomy versus shame and doubt Autonomy versus shame and doubt

d.d. Attachment versus autonomy Attachment versus autonomy

c. Autonomy versus shame and doubt c. Autonomy versus shame and doubt

According to Erikson, resolution According to Erikson, resolution of critical conflict of young of critical conflict of young

adulthood leads to the sense of adulthood leads to the sense of ____.____.

a.a. Parental rejectionParental rejection

b.b. Strong parental control Strong parental control

c.c. Intimacy Intimacy

d.d. None of these options None of these options

c. Intimacyc. Intimacy

The ____ theory of aging The ____ theory of aging suggests that it is natural and suggests that it is natural and

necessary for people to necessary for people to withdraw from their roles in life withdraw from their roles in life as they age in order to prepare as they age in order to prepare

themselves for deaththemselves for deatha.a. Kubler-RossKubler-Ross

b.b. Secondary processSecondary process

c.c. DevelopmentalDevelopmental

d.d. DisengagementDisengagement

d. Disengagementd. Disengagement

Which of the following is NOT Which of the following is NOT one of the four stages in the one of the four stages in the “normal” grieving process?“normal” grieving process?

a.a. NumbnessNumbness

b.b. YearningYearning

c.c. Begging Begging

d.d. ResolutionResolution

c. Beggingc. Begging

As adults we understand death As adults we understand death in terms of three general in terms of three general concepts: permanence, concepts: permanence, universality, and ____.universality, and ____.

a.a. Spirituality Spirituality

b.b. PainfulnessPainfulness

c.c. Nonfunctionality Nonfunctionality

d.d. All of these optionsAll of these options

c. Nonfunctionalityc. Nonfunctionality

According to Elizabeth Kubler-According to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross which of the following is Ross which of the following is

not one of the stages that not one of the stages that people go through while coping people go through while coping

with death?with death?a.a. Retrenchment Retrenchment

b.b. DenialDenial

c.c. AngerAnger

d.d. BargainingBargaining

a. Retrenchmenta. Retrenchment

The acronym “DABDA” is used The acronym “DABDA” is used to remember Kubler-Ross’s to remember Kubler-Ross’s stages of dying. First comes stages of dying. First comes

denial and anger, followed by denial and anger, followed by ____ and depression, then ____ and depression, then ending with acceptance.ending with acceptance.

a.a. BargainingBargaining

b.b. BeggingBegging

c.c. Believing Believing

d.d. Borrowing (hope)Borrowing (hope)

a. Bargaininga. Bargaining

This type of anxiety is This type of anxiety is associated with a generalized associated with a generalized

anxiety disorderanxiety disordera.a. PhobiaPhobia

b.b. Free-floating Free-floating

c.c. Panic attackPanic attack

d.d. Nervous breakdownNervous breakdown

b. Free-floatingb. Free-floating

Repetitive, ritualistic behaviors Repetitive, ritualistic behaviors such as handwashing, counting, such as handwashing, counting, or putting things in order that or putting things in order that are associated with an anxiety are associated with an anxiety

state are called ____.state are called ____.a.a. Obsessions Obsessions

b.b. Compulsions Compulsions

c.c. RuminationsRuminations

d.d. PhobiasPhobias

b. Compulsionsb. Compulsions

A major difference between A major difference between major depressive and bipolar major depressive and bipolar disorder is that only in bipolar disorder is that only in bipolar disorders do people have ____.disorders do people have ____.

a.a. Hallucinations or delusionsHallucinations or delusions

b.b. DepressionDepression

c.c. A biochemical imbalanceA biochemical imbalance

d.d. Manic episodesManic episodes

d. Manic episodesd. Manic episodes

This is NOT a possible This is NOT a possible explanation for depressionexplanation for depression

a.a. Imbalances of serotonin and Imbalances of serotonin and norepinephrinenorepinephrine

b.b. Genetic predispositionGenetic predisposition

c.c. Lithium deficiency Lithium deficiency

d.d. Learned helplessnessLearned helplessness

c. Lithium deficiencyc. Lithium deficiency

Hallucinations and delusions are Hallucinations and delusions are symptoms of ____.symptoms of ____.

a.a. Mood disordersMood disorders

b.b. Personality disordersPersonality disorders

c.c. Anxiety disordersAnxiety disorders

d.d. SchizophreniaSchizophrenia

d. Schizophreniad. Schizophrenia

Family studies have shown that Family studies have shown that when it comes to schizophrenia, when it comes to schizophrenia,

children are more similar to children are more similar to their ____.their ____.

a.a. Biological parents than their adopted Biological parents than their adopted parentsparents

b.b. Adopted parents than their biological Adopted parents than their biological parents parents

c.c. Friends than their familiesFriends than their familiesd.d. Aunts/uncles than their Aunts/uncles than their


a. Biological parents than their adaptive a. Biological parents than their adaptive parentsparents

Antipsychotic drugs can Antipsychotic drugs can decrease the symptoms of decrease the symptoms of

schizophrenia by decreasing the schizophrenia by decreasing the activity of ____.activity of ____.

a.a. Dopamine synapses Dopamine synapses

b.b. Serotonin synapsesSerotonin synapses

c.c. The frontal lobesThe frontal lobes

d.d. The autonomic nervous systemThe autonomic nervous system

a. Dopamine synapses a. Dopamine synapses

Amnesia, fugue, and Amnesia, fugue, and dissociative identity disorder dissociative identity disorder

share this characteristic.share this characteristic.

a.a. A separation of experience and A separation of experience and memory memory

b.b. PsychosisPsychosis

c.c. A split personalityA split personality

d.d. Wandering away from home or workWandering away from home or work

a. A separation of experience and a. A separation of experience and memory memory

Multiple personality disorder is Multiple personality disorder is now called called ____.

a.a. SchizophreniaSchizophrenia

b.b. Dissociative identity disorderDissociative identity disorder

c.c. Amnesiatic personality disorderAmnesiatic personality disorder

d.d. None of these options; this diagnosis None of these options; this diagnosis is no longer considered realis no longer considered real

b. Dissociative identity disorderb. Dissociative identity disorder

Impulsive behavior, Impulsive behavior, egocentrism, lack of conscience, egocentrism, lack of conscience, and ____ are all characteristic of and ____ are all characteristic of

an antisocial personality an antisocial personality disorder.disorder.a.a. Manipulation of others Manipulation of others

b.b. Lack of social skillsLack of social skills

c.c. Sympathy for victimsSympathy for victims

d.d. Lack of intelligenceLack of intelligence

a. Manipulation of othersa. Manipulation of others

Impulsivity and instability in Impulsivity and instability in mood, relationships, and self-mood, relationships, and self-

image are part of the ____ image are part of the ____ personality disorder.personality disorder.

a.a. Manic depressiveManic depressive

b.b. BipolarBipolar

c.c. BorderlineBorderline

d.d. None of the aboveNone of the above

c. Borderlinec. Borderline

People with ____ frequently have People with ____ frequently have a childhood history of neglect a childhood history of neglect and abuse, and as adults tend and abuse, and as adults tend

to see themselves and everyone to see themselves and everyone else in absolutes.else in absolutes.

a.a. Dissociative identity disorderDissociative identity disorder

b.b. SchizophreniaSchizophrenia

c.c. Generalized anxiety disorderGeneralized anxiety disorder

d.d. Borderline personality disorderBorderline personality disorder

d. Borderline Personality disorderd. Borderline Personality disorder

In ____ disorder, the individual In ____ disorder, the individual suffers brief attacks of intense suffers brief attacks of intense

apprehension.apprehension.a.a. Phobic Phobic

b.b. Posttraumatic stressPosttraumatic stress

c.c. Panic Panic

d.d. Dissociative fugue Dissociative fugue

c. Panicc. Panic

According to ____ theory, According to ____ theory, modeling and imitation may be modeling and imitation may be

the causes of some phobia.the causes of some phobia.

a.a. Social learning Social learning

b.b. PsychobiologicalPsychobiological

c.c. Sociocultural Sociocultural

d.d. Cognitive-behavioralCognitive-behavioral

a. Social Learninga. Social Learning

Distorted thinking that Distorted thinking that magnifies ordinary threats or magnifies ordinary threats or

failures is the ____ explanation failures is the ____ explanation for anxiety disorders.for anxiety disorders.

a.a. Social learningSocial learning

b.b. CognitiveCognitive

c.c. HumanisticHumanistic

d.d. PsychoanalyticPsychoanalytic

b. Cognitiveb. Cognitive

Mood disorders are sometimes Mood disorders are sometimes treated by ____ drug, which treated by ____ drug, which

affect the amount or functioning affect the amount or functioning of norepinephrine and serotonin. of norepinephrine and serotonin. a.a. AntidepressantsAntidepressants

b.b. AntipsychoticsAntipsychotics

c.c. Mood congruenceMood congruence

d.d. None of the aboveNone of the above

a. Antidepressantsa. Antidepressants

Internal, stable, and global Internal, stable, and global attributions for failure or attributions for failure or

unpleasant circumstances are unpleasant circumstances are associated with ____.associated with ____.

a.a. Anxiety disordersAnxiety disorders

b.b. Delusional disordersDelusional disorders

c.c. Depression Depression

d.d. All of these optionsAll of these options

c. Depressionc. Depression

Auditory hallucinations are most Auditory hallucinations are most common in ____.common in ____.

a.a. SchizophreniaSchizophrenia

b.b. Posttraumatic stress disorderPosttraumatic stress disorder

c.c. Bipolar disorderBipolar disorder

d.d. Dissociative identity disorderDissociative identity disorder

a. Schizophreniaa. Schizophrenia

Believing you are the queen of Believing you are the queen of England or Jesus Christ would be England or Jesus Christ would be

a symptom called ____.a symptom called ____.

a.a. HallucinationsHallucinations

b.b. ManiaMania

c.c. DelusionsDelusions

d.d. All of these optionsAll of these options

c. Delusionsc. Delusions

Delusions, hallucinations and Delusions, hallucinations and disorganized speech are ____ disorganized speech are ____ symptoms of schizophrenia.symptoms of schizophrenia.

a.a. NegativeNegative

b.b. PositivePositive

c.c. Deficit Deficit

d.d. Undifferentiated Undifferentiated

b. Positiveb. Positive

The frontal and temporal lobes The frontal and temporal lobes appear to be less active in some appear to be less active in some

people with ____.people with ____.

a.a. Dissociative identity disorderDissociative identity disorder

b.b. Personality disorderPersonality disorder

c.c. Schizophrenia Schizophrenia

d.d. All of these optionsAll of these options

c. Schizophreniac. Schizophrenia

The prognosis for some people The prognosis for some people with schizophrenia is better in with schizophrenia is better in

____.____.a.a. Nonindustrialized societiesNonindustrialized societies

b.b. Families with expressed emotionalityFamilies with expressed emotionality

c.c. Stressful situationsStressful situations

d.d. None of these optionsNone of these options

a. Nonindustrialized societiesa. Nonindustrialized societies