Pulling force

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Pulling - Force

Theme : PullingCurriculum Strand: Energy and forcesStrand Unit: Forces


- discover how objects move through interaction with ‘WeDo 2.0’ robot

- explore the effect of friction on movement through experimenting with the robot on different surfaces

- investigate the idea of force through the use of the robot and various different weights

Skill Development



Prediction SkillsObserving Skills

Problem Solving Skills

Resources Required


What is a force? What things do we push or pull on a daily basis? Importance of force Tug-o-war activity Change the amount of children on each side of the rope to find

equal force Look at friction – take off shoes What effect does friction have?


Children building their model Questions : How does the model work? How does the model move? How could we use this model to test force? What could you add to make the model better/stronger? How could we make the model move for longer?


What weight is needed to balance the pulling force? How do you know when the force is balanced? What factors could you change in order to

increase/decrease the pulling force?

Emphasise fair test! The children will then investigate the machine

pulling the weight on different surfaces


What surface will the machine pull the most weight on? What is the maximum weight the machine can pull? Why is x the best surface? From your results what can you conclude about the effect of

friction on force? The children will present their fair test to the class in the form

of a group presentation using recording sheets and images.


How could you alter the machine to increase/decrease the pulling force?

Integration Science – Scientific method: conducting a

fair test. Literacy – Oral language development (tier

3), engagement with procedural writing. Maths – Problem solving, analytical skills.


Formative : teacher observation (note taking), conferencing with the children throughout the lesson, thumbs, traffic lights

Summative: self assessment e.g what would you do differently if you had to do it again?, group presentation