PUNLAD - Google · people who do the grocery, ... Lorela V. Talingting of 5-A gave the response....

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Choose to be Outstanding

T h e a n n u a l

“Magandang Gabi Po, Br.

President” spearheaded by the

Student Council (SC) was held

last July 25, 2011 at the Br.

Donato Center (BDC). Br.

Felipe C. Belleza Jr. FSC, Br.

Manny Hilado FSC, Br. Victor

Franco FSC, and Br. Ricardo

Angel Laguda FSC were the

guests who answered the ques-

tions of students from the

Adult Night High School

(ANHS). Questions were

flashed on the screen and the

Brothers answered them one

by one.

When asked if there is

a possibility for ANHS to

close, Br. Ricky said that “I

don‟t think it will ever close.

We will work harder to make

education accessible to all.”

Br. Felipe on the other hand

SC spearheads “Magandang Gabi Po, Br. President”

By Mariam Camille A. Tambio

Last August 25, 2011,

teachers from the different de-

partments were recognized be-

cause of their outstanding con-

tribution and services rendered

to the LSGH community

through the Gawad Parangal

2011 held at the Br. Donato

Center (BDC).

The recipients of this

year‟s Outstanding Teachers‟

Award Full-time Category are

Mr. Baldwin Noelito I. Que

(Outstanding Teacher), Mr.

Roy S. Daz (1st Runner-Up),

and Miss Ana Ria B. Aguilar

(2nd Runner-Up). For the Part-

time Category, the recipients

are Dr. Gilbert C. Yang

(Outstanding Part-time High

School Teacher) and Mrs.

Mercedes B. Andrade

(Outstanding Part-time TVET

By Mariam Camille A. Tambio

Teacher). The Parents-

Employers‟ Association (PEA)

also recognized Mrs. Shirley

M. Sentones (Outstanding

Academic Non-Teaching Per-

sonnel) and Mrs. Ferlyn L.

Amores (Outstanding Support


Recipients of Ten

Years of Service Award for

Full-time Category include

Miss Ana Ria B. Aguilar, Mr.

Joseph Laviña, and Miss Cris-

tina P. Sarmiento. Recipients

of Ten Years of Service Award

for Part-time Teachers Cate-

gory include Mrs. Ma. Judith

S. Desiderio and Mrs. Melita

S. Martinez. Finally, Miss

Josefina G. Biscocho, the

Guidance Counselor of TVET,

was awarded for her Thirty

Years of service in LSGH.

This school year, the

Non Formal Education (NFE)

was given a new name: Tech-

nical-Vocational Education

and Training (TVET). Ac-

cording to Mr. Rheal D. Day-

rit, Principal of ANHS, the

change was made because of

the upgraded curriculum,

teacher qualifications, and fa-

cilities. Included are the efforts

made by the department to

have the courses registered in

TESDA. He added that ANHS

has been using formal educa-

tion system for NFE courses

during the past years. The

school also has a very impres-

sive passing rate in the TESDA

National Competencies As-


TVET offered 13

courses this year and opened

its doors to the new coordina-

tor, Mr. Roy S. Daz. Inclined

with the new name is a long

list of activities for the students

to help them achieve their

goals in life.

During the Orientation

last June 3, 2011, Mr. Daz ex-

plained that part of the TVET

program was the implementa-

tion of TESDA‟s YP4sc. It is

an online assessment for the

students of TVET. This was

done to determine and to guide

the students which path they

wanted to take in the future.

Basic computer classes were

also given to all TVET to

help them to be computer liter-

ate. The programs are geared

towards acquiring skills

needed to help not only them-

selves but also their families.

TVET is the new NFE

By Pinky T. Agunod, TVET-Bread and Pastry Production

hand answered how the school

is able to fund the expenses in

the ANHS. He reiterated that

Lasallian schools should be

true to their mission. Br. Felipe

said that the Brothers would

find ways to make sure that

ANHS will continue. Br. Vic

added that “ANHS is part of

the identity of LSGH.” Ac-

cording to Br. Manny,

“because of ANHS, we have

lots of blessings that we re-

ceived in the Lasallian Mission

in the Philippines.”

The Brothers gave the

students idea that a lot of peo-

ple are helping ANHS to grow

and to transform lives.

Students also asked the

Brothers about their political

views, the grade they would

give to the present administra-

tion, their inspiration in be-

play mahjong and sports like

football, table tennis, swim-

ming, and basketball, read

books, spend time brisk walk-

ing, watch, write poetry, hear

mass, and pray.

coming a brother, how their

typical day is, hobbies and pas-

time, and life when they were

still young. The Brothers said

that they are also like ordinary

people who do the grocery,

Br. Manny shares about his life when he was young and the Brothers are entertained by his story. .

Proud ANHS Awardees! Recipients of Outstanding Teacher and Service Awards with Mr. Dayrit.

Photo by Mary Margaret N. Syjueco

Mr. Daz explains during the Orientation

how NFE has evolved to TVET.

Photo by Mary Margaret N. Syjueco




San Juan City.

In that said activity stu-

dents from both ANHS and

High School Department went

to a depressed area in San Juan

by riding the public transporta-

tion and they interacted with

the people within the vicinity.

On the other hand, our

SC President and Vice Presi-

dent joined by some of our fac-

ulty and support staff shared

their time and selves for the

revision of the vision, mission,

and philosophy of our school.

It will serve as the gift of La

Salle Green Hills to the Cen-

tennial Celebration of our insti-


The whole week of the

celebration focused on keeping

the teachings and spirit of our

patron saint alive, not only

with our deeds towards other

people but also in our hearts

and minds.

What is Lasallian Mis-

sion Week? It is the week

wherein as Lasallians we re-

member and re-live the teach-

ings of our patron saint St.

John Baptist De La Salle. The

whole La Salle Green Hills

community including the Adult

Night High School participated

in the said celebration last July

18-22 and 25, 2011. The

launching in ANHS was held

at the Promenade wherein se-

lected students and faculty

members performed the “Live

It Up” dance. The theme song

“I am a Lasallian” was sung by

Jay John Morallos of 4-A and

Jenevive Orosco of 2-A.

A week-long talk about

the history of La Salle was

given to all the ANHS students

from 1st Year to 5th Year. Cho-

sen participants from the offi-

cers of Student Council joined

the Green Link that was held in

ANHS lives it up in Lasallian

Mission Week

By Jacqueline B. Jacinto, 4-A

“Ang gusto ko lang ay

makapagtapos ng second year

college para makapag-aaply na

ako sa Pizza Hut,” said Miss

Divine Grace Gumalingan

from ANHS Batch 2006.

These words served as her mo-

tivating force to continue her

studies. She was the guest

speaker during the Under-

graduates‟ Honors Assembly

held last July 7, 2011 at the Br.

Donato Center (BDC).

Miss Gumal ingan

added in her speech her strug-

gles in finishing her studies.

She then realized the impor-

tance of education in her life.

Because of her determination

to succeed, she graduated from

the Philippine Normal Univer-

sity (PNU). She affirmed the

efforts made by students that

made them reap the fruits of

their labor.

Academic and Perfect

Attendance awards were given

to students who excelled in

different subject areas and

showed diligence by attending

classes regularly. Outstanding

Behavior Award was given to

Domingo C. Rosare of 3-B.

Gumalingan graces Honors Assembly

By Mariam Camille A. Tambio

Lorela V. Talingting of

5-A gave the response. She

caught the attention of the au-

dience when she said, “I am a

mother of 10, my schedule is

very hectic.” She emphasized

that despite her hectic schedule

she still finds time to continue

and to finish her studies, and

even to excel in different areas.

The awardees and

alumni present proved that

dreams do not stop in ANHS.

The school serves as their step-

ping stone to turn dreams into


Let us care for the Earth!

By Lorela V. Talingting, 5-A

The classes together

with their homeroom advisers/

course teachers that garnered

the highest points in the first

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

for Tomorrow (R34T) drive

were the recipients of the Ca-

res for the Earth Award for

First Trimester. The awarding

was done last September 8,

2011 at the Promenade.

In the High School

Category, the winners are 4B

and Mr. Noel Que (First

Place), 3A and Miss Berna-

dette Nolasco (Second Place),

and 2B and Miss Ana Ria

Aguilar (Third Place). For the

TVET Category, the winners

are Basic Computer-Monday

and Mrs. Jackeline Baay (First

Place), Basic Computer-Friday

and Mrs. Rosemarie Katipunan

(Second Place), and Bookkeep-

ing and Mr. Carlo Legaspi

(Third Place).

It is always nice to win

an award, but the (R34T) drive

does not end with the award.

The main purpose of the drive

is to encourage each and eve-

ryone to segregate their gar-

bage and make use of the recy-

clable materials to minimize

garbage and help save the

Earth. The campaign is spear-

headed by the Student Council.

During the week,

ANHS students were busy

scavenging for used bottles in

the trash bins and bringing

their recyclable materials from

home. Some brought some-

thing, but others did not. Some

participated to win. The most

important part is that they

make sense of the campaign

and try to do what is best.

During my one-on-one

interview with the Student

Council (SC) President Mr.

James Last Dela Cruz, we were

able to discuss the offences

committed by some ANHS

students. He mentioned that

there is a high incident of un-

authorized use of cell phones

in the campus. Students from

TVET courses had the most

violations followed by those

from High School department.

The SC is having a hard time.

James is appealing to all the

students to spend some time to

read their handbook to mini-

mize the offences.

The repercussion of

cell phone violation is not a

joke. Students would be dis-

qualified from receiving any

award. The SC officers are do-

ing their part in reminding the

students to turn off their cell

phones before and during

classes. There are signages,

continuous reminders, and

visibility of SC officers in the

waiting area. Still, there were

students who forgot to do so.

Raquel B. Macalalad of 4-B shows her win-ning logo and poses with the PEA Officers

Photo by Mark Anthony B. Sasing

Domingo C. Rosare shakes hands with Br. Felipe C. Belleza Jr. FSC as he receives his Outstanding Behavior Award.

Photo by Mary Margaret N. Syjueco

Alarming cell

phone cases

By Lorela V. Talingting, 5-A

Last September 9,

2011, the Parents-Employers‟

Association (PEA) awarded

the winners of the historic

Logo-Making Contest. The

following students won:

Raquel B. Macalalad of 4-B

(First Place), Jhasper Lemuel

A. Estoque of 5-A (Second

Place), and Roquim M. Ramos

of 5-B (Third Place). They re-

ceived P3,000.00, P2,000.00,

and P1,000.00 respectively.

PEA announces

winners for Logo-

Making Contest

By Janet O. Mordido, 5-A




antas sa kolehiyo. Noong una

ay sapat na sa kanya ang

makatapos ng dalawang taon

sa kolehiyo. Nang malapit na

siyang matapos, napag-isip

siya kung itutuloy pa niya ang

pag-aaral sa kadahilanang

hindi ito naging madali para sa

kanya. Ipinagpatuloy pa rin

niya ang pag-aaral at dahil sa

kanyang determinasyon, na-

pagtagumpayan niya ang mga

pagsubok na dumating sa kan-

yang buhay.

Kaya naman nakamit

niya ang titulong kanyang

inaasam. Animo‟y nawala la-

hat ng kanyang naranasang

hirap nang kanya itong ma-

kuha. Isa na siyang guro sa

Galileo Learning Center. Tu-

nay na isang inspirasyon nga

ang kanyang sinalaysay, at ang

payo nga niya sa ating mga

mag-aaral ay magtiyaga at pag-

butihin ang pag-aaral, upang sa

ganoon ating makamit ang at-

ing pangarap na nais makamit.

“Bakit hindi ko na lang

tapusin ang natitirang dala-

wang taon? Natapos ko nga

ang tatlong taon sa hayskul at

dalawang taon sa kolehiyo,

bakit pa ako aatras ngayon e

dalawang taon na lamang ang

natitira?” Ito ang mga naging

pahayag ni Bb. Divine Grace

Gumalingan, ang panauhing

pandangal noong nakaraang

Undergraduates Honors As-

sembly noong ika-7 ng Hulyo,

2011 na ginanap sa Br. Donato

Center (BDC).

Si Bb. Gumalingan ay

nakapagtapos din sa ANHS

noong 2006. Isinalaysay niya

kung paano siya nakapasok

dito sa ANHS. Dati nagtratra-

baho siya bilang serbidora sa

isang kainan. Nalaman niya

ang tungkol dito mula sa

dalawa niyang kaibigan na nag

-aaral din dito dati. Dahil dito,

muli siyang nagbalik sa pag-

aaral. Dito naranasan niya ang

mga pagsubok habang nag-

tratrabaho at nag-aaral. Sad-

yang kay hirap pagsabayin ang

trabaho at pag-aaral. Katulad

ng marami, sa umaga nag-

tratrabaho at sa gabi naman ay

nag-aaral, at pag-uwi bago pa

man makapag-pahinga,

kailangan munang magbalik

aral sa mga asignatura at

gawin ang mga takdang aralin.

Dahil sa sipag at tiyaga naka-

pagtapos siya ng hayskul. Nag-

tuloy siya sa mas mataas na

oval. Ang Group 14 ang nag-

wagi. Ang pinakahuling race

ay ang pagpunta sa Lecture

Hall. Dapat na bilangin lahat

ng upuan na naroon. Ang

Group 8 ang nakakuha ng

panalo. Pagkatapos ng akti-

bidad, nagkaroon ng pag-

kakataon na talakayin ni G.

Rosemarie V. Katipunan sa

mga estudyante kung anu-ano

ang mga naging karanasan nila

sa mga kagrupo.

May mga nagsabi na

nakakapagod subalit saya na-

man ang kapalit lalo na dahil

tulong-tulong ang bawat isa sa

bawat gawain. Lahat ay nag-

sabi na tagumpay ang Fresh-

men Night dahil sa kanilang

mga natutunan dito.

Upang mabigyan ng

pagkakataon ang mga mag-

aaral sa Unang Baitang na

makasama ang mga nasa Ikali-

mang Baitang, naganap ang

Freshmen Night noong ika-12

ng Hulyo 2011. Ito ay pinan-

gasiwaan ng Student Council


Sa nasabing aktibidad

ay pinag grupo-grupo ang mga

estudyante. Ang bawat grupo

ay binubuo ng magkahalong 1st

year at 5th year na hinati sa

labinlimang grupo. “Amazing

Race” ang tema ng aktibidad.

Sa unang race ay bilangan ng

posteng nakapaligid sa Prome-

nade. Ang nagwagi dito ay ang

Group15. Sinundan naman ito

ng pagtakbo ng bawat grupo sa

Isang tagumpay na nakamit

Ni Janet O. Mordido, 5-A

Si Bb. Gumalingan habang nagbibigay ng kanyang mensahe sa mga mag-aaral ng ANHS bilang panauhing pandangal noong Undergraduates’ Honors Assembly.

Photo by Mary Margaret N. Syjueco

Amazing Race sa

Freshmen Night

Ni Janet O. Mordido, 5-A

Ang mga mag-aaral ng Una at Ikalimang Baitang habang ginagawa ang maga hamon sa Amazing

Race noong Freshmen Night. Photo by Norlita Guno

Buwan ng Wika 2011


Ni Jacqueline B. Jacinto, 4-A

Tuwing buwan ng

Agosto ay ipinagdiriwang

natin ang Buwan ng Wika.

Ang tema sa taong ito ay

“Pamilyang Lasalyano, Nag-

diriwang ng Sentenaryo.” Ang

mga aktibidad ay naganap

mula ika-8 hanggang ika-12 ng

Agosto, 2011.

Nagsimula ang pagdiri-

wang sa isang Trivia Contest

na nilahukan ng mga mag-aaral

sa iba‟t-ibang taon. Nagwagi

ang mga mag-aaral ng ikatlong

taon sa nasabing paligsahan.

Nagkaroon din ng

patimpalak sa Pagsulat ng

Sanaysay. Ang mga nagsipag-

wagi ay ang mga mag-aaral ng

5-A: Emil Dean F. Sayson

(Unang Gantimpala), Mary Joy

Guillomas (Ikalawang Gantim-

pala), Janet O. Mordido

(Ikatlong Gantimpala).

Ang Paggawa ng Islo-

gan ay napanalunan ni Shela

Deniega ng 4-B.

Pinaparating ng mga

sumali sa pagsulat ng sanaysay

ang samahan ng mga Lasaly-

ano at namumuno sa ating

paaralan na walang sawang

sumusuporta sa ANHS. Ayon

naman kay G. Rheal D. Dayrit,

marapat lamang na ating

gamitin at ipagmalaki ang a-

ting sariling wika.

Ang Kalahing Pilipino

kasama ang mga guro ng Fili-

pino na sina G. Perlita Man-

gao at Bb. Ana Ria Aguilar

ang nanguna sa iba‟t-ibang

mga gawain.

Masusing inaalam ng mga mag-aaral ng ikatlong taon ang tamang kasagutan sa kata-nungan.

Photo by Mary Margaret N. Syjueco

Naganap ang Paggawad

ng Sertipiko sa sampung piling

mag-aaral ng ANHS bilang

iskolar ng Grenaissance Batch

„72 Foundation, Inc. noong ika

-18 ng Agosto, 2011 sa Cesar

A. Cruz Hall. Naroon sa nasa-

bing okasyon ang Punong

Guro ng ANHS na si G. Rheal

D. Dayrit, Pangulo ng Grenais-

sance na si G. Adi Cruz, at

mga kinatawan mula sa Gren-

aissance Batch „72.

Layon ng programa na

makatulong sa mga mag-aaral

na maipagpatuloy ang kanilang

pag-aaral sa pamamagitan ng

pinansiyal na aspeto. Ito rin ay

magsisilbing motibasyon sa

mga estudyante na pagbutihin

ang kanilang pag-aaral sa


Paggawad ng Sertipiko ng Grenaissance

Batch „72 isinagawa





S.Y. 2011-2012

Punong Patnugot Mariam Camille A. Tambio Pangalawang Patnugot Lorela V. Talingting Tagapamahalang Patnugot Janet O. Mordido Patnugot ng Balita at Panitikan Pinky T. Agunod Patnugot ng Buhay at Kultura Jacqueline B. Jacinto Patnugot ng Retrato Mary Margaret N. Syjueco Patnugot ng Grapiks Mark Anthony A. Sasing Mga Kontribyutor Jordon Angelo G. Estrada, Dante C. Gorembalem, Renevilla E. Pumar, Gerson D. Francisco, at Emil Dean F. Sayson Gurong Tagapamagitan Bb. Bernadette P. Nolasco Para sa mga komento tungkol sa mga nailathala at sa mga gustong mag-ambag ng kanilang artikulo maaari lamang na magpadala ng liham sa Silid 201, Gusaling San Jose Manggagawa, La Salle Green Hills, Lungsod ng Mandaluyong o sa punlad_anhs@yahoo.com.


You might be asking what the title means. To explain fur-

ther, here it goes. DepEd plans to move the opening of classes to

September because officials think that suspension of classes will

be minimal if this scheme will be implemented.

The Philippines is in the tropical zone of the equator and

that makes us prone to typhoons. An ANHS Physics teacher said

that Filipinos should get used to rainy season because it is caused

by nature. We can never control it. We should know how to pro-

tect ourselves in times like this. The day is wasted if classes are

suspended. Filipino students become lazy to go to school. Be-

cause of this, even college students clamor for suspension of


The thoughts presented are very inspiring. However, mov-

ing the start of classes to September is not really applicable for us

Filipinos. If we are trying to escape the disruption of classes due

to typhoons, we can never escape it. There will be chances that in

any month, a typhoon will enter our country just like when On-

doy visited us in September of 2009.

When it rains, it pours. What we have to do to avoid acci-

dents and diseases during rainy season is to double our efforts in

taking care of ourselves, children, and family. We also hope that

the government will fix the clogged drainage of different cities

and municipalities to avoid flood. We in turn have to do our part

and cooperate on what we need to do.

There are things that Filipinos do during vacation and we

are used to it. It is very hard to change what people have been do-

ing for many years now. How come DepEd has only thought of

moving the opening of classes lately? The fact is typhoons visit

us every year. Is it a political move, a change in the education

system, or an invitation for transformation?

To be a recipient of a scholarship is such a privilege because

lots of students need it to support their everyday needs like transpor-

tation going to school.

There are criteria for students to qualify. Teachers recommend

students and consult the opinion of class officers as well. Then, the

Principal interviews them and explains to them the benefits and re-

sponsibilities expected from them once they qualify.

Stop! Look! and Listen! Do the administrators know how the

recipients use the allowance they get from their scholarship? Maybe

others will ask why must we probe where the money goes? I am not

saying this just to pose a problem or because I envy the scholars. For

the past years, I observed this kind of situation and it is the right time

for us to be aware of what is happening after they get their allow-

ance. Some scholars incur many absences. Where do they use their

allowance? This issue has been raised so that the recipients would

realize that they were carefully chosen to be recipients in order for

them to continue their studies and eventually finish it despite lack of

money. The allowance should not be used to buy unnecessary things.

Scholars should not waste their money. This causes some students

not to support the program One Heart, One Purpose because they

know where the money will be spent. They would rather spend the

money for their own transportation. Some think that we are tolerat-

ing them.

On the other hand, I also commend those students who spend

their money well and attend their classes regularly. They should

serve as models for other scholars to do the same. Financial support

is indeed a great help and it serves as a driving force for some stu-

dents to do well in their studies. They should also put to good use the

blessings and help extended to them.

Where does it go?

By Mariam Camille A. Tambio

Flip or Suspension?


Dibuho ni Mark Anthony A. Sasing



Is there really a need to suspend classes when there

is a typhoon? We are in a tropical country and whether we

like it or not, typhoons and other weather disturbances pass

through our country every now and then. Suspension of classes most of

the time is announced late. Why do we have to suspend classes anyway

when some of the students would only stroll around every time classes

are suspended? Why don‟t we accept the fact that we can still continue

studying and working even if the weather is bad? Look at Japan. Earth-

quakes occur there every now and then, but they are able to adapt and

live with it. If they can do it, why can‟t we? Don‟t we think this makes us

a weaker race? We Filipinos claim to be dynamic. We can easily adapt to

different kinds of living conditions. As a proof, there is a Filipino in

every part of the globe who learns to adapt to different weather and cul-

tures as well.

I am just sad that even our college students and workers want to

be included in the suspension. How can we achieve the progress that we

long for when we are easily distracted by these weather disturbances? I

think we should analyze and make a stand about it. Since childhood, I

have been hearing about the plan to move the start of classes from June

to September just like in the USA. However, it remains a plan. Don‟t we

think it is about time to implement it?

As a student, suspension of classes is such a burden. It is not that

easy to learn when the time allotted is too short. And as for teachers, this

suspension of classes would only add-on to their job and effort to teach

the lessons to their students. I was inspired to write about this topic be-

cause of Ms. Alley, my Physics teacher. She discussed it in our class and

made me think and write about it. I have to leave these questions to you

readers. Don‟t you think that this is the time for us to change our atti-

tudes toward these weather interruptions? If not now, when would be the

right time? I strongly believe that we Filipinos are open-minded people

and are capable of solving different kinds of problems that come along

our way. We are intelligent enough to equip ourselves with the right gear

for the right weather conditions. We can teach the young ones on how to

prepare themselves and at the same time protect ourselves. And I am

hoping that someday we would be able to catch up with Japan‟s econ-

omy. Who would know if we don‟t give it a try?

Maraming uri ng kaibigan tayong makikita at

makikilala. Nandiyan yung tipong mapagkakatiwalaan,

mapagbigay, masayang kasama at ang mapagpanggap.

Marami din tayong katawagan sa pagkakaibigan. Maaaring ka-tropa, ka-

berks, ka-bagang, sis, bro at friendship. Sabi nga ng ilan maaari mo rin

maging tunay na kapamilya ang isang kaibigan sapagkat sa maraming

aspeto mo sila maaasahan. Kung may problema sa pamilya, maari mo

silang lapitan. Maari ding tungkol sa pag-ibig, paghingi ng payo kung

ano ang dapat mong gawin kung may pagmamahal sa isang tao. Sila rin

ay malalapitan sa oras ng kagipitan kung pera ang pag-uusapan.

Ngunit sa isang banda, kaibigan din ang makakapagpahamak sa

iyo: ang mga mapagpanggap na kaibigan. Sila animo ay mga anghel sa

tuwing magkaharap kayo ngunit sa oras naman na nakatalikod na sa inyo

ay kung anu-ano na palang kasiraan ang binabanggit tungkol sayo. Sila

ang mga taong sa oras na ikaw ay may problema ay ang gagawa ng

paraan upang lalo ka pang lumubog sa kumunoy, upang lalong ikaw ay

maligaw ng landas. Saka mo na lang malalaman ang tunay nilang kulay

sa oras na ikaw ay napahamak na dahil iniwan ka nila. Sila ang na-

katalikod sa iyo sa oras ng kagipitan at mag-iiwan sa iyo sa gitna ng


Ngunit sa kabilang banda, ito naman ay may magandang

maidudulot. Bakit? Sapagkat dito mo makikita ang isang tunay na kaibi-

gan. Siya ang tipong maiiwan sa iyong tabi, na kahit ikaw ay nasa gitna

ng kadiliman, sasamahan ka hangga‟t kailangan mo siya. Siya ang mag-

aabot sa iyo ng kanyang kamay upang tulungan ka sa iyong pagkalubog,

aalalay sa iyo upang ikaw ay muling makatayo, at tutulong sa iyo upang

makabangon mula sa pagkakabagsak. Kaya kaibigan sa oras na ikaw ay

makahanap ng totoong kaibigan, ituring mo itong kayamanan. Nararapat

lamang na siya ay tunay mong pahalagahan upang sa bawat pagsubok na

iyong kakaharapin, mayroon sa iyong sasama upang ikaw ay damayan sa

lahat ng bagyong iyong mararanasan. Masasabi mong tunay kang ma-

palad kung may darating sa iyo na isang totoong kaibigan. Kung may-

roon kang pagkakataon, yakapin mo siya at sabihin, “Kaibigan, salamat

ng marami.”

What have I learned from the mistakes that I have done? I

often ask myself the same question over and over again. I know

sometimes people around me wanted to ask me “Why did she do

that?” or “Is she crazy?” But they cannot blame me. Sometimes I

wished they did. As much as I wanted to go back in time, change

my decisions, and think twice before I speak, I just could not do

that. Every little thing that we did in the past is already a part of

our history. We do not have to regret the wrong decisions that we

have done or the things we did to others that hurt them. What mat-

ters most is that we have learned a thing or two. The people that

surround us might judge or hate us but it won‟t change the past.

Life is too short so why make it complicated? Do the things

that you love. Thank God for all the goodness that He has given

you. Share the blessings that you have received. Be patient and re-

sponsible. Give importance to all the things, small or big. Wake up

each morning with a positive outlook. It won‟t hurt to smile while

walking down the street on your way to school or to work. Be

happy that you are given another day to share your love to others.

Use your abilities and your talents. Laugh with your family or

friends while watching your favorite television show. Set your

goals and make a time frame for it. Aim for the top spot in the lad-

der of success without stepping on other people‟s dreams. Take

one step at a time. Do not jump or fly because you might fall and

you will have a hard time getting back on your feet. You will stum-

ble a few times, your feet will feel sore, but in the end, your hard-

ships and sacrifices will result to a sweet and worthy success.

People say the best things in life are free, but not everyone

believes in this.

Love should be an inspiration and not distraction because

when love begins to be distraction, you cannot focus on what you

should do. Some things may not also go as planned. It will result to

unhealthy relationship. It means that both of you are not being pro-

ductive in your relationship. There might be fight every time you

have disagreements.

If distraction occurs you should choose another path as

soon as possible because you will just have a miserable life if you

stay there. There will be times that you are like a robot that will

just follow what another person commanded you. Eventually you

will lose your identity. You will be someone you never imagined

you can be. Life is a choice and we are given the freedom to

choose what we think will make us better persons.

We always say that if you love someone set him free. This

phrase is really hard to do. Letting go is just like taking away a part

of your life. After spending memorable moments together, good-

bye is the saddest word to utter. It does not mean that when you let

go of your relationship, you also let go of the chances of being

friends. There are times it is better to become friends than as cou-


The idea of letting go is the most painful part in a relation-

ship. It is like being cut into tiny pieces and you do not know when

you will be whole again. Tears may fall but we have to wipe them

and start thinking and doing what we need to do to move forward,

and to live life in the future.

Talk to Me

By Pinky T. Agunod, TVET-Bread and Pastry Production

Filipino Weak?

By Lorela V. Talingting, 5-A

What Love Should Be

By Mariam Camille A. Tambio, 5-A


By Janet O. Mardido, 5-A




Unang Gantimpala, Pagsulat ng Sanaysay

Linggo ng Wika 2011

Ang pananampalataya ang nagbibigay inspirasyon sa atin, ngunit bago natin

talakayin ang pananampalataya, ano ba ang kahulugan ng pananampalataya para sa

iyo? Ito ba ay daan tungo sa pag-unlad? Ito ba ay sandalan sa panahon ng problema o

kaya naman ay gabay natin sa ating pamumuhay at pagkakabuhay sa mundo?

Iba-iba ang kahulugan ng pananampalataya. Maaaring ang sa tingin ni Juan ay

ganito ang kahulugan ng pananampalataya at ang kay Pedro naman ay ganito ang ka-

hulugan ng pananampalataya para sa kanya. Ngunit alam ko na sang-ayon kayo kapag

sinasabing Diyos ang papasok sa ating isipan kapag pinag-usapan ang pananam-

palataya. Pero tama na nga lang ba na basta ka na lang mananampalataya o dapat mo

rin itong isabuhay upang maging ganap ang ating pananampalataya?

Ang pananampalataya ay kaakibat ng pagtitiwala at mahalaga sa buhay ng tao.

Ito ay katulad ng ginagawa nating pananampalataya sa Diyos na kahit na hindi natin

Siya nakikita ay patuloy pa rin tayo sa pananampalataya sa Kanya dahil nagtitiwala

tayo sa Kanya at ipinagkatiwala pa rin natin ang ating buhay. Anuman ang pagsubok

na dumaan sa ating buhay nagtitiwala pa rin tayo dahil matibay ang ating pananam-

palataya sa kanya.

Ang paglilingkod ay bahagi ng pananampalataya lalo na kung ang pagliling-

kod ay taos-puso at walang hinihintay na anumang kapalit. Pero bakit ka ba nagliling-

kod sa iba at kailangan mo pang maglaan ng panahon, pagod, oras, at pera para sa

paglilingkod kahit alam mong hindi sigurado kung ano ang magiging kapalit o kung

meron talagang kapalit? Iisa lang ang kahulugan niyan, dahil ikaw ay nagtitiwala sa

Diyos at ipinagkatiwala mo ang iyong paglilingkod na iyong ginagawa at ang maaar-

ing kahihinatnan nito.

Ngayong taon ay nagdiriwang ng ika-100 taon ng pagkakatatag ng La Salle

Schools sa Pilipinas at bilang bahagi ng pagdiriwang ng ating sentenaryo, ating isabu-

hay ang ginawa ng mga La Salle Brothers sa Pilipinas sa pamamagitan ng pagbaba-

hagi ng kahalagahan ng pananampalataya sa ating buhay at ang sayang naidudulot ng

paglilingkod ng taos-puso at kahit na nasa makabagong panahon na tayo ay magpa-

patuloy pa rin ang aral ni San Juan Bautista De La Salle at magiging makabuluhan

ang pagdiriwang ng ating sentenaryo.

Ang Lasalyanong komunidad ay may matibay na pananampalataya at tapat na

paglilingkod sa kapwa. Nawa‟y magpatuloy ito hanggang sa susunod na henerasyon

ng mga Lasalyano. Hanggang sa susunod na pagdiriwang ng ika-100 taon. Patnuba-

yan nawa tayo ng Amang Lumikha at gabayan tayo ng ating mahal na patron na si

San Juan Bautista De La Salle. Animo La Salle!

Pamilyang Lasalyano, Nagdiriwang ng Sentenaryo

Ni Emil Dean F. Sayson, 5-A Bawat nilalang dito sa mundo

Ay may responsibilidad na

Nakaatang na obligasyon sa

Bawat sangkatauhan na dapat gawin.

Ikaw man ay isang ina, ama,

O anak ay mayroon kang

Pananagutan sa bawat hakbang

na iyong balak na tahakin.

Nasa palad mo din kung sa

Tamang daan ka tutungo o doon

Sa maling daan ka pupunta na

Maaaring makapagpahamak sayo.

Kaya kaibigan, pag-isipang mabuti

Ang mga desisyon na iyong

Balak gawin, upang sa daloy

Ng buhay,ikaw ay makasabay.

Daloy Ni Janet O. Mordido, 5-A

Gawing una at prayoridad

ang pag-aaral ng kurso

Ang kakamtin mo hindi lamang

diploma at sertipiko

Kundi na rin ang pagkilala sa mundo

Kaya‟t simulan mo sa iyong pag-aaral matuto

Magagamit mo ito sa paglalakbay mo.

Kung pakiwari mo marami silang kaaway mo

Walang isa mang kakamping tumutulong sa iyo

Dumalangin sa Diyos

na ang lahat malagpasan mo

At tanging hangad buhay mo‟y mapanuto

Huwag madamay sa hirap ng mundo

Bagkus ikaw pa nga ay makatulong din sa tao.

Kaya‟t lahat ng itinuturo ng guro mo sa iyo

Ipasok sa kukote sa isipan pagyamanin mo

Payo nga nila‟y sundin. Ito ay hindi biro

Makikita sa sarili mo,

sa pagsubok ikaw magtatagumpay mananalo.

Ikaw ang magsasabi “Ano ang nakamit mo?”

Ikaw mismo ang magpakilala sa sarili mo.

Ikaw ang Magsabi,

Magpakilala sa Sarili

Ni Renevilla E. Pumar, TVET-Commercial Cooking

Ang buhay ay parang araw; sumisikat sa umaga, lumulubog sa hapon. Sa pag-

sikat ng araw unti-unting lumiliwanag ang paligid. Dahan-dahan nakikita ang mga

bagay na nasa ating tabi. Ngunit, madalas ay hindi natin ito nabibigyan ng pansin da-

hil hindi natin sila kailangan sa oras na iyon. Habang tumatagal ay lalong umiinit at

lumiliwanag ang sinag ng araw. Lumalawak din ang naaabot nito. Kaya naman pana-

tag ang loob mo kahit mapalayo ka pa sa kanila dahil alam mong may gumagabay sa

iyo. Kasabay sa paglipas ng panahon ay nagbabago rin ang takbo ng lahat. Mapalayo

ka man sa kanila, alam mong sila nga dahil ramdam mo ang kanilang init ng pag-

aaruga na ipinadama mo sa kanila. Subalit sa tindi ng iyong pagmamahal minsan ay

nakakapaso na rin dahil sa hindi mo tuwirang pagtingin. Kaya nga ang iba ay nasasa-

kal na, hindi na lubusang maunawaan ang iyong ginagawa. Kaya ito ang pinagmumu-

lan ng hindi maipaliwanag na kalagayan.

Ang iyong mga salita ay mahalaga sa kanila. Ito ang nagbibigay gabay sa

kanilang paglaki. Subalit, sa mga salita ninyo rin sila ay napaso at tuluyang nagliliyab

dala na rin ng mga taong nakapaligid sa kanila.

Masakit man isipin subalit iyan ang totoo, sapagkat ang lahat ay may kanya-

kanyang nais. Bawat isa ay iba-iba ang direksyon ng buhay. Sa pagdaan ng madilim

na ulap, kayo ay tuluyang natatakpan at hindi na muling nasilayan pa ang inyong li-


Sadya nga bang ganito ang buhay? Kapag wala na ang taong nagmamalasakit

sa iyo ay saka mo pa lamang maiisip ang lahat ng mga ginagawa nila? Huli na ba ang

lahat para maitama ko ang mali at maipakita ko sa kanila na mahalaga rin sila sa akin?

Sa mga alaala na lang ba nila muli kong makikita at maririnig ang mga himig ng ak-

ing magulang? Ganito pala ang pakiramdam kapag nadapa ka na ikaw rin ang may


Himig By Dante C. Gorembalem, 3-A

Sa dami ng hirap dinanas ng buhay

Hindi malaman saan tutungong tunay

Sa pagpili ng daan, ano ba ang dapat dito

Matuwid, maganda sa paningin,

Ngunit ang dulo kasawian at kalumbayan.

O daang mahaba, madawag, madilim, ngunit

ang dulo palang naghihintay kagalakan

at tagumpay.

Yaong mga pagsubok sa buhay ay nakatumbok

Hindi upang matalo sa laban ay sumuko

Dahil Diyos ang nakababatid,

Gagawin ka Niyang matatag, matalino

Kaya‟t ang lahat pakilimiin mo ng husto

Nang upang hindi ka mapahamak nito

Simulan sa mga taong makakasama mong

tumakbo. Ano ba ang itinuturo nito?

Dapat ang una sa iyo ang buhay ay mapanuto.

Sa Daan Pipiliin Mo

Ni Renevilla E. Pumar, TVET-Commercial Cooking



Born under the luminescent moon

Another sparkle in the sky

In a world where good and evil dance together

As thin as a twig, almost as funny as Chaplin

Bright as the sun… I think? They think.

In the bloom of spring and autumn,

he was trained

To endure the northern winds,

Like a mountain he never learned to bow

They thought he can bring light

To the darkest depths of the night.

He played his part gallant and noble he looked

Armed with the fiercest sword, his fragile body

Covered with white and shining armor

Those lost adored him,

those who are left behind

Reached out their hands to him

Indeed it was complete bliss and happiness

To serve one person at a time,

as the world rejoices

Behind the shining armor of his being

A weak impostor hero lies,

pain and suffering consumes him

While he is saving the world,

he can‟t save himself.

A Hero Needs a Hero By J.A. Estrada

We came with nothing

A new challenge is waiting

Another world will begin

To somebody who wants to learn

That surely will remain.

Many faces and attitude reveal

Tensions and emotions rebuild

Teachers and staff become busy

So students, don‟t be lazy and busy buddy!

Their sacrifices are for everybody.

Do you know a place like this?

Such a small treat that brings the best!

Spending time here will not be a waste

Developing and mastering our potentials

Will open a new chapter in our lives

and give us good credentials

In the classroom, nothing is impossible

Creating new skills is possible

The lecture we hear is all knowledgeable

Be pro active, alert,

and avoid being unreasonable

They‟re preparing us to face the reality of battle

that is not questionable.

Classroom By Dante C. Gorembalem, 3-A

I always tell my self that if only there would be a camera in our home 24/7, it would

be a perfect reality show because drama never sleeps at home. However, one thing is great

about my family: when everything is over we would all talk about it and laugh the next day.

We never hold grudge against one another. We know how to forgive when we‟ve been done

wrong. There would be days when what we only have on the table are vegetables from our

relative‟s garden and yet none of us ever complained. My siblings and I never complained

about money, about clothing, or material things. We were always contented with what life

brings us. We know what we can only have and what our parents can give us. We never

wanted something bigger. We hoped for something better. Our parents loved us despite the

hurt that we gave them. They would always pick us up every time we fall. They would al-

ways do everything for us with all their might. They always accept us for the wrong things

we do. They would always welcome all the people that we hold dear like part of the family.

They never judged any of us for the decisions that we have made in our life. Despite our dif-

ferences and misunderstandings, we would always laugh together about the silly things that

we do as a family. We would laugh about the way my dad pronounces words and his lack of

teeth, his fear with the dentists, how my brother wears funny looking pants just to look cool,

how my sister would construct a funny sentence for her homework, and even how my grand

mother would get carried away when watching soap operas. Our big old home would look

gloomy from the outside, but inside it is shining with memories of happiness and hurt. We

treasure all of it as a learning experience not only by one, but as a family.

At one point in my life I thought my parents did a poor job raising us. I thought they

have given us too much freedom. I thought that I have the worst family anyone could ask for,

but I was wrong. I needed that freedom to learn things on my own, to feel the things that are

written only in fairy tale books, and to see the world through my eyes not from the eyes of

some hero from an epic novel. My parents may have missed a few shots, but that does not

matter anymore. Being here, alive and slowly knowing what is right from wrong makes

things better. Our home would never run out of drama, but no matter how much chaos breaks

free from our house, I will enjoy every second of it. People only get to have one family.

When the time comes you and your would go to their separate ways, you would never get the

chance to have someone you feel really comfortable with, and you would never have the

chance to be with someone you would feel at home with. Once you start taking that first step

out of that Welcome door mat, there would be no one that would shield you from the world

but your family. It is a big world out there, and it is almost impossible to find a place like

home where you won‟t be judged by the way you look, the way you talk, the way you think,

the way you act, or the way you live your life. There are days when my family still makes

me upset because of some things, but then I always tell my self I would have never gone this

far without them. That is why underneath the chaos, I never felt alone in this world because

of my family. It does not matter how much pain you felt in your family, what matters is how

you overcome that pain or hardship and turn it all around as a family.

Chaos in Our Home By Jordon Angelo G. Estrada, 4-A

Colors of the Night By Gerson D. Francisco, 3-A

All‟s blue and gray

Everything is astray

Mad black and dark


Your light and carefree

Innocence colors and the night

a rainbow from the deepest tone.

Maybe some of you would recognize the title from a chic lit or chic literature. Hon-

estly, I have never been digging into this book. I just borrowed the title for my own little

story. It has been a while since I have written something about anything. Maybe too much

work and too much stress are keeping me busy and away from my own senses. One night af-

ter a very long and rainy day, I realized that maybe I have to find some ways to channel my

stress and do a little writing because that will prevent my brain from being stagnant, numb

and tired of my own self. I know I have been a little selfish these days for not giving myself a

little space for relaxation. All I do every single day is work. Sometimes I feel so tired and

sleepy. But I am not complaining because this is the path that I have chosen. Now that I have

given myself the opportunity to do something for myself, I will not let anything or anyone

stop me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath for this is one of the best days for me and

for my tired senses. The air is cold and freezing as I stepped out of my comfort zone. I feel

like I am dreaming, seeing the beauty of the world underneath my feet. The sky will always

be as wide as I could remember. Someone held my hand and guided me. I never asked any

question because I know when I do, the dream would soon be over. I can feel the cold water

from the tiny drops of rain. I saw a rainbow splashing the brightness of its color across the

sky. The sun is there but it is not shining too much. A rabbit jumped in front of us. I know he

loved the rainbow as much as I did. I can smell the freshness of the blooming flowers around

us. I looked around me and saw the beauty of the tall and luscious fruit bearing trees. It has

been a while since I visited a place like this. Almost like a piece of heaven on the palm of my

hand. How I wished this breath taking and exquisite place is mine but in reality my little para-

dise is a part of my dream. I want to cherish the moment as long as it is free for me.

When I open my eyes everything will be back to reality. I see a busy life waking up

early in the morning, having coffee and breakfast at work, talking to the people that I work

with everyday, making sure that everything is in the right place before flipping the open/close

signage at the door, hoping and wishing that this day will be a good day just like crossing a

hanging bridge when the winds are blowing on my direction. I have to keep my balance, stay

focused and alert. Maybe I never lost my magic. Sometimes I thought my magic became so

tired of me and ran away but it never did, just like me it needed a break, a little space to move

and explore the real world. It stays inside me, and no one stole my magic.

Who Stole My Magic? By Pinky T. Agunod, TVET—Bread and Pastry Production




Mr. Nera graduated high school from the ANHS class

of 2011. He believes that being part of the ANHS will

give him more work experience. He feels glad to be part of the family,

this time rendering his services to the community. His advice to students

is “It works, if you work for it.”

Miss Pano has been a teacher and interpreter for the

Deaf for 10 years. She graduated from Binalbagan

Catholic College with the degree BSE Major in Math and took SPED

Major in Hearing Impaired for her graduate studies. She chose ANHS

because it is where she thinks can share and at the same time explore her

knowledge and skills especially to the Deaf learners. She feels satisfied

and happy with her few months of stay here although there are times of

frustrations when it comes to the learning of our Deafies. According to

her, “The moment of favor is worth ten years of labor. Perhaps now you

sacrifice but at the end there is always the best outcome. Just believe in

yourself and in God.”

Mrs. Jinco graduated from Bethel Bible College with

BSE and took graduate studies from the Philippine

Women‟s University. She has been interpreting for eleven years. As a

SPED teacher, her previous experience includes handling Children with

Special Disabilities (CWA). She chose ANHS because this is the only

school with a mainstreamed system (Hearing and Deaf). Her advice to

students “Mga kabataan, tumulad kayo sa mga langgam. Kahit walang

nag-uutos, sila ay masipag, matiyaga, at nagtutulungan. Ang katumbas

nito ay kaginhawaan sa kinabukasan.”

This school year we welcome the new members of the ANHS

family. We are happy that they chose ANHS to serve as our mentors, to

share their knowledge, and to teach valuable lessons to us. We prepared

questions for them to answer so that we would know them well ranging

from where they studied, their work experiences, why they chose ANHS,

and their message of inspiration to students. We also hope to have a fruit-

ful journey with them as they teach minds, touch hearts, and transform

lives. Welcome to the ANHS Community!

Mrs. Man-gao graduated from the Philippine Normal

University with the course BSE Major in Filipino. She

has been teaching for nine years now. She chose ANHS because

“Naniniwala akong may magandang plano ang Diyos bakit ako napadpad

sa ANHS.” With her few months of stay in the school, she said that she

is happy and is proud to be part of ANHS. She advised the students by

her words, “Magsumikap at magsipag sa pag-aaral para sa magandang

kinabukasan ng bayan.”

“Be patient and hardworking.” These were the words of

inspiration from Mrs. Jocelyn Pascua of TVET. She

graduated from Amang Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology

with BS Industrial Education. She has also pursued graduate studies and

has MAT in Homemaking Arts/ Crafts. She has been in the government

service for 30 years. She chose ANHS to give a try to adult schooling.

Mrs. Valdeavilla is the new Physics teacher. She gradu-

ated from Adamson University with the degree BS

Math and holds (Master of Arts in Education) MA ED and (Doctor of

Philosophy in Education) DPE and is currently enrolled for MS Math.

She has been teaching for 29 years. Her work experiences include being

a College Professor at her alma mater, College Dean at STI Education

Group and Programme and Development Specialist for Korean Exchange

Mission. She chose ANHS because she wanted to gain further experience

teaching the Deaf learners. She said that teaching in the ANHS has been

a long and difficult journey, but it has given her a deeper sense of fulfill-

ment. Her message to the ANHS students is “Life is not a rehearsal, it‟s

the real thing. Live it well by doing your ordinary duties extraordinarily



By Janet O. Mordido, 5-A

Mrs. Perlita C. Man-gao Filipino Teacher

Mrs. Jocelyn G. Pascua Dressmaking NC II

Miss Aileene B. Pano Interpreter for the Deaf

Mrs. Rowena D. Jinco Interpreter for the Deaf

Guhit ni Dominic Cuartero, 3-B at Dayalogo ni Dante Gormebalem, 3-A

The new members of the ANHS family showcasing their talents to the rest of the community during the Welcoming of New Teachers sponsored by the Faculty Association.








Mr. Christian Clark M. Nera Library Aide

Dr. Rizalina Alley T. Valdeavilla Physics Teacher

Guhit ni Mark Anthony A. Sasing, 3-B