Putauaki Primary School Starting Your School Learning Journey Te kakano hou timatanga (A seedling...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Putauaki Primary School

Starting Your School Learning Journey

Te kakano hou timatanga(A seedling begins a new life)

Nau Mai, Haere Mai – WelcomeWelcome to our School. We look forward to help your child begin their learning journey with us. All children have potential and we seek to develop these through programmes of work, identification of their smarts and working in a positively geared environment.

Principal: Noel More I o Mahi Katoa Mahia – Our Best Always in All Ways

TRANSITION TO SCHOOL•You are welcome to start your child visiting three to four weeks before his/her 5th birthday.Suggested times - The first visit could be a morning session until morning tea

-The second visit until lunch-The next maybe an afternoon visit-Finally a whole day visit

Days and times can be negotiated to accommodate theteacher and family

ENROLLINGEnrolment packages can be picked up from the Office 8.30am – 3.30pm prior to your child starting school.•If your child has attended a preschool we welcome any information/work examples to learn about your child’s interests and abilities.•Please do remember when enrolling, we will require a Birth Certificate, Immunisation Certificate and Emergency Contact.

FREE NEW ENTRANT STARTER PACKOn admission each New Entrant Child will be presented with a free welcoming pack containing:- - Some of the Stationery for a New Entrant

- Sun smart hat- Visique voucher for sunglasses

LEARNING ENVIRONMENTThere are 2 styles of classroom learning offered.•Mainstream English delivery in a single room - Tarawera Pod•Maori Enrichment where delivery is in English with a Maori perspective permeating the curriculum- Te Atea Pod –also now in a single room. Both Pods are family focussed and offer a caring environment where learning the core subjects , Reading, Writing, Maths are a priority. Learning “Smarts” are also identified and supported in these Junior classes.A “Green Card System” which recognises positive behaviour, operates well throughout the whole school and is started at the Junior levels.

ACTIVITIES, EXPERIENCES PROVIDED FOR JUNIORS (YR 0 - 3)•Jump Jam Jazzercise•Sleepovers and Camps•Folk dance jamborees•Flower and Craft day•Tabloid afternoons•Art intensives•Duffy book presentations•Brain gym

•Tuakana/Teina support systems•Kapa Haka/Whakangahau (Te Atea)•Jump rope celebrations•Interactive white board learning•Swimming instruction at local pool•Computer use

•Sharing and Hosting School Assembly

SAFETY IN SCHOOLThere are senior peer mediators and teachers in fluoro vests, roving the school grounds before school and between work periods. Your littlie can approach them at any time for “help.”

8.30am 9.00am Arrival

9.00am 10.40am 1st work period

10.40am 11.00am Interval (playtime)

11.00am 12.30pm 2nd work period

12.30pm 1.10pm Lunch time and activities

1.10pm 2.40pm 3rd work period

2.40pm Children dismissed to go home

SCHOOL HELPERS (Parents, Supporters, Caregivers)Are valued , appreciated and welcome to support the children/teachers with •Before school reading•B.B.R. (Becoming Better Readers Programme)•Art and Craft Days•Swimming•In class helpersPlease let your child’s teacher know if you are available.


GENERAL INFORMATION•Late arrivals – please inform the office prior to taking your child to their room•Absentees – there is an answering service for leaving a message•A full school prospectus is available from the office or see www.putauaki.school.nz for information.

We welcome your questions about our school