PWR's New Media Release Tactical Tips Quiz

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Take PWR's New Media Release tactical tips quiz and get 10 tips to make your next NMR more effective.


The more clever the subject line, the more likely a journalist will pay attention to, and value, your release.

1. True or False?

False. The objective is not to trick journalists into opening your NMR. Honesty, authenticity and relevance are the keys to success so stick with subject lines that are short and informative.

The Preview Pane view is every bit as important as the subject line. So, make sure journalists can see your headline and all that rich content through the preview pane, even with images blocked.

The more clever the subject line, the more likely a journalist will pay attention to, and value, your release.

1. True or False?

a) Jump on the bandwagon and rely solely on social media to get the word out and spread your news.

b) Add social media elements to the mix, finding ways to cross-pollinate your email target list with the social media platforms your organization uses.

c) Ignore social media altogether, it’s still a fraction of your target audience…and kind of confusing!

d) What’s social media?

The growth of social media means you should…

2. Multiple Choice

The correct answer is B. While the growth of social media platforms is impressive, email is still the glue that holds social platforms together.

You can’t afford to ignore either medium, so look for ways to cross-pollinate them. For example, invite your friends to join your list and include your social media footprint, social media bookmarks and Sphere links in your next NMR.

The growth of social media means you should…

2. Multiple Choice

Sending emails early in the morning means your NMR will capture attention first and deliver a higher open rate—the early bird gets the worm!

3. True or False?

Mid-week distributions also deliver higher metrics and Fridays, followed by Mondays, perform the worst as a general rule.

False. There is no clear cut answer when it comes to the best send times, but we track open rates for NMRs and note that late morning distribution times deliver higher open rates. Send when people are more likely to be at their desks for best results.

Sending emails early in the morning means your NMR will capture attention first and deliver a higher open rate—the early bird gets the worm!

3. True or False?

Which New Media Release will perform better?

4. Multiple Choice

Version A Version B

Version B.

They may both look good, but the excess capitalization in the other version will trigger spam filters and make it less likely that this release would actually make it to its intended recipients.

And remember…

People just don’t like being shouted at from their own inbox, so use caps sparingly.Which New Media Release will perform better?

4. Multiple Choice

Only journalists at broadcast outlets care about video/audio content.

5. True or False?

False. In our recent survey, 60% of journalists said they now produce web content in addition to their traditional duties and the number of journalists who want video has doubled in one year.

Adding video, audio and other multi-media content is a great way to hand easy-to-use web content to journalists, boosting the performance of your NMRs.SOURCE: PWR New Media, Journalist Survey, January 2009

Releases with more content deliver better metrics and delivering digital content can improve your chances of getting pick-up. With video, make sure you give recipients the ability to view, download or grab an embed code.

Only journalists at broadcast outlets care about video/audio content.

5. True or False?

The words you use in your texts can trigger spam filters.

6. True or False?

True. The words you use can decrease your chances of getting to the inbox. Make sure you spam test each email before hitting the send button.

Here is a list of the 7 deadliest words, phrases or subjects:

• 100% free

• 50% off

• act now

• all words that relate to sex or pornography

• all words that related to cures or medication

• amazing

• anything that looks like YELLING

The words you use in your texts can trigger spam filters.

6. True or False?

On the other hand, using the right words and optimizing them for the web can increase your visibility with search engines so, as the old saying goes, choose your words wisely.

Images are important to the press and should always be included with a release.

7. True or False?

True. In our recent survey, 85% of journalists told us that easy access to downloadable images is (Very) Important. However, they don’t like attachments. The best way to get good quality images to the press is to add an image gallery to your next NMR where journalists can view and grab whatever image works best for them.

“The absolute, most important supplement to a press release is editorial-quality, high resolution … if a good pitch comes along but there isn’t any art available, nine times out of 10, we pass on the story.” 

— Anonymous journalist

Source: PWR New Media, Journalist Survey, January 2009

Images are important to the press and should always be included with a release.

7. True or False?

Which New Media Release will perform better?

8. Multiple Choice

Version A Version B

Version B. Although those red web buttons on Version A might look pretty cute, they will not render well across systems. Many recipients block images and will not realize when viewing this release—through their preview pane with blocked images—that all that great content is included.

Avoid cute web buttons and stick with plain text links for maximum effectiveness. Similarly, fancy fonts don’t render well across different operating systems, so keep it simple.

Which New Media Release will perform better?

8. Multiple Choice

Large, interesting graphics will quickly grab the attention of journalists. The more the better.

9. True or False?

False. Most recipients will view your email through their preview pane with images blocked. Emails with too many images tend to render poorly and are more likely to be spammed.

Large, interesting graphics will quickly grab the attention of journalists. The more the better.

9. True or False?

Make sure journalists and bloggers can see your headline, subhead, and get a feel for the content—images, backgrounders, video and more—looking through their preview pane with images blocked.

And remember… content-rich releases that make it easy for journalists to cover your story perform better.

a) Jane Doe


c) Name of Featured Organization

d) Awesome PR Firm


Which From Line will entice more journalists and bloggers to open your email and read your release?

10. Multiple Choice

The answer is C, Name of Featured Organization.

Organization names test much higher than personal names or PR firm names. Honesty is the rule when it comes to from lines so be as clear as possible about the organization your release features.

Honesty and authenticity are key so be as forthcoming as possible in all aspects of your release.

Remember, spin is out but content is still king.

Which From Line will entice more journalists and bloggers to open your email and read your release?

10. Multiple Choice

How did you do?

We hope your picked-up a few useful tips that will be valuable as you navigate the new realities of maximizing news releases in the new media world.

At PWR, we design, distribute and develop NMRs on behalf of our clients every day. We believe that releases can be more effective than ever, reaching beyond the traditional press to bloggers and even consumers, when best practices are employed —excellent content, well-targeted lists, professional branding and an appropriate use of the email medium.

Thanks for taking our quiz!

For information on New Media Releases from PWR New Media contact:

Malayna WilliamsPhone: 312.924.4224Email:



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