Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker attends coord meeting on holding of ... · Yayasan Salam Program of...

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Established 1914

Volume XX, Number 56 11th Waning of Nayon 1374 ME Friday, 15 June, 2012

Our Three MainNational Causes

* Non-disintegration ofthe Union

* Non-disintegration ofNational Solidarity

* Perpetuation ofSovereignty

Speaking on the occasion, Speaker of Pyithu HluttawThura U Shwe Mann said that previous sessionsof the Hluttaw were successfully held with the assistanceof the departmental organizations. There were a fewdifficulties in convening the Hluttaw. So, it can be saidthat holding of the Hluttaw was smooth in all aspects. Heurged those present to contribute to smooth running oftasks in food, transport, accommodation, security andhealth sectors of the representatives who will attend thefourth regular session of the Hluttaw. Focusing on servingthe interests of the State and the citizens as much aspossible, assistance is to be provided for convenience ofthe representatives who attends the regular session of theHluttaw.

Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Ko Kosubmitted the reports on security affairs and Union Ministerfor Information U Kyaw Hsan on release of information onHluttaw affairs and tasks to inform local and foreigncorrespondents of facts and disciplines in covering thenews of Hluttaw.

(See page 9)

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker attends coord meeting onPyithu Hluttaw Speaker attends coord meeting onholding of fourth regular sessions of Hluttawholding of fourth regular sessions of Hluttaw

NAY PYI TAW, 14 June—A coordination meeting onholding of fourth regular sessions of the Hluttaw was heldat Zabuthiri Hall of Pyithu Hluttaw in Hluttaw Complex,here, at 8 am today.

Present at the meeting together with Speaker of

Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann were DeputySpeaker of Amyotha Hluttaw U Mya Nyein,Union ministers, Secretary of the Union Election CommissionU Win Ko, officials of the Hluttaw Office and departmentsconcerned, and officials of the Ministry of Defence.

NAY PYI TAW, 14 June—Union Minister for BorderAffairs and for MyanmaIndustrial Development Lt-Gen Thein Htay, accom-panied by officials from UNagencies, Islam leaders fromYangon and departmentalofficials, made an inspectiontour of Maungtaw, RakhineState, today.

During the tour, theUnion Minister encouragedthe visitors in the village of

Union Minister for Border AffairsUnion Minister for Border Affairsand for MID visits refugee campsand for MID visits refugee camps

in Rakhine Statein Rakhine StateKhayaymyaing where 49houses were destroyed.

At the meeting with thevillagers, the Union Ministerbriefed on measures to betaken by the government forrehabilitation, long-timeaids for their livelihood andregional security and the ruleof law in the region.

At the office ofMaungtaw District GeneralAdministration Department,Union Minister Lt-Gen

Thein Htay and officials ofUN agencies heard reportson loss of lives and propertyat villages in MaungtawTownship due to riots asfrom 8 June, 2012 andestablishment of rescuecamps by the head of theborder regions immigrationinspection controlheadquarters.

Afterwards, the UnionMinister and party visitedrescue camps and presentedK30 million, 3000 packetsof instant noodles, 1200 setsof school uniforms, 1500dozens of exercise booksand 1500 sets of ball-pensand pencils and pensdonated by the Ministry ofBorder Affairs, foodstuffworth K10 million donatedby Bridge Asia Japan. Theycomforted the refugees andbriefed on aids programmesfor the victims.

During the meetingwith the refugees, the UnionMinister encouraged them,pledging that thegovernment would assist in

rebuilding their homes,restoring peace and stabilityfor their livelihood andbringing security to thevillages so that villgers canreturn to their villages. Healso pledged that actions willbe taken against the riotersand briefed on measures tobe taken for currentlivelihood of the people.

Mr Vijay Nambiar, theSpecial Envoy of the UnitedNations Secretary-Generalexpressed his sympathy forthe refugees and stressed the

need for friendship and unityamong the people who havebeen living in the regionsince many years ago. Healso witnessed that thePresident has worked for therule of law in Rakhine Stateafter declaraing emergencystate. He also said that theUN would work incooperation with thegovernment, standing for thepeople and the government.

Mr Ashok Nigam,Resident Representative ofthe UN agencies in Myanmar,

said that the UN would fulfillthe requirements of RakhineState in cooperation with thegovenment as the recentincident in the state wasconsidered as an emergencyissue. He continued to saythat the government has beenworking for the security ofthe refugees and for assistingin their return home. Prioritywould be given to the majortasks and the tasks for therefugees would be carried out,he said.

(See page 9)

Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann delivering a speech.—MNA

Union Minister for Border Affairs and for Myanmar Industrial DevelopmentLt-Gen Thein Htay inspects relief camps in Maungtaw.—MNA

With two-page supplement attached

In parliaments where Myanmarand Europe converge PAGE 8

Germany’s second victory putsNetherlands on brink

Robin van Persie (C)of Netherlandscelebrates after

scoring during theGroup B 2nd round

match againstGermany at the Euro2012 in Kharkiv on

13 June 2012.PAGE 14

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012


Healthy citiesFriday, 15 June, 2012

In the light of gradual growth in the world’spopulation, there have emerged more andmore cities throughout the world, especially indeveloping nations.

The growth in population and congestedcities invite a spate of problems. Environmentalpollution, insufficient supply of food, potablewater and housing, the rise in the number oftraffic accidents and crimes and lessopportunities to get jobs are just a few tomention. Indeed, there are problems that couldundermine public peace and tranquility.

With unspoiled natural beauty and uniquecultural sites in the country plus ongoingstructural economic reforms the newgovernment has been instituting since takingoffice, the incoming tourist arrivals areincreasing day by day. As Myanmar tourism isgetting off the ground, tourist arrivals in thecountry are expected to reach 1.5 million in2012. Moreover, as Myanmar is going tochair the ASEAN meetings and to host theXXVII SEA Games in 2013, the building ofhealthy cities appears to be a more pressingissue”.

With this, the new government is resolutelyupbeat about creating healthy cities forunhealthy cities might give internationaltourists and visitors short shrift and attractunwanted attention.

As Myanmar is becoming a socialphenomena among the internationalcommunity it has devoted too much attentionto developing healthy cities with the steadilyintroduction of satellite towns across the nationto be in line with one of the WHO mottoes“Healthy Cities for Better Life”.

In fact, much have been done to realize theobjectives as desired by the WHO motto, whichis consistent with the national objective—building a new modern developed nation inaccord with the new State constitution. Hence,with active and enthusiastic participation andcooperation of the people, we should be able todo better to create healthy cities with Nay PyiTaw, the capital of Myanmar, high on theagenda.

YANGOn, 14 June—Myanmar is striving forputting ancient Pyu statessuch as ancient Beikthanoestate, ancient Hanlin stateand ancient Srikhestra statein the world heritage list.UNESCO and Department ofArchaeology, NationalMuseum and Libraryorganized the world heritagemanagement workshops atArchaeological Techno-logical Training School(Pyay) on 7 June andNational Museum inYangon from 9 to 12 June.

The workshop wasattended by five UNESCOofficials, one officer ofU N E S C O - B a n g k o k ,

NAY PYI TAW, 14 June—The Ministry of Livestockand Fisheries this morningheld a presenting-ceremonyfor outstanding students whopassed the matriculationexam (2011-2012) at themeeting hall of the ministry,with an address of UnionMinister for Cooperativesand for Livestock andFisheries U Ohn Myint.

Of 240 offspring of thestaff, who sat for the exam, atotal of 137 studentsincluding 46 passed the

L & F Ministry holdspresenting-ceremony for

outstanding offspring of its staffNAY PYI TAW, 14 June—The President of the

Republic of the Union of Myanmar has confirmed theappointment of the following heads of serviceorganizations on expiry of the one-year probationaryperiod.

Name Appointments

(a) U Thein Swe Director-GeneralIndustrial CropsDevelopmentDepartmentMinistry of Agri-culture and Irri-gation

(b) Dr Tin Htut RectorYezin University ofAgricultureMinistry of Agri-culture and Irri-gation

(c) U Khin Maung Yi Managing DirectorMyanma TimberEnterpriseMinistry ofEnvironmentalConservation andForestry

Myanmar Gazette

exam with flying colours.The 46 outstanding

students—four with fivedistinctions, 14 with four, twowith 3, 13 with 2 and 13 with1— received K 100,000 foreach distinction, presentedby the Union Minister andDeputy Minister U KhinMaung Aye anddepartmental heads.

The ceremony came toend with words of thanks offive-distinction winner MaPhyo Phyo Myint Lwin.


NAY PYI TAW, 14 June— Deputy Minister for ForeignAffairs U Maung Myint received Malaysian Ambassador tothe Republic of the Union of Myanmar Dr. Ahmad FaisalBin Muhammad at his office today.

Both sides exchanged views on promotion of bilateralrelationships and cooperation.

At the meeting, the ambassador presented HP desktopcomputers donated by Yayasan Salam Program to theDeputy Minister.—MNA

Dy Foreign Minister meetsMalaysian Ambassador to


NAY PYI TAW, 14 June—Deputy Minister forConstruction U Kyaw Lwintogether with officials ofPublic Works on 11 Juneinspected maintenance ofAungzeya SuspensionBridge and gave instructionson maintenance to be madefor durability of thesuspension bridge.

He viewed repairing ofapproach road to the bridgeand Hlinethaya Road byAsia World Co.

The deputy ministeralso inspected maintenance

Dy Construction Ministerinspects maintenance of

roads, bridges

Dr. Ahmad Faisal Bin Muhammad presentsDeputy Foreign Affairs Minister U Maung

Myint two HP desktop computers, donated byYayasan Salam Program of Malaysia.


Workshop on management for world heritage held

scholars and officers ofMyanmar ArchitectsAssociation, MyanmarEngineering Society,Ministry of Science andTechnology and Departmentof Archaeology, NationalMuseum and Library.

On 7 June, the attendeesvisited the ancient culturalheritage and sites inSrikhestra State in Pyay.

From 9 to 12 June, theworkshop was held atNational Museum inYangon. Experts Mr GaminiWijesuriya, Mr RichardEngelhardt and Mr NilanCooray of UNESCO, U SanWin (Director-General-Rtd)of Department ofArchaeology, NationalMuseum and Library, U ThanZaw Oo (Deputy Director) ofDANML, Dr Pwint(Associate Professor ofMinistry of Science and

Technology), U Win Kyaing(Principal of ArchaeologicalTechnology TrainingSchool), Daw Su Su(Professor of Ministry ofScience and Technologyand Mr Vira Rojpojchanaratparticipated in thediscussions.

According to thediscussions and suggestionsof the delegation, MyanmarPyu ancient statesmanagement programmesare amended in line with theinternational prescriptions,and managements wereundertaken for maintenanceof cultural heritage inancient Pyu states.

As of 13 June, UNESCOofficials, nomination dossiercommittee members andlocal scholars and officialsare holding the workingsession.


The world heritage management workshops at ArchaeologicalTechnological Training School (Pyay) in progress.


of Kungyangon-KawhmuRoad by car and gaveinstruction on road works toengineers.

The deputy ministerlooked into systematickeeping of tar and baileyframes at Central Store(Pyinmabin) of PublicWorks and heavy machineryat Heavy MachineryCompany (South). He alsoviewed the site to buildstandard scale at mile postNo. 32/0 on Yangon-BagoRoad.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012 3

KABUL, 14 June— Aninternational conferenceopened here Thursdaymorning with an aim to figureout ways to stabilizeAfghanistan and chart out thefuture of the war-torn countryafter NATO-led foreign troopspull out in 2014. In his openingspeech, Afghan PresidentHamid Karzai said that closercooperation among theregional countries is neededas his country is in a criticalperiod of transition. He hopedthe following talks wouldbring tangible developmentto bring peace, harmony andsustainability to Afghanistanand the region.

Secretary-General of theUnited Nations Ban Ki-moon,in a recorded message to theconference, said that Afgha-nistan and its neighbours needto work together to pushforward the Istanbul Process.Special efforts should turn towomen and children inAfghanistan, particularly in

COPENHAGEN, 14 June— Chinese President Hu Jintao willkick off a state visit to Denmark on Thursday, as the Sino-Danish bilateral relationship has embarked on a track ofmature, sound and steady growth in recent years. PresidentHu’s visit from 14 to16 June marks the first time that a Chinesepresident has visited Denmark. The trip will further consolidateand deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership betweenChina and Denmark, bring Sino-Danish bilateral links to anew, higher level, and prove another milestone in the historyof bilateral relations.

It will also have significance for China-Europe relations,as Denmark holds the presidency of the European Union inthe first half of 2012. Denmark and China enjoy dynamiccooperation in many areas including politics, economy,science and technology, culture and education, where theyhave achieved remarkable success. The Sino-Danishrelationship has a long history. Denmark was one of the firstWestern countries to establish diplomatic relations withChina over 62 years ago. In 2008, Denmark became the firstNordic country to forge a comprehensive strategic partnershipwith China.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, therehas been an accelerating development of bilateral relations,helped by clear foresight and political wisdom of nationalleaders from both sides. ‘ It is also clear that Chinese andDanish leaders lay great emphasis on development of bilateralrelations.


WASHINGTON, 14 June —The US Department ofDefence on Wednesdayannounced the United States,South Korea and Japan willconduct a two-day, trilateralnaval exercise on 21- 22 Junein the waters south of theKorean peninsula. Accordingto a Pentagon release, theexercise will focus on“improving interoperabilityand communications withthe ROK Navy and theJapan Maritime SelfDefence Force,” to facilitate

Talks on Afghanistan’s futurekicks off in Kabul

BERLIN, 14 June—Chinese entrepreneurs labeled Germany as the most attractiveinvestment destination in Europe, considering more acquisition and joint ventures withGerman companies, a latest study showed on Wednesday. The report of consulting firm Ernst& Young, based a survey of 400 executives of medium-sized and large Chinese firms fromdifferent industries, indicated that one in four Chinese managers viewed Germany as one ofthe three most appealing locations for investment worldwide. The other two were China

Staff members adjustdevices on the deep-seasubmersible, Jiaolong,

aboard Xiangyanghong09, the submersible’s

oceanographic mother ship,

on 14 June, 2012. XINHUA

Germany top European investment countryfor Chinese firms

itself, with 61 percent of votes and the United States, with 29percent.

Within Europe, Germany wins 63 percent of responses,ahead of France with 13 percent, the report said. AmongChinese companies that are planning to invest in Germany,Europe’s strongest economy, 9 percent of them are expectingbusiness acquisitions, while 56 percent preferred jointventures. Ernst & Young said Chinese companies, withsubstantial funds in hands, are “full to bursting” for theexpansion in Germany. As for the particular sectors, 57percent said they are interested in mechanical engineering,with automobile industry in the second place.

“German companies and brands are regarded highly inChina, which shapes the image of Germany as an investmentlocation from the perspective of Chinese companies,” said YiSun, a partner at Ernst & Young and head of the Chinabusiness services in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.“TheGerman mentality with diligence and punctuality earns highreputation among Chinese companies,” Sun said, addingthat Germany’s well-developed infrastructure, excellentresearch and development system of universities and variousinstitutes and large potential markets also attract Chinesecompanies.—Xinhua

Sino-Danish bilateral tiesenjoy great potential

A graduate from eastChina’s Shandong

Province donates blood atthe Xidan Blood Collection

Centre in Beijing, on 14June, 2012, the 9th World

Blood Donor Day. XINHUA

WASHINGTON, 14 June —US Secretary of State HillaryClinton on Wednesday highlighted the progress made in theUS- India relations in areas including trade, investment andnuclear energy. At a Press conference after the annual US -India strategic dialogue, Clinton said the “strategicfundamentals” of the relationship are pushing the twocountries’ interests into “closer convergence”. “Today thereis less need for dramatic breakthrough that marks earlierphases in our relationship, but more need for steady, focusedcooperation aimed at working through our differences andadvancing the interests and values that we share,” saidClinton, alongside Indian Minister of External Affairs ShriSM Krishna.

Since he took office in 2009, US President BarackObama has vowed to build a strong partnership with India.However, some observers believe the relationship has beenoverstated. Clinton cited the preliminary deal signed byWestinghouse Electric and India’s Nuclear Power Corporationon Tuesday to build nuclear reactors in India, as progress incivil nuclear energy. The agreement committed bothcompanies to work toward the preliminary licensing and sitedevelopment work needed to begin construction of newreactors in Gujarat, a western state of India.

Despite “a lot of work” that still needs to be done,Clinton hailed it as a “significant step toward the fulfillmentof the landmark US-India nuclear agreement.” Some in Americahave complained that the nuclear agreement signed duringthe Bush administration in 2008 has been so radically alteredby India’s parliament that US businesses may be frozen outof the market. On the economic front, Clinton said onWednesday morning that the bilateral trade and investmentmay exceed 100 billion US dollars this year, a 40 percentgrowth since 2009. “There’s a lot of room, however, forfurther growth, and we need to keep up the momentum,” shenoted, adding that Washington looks forward to furtherreduce barriers to trade and investment in areas like multi-brand retail.—Xinhua

Photo taken on 11 June, 2012 show the world famousLittle Mermaid in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark.


Clinton highlights progress inUS-India relations

US, S Korea, Japan to havejoint naval exercise

cooperative disaster relief andmaritime security activities inthe future.

The Pentagon said thisexercise will be conducted“beyond the territorial watersof any coastal nation.”Immediately after theexercise, the United Stateswill then conduct a “routinecarrier operation” with theSouth Korean Navy in theYellow Sea on 23-25 June ,and the George WashingtonCarrier Strike Group willmake a port call in Busan,South Korea, aftercompleting the two exercises.Over the past year, the UnitedStates has refocused itsresources to the Asia-PacificRegion and boostedinteractions with quite a fewAsia-Pacific countries invarious fields.


girls’ education and women’sparticipation in politics, theUN chief said. Representat- ives, mostly foreignministers from 30 countries,took part in the one-day talkswhich follow up discussionsat the Istanbul conference lastNovember.

The meeting broughttogether delegates frominternational organizationssuch as NATO, the EuropeanUnion, the Shanghai Coop-eration Organization and theUnited Nations. Chinese ViceForeign Minister Fu Ying, wholed a delegation, attended theconference. In a meeting withAfghan President HamidKarzai on Wednesday, Fu saidthat China supportsAfghanistan in strengtheningties with countries in the region,and is ready to work withrelevant countries to makecontribu-tions to the peace,stability and development ofAfghanistan and the region.


US wildfires fuel urgency for forest restorationALBUQUERQUE, 14

June— As firefighters battleblazes in New Mexico andColorado that have forcedevacuations and destroyedhundreds of structures, theUS Forest Service chief isrenewing his call to restoreforests to a more natural state,where fire was a part of thelandscape.

Experts say acombination of decades ofvigorous fire suppression andthe waning of the timberindustry over environmentalconcerns has left many forestsa tangled, overgrown mess,subject to the kind of super-fires that are now regularlyconsuming hundreds ofhomes and millions of acres.

This June 10, 2012satellite image provided bythe NASA Goddard Space

Flight Center showswildfires in Colorado and


The Forest Service is ona mission to set the clock backto zero and the urgencycouldn’t be greater, TomTidwell said. The plan callsfor accelerating restorationprogrammes — everythingfrom prescribed fire andmechanical thinning — by20 percent each year in keyareas that are facing thegreatest danger of acatastrophic fire.

This year’s target: 4million acres. The budget:About $1 billion. “We needto understand the conditionswe’re facing today,” Tidwelltold The Associated Press inan interview. “They’redifferent than what we usedto deal with. We’re seeing

erratic fire behavior, moreerratic weather.” In southernNew Mexico, a lightning-sparked fire raced across morethan 37,000 acres in recentdays, damaging or destroyingat least 224 homes and otherstructures in the mountainsoutside of the resortcommunity of Ruidoso.Hundreds of residentsremained out of their homeson Wednesday.

The Little Bear blaze hasscorched 58 square miles inthe Sierra Blanca range andcontainment stood at 40percent after crews used a two-day break in the hot, windyweather to build miles of firelines and conduct burnoutoperations.—Internet

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012

Science & Technology Science & Technology Science & TechnologyGalactic ‘close encounter’

confirmedGraphic shows gas

“bridge” between M31,right, and M33.


GREEN BANK, 14 June—Two galaxies in theneighbourhood of our ownMilky Way had a closeencounter billions of years agoand may have even brushedeach other, US astronomerssay.

Observations by theNational ScienceFoundation’s Green BankTelescope in West Virginiaconfirm a disputed 2004discovery of a hydrogen gas“bridge” streaming betweenthe giant Andromeda Galaxy,also known as M31, and theTriangulum Galaxy, or M33,the National RadioAstronomy Observatoryreported on Monday.

“The properties of thisgas indicate that these twogalaxies may have passed closetogether in the distant past,”observatory researcher JayLockman said. “Studying whatmay be a gaseous link betweenthe two can give us a new keyto understanding theevolution of both galaxies.”

The two galaxies are

members of the so-called LocalGroup of galaxies that includesour own Milky Way and about30 others.

When galaxies pass closeto each other, one result is“tidal tails” of gas pulled intointergalactic space from thegalaxies as lengthy streams,the researchers said.

“We think it’s very likely

that the hydrogen gas we seebetween M31 and M33 is theremnant of a tidal tail thatoriginated during a closeencounter, probably billionsof years ago,” Spencer Wolfeof West Virginia Universitysaid. “The encounter had tobe long ago, because neithergalaxy shows evidence ofdisruption today.”—Internet

LOS ANGELES, 14 June —Quantum computers couldhelp speed up Internetsearches by doing the hugeamounts of mathematicalcomputation necessary,researchers say.

Internet search enginesuse a lot of math to figure outexactly what qualifies as mostrelevant Web page to presentas a result of a search, they say.Google, for example, uses apage ranking algorithmrumoured to be the largestnumerical calculation carriedout anywhere in the world.

With the Web growingexplosively, researchers at theUniversity of Southern

Quantum computers could speed Web searchesCalifornia have proposedusing quantum computers tospeed up that process.

They wanted to seewhether quantum computingcould be used to run the Googlealgorithm faster, they said.

In current computers, bitsencode data distinctly as eithera one or a zero, whereasquantum computers usequantum bits or “qubits,”which can encode a one and azero at the same time.

Called superposition, thisproperty could some day allowquantum computers to performcertain calculations muchfaster than traditionalcomputers, the researchers

said. While there currently isno quantum computer in theworld large enough to runGoogle’s page rankingalgorithm for the entire Web,the researchers generatedmodels of the Web thatsimulated a few thousand Webpages.

Their simulations showeda quantum computer could, inprinciple, return the ranking ofthe most important pages inthe Web faster than traditionalcomputers, and that thisquantum speedup wouldimprove the more pagesneeded to be ranked, a USCrelease said on Tuesday.


Study: Many factors in mammoth extinctionLOS ANGELES, 14 June —

A combination of climatewarming, encroachinghumans and habitat changesaw woolly mammoths goextinct thousands of yearsago, US scientists say.

Although humans andmammoths co-existed formillennia, the shaggy giantsdisappeared from the Earthbetween 4,000 and 10,000

years ago, doomed by thesame threats facing manyspecies today, UCLAresearchers reported onTuesday.

“We were interested toknow what happened to thisspecies during the climatewarming at the end of the lastice age because we werelooking for insights into whatmight happen today due to

human-induced climatechange,” said Glen Mac-Donald, director of UCLA’sInstitute of the Environmentand Sustainability.

“The answer to why

woolly mammoths died offsounds a lot like what we expectwith future climate warming.”

Analyzing all the changeshappening thousands ofyears ago, the researchersfound the extinction didn’tline up with any single changebut with the combination ofseveral new pressures onwoolly mammoths.

Although humans hadhunted woolly mammoths inSiberia for millennia, climatechange added pressure onthe animals with risingtemperatures leading to adecline in woolly mammoths’favored foods like grasses andwillows. Still, researchers said,there is no one single thingthat killed off the mammoths.

“It’s not just the climatechange that killed them off,”MacDonald said. “It’s thehabitat change and humanpressure. Hunting expandedat the same time that thehabitat became lessamenable.”


Big Bang particle discovery closer: scientistsGENEVA, 14 June—

Physicists investigating themake-up of the universe areclosing in on the Higgs boson,an elusive particle thought tohave been key to turningdebris from the Big Bang intostars, planets and finally life,scientists said on Tuesday.

Researchers at theEuropean Organization forNuclear Research (CERN) areusing their large HadronCollider (LHC), the world’s

biggest particle accelerator, totry to prove that the mysteryparticle really exists.

Poring over hugevolumes of data, CERNphysicists are confident theyare now closer to achievingthat aim, outside scientists withlinks to two key research teamsat the Switzerland-basedfacility said.

“They are getting quitefired up,” one scientist outsideCERN but with links to theexperiment who declined to benamed told Reuters.

Strong signs of the Higgswere being seen in the sameenergy range where it wastentatively spotted last year,the scientists added, eventhough the particle is so short-lived that it can only be detected

by the traces it leaves.The quest for the obscure

but scientifically crucial Higgsboson is being conducted byharnessing the LHC’s highenergy accelerator, which islocated on the edge of Geneva,to replicate the Big Bang, theprocess scientists believebrought the known universeinto being.

The Higgs is named afterBriton Peter Higgs who in 1964first came up with a detailedidea of what it might be and isthe last major missing piece inthe so-called Standard Modelof how the universe works atthe elementary particle level.

Its formal discovery, onceit is endorsed by the worldscientific community, wouldalmost certainly ensure aNobel prize for Higgs, now 83and retired, and perhaps for atleast one other Europeanphysicist and one American.

SpeculationThe scientists spoke of

their CERN colleagues’progress after research chiefsat the Swiss facility decreed acut-off last weekend in theprocessing of all data relatedto the search for the particleahead of a major physicsconference, ICHEP, inMelbourne in mid-July.

There has beenwidespread speculation that amajor announcement on theHiggs, based on carefulanalysis of the most interestingof over 300 trillion protoncollisions in the LHC so far

New circuits work in high radiation levels

this year, may be made at thatgathering.

But there was noconfirmation from CERN itselfthat it was close to formallyannouncing it had discoveredthe particle and its linkedenergy field, thought to havegiven mass to matter and shapeto the universe 13.7 billionyears ago. Researchers on thecollider’s separate ATLASand CMS detectors have been“blinded”—or cut off fromfindings from the rival teamand even from different groupsinside their own.

CERN spokesman JamesGillies said the centre wouldwant to make any importantannouncement, once therewas something to say, inGeneva.

“As for what ATLAS andCMS may or may not have inthe 2012 data, that’s onlyknown to a few people in eachexperiment right now,” headded.

“Blinding” is used inscience to ensure that differentgroups working on identicalexperiments but with differentif similar equipment do notinfluence the outcome of eachother’s research.

If they then come to thesame conclusion, they cansafely be seen to haveindependently validated eachother’s results, clearing theway to actually claiming adiscovery.

In December 2011, aftersome 16 months of collisions

at lower energy levels thanthis year, both teams joined atCERN to say they hadseparately seen “tantalizingglimpses” of the Higgs butneeded more time to be sure ifit was really there.

Data still coming in afterlast weekend’s analysis cut-off will be processed later inthe summer. Physicists saythat more than half of thecollisions produce nothing ofscientific value and the recordof their tracks are automaticallydumped.—Reuters

Woolly mammothrestoration at the Royal

British Columbia Museum,Victoria, British


Two “logic gates” made ofmicroscopic mechanical

parts and designed to resistionizing radiation that

fries conventional siliconelectronics. The top gateperforms “exclusive or”functions and the bottom

gate performs the function“and.” These devices areso small four would fit in

the cross section of a singlehuman hair.


SALT LAKE CITY ,14 June—US researchers saymicroscopic mechanicaldevices that withstand intenseradiation and heat can be usedin robots dealing with damagednuclear power plants.

Such devices canwithstand high amounts ofradiation that can quickly frysilicon-based electroniccircuits, University of Utah

engineers reported on Tues-day. Such electronic circuitswere in robots sent to helpcontain the meltdowns at theFukushima Daiichi nuclearpower plant after Japan’scatastrophic 2011 earthquakeand tsunami, they said.

“Robots were sent tocontrol the troubled reactors,and they ceased to operateafter a few hours because their

electronics failed,” Utahresearcher Massood Tabib-Azar said. Tabib-Azar and hiscolleagues have been workingon mechanical substitutes forsuch electronics and showedtheir devices, known as micro-electro-mechanical systems,kept working despite intenseionizing radiation and heat bydipping them for two hoursinto the core of the Universityof Utah’s research reactor.

“We have developed aunique technology that keepson working in the presence ofionizing radiation to providecomputation power for criticaldefense infrastructures,”Tabib-Azar said. “Our devicesalso can be used in deep spaceapplications in the presenceof cosmic ionizing radiation,and can help robotics tocontrol troubled nuclearreactors without degrada-tion.”—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012 5

Business & Health Business & Health Business & HealthWal-Mart bribery review includes Brazil, China

WASHINGTON, 14 June—Lawyers for Wal-Mart StoresInc (WMT N) have flaggedBrazil, China, India and SouthAfrica in addition to Mexico,as countries that represent thehighest corruption risk in aglobal review, according to aletter from lawmakersinvestigating the company.

The lawyers said theywere retained to review Wal-Mart policies in Mexico,Brazil and China, and laterrecommended the companyalso evaluate its operationsin India and South Africa.The lawyers referred to thosefive countries as regionswhere the risk was thegreatest, according to thelawmakers.

The company hasacknowledged it isinvestigating briberyallegations involving itsMexican operations, and thatit is conducting a globalreview of its anti-corruptioncompliance programme, buthas not provided detailsabout the review.

According to the letter,from Representatives ElijahCummings and HenryWaxman, both Democrats,Wal-Mart asked its lawyersto expand the review to a

A shopper carts her purchases from a Wal-Mart store inMexico City, April on 24, 2012. —REUTERS

worldwide assessment of thecompany’s anti-corruptionpolicies. The review led Wal-Mart to revise its programmeto include a new procedurefor escalating corruptioncomplaints to seniormanagement and the board’saudit committee, the lettersaid.

Cummings and Wax-man, who are the rankingmembers, respectively, of theHouse Oversight and HouseEnergy committees, asked thecompany on Tuesday toprovide documents about thereview and the recommen-dations. The pair wrote toWal-Mart Chief ExecutiveMichael Duke and also askedhim to allow certain witnesses

to cooperate with acongressional investigationinto the bribery allegations.

Outside lawyers for Wal-Mart at two law firms,Greenberg Traurig and AkinGump Strauss Hauer & Feld,briefed the lawmakers on 21May about the company’sprogramme to comply withthe Foreign Corrupt PracticesAct, a 1970s-era law that barsbribes to officials of foreigngovernments.

But the lawyers did notanswer any questions aboutthe substance of the briberyallegations, which werebrought to light in an 21 AprilNew York Times report thatsaid that management atWal-Mart de Mexico

( W A L M E X V . M X )orchestrated bribes of $24million to help it grow quicklyin the last decade and thatWal-Mart’s top brass triedto cover it up.

The two lawmakers havepreviously expressedfrustration about the infor-mation they have receivedfrom Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart representativesdid not immediately respondto a request for a comment, butthe company has said it is“committed to a full andindependent investigation,”and that “it would beinappropriate for us or othersto come to conclusions beforethe investigation is complete.”

While Wal-Mart hastapped the brakes on itsgrowth in Brazil and China,last month WalmartInternational CEO DougMcMillon said the slowdownwas not a result of foreignbribery concerns.

Lawyers for Wal-Martare scheduled to briefCongressional investigatorson Wednesday about the“investigative protocols” thecompany is using to examinebribery allegations inMexico, according to theletter.—Reuters

US Air plans antitrustfiling to boost AMR bidNEW YORK, 14 June—US

Airways Group (LCC N) aimsto file paperwork with USantitrust regulators as earlyas July for a proposedmerger with AMR CorpAAMRQ PK, the bankruptparent of American Airlines,according to people familiarwith the matter.

US Airways believessecuring regulatory approvalfor its proposed deal wouldremove one key element ofuncertainty from the picture,bolstering its case as AMR’screditors compare the meritsof a merger with the carrier’sstandalone restructuring plan,the people said.

A regulatory filing now

A US airways plane takes off behind an AmericanAirlines jet at Ronald Reagan National Airport in

Washington on 23 April, 2012. —REUTERS

—as opposed to afterreaching a deal — also reflectsthe fifth-largest US carrier’sdesire to merge with AMRwhile the No 3 US carrier isstill in bankruptcy.

Under the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) AntitrustImprovements Act, com-panies must not complete amerger until the US FederalTrade Commission andDepartment of Justicedetermine that the transactionwill not hurt competition.

Representatives for USAirways declined tocomment. AMR said it didnot have an immediatecomment.


GENEVA, 14 June— Diesel engine fumescan cause lung cancer and belong in thesame potentially deadly category as asbestos,arsenic and mustard gas, World HealthOrganization (WHO) experts said onTuesday. In an announcement that causedconcern in the auto industry, the France-based International Agency for Research onCancer (IARC), part of the WHO, reclassifieddiesel exhausts from its group 2A of probable

Diesel exhaust fumes cause lung cancer, WHO sayscarcinogens to its group 1 of substances thathave definite links to cancer.

The experts, who said their decision wasunanimous and based on “compelling”scientific evidence, urged people worldwide toreduce their exposure to diesel fumes as muchas possible. “The working group found thatdiesel exhaust is a cause of lung cancer and alsonoted a positive association with an increasedrisk of bladder cancer,” IARC said in a statement.

The decision was the result of a week-long meeting of independent experts whoassessed the latest scientific evidence on thecancer-causing potential of diesel andgasoline exhausts. It puts diesel exhaust fumesin the same risk category as a number of othernoxious substances including asbestos,arsenic, mustard gas, alcohol and tobacco.Christopher Portier, chairman of the IARCworking group, said the group’s conclusion“was unanimous, that diesel engine exhaustcauses lung cancer in humans”.—Reuters

The World Health Organization (WHO)headquarters are pictured in Geneva on

27 April, 2009.— REUTERS

Insulin has no effect on heart attack riskPHILADELPHIA, 14 June—

Daily insulin injection,begun early with type 2diabetes, neither increasednor reduced heart attack,stroke or cancer risk,Canadian researchers said.The Outcome Reductionwith Initial GlargineIntervention trialrandomized more than12,500 people at high riskfor, or in the early stages of,type 2 diabetes to either onedaily injection of glargine,or insulin, or standard care —no insulin — over a median

of 6.2 years.Principal investigator Dr

Hertzel Gerstein and Dr SalimYusuf of McMaster Universityin Hamilton, Ontario, foundno difference among the twogroups in cardiovascularoutcomes or in thedevelopment of any type ofcancer, suggesting dailyinsulin injection to normalizeglucose levels is not harmfulover long periods of time.Patients given insulinmaintained glucose levels inthe normal range — 90-94mg/dL — throughout the

duration of the study, theresearchers said. Someprevious research suggesteda link between insulin use andan increased risk of heartattacks, strokes and severalkinds of cancer, but noneexamined the long-termimpacts of insulin use onserious cardiovascularoutcomes and cancers in high-risk individuals, theresearchers said. The findingswere presented at the AmericanDiabetes Association’s 72ndscientific sessions inPhiladelphia.—Internet

TOKYO, 14 June— Asianshares slipped on Thursdayas weak US retail sales dataraised fresh concerns aboutsluggish economic growth,while an Italian debt auctionlater in the day will test marketconfidence in whether Romecan avoid becoming the nextvictim of the euro zone crisis.Traders expected marketactivity to slow approaching acliffhanger on Sunday electionin Greece, which couldprecipitate the country’s exitfrom the euro zone.

European shares werelikely to pause, withspreadbetters predicting major

A Tokyo Stock Exchangeemployee looks at a

monitor as he works at thebourse in Tokyo on 4 June,

2012.— REUTERS

Global shares slip on weakUS data, Italy debt sale eyed

European markets would openflat to 0.1 percent lower. ButUS stock futures were up 0.4percent. MSCI’s broadestindex of Asia-Pacific sharesoutside Japan fell 0.5 percent,with China and Australialeading the decline, whileJapan’s Nikkei averagetrimmed earlier losses to standdown 0.1 percent.

“I would expect lowvolume in today’s session, withrisk aversion dominating themind-set of investors leadingup to the Greek election,” saidMiguel Audencial, trader atCMC Markets in Sydney,where stocks fell 0.5 percent.

Data showing that US retailsales hit their worst level intwo years in May could justifythe Federal Reserve takingfurther stimulus measures atits policy meeting next week tosupport the US economy, aftera weak May jobs report addedto fears about the euro zoneand sparked a broad marketsell-off earlier this month.


US secret space plane X-37B may end mission soonLOS ANGELES, 14 June — After spending more than a year orbiting Earth on a mystery

mission, the US Air Force’s X-37B space plane is due to return to Earth any day now, localmedia reported on Wednesday. The X-37B spacecraft’s landing window opened on 11 Juneand runs through 18 June, with Friday being the next opportunity. US Air Force officials saylanding day for the unmanned X-37B space plane is imminent, and could occur on Friday.

But ultimately landing date and time depend on weather at its intended landing site atVandenberg Air Force Base in California, technical considerations and other factors, said AirForce Lt Austin Fallin, a Vandenberg spokesman. The reusable space plane is on its second-ever space mission known as the Orbital Test Vehicle 2 or OTV-2. The OTV-2 mission and itspredecessor were both launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. US AirForce officials have said they intend to launch the OTV-1 vehicle on another test flight soon,possibly as soon as this fall. The X-37B space planes are built in tight secrecy by Boeing andlook much like NASA’s retired space shuttles, only much smaller. Each X-37B spacecraftis about 8.8 meters long and 4.5 metres wide. Industry analysts said the spacecraft could bea precursor to an orbiting weapon, capable of dropping bombs or disabling foreign satellitesas it circles the globe. The first X-37B space plane, OTV-1, launched in 2010 and spent 225days in space. The estimated mission length for the space planes is about 270 days.—Xinhua

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012

Two dead, 22 missing in Philippine ferrysinking

MANILA, 14 June — At least two peoplewere reported killed and 22 others were missingon Wednesday after a Philippine ferry sank inchoppy seas, the coast guard said. Thewooden-hulled MV Josille 2 was carrying 34passengers and 12 crew members when it wasreported before dawn to have sunk off thenorthern coast of Palawan island, the coastguard said.

This file photo showsboats on a beach near

Puerto Princesa, on thewestern Philippine

island of Palawan. Atleast two people werereported killed and 22others were missing onWednesday after a ferrysank in choppy seas offthe northern coast of


“Two are confirmed dead, while 22 havebeen rescued and the rest are missing,” acoast guard official monitoring the incidenttold AFP. “The vessel encountered heavywaves.” Ferries are one of the main modes oftransport in the Philippine archipelago of morethan 7,100 islands, and sea accidents arecommon due to poor safety standards andoverloading.—Internet

French soldiers of Battle Group Picardie are seen duringan operation in Surobi District, Kabul Province, in

March. NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen onWednesday vowed not to abandon Afghanistan asforeign nations plan to transition forces out of the

country after a decade of conflict.— INTERNET

US officials questioned in leaks: attorneygeneral

WASHINGTON, 14 June — US Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday told a Senatecommittee that Justice Department investigators have interviewed both him and FBI DirectorRobert Mueller in the wake of national security leaks. During a testimony to the SenateJudiciary Committee, Holder said investigators have already questioned him and Mueller forpossible role they might have played in leaking the information to the media, which includeddrone target “kill list” against al- Qaeda operatives and a cyberattack on Iran.

Holder appointed two US attorneys last week to lead investigations into the possibleunauthorized disclosures of classified information by government employees. The leaks haveenraged lawmakers, who said such information should never be leaked to the Press and outin the open. Republicans have accused senior administration officials of leaking classifiedinformation to media to enhance President Barack Obama’s image for his re- election bid.

The Republicans have also been calling for special counsel to investigate the leaks, butHolder defended Justice’s ability to be independent as it investigates the leaks. Holder saidthe two US attorneys he appointed will “follow leads wherever they are, whether in theexecutive branch or other component of government.” White House Deputy Press SecretaryJosh Earnest told reporters that the hearing was “nothing more than politics.”— Xinhua

Guyana toprobe China


airport dealGEORGETOWN, (Guyana),

14 June — Legislators inGuyana will soon holdhearings on whether one ofChina’s largest statecompanies should be allowedto renovate the country’smain airport followingallegations of corruption.

The announcementcomes after Jamaica’sgovernment recently alertedCaribbean nations that theWorld Bank had barred theparent company of ChinaHarbor Engineering Companyfrom bidding on certain bank-funded projects from 2009 to2017.

Officials with ChinaHarbour EngineeringCompany issued a statementlate last week saying that thecompany itself has not beensanctioned by the WorldBank. Guyana House SpeakerRaphael Trotman said onTuesday that Parliament’seconomic services committeewill decide whether thecompany should proceedwith the $138 millionrenovation at Cheddi JaganAirpor.— Internet

Residents walk on a mud road in Anren County, central China’s Hunan Province, on11 June, 2012. Torrential rains swept across Hunan over the past few days, killing nine

people and affecting 1.1 million, local authorities said on Tuesday.— XINHUA

Police arrest 15-yr-old Ottawa girls for traffickingOTTAWA , 14 June — Two

15-year-old girls have beenarrested for human traffickingin Ottawa and another 17-year-old girl was being sought

Two 15-year-old girls have been arrested for humantrafficking in Ottawa and another 17-year-old girl wasbeing sought on Tuesday for her alleged role in forcing

teens into prostitution, police said.— INTERNET

on Tuesday for her allegedrole in forcing teens intoprostitution, police said. “It’sshocking,” police spokesmanStaff Sergeant John

McGetrick said of the pimpingcase.

Ottawa police said theyfound three female victims,aged 13 to 17 years, who hadbeen lured to a Walkley Roadresidence in a middle classneighbourhood of the city,abducted and delivered up toadult clients.

The two accused girls,

China second-quarter GDPgrowth may dip below 7

percent — government adviserBEIJING, 14 June —

China’s annual economicgrowth could fall below 7percent in the second quarterif weak activity persists inJune, an influentialgovernment adviser wasquoted on Wednesday assaying. The forecast byZheng Xinli, a former deputydirector of the Chinesecommunist party’s policyresearch office, is among themost bearish by anygovernment and privatesector economists.

“GDP growth in thesecond quarter could fallbelow 7 percent if there is nosignificant improvements ineconomic data for June,” theoverseas edition of thePeople’s Daily quoted ZhengXinli, now deputy head of theChina Centre for InternationalEconomic Exchanges(CCIEE), a top governmentthink-tank, as saying. China’s

both 15, face multiple chargesincluding human trafficking,robbery, procuring, forcibleconfinement, sexual assault,assault, uttering threats andabduction. Police arecontinuing to look for a thirdsuspect, a 17-year-old girl.The names of those arrestedcannot be released underCanadian law.— Internet

Severe storms leave thousandswithout power in HoustonHOUSTON, 14 June —

Severe thunderstorms rolledthrough the Houston area inthe US state of Texas late onTuesday, knocking downtrees and cutting off powerfor thousands of homes andbusinesses.

About 88,000 homes andbusinesses were reportedlywithout power in the area.Local energy provider CentrePoint Energy reported thatabout 75,000 customers lostpower. Another companyreported more than 13,000outages. Parts ofMontgomery County and

Revellers play with tomato pulp during the annual“Tomatina” (tomato fight) in Sutamarchan Province in

Boyaca on 10 June, 2012.— REUTERS

north Harris County in thearea were among the areas hithardest by the storms, whicharrived on Tuesdayafternoon. Fire officials werebusy dealing with multiplefires caused by lightningstrikes and power linesdamaged by falling trees andnear hurricane-force winds,according to media reports.Some residents even reportedseeing twisters, butgovernment weather servicesaid there were no twisters,according to local newspaperThe Houston Chronicle.


industrial output growthusually outpaces GDP growthby 3-5 percentage points, thenewspaper cited Zheng assaying. China’s industrialoutput rose 9.6 percent in Mayfrom a year earlier, picking upslightly from a three-year lowof 9.3 percent stuck in April.

Analysts forecast in aReuters benchmark poll inMay that China would deliverits weakest quarter of growthin three years in the secondquarter at 7.9 percent, whichwould also mark the sixthstraight quarter of slowergrowth.

They forecast full yeargrowth of 8.2 percent. Thesame newspaper articlequoted Jia Kang, head theFinance Ministry’s think-tank, as predicting China’seconomic growth couldbottom out in the secondquarter.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012 7

CASH DONATED: Htoo Foundation handing overK 50 million donated by Asian Green DevelopmentBank, Air Bagan Ltd, Elite Teach Co Ltd and Htoo

Group of Companies to Director-General U Tin Moe ofFire Services Department for local people of Rakhine

State on 11 June.—KYEMON

ROAD COMMISSIONED: A ceremony to inaugurateShweyi self-reliant concrete road was held in South

Myoma Ward in Thanlyin on 10 June. Vice-Chairmanof Myanmar Rice Industry Association U Aung Than

Oo, Executive Officer of Township Development AffairsCommittee U Kyaw Lin Than and Road Construction

Committee Chairman U Aung Thein formally open theroad.—MYANMA ALIN

YANGON, 14 June—Aceremony to donate schooluniforms, school equipment,bags of rice, edible oil andcorrugated iron sheets worthK 2.5 million to YouthDevelopment Parahita Houseof Social Welfare Departmentwas held in ThingangyungyiWard of MingaladonTownship on 9 June.

ASSISTANCE PROVIDED: A ceremony to presentteaching aid to students of service personnel for 2012-

2013 academic year was held at the hall in HlineTownship of Yangon West District in Yangon Region on

9 June. Township Administrator U Myat Soe givesassistance to offspring of staff.—MYANMA ALIN

CASH DONATED: Two representatives of Manaw AhlaBand donated K 1 million for local people who lost

houses and property in current situations of Rakhine Staterecently. Director-General U Tin Moe of Fire Services

Department accepts cash donation.—MYANMA ALIN

International Cooperative Year marked inSeikkyi-Khanaungto Township

YANGON, 14 June—Aceremony to mark the

International CooperativeYear was held at Cooperative

Department in Seiikyi-Khanaungto Township ofYangon Region on 11 Junemorning.

Staff Officer Daw Hla HlaMyint of TownshipCooperative Department,Head of Department DawAye Aye San, Chairman ofTownship CooperativeSyndicate U Khin Aye and arepresentative of the societytalked about InternationalCooperative Year.

They together theattendees grew saplings inhonour of InternationalCooperative Year.


No 31 Special Bus Line to be launched soonYANGON, 14 June—No

31 Special Bus Line ofYangon Region All PrivateBus-line Control Committeewill be launched for the routefrom Bailey Bridge in SouthOkkalapa Township toPhonegyi Street inLanmadaw Township soon.

The bus route will startSouth Okkalapa (Bailey) andfinish at Bogyoke Marketpassing through Padetha (10Market), Kyaukkon,Tamway, Mingala Market,Pazundaung, Sule andPhonegyi Street.

The new bus line willtake replacement of No 31bus line (ordinary) ofChevrolet.

The new bus line will berun with the use of about 20air-conditioner busesmanufactured by theRepublic of Korea.

APBCC negotiatespurchase of installmentsystem between car importcompanies and Chevroletowners.

The car owners ofChevrolet wishing to run theair-conditioned cars are topay K 7.8 million for the firsttime and the slit of handingover the Chevrolets. Theremaining K 14.6 million areto be paid through K 500,000installment per month withinthree years.

If the new buses getpermits to purchase naturalgas from the Ministry ofEnergy, the bus line willlaunch its runs. So, the localpeople of Dagon Myothit(North) Township will haveeasy access to downtownYangon conveniently.

Pwint Oo (Yangon)

Blast of gas pipeline breaks outfire in Hlinethaya

YANGON, 14 June—A blast occurred at the undergroundgas pipeline in front of Shwe Nadi Co at No 435/436 onSeikkantha Street in Shwelinpan Industrial Zone of HlinethayaTownship in Yangon Region at 4.35 pm on 11 June.

While clearing the bushes in front of Shwe Nadi Co, thebackhoe damaged the gas pipeline that feeds gas toHlinethaya CNG 1 and 2. Thus, a blast occurred at thedamaged area of the pipeline. In the incident, Maung ZawMin Win, 30, Maung Soe Min Tun, 30 and Ma Ei Zin, 17 wereinjured in blaze but not serious, and they were rushed toYangon General Hospital.

Myanma Alin

DUTIES ASSIGNED: A ceremony to assign duties ofmonsoon paddy plan for 2012-2013 was held at the hallof Waw Township on 8 June. Township Administrator

U Soe Naing presents duties of plans to ward andvillage-tract administrators.—TOWNSHIP GAD

Donations handed over to Parahita HouseThe donated goods

were purchased throughproceeds from the RMGCC3rd Anniversary Charity GolfTournament, organized byRoyal Mingaladon Golf &Country Club (RMGCC) on26 May 2012.

General Manager UThein Aung of RoyalMingaladon Golf & Country

Club (RMGCC) handed overdocuments related to thedonations to Chairman of theHouse U Saw Roger whospoke words of thanks.

At present, the home iscaring 98 orphans.

Myanma Alin

Basic Education Middle School(Branch) opened in Mingin

MINGIN, 14 June—A ceremony to open Basic EducationMiddle School (Branch) was held in Laungpyae Village inMingin Township of Sagaing Region on 5 June morning.

Region Hluttaw representative U Htay Win, PyithuHluttaw representative Daw Khin Hmway Lwin, AssistantEducation Officer U Myint Than and Village administratorU Min Oo unveiled the school signboard and TownshipAdministrator U Nay Lin Tun formally opened the school.

The region Hluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw representativesand the Assistant Education Officer made speeches.

Headmaster U Han Thein explained the history of theschool.

Later, they donated K 550,000 to the school.Education

School uniforms provided in ChaukCHAUK, 14 June—A ceremony to provide school

uniforms to offspring of vendors and slow-moving vehicledrivers was held at the office of Township DevelopmentAffairs Committee in Chauk on 7 June afternoon.

The uniforms were presented by Chauk TownshipDevelopment Affairs Committee of Magway District inMagway Region.

At the ceremony, Township Administrator U NyeinMaung Maung, Executive Officer U Htin Aung of TownshipDevelopment Affairs Committee and officials presentedschool uniforms, exercise books, ball-pens and pencils tostudents. For 2012-2013 academic year, K 408,500 wasprovided to 11 high school students, 18 middle schoolstudents and 34 primary school students of vendors andslow-moving vehicle drivers.—Myanma Alin

Training course for formation of MyanmarPioneers Group for Disabled opened

YEKYI, 14 June—The opening ceremony of trainingcourse on constituting Myanmar Pioneers Group for theDisabled (Yekyi Branch) was held Pyidawaye Dhammayonin Aung San Ward of Yekyi Township in AyeyawadyRegion on 5 June morning.

On the occasion, Township Administrator U AungKyaw Oo made a speech. Pyithu Hluttaw representative UMaung Maung Tin spoke on the occasion.

Program Director U Nay Lin Soe of Myanmar PioneersGroup (Yangon Head Office) explained his opinion on thedisabled. Chairperson of Township Maternal and ChildWelfare Association Daw Myint Myint Than donated K50,000 to the group.—Min Zaw Oo (Yekyi)


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012

The visit of Pyithu Hluttaw delegation led by thePyithu Hluttaw Speaker to Europe is a historic goodwillvisit. It is the first Myanmar’s high-level visit after about 24or 25 years of weak relations with western countries forvarious reasons. As renewal of the relations start with inter-parliamentary relations, I entitled the article “In parliamentswhere Myanmar and Europe converge (again)”.

About 50 years after abolition of parliaments whilepracticing multiparty parliamentary democracy system andabout 24 years after dissolution of parliaments undermonolithic rule, the constitution was ratified in 2008 byconsent of the national people. Free and fair electionswhich depict genuine and discipline-flourishing multipartydemocracy were held in line with the constitution. People’srepresentatives were elected according to the will of thepeople and Hluttaws formed.

Hand in hand with the Hluttaws, the governmentelected by the Hluttaws harmoniously initiated democraticreforms in multiparty democratic system which earnedsensational and congratulatory recognition from theinternational community. They are willing to welcomesmooth and orderly democratic transition through wordsand actions. A large number of international delegateshanded invitations to us as they came to study the Hluttaws.

As the Myanmar Hluttaws have been lack ofexperiences of parliamentary procedures for years, capacityof Hluttaw committee members, MPs and Hluttaw Officestaff is being enhanced through capacity buildingworkshops organized by the Hluttaws as well as throughforeign trips led by the Speakers or committee chairmen orcommittee member.

The Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker established capacitybuilding tasks, saying that only when the Hluttaws arestrong, will the road towards democratic be strong; onlywhen the MPs are competent, will the capability of theHluttaw be high and the interests of the country and thepeople be served to the full extent.

The Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker’s visit to Europe is thefourth one of the Pyithu Hluttaw after the Hluttaws wereformed. (Previous ones are goodwill visits to Russian,Indian and Chinese parliaments.) Despite acceptance ofinvitation since October, 2011, it was postponed becauseof coincidences of invitations and regular Hluttaw sessions.Then the tour was made following additional invitations.

The trip centered on the invitation of the president ofEuropean Parliament formed with 27 countries includingpowers in regional organizations and representing thepopulation of 500 million. But we had to visit Germany firstaccording to the agenda and then proceed to Belgium withEuropean Union Council, Commission and Parliamentheadquarters. We also dropped into France, Switzerlandand the United Kingdom as the period of invitation allowedus to and the things there are worth studying. We visitedseven countries within 18 days.

In every country the delegation visited it received awarm welcome that extended from Myanmar’s reputationof democratic reforms. As leadership of the President andthe Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker are often praised byinternational community for political reforms in Myanmar,mutual understanding and friendship were built throughface-to-face conversations with the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker.The hosts could not help recognizing his frankness,honesty, patience and self-control. The Speaker took aconsiderable amount of time to explain undertakings ofthe Hluttaws, claiming, “The Voice of the People is theHluttaw’s Voice; the Will of the People is the Hluttaw’sWill; the Aspiration of the People is the Hluttaw’sImplementation.” Everyone was interested.

Frank consultations were made with the president ofEuropean Parliament who was the most important one onthe Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker’s tour, the speaker of Norwegianparliament, the speaker of German parliament, the speakerof Dannish parliament, the speaker of UK’s House ofRepresentatives and the speaker of Bavarian stateparliament of Germany. The delegation also studiedorganizational set-ups and duties of the abovementionedparliaments as well as those of the French parliament. UK,France and Switzerland were not on the official agenda ofthe tour. The delegation also visited there because it hadtime in transit from one invited country to another. It hadthe opportunity to study the parliaments of these three

In parliaments where Myanmar and Europe convergecountries as the hosts which had already been informed ofour tour arranged our visits to the parliaments based onfriendship although we did not request to visit over theseweekends and days the parliaments were not in session. Itwas Saturday we arrived at France. Being explainedorganizational structure and duties of the French parliament,The delegation members were conducted round the hall ofthe parliament.

The delegation arrived at UK on Friday and Saturday.The tradition of the British parliament is that MPs visitedtheir constituencies on every Friday and listened to thevoters. It is called “surgery”. It is a sort of treatment for thedesires of their voters. Although we arrived at UK on busyand off days of MPs, the speaker of the House ofRepresentatives of UK received the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker.The delegation was welcomed by the advisor to the BritishPrime Minister at No. 10 on Downing Street because the PMwas on a foreign trip. An official of the House ofRepresentatives explained organizational set-up andfunctions of the parliament. A place in the parliament whichwas damaged in London bomb attack in WW II was foundunrepaired. There was a statute of the then Prime MinisterMr Churchill who held office during the war. It stands inangry mood. There are many things to study in the Motherof Parliament. “You and Parliament” guidebook mentionsunder the title “What parliament is doing?” that theparliament and the government of UK have stakes inlegislation, the parliament is responsible for legislation—enacting, assessing and discussing new laws—andscrutinizing the government’s undertakings, and forhelping the government collecting more taxes.

There are a variety of things to be observed in thecountries the Pyithu Hluttaw delegation visited. Once agro-based Bavarian State in Germany now becomes the sites offamous automobile manufacturing factories. The delegationstudied the step-by-step efforts of the state to advancetowards the most developed state of the industrializedcountry. The delegation also learned the awe-aspiringspike in GDP (above threefold in 20 years) of Norway, oncethe poorest country in Europe, woman employment and thefact women constitute above 40 per cent of MPs. In educationsector, a much sought-after dual education system ofGermany and Denmark is worth studying. It is natural thatwhen rule of law and lawful practices are flourishing in thecountry famous for their patriotism and dignity, thesecountries become top ones in the world.

The examples of development of the countries withdisciplined and democracy system and market economyshould be copied. It can be seen that behind thedevelopment, the role of government and legislative body(Parliament) are crucial.

According to the study, it can be seen that there areeducative programme on Parliaments’ duties and systemsfor ordinary people in these countries. Discussions in theparliament are broadcast live on TV in order that people canknow representatives’ undertakings in the parliament. Wesaw visits of students to the parliament.

While Pyithu Hluttaw delegation was visiting GermanParliamentary Building, many student groups were seenthere. The Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw greeted and askedthose students whether they know Myanmar. But theyreplied to the Speaker “No”. The teacher who accompaniedthe students explained where is Myanmar. Then, the studentsreplied to the Speaker “Long Live Myanmar, Long Live MrSpeaker”. These students have chance to know Parliaments’undertakings since childhood.

During the tour, another heartening scene is thatMyanmar nationals came to the hotels where Myanmardelegation stayed so as to greet Myanmar delegation whenthey heard the news of Myanmar Pyithu Hluttaw delegation.They introduced and greeted Myanmar delegation whetheror not they know delegation members. Myanmar isMyanmar. Even though Myanmar nationals who live inforeign countries because of different reasons, they alwayskeep close contact with democratic reforms in the country.In addition, they have burning desires to know it more.Among these Myanmar nationals, some raised questionsand so did some others who want to go back. They all werecontent with the warm replies of the Pyithu Hluttaw Speakerand delegation members. Myanmar delegation met withMyanmar associations and Myanmar nationals, at Myanmar

Ambassador Residence in London. The Pyithu HluttawSpeaker also gave interviews to DVB and BBC. A foreignreporter also interviewed the Speaker on board. Theyrecognized Myanmar delegation’s warm response.Myanmar nationals treated some Hluttaw representativesto Monhinkha.

Myanmar Pyithu Hluttaw delegation mainly studiedthe beginning of Parliaments which is the main purpose ofthe Europe tour after taking too much time. Here, not manyinformation about it can be disclosed as there are so manythings to write about it. Parliaments of the countries are notthe same. Some countries have one parliament and some,two parliaments. In Germany, lower house is calledBundestag and Upper Parliament, Bundesrat. Norway hasonly one Parliament called Folketing. It is like Hluttaw inMyanmar. As discussions between Myanmar delegationand Parliament Committee did not end during thedesignated period, the host requested Myanmar delegationto hold discussions during lunch and dinner. The dinnerthat started at 7 pm, usually finished only at 9 pm. TheMyanmar delegation had to carry so many books fromthere. Analysis is to be carried out whether it is complywith the country and condition. During the discussion, theexplanations of two women national Pyithu Hluttawrepresentatives of National Races Affairs Committee whoare engaging in local-peace making process, is a significantone. They are Kachin and Shan nationals. One of them isthe secretary of National Races Affairs and Local Peace-making Committee under Pyithu Hluttaw.

During the tour of Norway, the number of Myanmardelegation members is much more than that from othercountries. The Norway Ambassador to Myanmar helpedMyanmar delegation then. Myanmar delegation includes15 Hluttaw representatives from ten political parties.Among them, some representatives are from the NationalLeague for Democracy, who took oaths as Hluttawrepresentative about ten days ago. The delegationcomprises all national races. As some national races woretheir national dresses, the hosts cordially welcomed andgreeted Myanmar delegation. Hluttaw representative(Phahti) from Myanmar delegation helped the Chairmanof Norway Parliament wear Kayin National dress. Inaddition, the deputy minister from the Ministry of ForeignAffairs was also content to wear Kayin National dress.Thanks to it, the beauty of dinner was brighter, andamenity could be strengthened. The visit of Myanmardelegation was coincided with Parliament session ofNorway. So, the Chairman of Norwegian Parliamentannounced that Myanmar Hluttaw delegation arrived atthe Parliament. Norway Parliament representatives greetedMyanmar delegation and so did Myanmar delegation.

During the tour, Myanmar delegation also includesthe Chairmen from Hluttaw Committee so as to discusseconomy, trade and investment for economic reforms thatwill accompany by Hluttaw affairs and political conditionas well as political reform. They participated in discussionswith the ministers and chairmen of Ministries of Economic,International Development and Cooperation fromGermany, Norway and Denmark.

The Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker gave guidance oneffective use of time in order that the things should bediscussed and recorded at available time. I strongly believethat Myanmar delegation could do it in line with theguidance. The schedule includes air, motorcar and train aswell as ship. During the nine-hour drive from Germany toBelgium, Myanmar delegation had a chance to visit anddevelopment of European countries and Inthawet Jetty inBelgium, which is one of the biggest one in the World, onthe Scheldt river by ship. Myanmar delegation alsovisited Berlin Wall, the statue of a peeing boy in Brusselsin Belgium, mermaid sculpture in Copenhagen, EiffelTower in Paris, beauty of Geneva Lake in Switzerland, BigBen Clock Tower in London, Beik King boat in Norwayand windmills in Denmark.

Here, I would like to express thanks to the MyanmarAmbassadors to Paris and London, Embassy staff andAmbassador to Belgium and European Union U ThantKyaw, for arrangements of Myanmar traditional food andconvenience of tour. From that goodwill tour duringwhich Myanmar and EU Parliament met on wards, here Iwould like to wish international relations can be extendedand a modern, developed, flourishing democratic nation,be built.

Translation: HKA + MT

Mg Than Nyein

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012 9

NAY PYI TAW, 14 June—A ceremony to mark themonsoon tree plantingseason was held in conjuctinwith a ceremony to markachievements in providingfree medical care services toeye patients in MyaingTownship was held outsideMyaing Township People’sHospital on 11 June.

Union Minister forCommunications, Posts andTelegraphs U Thein Tunplanted trees to mark theceremony which was alsoattended by the director-general of the HealthDepartment, eye specialistsand townselders. Over 120trees were planted during the

Trees planting, free eye surgeriesmarked in Myaing Township

YANGON, 14 June — Myanmar National Human RightsCommission (MNHRC) and the South East Asia NationalHuman Rights Institutions Forum (SEANF).

A meeting to exchange experiences on human rightsin the region was held at the office of MNHRC here today.

The meeting was participated by delegations led byRotating Chairperson of the SEANF Prof Ms AmaraPongsapich comprising chairmen and vice-chairmen ofhuman rights commission from Thailand, Indonesia,Malaysia, the Philippines and East Temo Leste andCharman of MNHRC U Win Mra and members of thecommission.

During the meeting, Chairman MNHRC U Win Mraextended greetings and responsible personnel briefed onthe taks of the five departments under MNHRC : theplanning and financial department, the policy and lawdepartment, the human rights protection department, theinternational relations department and the human rightspromotion and human rights knowledge disseminationdepartment.

SEANF members raised questions and members ofMNHRC exchanged views with them. Chairperson andmembers of SEANF and members of MNHRC discussedexperiences of SEANF on promoting human rights in therespective countries.

SEANF chairperson and members will hold a meetingwith NGOs at the same venue tomorrow.


ceremony.The ceremony to mark

achievements in providingfree medical services to eyepatients was followed andUnion Minister U Thein Tunpresented certificates ofhonour to Ms ThereseWorstmann, Eye Specialistof Myanmar Eye Center, forher voluntary services foreye surgeries, donors andthe head of the TownshipHealth Department.Director-General of theHealth Departmentpresented the certificates ofhonour the chairman of thesupervisory committee forfree eye surgery in the

township.Over 170 patients

received eye surgeriesduring the free medicaltreatment programme from 2to 12 June. The programmewas jointly organizedby Ministry ofCommunications, Posts andTelecommunications andMinistry of Health and wassponsored by Myanmar EyeCenter, Alcon Myanmar, WaiYan Soe Moe Company andMascost Co Ltd. The medicalteam was led by Dr ThereseWorstmann from Englandand Dr Zaw Min Din fromTan Tock Seng Hospital inSingapore.—MNA

Danu National DemocracyParty applies for registration

to UECNAY PYI TAW, 14 June— As the Union Election

Commission has been scrutinizing and passingapplications of political parties for registration, DanuNational Democracy Party today applied for registrationas a political party to UEC.—MNA

YANGON, 14 June—A ceremony to open the 9th JapanCup Judo Championship 2012 was held at TheinbyuGymnasium in Mingala Taungnyunt Township of YangonRegion at 9 am today.

Among the spectators were Yangon Region TransportMinister U Aung Khin, Japanese Ambassador to MyanmarMr Takashi Saito, officials of the Sports and PhysicalEducation Department, Vice-President of MyanmarWomen’s Sports Federation Pro Dr Daw Khin Swe Myint,member of Myanmar Olympic Committee Secretary of MWSF

9th Japan Cup Judo Championship kicks off

Daw L Khun Yi, Patron of Judo Event Daw Lin Lin Tin andpatrons, President of Myanmar Judo Federation U Tun Tun,vice-presidents and executives.

First, the Japanese Ambassador extended greetingsand the president of MJF made an opening address.

The Japanese Ambassador greeted winners in the Judoevent of the XXVI SEA Games individually. Afterwards, thefirst day matches commenced.

The Cup is categorized into 10 classes in men’s andwomen’s events.—MNA

MNHRC, SEANF hold meeting

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker…(from page 1)

Union Minister at thePresident Office Chairmanof Nay Pyi Taw Council UThein Nyunt reported onaccommodation, UnionMinister for ConstructionU Khin Maung Myint ondecoration of the ceremony,Union Minister forTransport U Nyan TunAung and Union Ministerfor Rail Transportation UAung Min on transportmatters.

After that, UnionMinister forCommunications, Posts and

Telegraphs U Thein Tunpresented reports oncommunication, soundcontrol and voting machinematters, Union Minister forHotels and Tourism U TintHsan on reception, UnionMinister for Health Dr PeThet Khin on providinghealth care services, andUnion Minister for ElectricPower No. 2 U Khin MaungSoe on supply of electricity.

Those presentparticipated in the generalround discussions. Afterreviewing the discussions,the Speaker of the Pyithu

Hluttaw gave necessaryinstructions.—MNA

(from page 1)Mr Johannes Ten Feld

from the UNHCR expressedhis hope that the local peoplewould stay in amity, the crisiswould be settled soon andactions would be takenagains those who commitedcrimes. Measures are beingtaken for the UN agencies sothat they come back to theregion soon, he added. Heexpected that a society whichhas more tolerance to each

other would be established,he said.

After the meeting, theUnion Minister and partyvisited Waithali ModelVillage and inspected houseswhich were destroyed duringthe unrest.

UN agencies UNDP,UNHCR, WFP, OCHA willmake efforts for sending aidsto people from 12 villagesand from Ward-3 and Ward-5 in Maungtaw.

Similarly, 15 Islamreligion leaders also metwith townselders and Islamreligion leaders inMaungdtw and gaveinstructions on staying inpeace in accordance with theIslam religion.

A medical team led bythe acting director-general othe Health Department alsoprovided medical care torefugees at the camps inMaungtaw.—MNA

Union Minister for Border Affairs…

Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Takashi Saito speaking at Japan Cup JudoChampionship.—MNA


at thePresident

OfficeNay Pyi


ChairmanU TheinNyunt









U Tint






Meeting betweenMyanmar National

Human RightsCommission (MNHRC)

and the South EastAsia National Human

Rights InstitutionsForum (SEANF) in


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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012

Taikkyi Township holdstree growing ceremony


TAIKKYI, 14 June—Therainy season tree growingceremony 2012 was heldalong both side of Uto-Aphyauk Road in TaikkyiTownship on 9 Junemorning.

At the ceremony, PyithuHluttaw representative U HanSein, Taikkyi TownshipConstituency No. 1 ofYangon Region HluttawU Soe Win Maung,Constituency No. 2 U Myint

Aung, TownshipAdministrator U Zaw Soe, StaffOfficer U Zin Lin Tun ofTownship Forest Department,departmental officials, staffmembers, Chairperson ofTownship Maternal and ChildWelfare Association andTownship Women’s AffairsOrganization Daw Nu Nu Waiand members of socialorganizations, and localpeople planted 250saplings.—Agriculture

CITIZENSHIP CARDS ISSUED: As part of MoePwint-3 Plan, Head of Yangon Region Immigration

and National Registration Department presentscitizenship scrutiny cards to local people at MettaPonnya Kari Dhammayon in Metta Nyunt Ward ofTamway Township in Yangon Region on 6 June.


School uniforms given to students MAUBIN, 14 June—As

part of efforts to alleviatepoverty, Maubin TownshipDevelopment AffairsCommittee spent theinterests obtained from theloans disbursed to localpeople on providing schooluniforms to students for 2012-2013 academic year, takingplace at TownshipDevelopment AffairsCommittee on 5 June.

Executive Officer U AungKyaw Soe of MaubinTownship Development

Affairs Committee and loancommittee members presented

New monastic educationschool opened in

Hlinethaya Township

YANGON, 14 June—Measures being taken fordengue hemorrhagic feverin Shwepyitha Townshipof Yangon North Districton 9 June morning.

At the act ivi t ies ,Township AdministratorU Aung Moe Oo and healthstaff , Chairperson ofTownship Maternal andChild WelfareAssociation Daw Khin SoeMoe and members tookpreventive measures

YANGON, 14 June—Hmawby Township GeneralAdministration Departmentof Yangon Regionorganized the rainy seasontree growing ceremony 2012at the entrance toMyaungdaga Foundry inHmawby Township on 9June morning.

At the ceremony,Township Administrator UThein Myint made aspeech.

Staff Officer U Than Ooof Township Forest

NYAUNGDON, 14 June—The Annual General Meetingof Shwe NyaungdonMicrofinance ServicesCooperative Ltd for 2011-2012 fiscal year was held atBasic Education PrimarySchool in YaywaingWard of Nyaungdon on 3June.

Chairperson of theBoard of Directors DawMyint Myint Khin made aspeech. Staff Officer ofTownship CooperativeDepartment U Than Tunexplained matters related tomicrofinance service.Member of BOD U Soe Kyiread the executivecommittee report andfinancial statement.

Books donated to villagelibrary in Thanlyin Township

YANGON, 14 June—A ceremony to donate cash to thefund of Thuta Gabar Library was held in ChaungsaukVillage of Thanlyin Township in Yangion South District on4 June.

Head of Township Information and Public RelationsDepartment Daw Hla Po Mo explained development of thelibraries meeting the five-point standard.

Next, Myanmar Libraries Foundation donated 250books, Chairman of District Sasana Nuggaha AssociationU Thein Zaw Lay one tower clock, the TownshipAdministrator 200 books, Township IPRD 200 books,Sayadaw Bhaddanta U Sundara of Dhamma WithokdiMonastery of Chaungsauk Village one aluminiumcardboard worth K 70,000 and local people K 20,000. Thelibrary committee accepted the donations.

The library was opened by Township AdministratorU Moe Myint, Head of Township IPRD Daw Hla Po Mo andVillage Administrator U Min Zaw.—Township IPRD

Shwe Nyaungdon Microfinance ServicesCooperative Society holds AGM

Chairperson Daw MyintMyint Khin and officialspresented cash assistance tostudents of members of thesociety and gifts to those whoregularly paid back their


presented tooffspring of

vendorsPEKHON, 14 June—The

presentation of schooluniforms to offspring ofvendors, sponsored byPekhon TownshipMicrofinance Service, washeld at the town hall inPekhon on 31 May.

Pekhon TownshipPyithu Hluttawrepresentative U Francisco,Deputy Head U Sai ThanLwin of Township GeneralAdministration Depart-ment, Executive Officer UKyaw Min Htaik ofTownship DevelopmentAffairs Committee andofficials presented schooluniforms worth K 332,000to 83 students.—GAD

loands to the society.Likewise, annual

general meetings were heldat its branches in Tagwayand Hsamalauk Villages.

Myanma Alin

DHF preventive measurestaken in Shwepyitha Township

against DHF at houses inthe wards.

Myanma Alin

school uniforms to 113students.—Myanma Alin

YANGON, 14 June—Theopening ceremony ofSandayama MonasticEducation School was heldon Bo Aung Kyaw Street inWard 22 of HlinethayaTownship in YangonRegion on 3 June.

The Chairman Sayadawof the SupervisoryCommittee for Monastic


Rainy season tree growingceremony held in Hmawby

Department explained thepurpose of growing trees.

Hmawby TownshipPyithu Hluttawrepresentative U Kyi Myint,the township administrator

and the staff officer ofTownship ForestDepartment distributed1574 saplings to the localpeople to grow here.

Township Forest

Education Schools,members of the TownshipSangah Nayaka Committeeand members of the Sanghaattended the ceremony.

Sayadaw AshinÇandavara will teach over200 students. Wellwishersdonated exercise books andbags for the children.

Myanma Alin

MLF invites cash,book donations

Myanmar LibrariesFoundation is givingencouragement tobroadening the horizon ofthe people and developingself-reliant libraries acrossthe nation. Those wishing todonate cash and books to thelibraries may contactMyanmar LibrariesFoundation at No. 228 onTheinbyu Street inBotahtaung Township,Yangon, Tel: 01-371342, 01-201936 and 01-398756.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012 11

Photo taken on 13 June, 2012 shows a sand sculpturecastle during the Sand Sculpture Festival in

Blankenberge, Belgium.—XINHUA

Magnitude 4.1 earthquakeshakes southern California

LOS ANGELES, 14 June — A 4.1 magnitude earthquakestruck Southern California on Wednesday evening, butthere were no immediate reports of damage or injury.

The temblor hit at 8:17 pm local time and was centered2 miles north of Yorba Linda, California, about 28 milessoutheast of Los Angeles, according to the US GeologicalSurvey.

The quake was followed by a 2.4 magnitude aftershocka few minutes later.— Reuters

Moderate quake shakessoutheast Turkey

ISTANBUL, 14 June — A moderate earthquake with amagnitude of 5.5 shook Sirnak province in southeastTurkey on Thursday, the Kandilli Observatory in Istanbulsaid.

There were no immediate reports of damage or casualtiesin the quake, whose epicenter was at Silopi, near the Iraqiborder. The US Geological Survey said the quake had amagnitude of 5.3.

Earthquakes are a daily occurrence in Turkey, whichis criss-crossed by geological fault lines. In October lastyear, more than 600 people died in the eastern province ofVan after a quake of 7.2 magnitude and powerfulaftershocks.— Reuters

US drone strike kills three inPakistan, officials say

PESHAWAR, (Pakistan), 14June—Pakistani intelligenceofficials say a US drone strikehas killed three suspectedmilitants in an attack on abuilding in a town close tothe Afghan border. The strikeon Thursday in Miran Shahin North Waziristan was thesecond in the region in lessthan 24 hours.

The officials say theidentities and nationalitiesof the men killed were notknown. They didn’t give

their names because they werenot authorized to speak tothe media on the record.

Washington has pushedon with its drone campaignagainst suspected Talebanand al-Qaeda operatives inPakistani tribal areas, despitePakistani objections.

The US doesn’t releaseinformation on who it iskilling, or the criteria usedwhen targeting. Human rightsgroups say innocents areamong the victims.— Internet

Azerbaijan warns of anthraxoutbreak in Georgia

BAKU, 14 June — TheMinistry of Agriculture ofAzerbaijan on Wednesdayurged the country’s customsauthorities and retailfacilities to stay alert to thespread of anthrax inneighbouring Georgia.

The warning appliedprimarily to meat and otherfood products importedfrom Georgia, said the State Veterinary Serviceunder the Ministry ofAgriculture.

The service said it hadalready sent a request to theVeterinary Service of Georgiafor information about thesituation of the currentoutbreak.

However, no responseis received yet. All meatproducts imported fromother countries should bevaccinated and go througha minimum period of

21 days of pre-exportquarantine and test in labs,the State Veterinary Servicesaid.

According to Georgianmedia, the disease isspreading in the regions ofGeorgia densely populatedby Azerbaijanis, and 30people including 20Azerbaijanis have beeninfected so far.

Anthrax outbreaks inGeorgia have beenfrequented in recent years.

Bacillus anthracis, apathogenic bacterium foundthroughout the world, is thecausative agent of anthrax inmammals, including bothwild animals and domesticlivestock.

Anthrax remains anendemic disease worldwideand still has potential tothreat public health.


China’s Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft is in finalpreparations for its launch in mid-June, paving the way

for China’s first manned space docking mission. XINHUA

Head in the sand, OPEC sees no oil shale threatVIENNA, 14 June — OPEC

oil producers are not worriedabout the shale revolution.They might need to re-runtheir numbers. The UnitedStates imported 4.5 millionbarrels a day of OPEC crudelast year, 20 percent of thecartel’s exports and abouthalf the country’s importneeds. But thanks to newtechnologies like hydraulicfracturing now sucking awayon North American soil, thecontinent is already self

sufficient in natural gas, andis eyeing an even biggerlandmark — OPEC-free oilsupplies.

The US was the fastest-growing non-OPEC oilproducer in 2011 for the thirdyear in succession, the annualBP statistical review releasedon Wednesday said. US oilproduction is up 1 millionbpd since 2006 to 7.84million bpd, consumption isdown 1.85 million to 18.84million. “In 1990, North

American reserves andproduction were falling butthanks to unconventional,proved reserves have risen68 percent since then,”ConocoPhillips CEO RyanLance told an audience ofOPEC ministers onWednesday.

“North America couldbecome self sufficient in oilas well (as gas) by 2025,” hesaid at a conference beforeOPEC’s policy-settingmeeting in Vienna. State oil

company Saudi Aramco, theworld number-one oilproducer, has acknowledgedthe North American boom inshale, tar sands and other so-called unconventionalproduction, but its predictionin November was far lessexplosive, at 6.6 millionbarrels a day — still well shortof US needs, and not until2035. And OPEC ministersgathering to decide outputpolicy caps took a veryrelaxed view of the threat thatshale oil might pose.


Nokia to cut 10,000 jobs after weak secondquarter

PARIS, 14 June — Loss-making Finnish cellphonemaker Nokia plans to cutanother 10,000 jobsglobally in its biggestrevamp in recent history,while it warned the second-quarter loss from itscellphone business would belarger than expected.

The cuts, whichinclude the closure ofNokia’s only plant inFinland, bring total planned

The Nokia Research and Development Centre isseen in Helsinki.


job cuts at the group sinceStephen Elop took over aschief executive in 2010 tomore than 40,000.

Nokia said on Thursdaythat it would bookadditional restructuringcharges of around 1 billioneuros ($1.3 billion) by theend of 2013.

The company, whosecash position is increasinglyscrutinized by investors, alsosaid restructuring-related

cash outflows would bearound 650 million euros inthe remaining three quartersof 2012 and around 600million in 2013.

Shares in Nokia fell 9percent in early trading andwere down 6.9 percent at 0711GMT.

Nokia stock has crashedmore than 70 percent since itannounced in February 2011that it was dropping its ownSymbian smartphoneoperating software andswitching to Microsoft’slargely untried WindowsPhone system.

“These changesunderline the seriousness ofthe challenges Nokia isfacing, particularly in lightof the eye-wateringcompetition from Apple andSamsung,” said Ben Wood,head of research at CCSInsight.

Nokia also said it wouldsell luxury phone businessVertu to venture firm EQT.($1 = 0.7953 euros).


Statoil, ExxonMobil make big gas find offTanzania

OSLO, 14 June —Norwegian oil firm Statoiland ExxonMobil havediscovered a large natural gasdeposit off the coast ofTanzania and added furtherresources to another nearbyfind, Statoil said in astatement on Thursday.

The discovery, Statoil’sseventh major find in justover a year, confirmed 3trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of gasin the Lavani well, 2,400meters under the sea.

In addition, the firmsalso added 1 Tcf of gas to anearlier 5 Tcf discovery in the

Zafarani sidetrack in the sameblock just 16 kilometresaway, Statoil, the block’soperator said.

“We estimate a value ofthe discovery plus theupgrade on the Zafaranidiscovery of NOK 1.3 pershare,” Swedbank FirstSecurities said in a note. “Weassume a fair share pricereaction would be NOK 0.8-1.0 per share,” it added.

The discovery con-firms Statoil’s recent trackrecord for solid upstreamsuccess after it has made bigfinds in the mature areas of

the North Sea, the ArcticBarents sea, in Brazil andTanzania.

The block furtherbolsters east Africa’shydrocarbon potentialfollowing a string ofdiscoveries by oil majors offMozambique and Tanzania.

Statoil operates thelicense on 5,500-square-kilometre Block 2 on behalfof Tanzania PetroleumDevelopment Corporationand holds a 65 percent stakewhile ExxonMobil Explo-ration has 35 percent.


Explosion rocks northern Afghanistan,injuring at least 11 people

KABUL, 14 June — Anexplosion rocked Jowzjanprovince of northernAfghanistan on Thursdaymorning, leaving 11 peopleinjured, according to Afghanpolice.

“A remote control bombwas set off in Karte Dostomarea of Sheberghan, capitalof Jowzjan Province, at

around 7 o’clock local timetoday, leaving 11 peopleinjured, “ Azizullah, policechief of Jowzjan Province,told Xinhua, adding that theexplosion was apparantlytargeting Haji Dastagir, atribal elder in the area who isamong the injured with histwo sons.

No one has claimed

responsibility for this attackso far. The Taleban insurgents,who have been waging morethan a decade- long insurgency,launched a new springoffensive on 3 May to targetAfghan forces as well as USand NATO troops across thecountry, which caused manycivilian casualties at the sametime.— Xinhua

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012


Consignees of cargo carried on MV COMET ACEVOY NO (1) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 15.6.2012 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie at the consign-ee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws andconditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914


INVITATION TO OPEN TENDER1. Open Tenders are invited for supply of the following items in Euro;Sr No Tender No Description Qty 1. 12(T)5/MR(ML) Roller Bearing 89-Items

2012-2013 2. 12(T)6/MR(ML) Repair of PGEV Governor 6-Nos

2012-2013 (CAT-3516)Closing Date & Time - 31.7.2012 (Tuesday) (12:00)Hours

2. Tender documents are available at our office starting from 18.6.2012during office hours and for further detail please contact: Deputy General Manager,Supply Department, Myanma Railways, Corner of Theinbyu Street andMerchant Street, Botahtaung, Yangon. Phone: 95-1-291985, 291994.


Consignees of cargo carried on MV SANG THAIIRIS VOY NO (-) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 15.6.2012 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of S.P.W(2) where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV ASIAN LEADER VOY NO (17)Consignees of cargo carried on MV ASIAN

LEADER VOY NO (17) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 15.6.2012 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of S.P.W(4) where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: NYK LINEPhone No: 256924/256914

Japaneseman climbsall world’s14 tallest

peaksKATHMANDU, 14 June —

A Japanese mountaineerwho was nearly killed by anavalanche in 2007 finished aclimb in Nepal last monththat made him his country’sfirst person to scale theworld’s 14 tallest mountains.

“I have always wantedto climb mountains as long asI remember,” HirotakaTakeuchi said on Monday inKathmandu. “It was alwaysmy childhood dream to scalehigh peaks.”

The Nepal Mountain-eering Association saidTakeuchi scaled the 8,167-meter-high (26,788-foot-high)Mount Dhaulagiri on 26 Mayto finish his 17-year mission.

All the top 14 peaks —including Everest, K2 andKanchenjunga — are in theHimalayan or Karakoramranges of Asia.

Takeuchi is the 30thperson to climb all 14 and thefirst climber from Japan,association official DeebashBikram Shah said.

Takeuchi plans to returnto the Himalayas to climbanother peak next year. “I willcontinue to climb as long asmy body will allow me,” hesaid.

Takeuchi’s missionalmost ended in 2007 when anavalanche on MountGashabrum swept him some300 metres (1,000 feet) andburied him completely in snow.

Two German climberswere killed in the avalanche,and a third was injured badly.

Takeuchi was dug outby other mountaineers andrescued by helicopter.


Japanese climberHirotaka Takeuchistands in front of abanner after he was

felicitated by thePresident of NepalMountaineering

Association ZimbaZangbu Sherpa, in

Kathmandu, Nepal, on 10June, 2012.— INTERNET

Newly crowned MissWorld Hungary TamaraCserhati (C) poses withMiss Universe HungaryAgnes Konkoly (R) and

Miss Earth HungaryAlexandra Kocsis(L) after

winning a joint beautycontest in Budapest,

Hungary on 9 June, 2012. XINHUA

WELLINGTON, 14 June—The European Union (EU)and Pacific island nationsTuesday launched a plan forgreater dialogue on climatechange issues and increasedclimate change support.

The plan was launchedat the Second MinisterialMeeting between the EU andthe Pacific Islands Forum,chaired in Auckland by NewZealand Foreign AffairsMinister Murray McCully.McCully said in a statementon the launch of the JointPacific- EU Plan of Action onClimate Change that hewelcomed the EU’s continuedengagement in the Pacificregion. “As the current chairof the Pacific Islands Forum,New Zealand is committed tofurthering cooperationbetween the forum and thewider international

Pacific nations, EU to discussclimate change support

NEW DELHI, 14 June —Indian authorities onMonday evening released achartered aircraft which theyhad detained since Sundaynight in the western state ofRajasthan’s capital Jaipur forflying over a combat air basein the city of Jodhpur withoutpermission, an official saidon Tuesday.

“The Dornier 228 aircraftoriginated from the Gulf stateof Oman’s capital Muscat.

After flying to Karachiin Pakistan, it landed in Jaipurenroute Bangkok. But theplane was detainedovernight Sunday for flyingover Indian Air Force combatbase in Jodhpur,’’ the officialsaid, on condition of

India releases Dornierplane detained for flying

over air force base illegally

community,” McCully said.“The EU is spending 1.4

billion NZ dollars (1.08 billionUS dollars) on developmentassistance to the Pacific oversix years. Bringing togetherlarge donors like the EU andrepresentatives from forumcountries will greatly enhanceassistance to the Pacific.” Themeeting was also attended byCook Islands Prime MinisterHenry Puna and VanuatuFinance Minister MoanaCarcasses Kalosil. The EUwas represented by DanishMinister for DevelopmentCooperation Christian FriisBach and EU Commissionerfor Development AndrisPiebalgs. McCully said thedelegates also discussed howto more effectively managethe Pacific’s tuna stocks andrecent developments in Fiji.“The group called for aninclusive constitutionalconsultation process and freeand fair elections in anenvironment where humanrights and fundamentalfreedoms are fully respected.”The military-led governmentof Fiji has pledged to returnthe island nation to aparliamentary democracywith elections by September2014.—Xinhua

A Los Angeles PoliceOfficer watches as fans

celebrate outside StaplesCentre after the Los

Angeles Kings won theStanley Cup in Los

Angeles, California on 11June, 2012. The Los

Angeles Kings won theStanley Cup for the first

time in the team’s 45-yearhistory by defeating theNew Jersey Devils 4-2 in

the best-of-seven NationalHockey League (NHL)championship series on


anonymity. Two pilots andfour crew members wereinterrogated by intelligenceagencies as Dornier planesare often used forsurvelliance missions.

“The crew members toldthe interrogators that theaircraft’s GPS devicemalfunctioned which led it tofly over the airbase.

The plane has beenallowed to leave India onMonday after nothingsuspicious was detected.

The pilots have been ledoff with a warning,’’ theofficial added. India has largemilitary presence inRajasthan due to itsproximity with Pakistan.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012 13

Shin-kickingChampionships held in

BritainThe judge of the Shin-

kicking Championships inBritain said the sport is aboutmore than just two men kickingeach other below the knees.

James Wiseman, whojudged this year’s Shin-kicking Championships at theCotswold Olimpicks, anevent held in ChippingCamden, England, on-and-off since the 1600s, said theevent is similar to wrestling,ITN reported.

“I kind of get quiteannoyed when people thinkthat shin-kicking is quite

Bamboo bike building takes trial and errorA Washington State man

said it took him a lot of trial anderror to build his own bike outof bamboo. Paul Fish ofSpokane, founder of retail andonline outdoor-equipmentcompany Mountain Gear,said he decided to build thebamboo bike on a whim andhis initial attempts resulted ina lot of learning experiences,the Spokesman-Review,

Spokane, reported.“Do you know what

happens when you don’tpunch a hole in the nodes of abamboo pole before applyingthe torch? The pole explodes,”Fish said.

Fish said he received a lotof valuable advice from theBikecad Web site,, and localmachinist and bike-frame

literally two guys facing eachother and kicking each otheras hard as possible in theshins,” Wiseman said.

“The easiest ways todescribe it is it’s a bit likewrestling but with a lot ofcontact below the knees.

The idea is really to throwthe person to the ground, butto throw the person to theground you’ve got tounbalance by kicking themfirst.”

The winner of this year’sevent was Zac Warren, 23, ofPershaw, England.

builder Gary Selner of HairyGary Bicycles. He said he wasable to complete his firstsuccessful bamboo bike lastweek. “Don’t get any ideas,”Fish said. “I like my newbamboo bike, but I’m not goinganywhere as a bike builder.”

Cafeteria workers win old food disputeA union representing

cafeteria workers in aPennsylvania school districtwon a victory in a disputeover being forced to pay forunsellable items they eat.

The American Federa-

tion of State, County andMunicipal Employees filedthe grievance in 2011against the Sharpsville AreaSchool District, allegingofficials “violated esta-blished past practice” by

forcing cafeteria workers topay for food or drinks thatsafe food regulations do notallow them to sell tostudents, The (Sharon)Herald reported.

The settlement, passed

by a unanimous school boardvote on 21 May, statesworkers can consume theitems — which include expiredand reheated food and drinkitems — for free.

The workers do so,however, at their own risk.

News Album

Richards and Sambora breakup again

LOS ANGELES, 14 June—US actress Denise Richardsand rocker Richie Samborahave broken up after less thana year of dating, sources

“They’re done,” aninsider said of the couple, whopreviously dated from 2006-07, then reunited last fall.

Asked on “Access

Denise Richards and Richie Sambora have broken upagain.—INTERNET

Hollywood Live” onTuesday what her datingstatus is, Richards said only,“I’m friends with some verylovely men and everything’sgreat!” Richards has twodaughters with her ex-husband, actor Charlie Sheen,as well as a baby girl sheadopted as a single mom lastyear.—Internet

Kate Walshleaving‘PrivatePractice’

Kate Walsh arrives at thetaping of the “Comedy

Central Roast of CharlieSheen”, at Sony PicturesStudios in Culver City,

California on 10September, 2011.


LOS ANGELES, 14 June—Kate Walsh says she is leaving“Private Practice” at the endof the US medical drama’supcoming sixth season. saidWalsh made the announce-ment on Bethenny Frankel’snew daytime talk show in aninterview to air onWednesday.

“This is my last seasonfor ‘Private Practice.’ ... It’sbeen an incredible journey,an amazing ride. I’m hugely,hugely grateful,” she said.

“It’s been a long timebeing Addison,” Walsh saidof her character. “I feelincredibly grateful to [writer-producer] Shonda Rhimesand all the fans that have beenthere from Day 1 to now. I’mreally excited about the lastseason.”

Walsh’s co-star TimDaly announced last monthhe wouldn’t be back forSeason 6.


‘Godspell’ closing on Broadway this monthNEW YORK, 14 June —

The producers of “Godspell”say Broadway’s first revivalof the rock musical will playits final performance at theCircle in the Square Theatreon 24 June.

The show beganpreviews on 13 Oct andofficially opened on 7 Nov.At the time of its closing, itwill have played 30 previewperformances and 264 regular

Anna Maria Perez deTagle of the Broadway

Musical Godspellperforms at the New

York Stock Exchange onthe day of the 88th

Annual NYSE ChristmasTree Lighting on Wall

Street In New York Cityon 6 December, 2011.


performances.“I’ve never been more

proud of a show than I am of‘Godspell,’” lead producerKen Davenport said in astatement. “For nine monthsthis incredible company ofperformers brought joy intothe hearts of more than153,000 people (and blastedthem with over 1,000 poundsof confetti) ... foreverchanging their lives, and mine

as well. And while thisproduction of ‘Godspell’ maynot be at Circle in the Squarepast the 24th of June, it will bein our hearts and the hearts ofeveryone who saw it forever.”

Its first national tour is tobegin during the 2013-14theater season.

“Godspell” originallyopened off Broadway in 1971and was first staged onBroadway in 1976.—Internet

Shepherd, Stamos taking over‘Best Man’ roles

NEW YORK, 14 June—Cybill Shepherd, JohnStamos, Kristin Davis andElizabeth Ashley are takingover roles from outgoing castmembers in the Broadwayrevival of “The Best Man.”

The show’s producerssaid on Tuesday Shepherd,Stamos, Davis and Ashleywill be replacing CandiceBergen, Eric McCormack,

Cybill Shepherd

Kerry Butler and AngelaLansbury, respectively.

Lynch, Colfer to be ‘Glee Project’ mentors

NEW YORK, 14 June—Oxygen says “Glee” stars JaneLynch, Amber Riley, ChrisColfer and Darren Criss will


will co-mentorfor ‘The


be mentors on its US realityshow “The Glee Project.”

Lynch will talk tocontestants about fear-

lessness on 17 July, whileRiley will discussdetermination on the 31 Julyedition of the show.

Criss will appear on the 7Aug episode, while Colfer willdrop by 21 Aug.

Now in its secondseason, “The Glee Project” isa reality series in whichaspiring actors and singerscompete for a recurring roleon the music-themed dramedy“Glee.”—Internet

‘Gone with the Wind’ actress Ann Rutherforddead at 94

LOS ANGELES, 14 June—Ann Rutherford, an actressfamous for her work in “Gonewith the Wind” and the AndyHardy movies, has died ather home in Beverly Hills,Calif. She was 94.

The Vancouver native’sclose friend and fellow actressAnne Jeffreys confirmed herdeath on Monday night tothe Los Angeles Times.

Jeffreys said Rutherford

Ann Rutherford has diedat her home in BeverlyHills, Calif. She was 94.

Shown in 2006 filephoto.—INTERNET

had been in declining healthand suffered heart problems.

Rutherford made her filmdebut in 1935’s “WaterfrontLady” and went on to makenearly 60 movies by 1950.

The Times said she spenther later years attendingevents related to “Gone withthe Wind,” the 1939 filmclassic in which she playedCarreen O’Hara, sister ofSouthern belle Scarlett,

Shepherd, Stamos andDavis will begin performanceson 10 July, while Ashley willstart on 24 July.

Original cast membersJames Earl Jones, JohnLarroquette, Jefferson Maysand Mark Blum, who replacedthe injured Michael McKeanthis month, will remain withthe production through itsfinal performance on 9 Sept.

The show beganpreviews on 6 March andofficially opened 1 April atManhattan’s Gerald Scho-enfeld Theatre. Its limitedengagement was extendedtwice due to populardemand.—Internet

played by Vivien Leigh.Internet

p13(15).pmd 6/15/2012, 3:09 AM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012

Di Matteo named permanentChelsea boss

Chelsea appoint Roberto di Matteo as theirmanager on a two-year deal

Roberto di Matteo guidedChelsea to victory in theFA Cup and Champions


LONDON, 14 June —Chelsea have appointedRoberto Di Matteo as theirmanager on a permanentbasis. The Italian led the clubto FA Cup and ChampionsLeague success last seasonafter stepping in as interimboss following the exit ofAndre Villas-Boas.Hereturned from holiday tofinalise a two-year contractto take charge of theBlues.Chelsea chiefexecutive Ron Gourlay said:“Roberto’s quality was clearfor all to see when hegalvanised the squad lastseason and helped the clubmake history, and the ownerand board are very pleasedhe will be continuing his goodwork.

“We all believed he wasa young coach with much tooffer when we first asked him

to take charge of team affairsin March and the manner inwhich he worked with us, theplayers and all the staff, andthe success that followed,made him the clear choicewhen it came to selecting theperson to take us forward inthe seasons to come. “Wewill be working closely withRoberto in the weeks ahead,some exciting signings havealready been made andRoberto has had input intothose.

“Although he has set thebar very high in the short timehe has been in charge, weknow that Roberto is the rightman to lead Chelsea ontofurther success.” The 42-year-old Di Matteo added: “I’mobviously delighted to havebeen appointed as managerand first-team coach. We allachieved incredible successlast season that made historyfor this great club. “Our aim isto continue building on thatand I’m already planning andlooking forward to thesquad’s return for pre-season.” Di Matteo is thefourth Italian to manageChelsea, continuing hisassociation with the club thatbegan in 1996 when he signedfrom Lazio.— Internet

Germany’s second victory puts Netherlands on brink

Robin van Persie (C) of Netherlands celebrates afterscoring during the Group B 2nd round match againstGermany at the Euro 2012 football championships in

Kharkiv, Ukraine, on 13 June , 2012. — XINHUA

KHARKIV, (Ukraine), 14June — Germany movedcloser to the last-eight berthafter beating the Netherlands2-1 in an enthralling Group Bencounter in the EuropeanChampionship on Wednes-day. Mario Gomez’s two stylishgoals in the first half put theNetherlands on the verge ofan early exit despite Robin vanPersie’s late rebirth to delivera fine strike. With two wins ina row, Germany, three-timewinner of the tournament,topped the so-called “Groupof Death” after Portugaloutscored Denmark 3-2 in theafternoon, both havingcollected three points. “It’snot easy. There are manyhurdles in this called deathgroup.”

“Six points are very goodresults. We will treat the lastgroup match like what we did.We will fight for the victory towin the group,” said theGermany coach Joachim Low.The Netherlands, who havenever failed to progress from

the group stage since theirtriumph in 1988, now havelost control of their fate andmust beat Portugal in the lastround with better goaldifference in the groupprovided that Germany alsobeat Denmark. “Of course we’redisappointed. We were notstrong in defence. But thesituation is that we still havea chance to go through. Whenyou have a chance, you haveto believe and fight,” said theDutch coach Bert van

Marwijk.It is another chapter of

one of Europe’s mostenthralling footballingrivalries, who just finishedtheir 39th time contest.Germany extended theiradvantageous record to 15wins, 14 draws and 10 defeats.The Netherlands weredesperate for goals whenPremier League’s top scorerRobin van Persie found twoclear chances in the openingten minutes but the forward’s

volley and right-footed effortboth missed the target. “Westarted well in the first 20minutes with a few goodchances. But there was toomuch space for the German’sgoal,” added by Van Marwijk.Gomez, who headed inGermany’s only goal in the 1-0 victory over Portugal in theopening match, continued histop form to break the deadlockin the 24th minute when hebeat the keeper MaartenStekelenburg calmly in thebox after running onto a neatpass from BastianSchweinsteiger.

The same Bayern Muni-ch combination doubled theGerman lead after 16 minuteswhen Schweinsteiger fed thecentral forward on the rightside of the area to send the ballto the top left corner. TheNetherlands had no choiceand brought all their high-profile attacking talents ontothe field to change the starting4-2-3-1 formation to a moreoffensive 4-3-3.—Xinhua

Britain’s Andy Murrayduring the Aegon

Championships men’ssingles second round

match against France’sNicolas Mahut on 13


Beaten Murray won’t panicover Wimbledon

International Sports

LONDON, 14 June —World number four AndyMurray is adamant the shockend of his reign as Queen’schampion won’t damage hischances of winningWimbledon. Murray had wonthe pre-Wimbledon warm-upevent at Queen’s Club twicein the last three years and hearrived in west Londonhoping for another extendedrun on the grass courts.

But the Scot, whoreceived a first round bye asthe top seed, produced anerror-strewn display thatallowed France’s NicolasMahut to complete a 6-3, 6-7(4/7), 7-6 (7/1) secound roundvictory on Wednesday.Mahut, who was the runner-up at Queen’s in 2007, is asolid grass-court performerand his confidence is sky highafter beating former worldnumber one Andy Roddick atthe French Open last month.

But Murray would stillhave expected to see off aplayer 61 places below him inthe world rankings. It was theworst possible preparation forhis latest assault on theWimbledon title, but Murray,who has struggled with a backinjury in recent weeks,remains confident he will beable to mount a strongchallenge at the All EnglandClub.— Reuters

Tiger and Rory set for stern US Open testSAN FRANCISCO, 14 June

— The stage is set for ariveting US Open at therevered but challengingOlympic Club with formerworld number one TigerWoods seemingly back to hisbest, and defendingchampion Rory McIlroy notfar off. Woods and McIlroyare capable of electrifying thegalleries with their power andprecision and both are itchingto return to the major winner’scircle in the championshipwidely accepted as the mostgrueling of all.

It has been four longyears since Woods won the

Schiavone out of Birminghamafter 1st-round defeat

Francesca Schiavone

BIRMINGHAM, 14 June —Top-seeded FrancescaSchiavone was upset 7-5,6-4 by Miskai Dothe ofJapan in the first round ofthe grass-court AegonClassic on Wednesday.

The Italian said she’sstill adjusting to grass afterthe clay-court season and

hopes to improve beforeWimbledon and the LondonOlympics at the All EnglandClub.

‘’Of course it isupsetting, but it is hard forme, it takes time to adapt to agrass-court rhythm,’’Schiavone said. Schiavonejoined several seededplayers exiting theBirmingham tournament.

The sixth-seeded MonaBarthel of Germany fell toAndrea Hlavackova of theCzech Republic 7-6 (5), 6-2and the seventh-seededChristina McHale of theUnited States lost 6-1, 1-6,7-5 to Elena Vesnina ofRussia. Jelena Jankovicstaved off a bee and two setpoints in a 6-1, 7-6 (3) winover British wild-cardMelanie South.— Internet

most recent of his 14 majors, ina playoff for the 2008 US Open,and he knows time is perhapsnot on his side as he tries tohunt down the record 18 piledup by golfing great JackNicklaus. While his form hascome in fits and starts thisyear, Woods issued a timelyUS Open warning to his rivalswith his remarkable two-shotvictory at the Memorialtournament two weeks ago inDublin, Ohio.

“It feels good,” Woods, athree-times US Openchampion, told reporters whilepreparing for Thursday’sopening round on the Lake

Course at Olympic. “I’veplayed the golf course now acouple of times and it’s quickout there. “I’m excited aboutplaying, excited about this golfcourse. I’ve played a lot herein college and it’s great to beback,” added the 36-year-oldAmerican, who attendednearby Stanford University.Woods, who tied for 18th whenthe US Open was last held atOlympic in 1998, is well awareof the demands on precise ball-striking made by the fastrunning Lake Course with itstilting dogleg fairways.

“This probably tests theplayer more than any other

Tiger Woods of the US teesoff on the 16th hole during

a practice round for the2012 US Open golf

tournament on the LakeCourse at the OlympicClub in San Francisco,California on 13 June,

2012.— REUTERS

championship,” he said. Wehave to shape the ball. Wehave to hit the ball high. Wehave to hit the ball low. Ourshort game’s got to be dialedin. —Reuters

Italy held to 1-1 draw byCroatia in Group C

POZNAN, 14 June— Italy sat back and paid for it Thursdayin a 1-1 draw with Croatia at the European Championship.

Andrea Pirlo gave Italy the lead with a curving free kickin the 39th minute but Mario Mandzukic was left unmarkedto equalize in the 72nd.

Having opened with a 3-1 win over Ireland, Croatia hasfour points in Group C.

Italy has two points after its opening 1-1 with defendingchampion Spain.

Italy had numerous other early chances, but the Azzurrilacked finishing quality.

At the start of the second half, Italy rarely threatened,instead choosing to absorb Croatia’s attacks. The tacticbackfired when Ivan Strinic launched a long pass from the leftflank to Mandzukic, who had time to control at the edge ofthe box and shoot in off the post.


Croatia’s Mario Mandzukic, center, scores his side’sfirst goal past Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon

during the Euro 2012 soccer championship Group Cmatch between Italy and Croatia in Poznan, Poland,

Thursday, 14 June, 2012.INTERNET

P14(15).pmd 6/15/2012, 3:09 AM14

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 15 June, 2012 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

(15-6-12 09:30 am ~16-6-12 09:30 am) MST


MYANMAR TV(15-6-2012) (Friday)

Focus Myanmar TV Programme

7:00 am 1. Paritta By Venerable

Mingun Sayadaw7:50 am 2. Nice & Sweet Song8:00 am 3. Health Programme8:15 am 4. The Mirror Images of

The Musical Oldies8:45 am 5. Teleplay (Traffic)4:10 pm 6. Musical Programme4:20 pm 7. Myanmar Traditional

Cultural PerformingArts Competitions

4:30 pm 8. Songs Of Yester Years4:40 pm 9. University of Distance

Education (TV Lectures)- Third Year (Maths)

5:00 pm10. Myanmar Language5:20 pm11. Teleplay (Health)5:30 pm12. Sports Highlight6:20 pm13. Internet Garden8:00 pm14. News15. Just For Laughs16. TV Drama Series

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas Weather forecast for 15th June, 2012

* News* AB Bank First of

Many Firsts* News* The Edge of Life

(Episode-4)* News* Housing and Living

2012* News* “ES4E” Your

Gateway to success* News* Flying without

Wings My GreatLimitless Adventure(Inle Lake) Part-2

* News* 27th SEA Game

Prepartion* News* Zealous

Rehabilitation Tasksin Japan

* News* Myanmar Movie

“Invisible Bond”

Temperature (°C/°F) For Tomorrow Sr. No. Regions/States

Maximum Minimum Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 27/81 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) (80%)

2 Kayah 28/82 21/70 Scattered rain or thundershowers (80%)

3 Kayin 26/79 24/75 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

4 Chin 23/73 18/64 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

5 Upper Sagaing 32/90 26/79 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

6 Lower Sagaing 34/93 26/79 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

7 Taninthayi 28/82 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

8 Bago 27/81 25/77 Widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

9 Magway 33/91 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershowers (IH) (80%)

10 Mandalay 35/95 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershowers (80%)

11 Mon 32/90 25/77 Widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

12 Yangon 33/91 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

13 Rakhine 27/81 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) (80%)

14 Southern Shan 22/72 18/64 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

15 Northern Shan 30/86 22/72 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

16 Eastern Shan 32/90 24/75 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

17 Ayeyawady 33/91 26/79 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers (80%)

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi Taw 31/88 24/75 One or two rain or thundershowers (80%)

19 Neighbouring Yangon 33/91 24/75 Isolated rain or thundershowers (80%)

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 35/95 26/79 Isolated rain or thundershowers (60%)

Summary of

observations at

09:30 hr MST on


During the past (24) hours, rain or thundershowers have been isolated in Kayah State, scattered in Upper Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway and Ayeyawady Regions, fairly widespread in Lower Sagaing, Yangon and Taninthayi Regions, Kayin State, widespread in the remaining Regions and States with regionally heavy falls in Magway Region. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Myitkyina (9.65) inches, Moekaung (7.13) inches, Sittwe (4.37) inches, Thandwe (3.98) inches, Taunggok (3.70) inches, An (3.55) inches, MyaukU (3.15) inches, Putao (1.96) inches and Gangaw (1.54) inches.

Bay Inference Monsoon is moderate to strong in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Squalls with moderate to rough sea are likely at times off and along Rakhine Coasts. Surface

wind speed in squalls may reach (40) mph. Sea will be moderate elsewhere in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for sub-

sequent two days Likelihood of increase of rain in the Southern Myanmar areas.

CASH PRESENTED: A ceremony to give cashassistance to students of staff members from

Shwepyitha Township General AdministrationDepartment was held at the hall of the departmenton 31 May. Township Administrator U Aung Moe

Oo presents cash assistance to the students.MYANMA ALIN

Librarian course 18 June-17July

YANGON, 14 June—The librarian course (second grade)No 1/2012 will be conducted by Myanmar LibrariesFoundation from 18 June to 17 July.

Those wishing to attend the course may enlist atMyanmar Libraries Federation, No 85, Thiri Mingala Avenue,Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township, Tel: 660387,663902 and fax: 663902.—MLF

Redknapp sacked asTottenham manager

LONDON, 14 June—HarryRedknapp was sacked asmanager of TottenhamHotspur on Thursday afternearly four years in charge ofthe Premier League club.

“This is not a decisionthe board and I have takenlightly,” said Tottenhamchairman Daniel Levy in astatement. “Harry arrived atthe club at a time when hisexperience and approach wasexactly what was needed.

“This decision in no waydetracts from the excellentwork Harry has done duringhis time with the club and Ishould like to thank him forhis achievements andcontribution.”

Spurs were bottom of the

Premier League table whenRedknapp arrived at WhiteHart Lane from Portsmouthin 2008 and Levy added:“Harry will always bewelcome at the Lane.”

Redknapp, in astatement issued byTottenham, said: “I havethoroughly enjoyed my timeat Spurs and am proud of myachievements. I have had afantastic four years with theclub, at times the football hasbeen breathtaking. “I am sadto be leaving but wish to thankthe players, staff and fans fortheir terrific support duringmy time there.”

The 65-year-old English-man was known to be pushingLevy for an extension to his

Harry Redknapp during an English Premier Leaguematch between Tottenham Hotspur and Queen Park

Rangers in October 2011.—INTERNET

contract, which was due toexpire at the end of next season,saying the uncertaintysurrounding his position wasdestabilising the squad.

It has been claimed thatLevy was only willing to offerRedknapp a rolling 12-monthcontract whereas Redknappfavoured a longer deal.

Redknapp, whose statusas the media and fans’favourite to become the nextmanager of England wasignored by the FootballAssociation (FA) when theychose Roy Hodgson instead,did achieve Levy’s goal of atop four Premier Leaguefinish last season.—Internet

Portuguese forwardCristiano Ronaldo (C)during the Euro 2012

match against Denmark on13 June. He has yet to

score in the tournamentand a succession of missedchances in the 3-2 win over

Denmark ended withDanish fans chanting

‘Messi! Messi!’.—INTERNET

Messi haunts misfiring Ronaldoeven at Euro

Premier League wins extra £1 b innew TV deal

Manchester City’s Ivorianmidfielder Yaya Tourecelebrates after scoring

against Newcastle atSports Direct Arena inNewcastle, north-eastEngland on 6 May.


LONDON, 14 June—TheEnglish Premier League hasconfirmed its position as oneof world sport’s most populartournaments by announcinga new television broadcastdeal worth over £1 billion($1.55 billion) more than theexisting agreement.

EPL chief executiveRichard Scudamore saidWednesday they had soldtheir live television broadcastrights to Sky, one of theirexisting satellite broadcasters,and BT, best known as a tele-communications company,for a total of £3.018 billion.Sky have bought five of theseven available packages forthe seasons 2013/14 to 2015/16, totalling 116 matches peryear.

BT have acquired therights for 32 matches thatseason but their packageincludes 18 of the 38 first-choice picks. It all means the

LVIV, 14 June—Cristiano Ronaldo could dowith a goal — and withoutmention of Lionel Messi atEuro 2012. The 27-year-oldPortuguese superstar has yetto score in the tournament anda succession of missed chancesin the thrilling 3-2 win overDenmark ended with Danishfans chanting ‘Messi! Messi!’.

It was the last thing theReal Madrid player neededto hear the name of the three-time world player of the yearbeing chanted after the

Argentinian superstar leftRonaldo trailing in secondplace in the La Liga scoringcharts last season. Needlessto say Ronaldo fired off hisown riposte — hitting itstarget more effectively thanhe had done in the match.

“Do you know what he(Messi) was doing this timelast year? He was going out ofthe Copa America in thequarter-finals.” Ronaldo’slack of goals should not comeas a complete surprise as hehas scored just five times in15 games at major finals sinceappearing at Euro 2004 in hishomeland.

With the added burden ofthe captaincy on his shouldersmany have wondered —probably the same people whosay that like Messi he leaveshis best form at home when hedons his national jersey —whether he could handle thatas well.—Internet

Premier League have securedan impressive £1.254 billionincrease on the current deal,which is shared between Skyand ESPN. Scudamore saidthe thrilling climax to lastseason, when ManchesterCity won the title in injurytime on the final day,contributed to the increase.


p15(12).pmd 6/15/2012, 3:09 AM15

Friday, 15 June, 201211th Waning of Nayon 1374 ME

NAY PYI TAW, 14 June—Union Minister for ElectricPower No. 2 U Khin MaungSoe received a Japanesedelegation led by ExecutiveOfficer and Chief ExecutiveOfficer for Asia and OceaniaMr. Takashi Ikeda of SojitzCorporation, at his office hereyesterday morning.

During the meeting, Mr.Takashi Ikeda expressed hishope that Sojitz Co is willingto make an investment inMyanma electric sector, toengaging in SupervisoryControl and DataAcquisition System(SCADA) to be implementedincluding 500 KV power gridand projects for constructionof sub-power station. TheUnion Minister explainedtypes of foreign investmentsmade by Chinese and KoreanCompanies in theconstruction of the sub-power stations, incollaboration with theMinistry of Electric PowerNo. 2.

Likewise, the UnionMinister held a meeting withActing President Mr.Somboom Arayaskul ofElectricity GeneratingAuthority of ThailandInternational and Senior

Union Minister meets Japanese, Thai guestsUnion Minister meets Japanese, Thai guests

General Manager Mr. KenKawai of MitsubishiCorporation (Japan) andparty at his office yesterday.

At the meeting, thosefrom Mitsubishi Corporationsuggested to use twoMitsubishi branded naturalgas turbines which are nowin Thailand for supplying theneeds of electric power in thesummer in Myanmar. It takes

more time to fix newgenerators than to use thefixed generators and the twofixed turbines in Thailandcan run from February, 2013.And he added that Myanmarneeds to fulfill therequirement to implement theprogramme as soon aspossible.

EGAT Internationalofficial concerned presented

reports to the Union Ministeron project structure,tentative schedule, needs ofgas and the places chosenfor the installation, and thematters related to allowingengineers of the ministry toexamine the two turbines inThailand.


NAY PYI TAW, 14 June—To be able to keeps abreast ofthe international community in the health cares and medicne,it is necessary to produce highly qualified human resourcesin health sector, Union Minister for Health Dr Pe Thet Khinsaid. He added that the Medical Science Department hasbeen producing those with a sense of devotion after adoptingplans and work programmes as required by the State forproducing human resources in health sector with the extendedopening of new universities, applying modern technology.In doing so, post-graduate training courses have beenintroduced since 1964 with the aim of training and turningout medical professionals of international level, said UnionMinister for Health Dr Pe Thet Khin at post-graduate medicalstudies seminar being held at the Ministry of Health thismorning.

The Union minister stressed the needs for thoseconcerned to devote much more attention to producing thewell-qualified post-graduate physicians of various subjects,for only the Ministry of Health has to widely engage inchoosing candidates, giving training and systematicscrutinzing and conferring degrees. Only then will it be ableto produce highly qualified physicians.

The President himself called those responsible to trainand nurture doctors not only to merely obtain degrees butalso to be qualified in their studies and equipped with a senseof devotion, said the union minister.

In conclusion, the Union minister called onintroducing curriculums, teaching programmes and assessingsystems which are in accord with the changing health caresof the State and the changing medicine of the world.

Also present on the occasion were Deputy MinisterDr Daw Myat Myat Ohn Khin,directors-general, rectors andofficials, training chairmen of universities of medicine andrelated training courses and invited guests.


Ministry of Health toproduce doctors with a

sense of devotion

YANGON, 14 June—Aslocal people lost housings andproperty in recent incidentsin Rakhine State, the cash andfoodstuff donation ceremonyfor the local people was heldat the hall of Fire ServicesDepartment of the Ministryof Social Welfare, Relief andResettlement in MayangonTownship this morning.

At the ceremony, An

Noteworthy amounts of rainfall(14-6-2012)

Cash, foodstuff donated for localCash, foodstuff donated for localpeople of Rakhine Statepeople of Rakhine State

Township Pyithu Hluttawrepresentative U Thein Sweand wife Daw Mya Theingiand family donated K 2million and goods worth K2.5 million, Myitta Thingahaartistes K 4 million and 19bales of clothes, YangonTimes and Flower Newsjournals of Yangon MediaGroup Co Ltd K 2 million, USein Than of Shwe Thazin Co

70 boxes of Fuji detergentworth K 1.41 million, CairoConstruction and TailoringK 3 million, MyanmarWomen Entrepreneurs’Association K 860,000 andpersonal goods, ManagingDirector U Myo Ko Ko ofShine Construction Co K 2million, Director U Zaw Naingof Pinlon YadanaDevelopment Construction K1 million, General Manager UKyaw Win of Tawwin MyayConstruction Co K 1 million,Manager U Kyaw Aye ofTawwin Myay Agriculture CoK 500,000, U Kyaw Naing(Real Estate Trading) K300,000, U Thein Tan andfamily K 200,000, U Myo WinAung-Daw Kyi Thanda Phyuand family one bale of clothes,Daw San San Aye and familyK 200,000, U Nyan Htet Win-Daw Shwe Sin Win family sixbales of clothes, Ma PhyoTheingi Wai and friends K64,200, Ma Kyi Pyar K100,000, Daw Phyu Phyu Winand family K 100,000, U YeKyaw-Daw Thi Thi Tun andfamily K 50,000 and one bale

Myitkyina (9.65) inchesMogaung (7.13) inchesSittway (4.37) inchesThandwe (3.98) inchesTaungup (3.70) inchesAn (3.55) inches

Union Minister for Electric Power No 2 U Khin Maung Soe receives ActingPresident Mr Somboom Arayaskul of Electricity Generating Authority ofThailand International Co and Senior General Manager Mr Ken Kawai

and party of Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan.—MNA

Union Minister for Health Dr Pe Thet Khinaddresses post-graduate medical studies


Wellwishers donate cash for people of RakhineState through officials.—MNA

of clothes, Santa Maria TravelTours CO Ltd Mamee instantnoodles worth K 335,000, UShwe Tun Aung-Daw NweNwe San and family K300,000, Daw Yu Yu Aungand family clothes andmosquito nets, U San Win-Daw Aye Aye Myint K200,000, Total Care Co Ltd17 items of goods worth K150,000, U Hla Kyaw-DawKhin Saw Win, Daw ThazinThein and family one bag ofrice five viss of edible oil, UKhin Hlaing-Daw Khin SweWin and family of ZawtikaRobe House K 100,000 andseven packets of cereal, 12boxes of tinned fish, one baleof clothes and 12 boxes oflotion, Daw Tin Tin Oo andfamily K 100,000, Ma Aye

Min Thein and family K101,000, U Kyaw Soe Tin twobales of clothes, U Ye ThuAung K 100,000, Sayadaw UVayapavudha and disciplesK 56500, U Win Min Naing-Daw Aye Aye Mar and familyof Win Myanmar AutomobileManufacturing Industry

K 500,000, and U Tun-DawKhin Mar Win K 300,000 andfour bales of clothes.

Director-General U TinMoe of FSD accepted thedonations and presentedcertificates of honour to thedonors.


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