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IS IIREDA GE I FAN E? scibismn, and in some formi it has ___________gavehimtiss__do_____WeboyschippedIn,_MEDICAL.

STHERE DANGER IN FRAN E? t since. Isabella (born Oct. 10. 130)Patronize lme Maufatursl notoriohe suloonsnwhere fweaboozerhadnto

__ _notorious queen and was finally driven to come down with a couple of dollars apiece tSi8 88S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

France, but we should speak charitably of or a keg of beer. We pay the undertaker Keep the Money at Home I al INDICATIONS OF STORMY TIMES AHEAD her since she forbade the execution of the forthe box, the lights and the room rent, M -W A&

FOR THE FRENCH REPUBLIC. American private soldiers captured with bring our beer and whisky, and do the whole * E. ser the Lopez expedition and finally pardoned business without any priest or missionary or

them at the intercession of the American nonsense. Portrait and Sketch of Eugene lemen- minister. As soon as her father, Ferdinand, "Does it often happen? Just you bet it wfrm

ea, Who Strove for Grevy's Resigna- died (Sept. 29, 1833) Don Carlos called his ad- does. It happens here and at a lot of other .Tatnall Count, a .:mu e e rag I as teoith Meto tis mn me almost tion-Don Carlos Claims the French hererits to arms and a civil war raged with ' j TtalConya"One year ago I was taken with rheumatism, and beanam os

ion-Don Carlos Claims the French herents to arms and a civil war raged with places I know in the neighborhood. There helpless for over three months. All the remedies used seemed to fail until I commenced

Throne-Interesting Historical Facts. horrible fury for six years, when Don Carlos are crooks and criminals in hard luck, the use of Swift's Specific. I have taken five bottles, and am perfectly sound and well was driven to France. He appealed to his again. I would have written sooner, but waited to see if the cure was permanent. And

was iven t wo ance. e app as.nd girls who have been thrown out because now I unhesitatingly recommend S. S. S. as a safe and reliable remedy for rheumatism.

compiled for the NEwS-HERALDItalian relatives, who sustained his cause, they could not pay their room rent. These I e all confidence in its virtue

anrid between them on one side and the Corn- make the most of them. Then there are fel

The civilized world is just now watching munists or Radicals on the other Spain w# lows who live in a single room or a lodging with interests for the next developmentsin kept in constant uproar for many years. house, or in the ten cent beds. When they W

Trance. President Grevy has resigned and Isabella, then grown to maturity. married die the landlord bounces the body to make For over twoyear I suEelIntensel with musular rheumatism. I became almost

hisn successor, Sadi-Carnot, is endeav- her cousin, Don Francisco de Asis, nd there room for a new tenant. They've got to go to s a ut o bed. At times wan to turn my rse

t oring to form a new ministry There *aipae fo~while. The late King Al rofranetnn.Thyvgttootohelpless and had to be helped out of bed. YAt times I was unable to turm myself in bed, Fa rn ofoa nw t -was peace for awhile. The late King A Potter's Field or else depend on the boys. and had to be handled as tenderly as an infant. My chest was involved, and the paine

a ars of an uprising, whichAnd then there are a good many people who <was intolerable at times. All the old and well-known remedies were exhausted, but no

tary authorities are taking steps to suppre on as i Carl And hen there are a good many people who permanent relief was obtained. About a year ago I was induced by a friend to try Swift's r promptly if it come, and Clemencea's nae Don Carlos ied, but his son, on ios, live in two rooms and haven't the room to ~ eoiflo. The effect has been magical. My friends scarcely recognize me. My rheuma.

So y ies and lemenceauu name nt of Montemalin, su cceeded his clair have a wake in. They send the corpse around tim is entiy gne, my general health is superb and I am weighing thirty pounds more bonevery one's lip. ard his supporters in Spain inade three here and have a good time. than when I commenced taking @. S. S. I am able to attend to all my ministerial work.

operate insrrections-in 1848, i I855 and ' "What does it cost? Well, it depends upon C. EeT a .d I am devoutly grateful or my restoration to healt h i, w hI owe, under the blei i of prt nurcinin"htdeitcsWlideedupnMGod, to Swifte Speifc. R[ev J. N,.,owa." :

186 but were putdown with merciless rigor, the style. We pay the undertaker anywhere Hampton, Ga., April 20, 188. C

the whole kingdom being declared in a state from $5 up for the coffin, aitd $3 for the rent IrijPeaten Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.

V Pooof siege. The count of Montemalini, who of the cellar. The candles are usually thrown THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca.

called himself "Charles X1 of Spain," (lied in and the crucifix is lent. That crucifix Pure Ground Bone and the Bonethau O hildles Jan. 13, 861, and his rights, or there is a lucksone andwe tryto always Orange Tree Emulsion, anddefes com

claims rather, at once passed to his brother, have it at our wakes. There's a black cruci- petition as to quality or price.

Don Juan, etc., Carlos. He married Maria fix I know that brings bad luck every time it EDUCATION.

Theresa, archduchess of Austria and rincess is used. Either the people get into a IB -s 4 Iw & EVeaseT-N

of Modena, which strengthened his claims " fight, or the coffin is dumped, or OFFICE. 28 OEAN STREET, little, and the preoent Doni Carlos is their son - something goes wrong. Then the hearseate cu ltu ra l born March 30, 1848. The old man, if we may and a carriage cost $10, and more carriages P.O. Box. 343. Telephone 210and 210 speak so affectionately of an alleged king and $3 or - $5 apiece and the grave $5 upward.

Real Bourbon, did not seem inclined to tor- This racket stands us in about $55, and it's a A I' CITY , F O I ).x. nment the Spaniards any longer, and would first class affair-something we boys are probably have let his claim lapse if his rela proud o.f uw t proud of. If you want more style you can. tes and expectant friends had allowed. In hire professional mourners; we call them

fi) (j1868 he resigned all his claims to his son, and 'keeners.' They are old Irish and Scotch Jweler ad Watchmaker - //thereafter lived as quietly as they would let women,0and sometimes English, who cry and

him, dying onr the 18th, of heart disease, at howl and sing and drink all night for a dol- I DEFY COMPETITION. the age of 63. lar and their drinks."

, <' Don Carlos the son began his fight early Daylight was beginning to make the smoky My stock of Diamonds, At the age of 19 be married Margaret de lamplight a ghastly yellow. The festivities Fine Gold and Silver Bourbon, Princess of Parma, and thus were at their heig t. The mourners stood

CLIeEcNcEAU. "brought in," as it were, another claim to and sprawled about the room in all con- Watches, Jewelry, and solid / :~~~~ few well sobs lae ae

Why? Because it was virtually the re- royal honors. As soon as his father 'retired ditions of intoxication. A few were so over- as well as best plated ware, usai of Clemeneau to form a iiniistry that Doii Carlos began organizing another ex- come that they'lay like logs upon the floor,

fusnally drove Grencavy to his late nistr action. edition for Spain, ard the gar began early hardly distinguishable in appearance from is now complete, and of the finally drov Gevy to his latest tion ition for Spain, ad the war b egan early the inmate of the coffin. It was with a great very latest make and de

Eugene Clemenceau was born at Mouil- in 1872. But there had been a revolution, gasp of relief that I reached the street and

leron en Pareds in September, 1841, and was Queen Isabella had gone into exile and the inhaled the cool, fresh air of the early dawn. sign. -- graduated as a physician in Paris in 1869. Hie short lived republic was established. Don WILLuAM E. S. FALES. I guarantee everything I

was chosen to the national assembly two Carlos, therefore, entered Spain July, 1873, ust represented, or S years later, but resigned bscau- of corn- and issued a high sounding proclamation o health is tBonanza MineDr R V msney will be refunded on

plications between the government and the that he had come to save the country from of health is to be found in Dr. R. V. money will be refunded on commune. I Io was made president of the anarchy aid ruin. I 1875 Alfonso, Pierce's " Favorite Prescription," to the call. Paris municipal council in t75 and in 1877 son of Isabella, became king, and Don merits of which, as a remedy for female Please call and examine 'was again sent to the national assembly, Carlos addressed him a curiously haughty weakness and kindred affections, thou Iy stock; always willingto where he was accorded the position of one epistle, directing him to cease his sandstestify. hw goods for inspection. of the leaders of the Republicans. He has cruel and rebellious conduct and allow the show goods for insertion. teen prominent ill French politics ever since. legitimate monarch to bless Spain. If not Fine Watch Repairing a

is career has been full exciting episode not there were extensive particulars of annihila- LEGAL NOTICES. specialty. the least of which was a duel in 1871 with tion in store for him and his supporters.

X. le Commandant do Poussargues, in which After another year of bard fighting in the IE F AE F H FO

the commandant was wounded in the leg. Carlist provinces their last stronghold was NOTICE OF SALE OF THE LOR

It is claimed that he already bitterly regrets captured and Don Carlos fled to France. In IDA CENWRAL AND WESTERN

his recent action toward Il. Grevy, as it is 1881 he was expelled from that country for RAILROAD.

said that he inadvertently acted as the tool an os ntatious alliance with the Comte de Y virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of

of the Royalists. What will happen next no Chanord's supporters. He took a flying t the United States for the Northern Dis- *

one can foretell. The congress which mneet trip to Mexico and excited much curiosity, trict of Florida, entered on the Sixth day of o cn etl eo ewh mesJune 1887, in a suit therein ending, in which

S to elect a successor to Grevy may abolish but did not find them in the humor for a He GUO 7 i En RUSa T Ai deaE E

the office. Then either the Aiarchists or the king.- Since then he has been emphatically a POSIT COMPANY is complainant and THE FALL SESSION BEGINS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1887. hoyalis will take the reins t king out of business. Now, the count of FLORIDA RAILWAY AND NAIGATION

Royalists wbltkeherm.kngoto in ess w' COMPANY and others are defendants, the an- NO. 27 Ea and '72 es s- For cataio"ae an nl ino a ddnress,

Doi Carlos Maria de los Dolores Juan Isi- Chambord being dead, he proudly procla ersigned COM will, on the Seventh day of Novem- a

dor Josef Francesco Quivin Antonio himseltlegitimateking of France as well as ber, 1887, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, offer . . OLL D oy r d sof Spain. t would be a rare comedy if such forsale at public auction, to the highest bid- T . Y S Di Q.OTIPY dT.

S el (treso i n will of Spai t would be a rare comedy if such derbefor the front dor of the bu ilding then September 15,1887. LAKE CITY, FLORIDA,

found in the encyclopedia), who is called claims bad uot so often led to bloody tgedy , usedfor the United tates Circuit Court, in the

Duke of Madrid, and calls himself "Charls WAKES IN of Jacksonville, Duval county, State of CRRIAGES.

IaWA ES IN LOW tIFE. FloiIda, as directed in said decree. the follow- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

XIil, legitimate king of Spain," has now put ing railway property, to-wit: in a claim to be considered do jure king of A Sketch of Life and Death Among the ALL that certain line of railroad of the

France, as successor of the Comte de Cham- Vicious of New York Florida Central and Western Railroad Com-IL bord or "Henry X." And what has Don Special Correspondence of the NEwS-HERALD. ny and its successor, the Florida Raily e -HR D and Navigation Company, as conveyed hy the

Carlos, etc., done to deserve these high NEW YORK, Dec 7-In Baxter Bend the mortgage or deed of trust set forth in the e

lonorsl Well, he consented to be born, to be cree herein, extending from a point in the:City onors Well, he consented to be born, to be very heart of the Five Points, is a flourishing ofJacksonville to C ttahoocbee with its 2 r 1 a a.

a Bourbon, the descendant through one line undertaker's shop. There is little or no style branches from Tallahassee to St. M aarks and ".

of the great Henry of Navarre and through about the place The plate glass windows from Drifton to Monticellb, including the A the other numerous monarchs of Spain, in- about the place. The plate glass windows ights-of-way therefor, the road-bed thereof. -- T-DEALER IN

eluding the great Charles V and thelatter's and exquisite cabinet work which mark the the superstructures of all sorts thereon, its

noted grandparents, Ferdinand and Isabella. establishments of up town "mortuary direc- waterand other stations, houses and shops,

-Teied ndrens, therdi a an sraa to', are unknown here. But there aelots tue lands and grounds connected therewith, rhe issue involves the old Sali law in France ors" are and the tools and implements used or piovided

ad its abrogation in Spain; h question of commercial grief, substantial, glaring, to be used thereon, and in constructing and re- OFEhTfl ONER mgf' ' an its abtor's right to ren Spainc the inher- and-above all cheap. Pictures in which a airing cars and machinery of said road or

o an csor'sr reun h rotund female bends in a manner unknown a ralndsuperstructures aforesaid, and

tance of his children, and the much orea hm to anatomy over a weeping willow and a sall turn-tablesof whateverdepots name or b ln ture, nd F One and Two-Horse Farm and Lumber Wagons, rocery and Delivery Wagons, questiontonaom ove ao weephng wao handle a -structures of whatever name or nature, -and

vr aos

ortant question as to whether a people has a cigar box like tomb decorate one wall. On the lands and grounds connected therewith T ih I at P i to D o p

eight to choose its rulers. another are asserted drawings for all faiths; wherever situated, and all cars engines, and C rrpetti

His father, Don Juai, a Bourbon, died in I rolling stock adjudged in said decree to be

exile at Brighton, Eng., Nov. 18. He had, in gaudy chromsof saints holding gory hearts l o said Florida Central and Western Orders taken for Wedding A ZIALYNSKI MANAGER in their hands, wood cut repiroductions of Rtailroad Company, and all supplies and other OrestknfrWedding A

188, abdiated in favor of his son-that is, things providedby the saidcompany or com

e abeted a is sothe s Dore, and even the queer banners used by thntrs por by the siRea ema o c nd Parties. No. 4 Laura St., Hazeltine Block, Jacksonville, Fla. Surrendered his unexecuted claim to the Span- panic", or by the Receiver thereof, to be used

sh throne to Don Carlos. At that time the Chinese and other eastern races in decorating in operating said road, together with all The

tshthoe do Chambord claimed to be "Henry a death room. Large cases are packed with corporate franchises of said Florida Railway

> F Faneba lga d t o nd coffins, the dearer ones standing erect and and Navigation Company. and said original H M HARDWARE.

of France" by legitimate descent, and Florida Central and -Western Railroad Com .

here wa in France a ge party in alont cheaper in mnestsof a half pany, including the rights privileges, liber- GG E there was in France pa dozen. Coffins for $10, for $8, for $5, amid ties, immunities, and francIses of said several

favor of restoring the old arid origi- even for $3. In this district, where epidem- companies, to be and act as corporations, soo----

nal of Bourbon kings In French far as the same relate to the line of road from CM

sp line of Bourbon kings. in French ics breed unceasingly, death loses its terrors Jacksonvffle to Chattahoochee, with Its

politics those are called Legitimists. They and its paraphernalia are everywhere re- branches from Tallahassee to St. Marks and Telephone Nos. 212 and 236.

weorne doetl C and as the aesralh of thetfsi poet bv Ai R iWi~ i o~Y ere greatly weakened by the death of the garded as ordinary commodities. The little from Drifton to Monticello, and the terminal Headquarters, on Brough street lUoit* do Chatbord, as there are several pr ty at Jacksonville. IndshlRo.

-- Coam ~tedeCharborquasthe;arsevralsign, "bargains in coffins," tells the life his- AL of said property above described will andhell Road

laimants of nearly equal kin; but now Don tory of the neighborhood in a manner be sold as an entirety, and subject (1)to 64 d xTet ay street aoie, F .

stronger than words, lien of the certificates and notes issues by the "54 r' d 456 __ _ __a__ _t_ _ _ _oi__i__ __m,

rights are not barred, it appears that he is Beneath the store is a half cellao, half Reteai ouue the orders of thisd (2t WHOLS E DEAE IN

- rally and truly the head of all the Bourbona ~mn h ie~ hc ef not paid out of the proceeds of sale, and (2) toLSAT IELESI

really and t uly the head of all the Bourbona basement, the like of which can be found the lien of a deed or prior mortgage, in favor Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Sawsand Belting, Steam Padr * Edar Lewis, to secur thennng paymen thf Frank Steamboatand Mil Supplies Saws and Beling Steam Pack!

To begin at the eginni oig, when the Franks nowhere outside the Five Points. The ofe Edward Lewis, to secure the payment of Eew. seom ,

came down upon the old Roman province of horrible marsh which once coveted the few enty-five, thousand dollars, with the interest branchStove and RFnge s, Ai u t ionl I shint ' Gaul and laid the foundation of the present acres where the tall -tenements now stand d laens an upon the St. Marks branch v ad R ngs, Ai ut l i e ngT

Trncthy a sriu toul i rgrdstlsow tsexsene nth o itaorm and lands at Tallhasee. Stoves and Ranges, Agricultural Implements. France, they had Srious trouble in regard still shows its existence in the mold it forms iEACH bidder will be required to FLORIDA'S GREAT DAILY, STATE AGENTS For Shipman Kerosene Oil Engines, Lonman and Martinez Pre 4

belowtdeposit Fifty Thousand Dollars, as se- Paints Field's Force Pumps Buffalo Scales Starke's celebrated Dizie Plows, Henry s

side") Fi anks enacted a law that no woman trickles through walls, and the fetid smell r o tosch bidder tobeorfeited if said DC A IN POLITICS. Son's aws, Revere Rubber Smpany's,Belsig. urt to such bdth e oretei shou d b E M C A I IN POL T ICS'~ . 4 sopaysetlg

should ever eign; their party prevailed, with which it fills all subterranean rooms, bidder shall fail to complete the purchase in Plumbing and Steam-Fitting in all their Branches. and so no womai has ever been This basement is the favorite place of the accordance with the orders of this court, and Published at Jacksonville, Fla., CtW ng n n r upe.

rul Fifty Thousand Dollars, additional, shall be Every Day In the Year. Wrout Iron, Lead and Terra Cots Pipe, Pumps and Drive Well Supplies. rIng queen of France. If a monarch left denizeny of the district for hsoutsid wak- Faid in cash on the day of sale, and on the de- Cast, o at In the Yeard

ut n, erow n to ing." I had often passed the place in the livery of the deed if the sale be confirmed by Estimates and Prices furnished on appcaon and Correspondence Solloited ,.

brother or nephew or remote relations in evening and had heard the hum of voices o ot, mchm or ofthespuras ot I Sash Doors Builder' Tool Paintw, Oalsr. terN-adtemrygaeolapstemnupshall he paid into Court, in cash or certificates v xur s]o n lid.an 'w e.n V nt! o :

their order. Thus, in 1589, Henry of a- and the murky glare of lamps streaung up or other evidences of Receiver's debt as shall

varre, son of the Count of Bourbon, became the stairway, but had given it no particular be necessary to pay and discharge the portion -UITED PRESS DETATCHEES, Itn one ot ,,,, fe ecevrs ebt aisiharin the pra-n 3 TE l DEPTH

king of France and founded the noted Bour- thought. The last time, however, it was long oof e la. traC an1estern paft- INCLUDING A SPECIAL

S ln dynasties. His grandson, Louis XIV, after midnight. Two tired policemen who ad.Therema-ntrao n epu a r mo mal AB L NE1VS SE iL

of utlivedl all his clilidren, and one of his were chatting on the sffet, and a trio of be naid in the past due coupons and bondaof B-, N W R IC

grandchildren, Philip of Anjou, by descent roysterers who apparently preferred the side- the Florida Ceutral and Vestern Railroad FROM FOREIGN LANDS. on the other side, acquired a sort of title to walk and gutter to a civilized bed, alone di cuo anany secure by said mortgage each

the Spanish crown. CharlesII, lunatic king turned the sohtude of the neighborhood. As asthebolder thereof is entitled to receive, un- FLORIDA STATE NEWS The best line of COOK STOVES and the -of Spain and the last of the Spanish Haps- I approached the place, two men and ier said decree. The bonds and coupons so rebus g, die in 700,nd al theotherlunatcs tree grls cosse over ande ileu oe c rs~hlbed ted wiho YWR N ALASEILY

iell to cutting each other's throats about the down the stairs. One man and one principal and interest, which amount shall Ibe L Wt_ Juerneovnnud.eeYNA A Ti"balance of power"--that is, to prevent the woman were dressed in ordinary work- eld to be apayment on account of the amount The NEcEssIr of having in Florida a clean,

nnion of France and Spain. They fought ing apparel. The other man was attired d ren t beetno the honest, straightforward metropolitan daily newthli'ten yeashbrePhili ofdAnohegasaed ibflasy stylrwhul thenwo remiesng ssrmntgshalobeaeturneetoothopartes dailyI 1ews-E .1.1 d8{ thuteen years, but Phiip of Anjou gained in flashy style, while the two remaining from whom they were received. The rolling paper, devoted to

the throne of Spain. He gave up, however, girls wore very decollete and dirty silk stock, equipment, tools and implements owned allclams o he renh li enafo drsse wth ongtrins Mycuiosty asby the said Florida Railway and Navigation DEMOCRATIC UNITY AND SUCCESS hl ims and he- ceinh nhone bar e it a n o racimbed dow c te step Company, are to be apportioned between its and the proper representation of the State's businessT E ON Y OU E N T E T' p tarty o1giiisirFrnek wnas th utcvrdroom chtcnttue ery aers, toom imlnsuc ro all so equip- tooming tstoc oma nyes t o that nd, and bytTEheY l~ ~ I H IT -against Don Canrlos. There is already a filthy steps and found myself in the low saw- manner directed in said decree; and the pur- bterests, caused a msrge number of wealthy citizens *...

n f Legitinists in France known the dust covered that constitutes nearly all m ersat to ahomm m clme hall 1 e ap- unitn the jomt< e tphan t N aw and the

"Blancs d'Espagne," who favor I)on Carlos the basement floor. It was crowded with tioned shall take th e subject to the pro

as nearest after "Henry V" or the Comte de people who sat around the four sides, and in visions of any contracts of lease and purchase HERALD, providing an abundant capital, new ma- Ca.rry r.gl. i ztOek a ii-i of Etra. I.a:g Stour

Chambord. The other claimants belong to the center, obscured by the throng, lay a min ab her VAet h e ermade or as- thea a e rle the eopre ofjin our- ITE D :EQ

the Alfonsist branch of the Spanish ,oyal cheap coffin of stained pine upon two carpen The salemay be adAourned b announce- tehvafrdtpoloFoi

family and the descendants of the princes of term's horses. In it lay the body of some dead meant made at the time and place before men- Representative Da i ly Newspaper,

Naples and Patina. Now Framne expelled criminal, Over the open top bent a young hilnenand if so adjourned such sale may be that is a benefit and an ornament to the State to

her Bourbons in 1788-93 and agaiu in 1830, woman whose face, once handsome, was dis- shall be so adjourned without further notice wluch it is devoted.

soits not likely she uil trouble berself figured by the marks of sin and alcohol. In thereof. " a much about Don Carlos. The Italians strug- a corner of the room was a keg of beer on a For more specific statement of theliens up- THE DAILY NEWS-H ERALD

gled desperately against their Bomrons in trestle, and a couple more untapped beside it e sold as aforesaid, and the terms an Has the Acknowledged W also have a full lie of Kitchen Utensils and 1848 and finally got rid of them, on the floor. In a second corner, on a table, conditions of sale, reference is hereby made to House-Furnishing Goods generally, which we

Philip of Anjou, the first Frenchand Bour- were bottles of raw spirits labeled whisky th decreein this suit entered as hereinbefore LARGEST CIRCULATION offeratpriceswhichwillbesuretoattract. bon kiug of Spain, outlived the talents of his and gin, and at the head of the coffin, as if un JOSEPH H. DURKEE, in Florid.

race, for licentiousness soon sapped the onigi- satire of its animate andinanimate surround. Special Master. RnCFWorLda uhal vigor and intel- ings, were two candles and a well worn cruci- Dated Jacksonville, Fla., August 8, 1887. SUBSCORIPTION PRICES :

lect of the hour- fix. A man who seemed to be bartender JOHNSON GALLUP & HURRY, 0

-! Ferdinand VI, was the place, alternately wiping a dirty face SoliciorshreeComlainS onths....................... 2 00S L

too weak minded with a still dirtier handkerchief, and serving The sal e advertised is adjourned to Three Ionths ...................... .8 XTT t ST:E E T, - ~~'~'- to rign andliii bee an yetmorefier liuidsto tese re-Monday, February S, A. D. 1888, at 1 2 o'clock m. One 1Vonth............................76__________________________________

haltreign,o tb er beer and ye more fiber qha t o se - SEPH ecDlaster. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN BY ALL RESPONSIBLE NEWSDEALERS. 1 Earnb , S tock to n & K nigh t, Charles III, took He removed a cigar from his lips and said: November7, 1887. the kingdom. His "What, this here affairl It is a 0 wake. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. '

* ~~~~son, Charles IV, You see the fellow in the pine overcoat there $500 REWARD. -Mn epersdn tadsac rmdiyri

ruled and ruined was one of the boys. He used to be a 'green J- IVE hundred dollars reward will be paid -7 i/l - till 1808, when he goods' maui, and then after that he worked _rhy the Board of County Commissioners of wa comuncaio doalcret aea aly

' abdicated in favor flimflam. He was pinched by the police in Clay countyFlorida, for ne arrest ana con- newspaper. For these and others is published Running through from No. 13 West Bay Street, to 14 and 16 West Forsyth Street.

of viction of te person or persons who killed or -c ofhis soFerdin- January on suspicion. -rhey could not prove murdered Grant Conner on the night of July

and VII; then -anything, as we scared the complainant 30th ormorningf the 1st,1887, inCay coun- T LA EST STO A MOST COMPLETE ST K IN T SOUTH v ~u // oked his abdica- away, but the judge sent him up to the island ty, near Middlebnrg en Black Creek ~ 'e~ ei'- ead H AGS TR N OTCMLT TC N TESUH

DovtRs o ndappealed anyway sixty days. family wen Clerk Circuit Court. Clay County, Flonila OUT EVERY THURSDAY, 9 I DO te ad ea-fo is wetGEe. N. BAiJDEN,

DON RLOS, to Napoleon Bn-back on him and the wand detective made it 1.icn iu



parte, which led to the awful civil war in lively for hum He got sick and he hal Containing the cream of the matter published in whih edto heawulcivl aninlivlyfo hm. e otsik ad e adrfAKE NOTICE, that six months after date the daily during the preceding seven days. Cuspadores, Gift Cups and Mugs,

Spain and the loss of nearly all Spanish knocked around too much; so he got worse _hereof, I will present to the County Judge dee a r sread and Milk Sets,

America. Ferdinand was restored, but in. and worse, and died night before last. His of the county of Duval my final accounts and Vases, Colored and Crystal Table and Bar Glassware, C

surrections continued. Then, in 1830, Ferdi, family would not bury him, and the church vouchers as administrator of the estate of O nie IDollar a Y ear. bite and Decorated Carebad and Limoges China,

ab1 the alaw h u w dntchhIecau was rugh Neal J.Duglass late of Duval county, deceased, And Art Pottery of every Description. nadaoihd eodS~elwo h 3uwudnttuhhm eas ewsbogtand ask for my final discliarge as administrat- A ddress,,# ' 7 o 21 Dyar~r"

he ' bns, and declared that his daughter Isabella up a Catholic and he diedl a crook and or of saifi eastate. ..A- arly C-a/ I17fIi', or' .l-frie four fl / P riuas

should ren after lum instead at his brother, wouldn't let a priest come near hun when he FREDERICK J. DuBOS, 7. T. STOCKTON, Business Manager, .

Dor g afte him istoea uisbroer wo ulntle priest hio a e a administrator of the estateof Neal J. Douglass. i- Den Cam-los. This was the beginning of a turned his tees up. So we raised a peel and Jacksonvflle, Fla., J 1" 5t., A. DJ i9. 1~,0 -X ,- , Jaeconvi, ii. 0 Sa-lesmen Will Call on the Trade Soon. ..

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