Racing Synergy complete - Betting...

Post on 20-May-2018

215 views 1 download






We hope that this short manual, along with our videos, will give you

some idea of the power of this superb piece of betting software and

help you to make the decision that will put all of this betting power

directly into your hands. Not only is it the most efficient arb and free

bet finder, it also has its very own, highly effective system for

predicting whether a horse will shorten in price on the exchanges.


You can use either of the two main exchanges, Betfair or Betdaq, to

gather the exchange price. You can also use either of the Bestbetting

or Oddschecker bookie price feeds. Having this versatility is

particularly useful as those of you who bet regularly will know, there

can be the odd occasion when websites are not fully functioning for a

short period of time. Being able to switch websites is an excellent

feature of the software. Put in your exchange Username and

Password and tick the terms and conditions box to get started.



Despite its immense power, the Racing Synergy software has an

incredibly simple and user-friendly Interface!

The Available Races window allows us to choose all of the races we

would like Racing Synergy to scan.

The Race Details window shows the current race that is being scanned.

It shows the time of the race, its location, the distance and type of race

and the number of runners.

The Qualifiers window shows all of the horses that have met the criteria

we have put into the Settings before starting the scanner.

Start tells Racing Synergy to start to cycle through the races we have


Select All allows you to choose all of the races in the Available Races


Deselect All removes all of the races from the Available Races window.


Reload adds all new races that can be scanned and is particularly useful if

you have left Racing Synergy from the previous day.

Show>> lets you look at any individual race that may interest you when

the scanner is stopped.

Refresh will instantly collect all the new data from the bookmakers and

exchanges and re-calculate ROI % based on this.

Done is to be pressed after the bet has been taken. This will ensure that

the horse is removed from any subsequent scans, to avoid the possibility

of betting it again by accident.

Part Bet leaves the horse in subsequent scans but it will re-appear in

italics if it becomes a qualifier again, letting the user know that he has

already bet a small amount on the horse.

Remove allows you to remove a selected horse from the Qualifiers


Remove All removes all horses from the Qualifiers window.

Both Remove and Remove All do not operate in the same way as Done,

as the horses will re-appear in subsequent scans after using Remove or

Remove All.

In the Race Details and Qualifiers windows there is information on the

Market and name of Runner, the Lay Odds and Lay Amount available

at those odds on the exchange, the Best Odds available at the Bookies,

the Bookie(s) that are offering those Best Odds, the ROI% that has been

calculated and the 5 Star Steamer Rating.


Racing Synergy allows you to pick just those Bookies that you want

to bet with!

Before starting the cycle of races for the day, simply choose the Bookies

whose prices you want to be compared with those of the exchanges. Go

to File, Bookies.


Note that it is possible to use either Betfair or Betdaq for exchange prices.


Racing Synergy allows you to set the strict criteria that you want to

determine which bets become Qualifiers!

Before starting the cycle, make sure that you have set up the Settings as

you want them. Go to File, Settings.


In Default Bet Type, I have chosen to look for horses that will allow me

a Free Back Bet.

In Cycle Options, I have chosen to have an Audible Alert when a

qualifying bet is found.

In Stop cycle when arb found, I have chosen that the Racing Synergy

cycle of races should stop so that I may investigate a qualifying horse,

before re-starting the cycle.

In Analysis, I have set the parameters before starting the Racing Synergy


- I am wanting to bet at least £50 on any horse that becomes a

qualifier. This is the Target Back Stake.

- My Exchange Commission % for today is 4%.

- I want to only consider horses that will make me a minimum of 2%

return on investment. This is Minimum Bet ROI%.

- As I am only looking for Free Back Bets today I am not

particularly bothered about whether the horse will subsequently

shorten in price so I leave the Racing Synergy 5 Star Steamer

Predictor on 0 stars. This is Minimum Rating (0-5).

- I am not interested in betting horses over 100/1 so I set Maximum

Lay Odds to 100 and Maximum Back Odds to 101.


- I am not interested in backing horses that are odds-on so I set

Minimum Back Odds to 2.

- As I will also be laying to achieve a Free Back Bet I want to ensure

that there is plenty of money available on the lay side at the

exchange, so I set Minimum Lay Amount to 50.

After doing this, I click OK and anything that appears in the Qualifiers

window once the cycle has started will match the criteria I have requested

here in the Settings.


Racing Synergy has an excellent feature that will store information

on the bets you have made so that you can analyse them in detail


After you have bet a horse and pressed the “Done” or “Part Bet” buttons,

Racing Synergy will store important information about those bets as a csv

file that you can open for analysis in Excel.

These horses have appeared in the Qualifiers window and we have bet

them all.

We then go to File, Save Bets:


Choose a name and location for the csv file:

You can then open up the saved bets in an Excel sheet for convenient

analysis at a later date.


Racing Synergy allows you to take different approaches to the

valuable bets it finds!

The first thing to make very clear here is that ALL of the bets that Racing

Synergy finds are potentially good bets, but we do appreciate that

everybody has different betting styles and is likely to develop their own

way of approaching the Qualifiers. To this end, Racing Synergy allows a

number of different strategies to be employed by the bettor with instant

mathematical calculations carried out to aid staking.

The bettor can “structure” his bet in 5 main ways.

1. A Maximum Return, where the bettor will lose his stake if the horse

loses, but he is safe in the knowledge that if he continues to bet the horses

that have a greater price with the bookmaker than with the exchange,

probability is on his side and he will make money long term.

2. A Free Lay Bet, where he will lose no money if the horse wins, but he

will win money if the horse loses.

3. A Free Win Bet, where he will lose no money if the horse loses, but

he will win money if the horse wins.

4. An Equal Return, where he will win the same amount of money

regardless of the horse winning or losing.

5. A Back-Lay Trade Bet, where he will initially back the horse with

the bookmaker, but will then look to lay the same horse later on at a much


lower price. To this end, Racing Synergy has its own unique and

highly effective 5 star rating for predicting a horse’s chances of

shortening in the market.


Once a horse has appeared in the Qualifier window we can double click

on it to take us through to the Analysis window for that horse. Here

Racing Synergy automatically works out the stakes required to achieve

either of Bets 2,3 and 4 above. In the case of the Back-Lay Trade Bet, a

Trade Calculator is available to help the bettor structure his bet. This

Trade Calculator can also be invaluable if you decide to change the

amount or type of bet that you want to have on that horse.

Sarwin, above, has appeared in the Qualifier window of Racing Synergy

as it has met the qualifying criteria. Our first task is to determine that it is

actually available at the bookmaker. Bet365, Paddy Power and VC Bet

are all offering 20/1. It is clearly available so we take the 21 at Bet 365.

We double click through on the Qualifier to take us to the Analysis

window. Despite an early drift on the exchanges Sarwin has started to

shorten on Betfair, thereby creating this discrepancy in prices.


If we now back the horse at 21 for £50 with the bookmaker and lay

£52.08 on Betfair, the worst we can do is lose nothing! If the horse wins,

we win £62.56!


The horse Alterenthela has appeared in the Qualifier window. In this

case we have set Racing Synergy to give us potential Equal Returns.

It is clearly available at 12 with 2 bookmakers but it has shortened rapidly

on the exchanges and there is over £400 to lay on Betfair at 11. If we

chose to, we could back the horse for £100 and instantly lay it for

£109.49, guaranteeing us a return of £5.10, regardless of the outcome.


Of course, if the large amount of money remains available to lay on the

exchange we could increase our stakes and use the trade calculator to

determine our potential profit on the Equal Returns option. However,

there are a number of other ways we can “play” the situation.

We can structure the bet of £400 to allow us a Free Back Bet, as

previously highlighted with Sarwin, where we lose nothing if the horse

loses and we win £233.30 if it wins. Go to Tools, Trade Calculator.

We can structure the bet to allow us a Free Lay Bet, where we lose

nothing if the horse wins and we win £22.40 if the horse loses:



Racing Synergy is really in a class of its own when it comes to picking

those horses that are likely to shorten in the market!

Racing Synergy has its own unique 5 Star Steamer Predictor. We grade

horses from 0 Star through to 5 Stars. Even the Racing Synergy horses

that are classified as 0 Star have a much greater chance of shortening than

lengthening on the exchanges. We use the present weighting of money in

the markets, allied to analysis of more than 30,000 bets to determine this

Star Rating. 3 Star horses have an excellent chance of shortening, 5 Star

horses have a superb chance of shortening. If we then ally this

information with the trading profile the horse has shown on the

exchanges, we are in a fantastic position to set up the Back-Lay Trade, as

demonstrated below:


Athwaab has appeared as a Qualifier with a 4 Star Rating, indicating that

Racing Synergy predicts that it has a very good chance of shortening

further in the market. Obviously it will not shorten every time but as

bettors we realise that probability is on our side so we take a closer look

at this Qualifier.


When we look at its trading profile on Betfair we are encouraged by the

general support there has been for the horse since trading opened and as

amounts bet have increased the horse has continued to shorten. A line of

best-fit drawn through the trading graph would imply that the horse will

continue to shorten.

Athwaab is ticking all the right boxes. It is a potential arb with

bookmaker prices greater than exchange lay prices. Racing Synergy has

analysed its database and the present weight of money in the market and

has assigned it a 4 star rating for potential shortening. Lastly, the

trading profile for the horse has been a positive one. Put these 3 factors

together and we often have the “Synergy” effect which leads to a

considerable further shortening in the horse’s odds.

We make sure that it is available at the 2.62 or 13/8 with at least one of

the 4 bookies and place £250 on the horse to win.


We then sit and wait or, alternatively, place a request to lay the same

horse on Betfair for a price considerably below the 2.62 we have backed

it for. The horse is a favourite and has every chance of winning so we

look to use the Trade Calculator to work out the Free Back Bet returns if

we lay at 2.30.

If the lay bet is matched at 2.30 for £263.16 we stand to lose £0 if the

horse loses but we win £62.89 if the horse wins.

As you can see from the following screenshots, the horse actually traded

below 2.30 and actually sp’d on Betfair at 2.26, but we will not grumble

as we set our stall out and made a healthy profit as the horse won



Royal Blade

On the same day and within seconds of Athwaab, Royal Blade appeared

in the Qualifiers window. It was at Totesport and 5 other bookies at 34

with a 2 Star Rating.

We see that Royal Blade also has this positive trading profile where

prices have steadily fallen on Betfair.

The horse is definitely available with the bookies at 33/1.


Given that the horse has higher odds we only bet £30 on the horse and we

also look to have a Free Lay Bet using the Trade Calculator.

Some 30 minutes later the horse has shortened to 21 to lay. We now

stand to lose nothing if the horse wins and £17.02 if the horse loses even

at the maximum 5% Betfair commission.


Obviously a lot depends on the mentality and resilience of the bettor here

as one could wait longer anticipating a further shortening of odds or one

could have a Free Back Bet where a £30 bet at 34 followed by a lay stake

of £31.58 at 21 leaves us with no loss if the horse loses but a £358.40

profit if it wins.

As it turned out, the horse did shorten still further and was an on- course

“steamer” too but it finished mid-division.

What you should quite clearly see here, however, is supreme logic in

selecting those horses that have an excellent chance of shortening in

price. How the bettor then chooses to structure his bet is entirely a matter

of personal choice and ultimately accepting personal responsibility for the

decisions that are being made.


We sincerely hope that this snapshot of what Racing Synergy does and

the betting power that you will have at your fingertips will convince you

to invest in it. We really do not see ourselves as gamblers at all. We see

ourselves as investors! We know that you will feel the same way when

you have a copy of Racing Synergy!

The Betting Automation Team