raeside Primary School · 2019. 2. 26. · 2.30-4.00pm Mon 8th School ouncil 3.30pm Mon 8th Last...

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Braeside Primary School Honour, Pride and Achievement

Issue 2 Tues 26th February 2019

Phone: 9821 3500 http://braesideps.wa.edu.au/

Email: Braeside.ps@education.wa.edu.au

Banking details: Account Name: Braeside Primary School

Bank: Bankwest BSB: 306 014 Acct: 4521518

Principal’s News Important Dates

2019 February

Swimming Lessons Yr 3-6 Mon 25th Feb

to Fri 8th Mar

School Council 3.30pm Mon 25th


Uniform Shop 2.30-3.00pm Mon 11th

P & C Meeting 6pm Mon 11th

Swimming Trials Wed 13th

Assembly Year 5 1.40pm Mon 18th

Swimming Carnival Thurs 21st

Footy Colours Day—free

dress day Fri 22nd

Uniform Shop 2.30-3.00pm Mon 25th

Interschool Swimming

Carnival Thurs 28th

Assembly Year 6 Mon 25th


Uniform Shop 2.30-3.00pm Mon 1st April

Parent Interviews

2.30-4.00pm Mon 8th

School Council 3.30pm Mon 8th

Last day of Term 1 Fri 12th April

Parent Information Night

Thankyou to all parents who turned out for the Parent Information

night last week. It was wonderful to see the students playing and

enjoying themselves during the evening. I will be placing the class

Parent Information Booklets onto the website for those parents who

were unable to attend and to enable parents to access them over the

upcoming weeks if needed for quick reference.

School Council

Congratulations to Lisa Blacklow who was the successful applicant for

the position of Parent Representative on the School Council. Our first

School Council meeting for 2019 was held on Monday afternoon,

where the budget for 2019 was discussed and a new Chair

nominated. Congratulations to Tahlia Bielby on being nominated for

the position of Chair. The next meeting will be held on 8th April 2019

and will focus on our upcoming School Review, due to be conduct-

ed in Term 3 2019, and endorsement of the Positive Behaviour in

Schools Plan. This will be our open meeting for the year, so please

feel free to come along and watch how the School Council operates.

School Council representatives can be contacted to raise items for the

agenda or for discussion, they provide crucial input into many school

based decisions. Chatting to them in regards to any school matters

can support the input they are able to make as your representatives

on the School Council.

School Council representatives for 2019:

Vision: Braeside Primary School is a dynamic learning community that values diversity and

fosters a sense of belonging.

We meet the needs of each individual through collaborative, reflective, and evolving school-wide

practices that provide explicit, engaging experiences. Our students achieve their academic, emotional

and social potential and are contributing members of the community.

Mrs Teresa Wigg Mrs Joanne Tester

Miss Tahlia Bielby Miss Nicole Smallacombe

Mr Matthew Kerin Miss Tamika Turich

Miss Lisa Blacklow Mrs Sue Thompson

Mrs Kirsty Flugge

Braeside Primary School Page 2

Nights of Reading and Lexile Reading

There has been a change this year to these programs, as a result of our analysis of student data in regards

to reading. As students become older they need to move from learning to read to Reading to Learn. The

Lexile program, with the inbuilt quizzes and comprehension supports the students to improve in the areas of

Reading to Learn. The Lexile program also sets children consistent guideposts that can be compared,

regardless of the difficulty of texts.

Nights of Reading will remain the same for students Pre-Primary to Year 3

Rewards will be given out for points received at 20,40,60,80,100,150 and each additional 50 points with 150

being a book prize with acknowledgement at assembly. Additionally, students in the Lexile program will

receive a termly reward prize for receiving 25 points each term. There will be an additional end of year

reward of a trip to the Kulin Water Slide for a day. Students who achieve the term reward for 2 of the 4 terms

will be eligible to attend the end of year event. This event will be paid for by the school.

The “Literacy Pro Practices and Procedures” has been given to all year 4, 5 and 6 students and is available

on the School website.

If you have any questions in regards to this, please do not hesitate to come and see me.

PBS focus; Growth and Mindset

This fortnight our focus is on supporting our students to have a growth mindset. Many activities will be un-dertaken in class to support this. Please find included with this newsletter some information about Growth Mindsets. There is further information on Facebook and on the school website.

Teresa Wigg


School Council

The School Council are undertaking a review of the

school uniform. We are calling for a P & C

Representative to join the committee. If you are

interested, please attend the P & C AGM to be nomi-

nated for this role.

Braeside P & C AGM

11th March 2019


Please support the people that support your children

Braeside Primary School Honour, Pride and Achievement

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club gives points to Brae-

side Primary School for purchases made

through Book Club. Recently we received

many lexile reading books from the points

awarded to Braeside Primary School.

We are very appreciative of the opportunity

to extend our lexile reading books for our


Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset

Central Belief: Central Belief:

We have a predetermined amount of intelligence, skills or talents which can-not be changed.

We can develop our abilities, intelli-gence or talents with persistence, effort and a focus on learning.

Leads to a desire to look clever and therefore a tendency to: Avoid challenges for fear of failure See mistakes and failures as

proving you are stupid Believe if you have to work for

success you are not clever Feel threatened by others’

success Be motivated by rewards and

praise Have low resilience and give up


Leads to a desire to learn and therefore a tendency to: Embrace challenges See mistakes and failures as

learning opportunities Believe hard work (practice and

effort) is the path to mastery Be inspired by others’ success Be self-motivated Have high resilience and persist

even when a task is difficult

Mottos Either you’re good at something

or you’re not If you’re really good at something,

you shouldn’t need to try

Mottos No matter how good you are at

something, you can always im-prove

If you have to try, you must be learning.

Growth Mindset: A guide for parents

Research by American Psychologist Professor Carol Dweck, has shown that how we view ourselves as learners has a huge impact on what we are able to achieve. She suggests that people broadly fall into one of two categories: those with a fixed mindset and those with a growth mindset.

Braeside Primary School Page 4

Kindergarten Capers

Three weeks ago, our journey begun….. On our first day we were sad, happy, nervous, extremely excited and ready to EXPLORE. We don’t have or need too many words to explain all that we have learnt so far or how hard we have worked (for some of us, even through tears.) The pictures speak for itself!!!!

Dancing and performing

Fine Motor and Maths Cutting big, small long and short leaves and then forting them. Making mud cakes, decorating, counting and sorting them.

School Walk— We wore our special hats and ears and became very good listeners as we walked around the school and listened to all the different environmental sounds.

Making lemon/cinnamon playdough. Meeting our new friends and learning their names.

Enjoying a well-deserved break.

Exploring our jungle reading area.

Braeside Primary School Page 5


If your child/children's immunisation records are

not up to date, you can visit

www.humanservices.gov.au and search

immunisation history statement to obtain a copy.

Alternatively the office can provide a telephone

number to request an immunisation statement.

Please bring a copy to the office to update our


Medications for your children

When medication is needed for your child/

children, please complete a medical form at the

office and provide the medication required.

Administration staff will then be able to administer

medication as required for your child/children.

If a form is not signed, we are unable to

administer medication for your child/children.

Visitors to School

All visitors to Braeside Primary School are re-

minded to please sign into the front office prior

to commencing any work on school grounds.

Administration will issue a visitor sticker and

note that you are on school grounds.

Parents/Guardians visiting school

Parents and Guardians of students are asked to

please sign into the front office prior to visiting

students during school hours.

If your child/children has an appointment, please

go to Administration first so your child can be

signed out and upon returning to school, please

go to Administration for your child to be signed

back into school.

Menu planning for lunchboxes

Over the course of a child’s school years a parent

or carer will pack over 2,500 lunchboxes. You can

make the job easier by planning ahead, such as

using a menu planner for ideas. Try to gain input

from children as they are more likely to eat the

items they have chosen.

Choosing items from each of the five food groups

will give children all the nutrition they need to play

and to learn for the whole school day. Using

the ABCD poster, available via https://


uploads/2017/09/ABCD-and-TL-Table.pdf will also

help make this task a little easier, particularly when

it comes to working out how much food to pack for

your child.

How many serves in a lunchbox?

A lunchbox should contain about one-third of a child’s food for the day. Start with this as a rough guide. If your child is very active, or says they’re hungry at school, add extra serves of these core foods. Remember to pack a water bottle every day as well. A helpful guide to the number of serves children need each day from the five core food groups, as well as a recommendation for the number to include in a lunchbox, can be found below.

For more information on serving sizes, as well as a range of lunchbox ideas for busy parents and carers, check out the ‘Packed with Goodness’ resource, available at https://livelighter.com.au/Assets/resource/booklet/Packed-with-goodness_FINAL_2016.pdf

We acknowledge the Western Australian School

Canteen Association for this content.

Parking and Students

A reminder to parents to please be aware of students walking to and from school,

especially as students cross roads.

Please also remind students to not walk though the staff carpark as it can be difficult to see students

when cars reverse. This is a staff carpark only as there are limited spaces for staff members.

Free Lap top bags

We have brand new 15.6” laptop bags available at the office. If you would like a bag, please ask at the office.

Braeside Primary School Page 6


Swimming for Years 3-6

Students have now commenced swimming.

Room 9 is also attending swimming lessons.

Thank you to parents who have forwarded

payment for swimming, if payment hasn’t been

forwarded to the school as yet, please forward as

soon as possible.

$40.50 for lessons and entry to pool

$22.50 for lessons and pool pass, please provide

pool pass number on forms.

Thank you.


For those who have not met me I am Christine Mills, your school chaplain. It is great to be back and into another school year. I am excited to continue working with you all again this year and thought this is a good time to remind everyone of what my role is as a school chaplain. YouthCARE Chaplains provide a non-judgemental, independent service which respects all people, no matter who they are, where they are from or what their personal belief system is. A school chaplain’s primary role is pastoral care. A chaplain cares for the social, emotional,

mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing of students, families and staff. Part of this pastoral care involves building relationships, being a mentor/role model, running activities, joining in different school events, providing practical help, providing a link between the school and community, and being there as someone for people to talk to. I will be working Thursdays and Fridays again this year so if I can do anything to help, please feel free to contact me through the front office and/or drop in for a chat anytime. I am looking forward to serving the Braeside School Community and supporting the staff, students and families of the school. Kind regards Christine Mills [School Chaplain]

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop will be open on Mondays on

the following dates from 2.30—3.00pm

11th March 2019

25th March 2019

8th April 2019

Lunch Orders

Please ensure that when your child/children have

lunch orders that brown paper bags are used. With

the High School catering for all schools, Braeside

Primary School have been asked to use brown paper

bags specifically for our school. Please do not use

plastic bags.

Bags are available to purchase from Woolworths if

you would like to complete lunch orders at home, but

students can complete their orders in the canteen

with the bags as usual.

Please use the format as

written in the picture.

The darker pen the better

as the writing is easier to


Thank you.

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