Rahasia Membuat Pelanggan Makin Setia

Post on 28-May-2015

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Mengapa Layanan Pelanggan atau Customer Service Penting bagi Bisnis Anda? Simak Beberapa Alasannya Berikut 10 Cara Membuat Pelanggan Makin Setia.


Rahasia Membuat Pelanggan Makin Setia

A series of activities designed to enhance the level of

customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that

a product or service has met the customer expectation.

-Turban et al.

Layanan Pelanggan

There is only one boss. The customer.

And he can fire everybody in the company from

the chairman on down, simply by spending his

money somewhere else.

-Sam Walton

Mengapa Layanan Pelanggan Penting bagi Bisnis Anda?

Konsumen adalah raja

Jangan kecewakan mereka

Data: www.desk.com

69% of customers said they were on hold for

too long when seeking help from a company.

Companies that prioritize the customer experience

generate 60% higher profits than their competitors.

It is 6-7 times more expensive to acquire a

new customer than it is to keep a current one.

Konsumen berkomunikasi

dengan bisnis Anda

melalui berbagai channel

Data: www.desk.com

85% of consumers are dissatisfied with their phone experience.

91% of customers say they would use an

online knowledge base if it were available.

90% of consumers will always check

a website before emailing or calling you.

Layanan pelanggan online semakin penting dan krusial.

Data: www.desk.com

70% of companies ignore customer complaints on Twitter.

88% of consumers are less likely to buy from companies who

leave complaints on social media unanswered.

Customers who engage with companies over social media

spend 20%-40% more money with those companies.

Word-of-Mouth (WoM) dapat mengangkat sekaligus menjatuhkan reputasi bisnis Anda.

Data: www.desk.com

55% of customers recommended a company because of their customer experience.

60% of consumers are influenced by other consumers’ comments.

People tell an average 9 people about a good experience and 16 about a bad one.

The best customer service is if the

customer doesn‘t need to call you,

doesn’t need to talk to you. It just works.

-Jeff Bezos

10 Cara Membuat Pelanggan Makin Setia

#1 Tunjukkan sikap dan bahasa yang positif

#2 Pahami produk/layanan perusahaan Anda

#3 Kenali kebutuhan / kesulitan konsumen

#4 Buat konsumen Anda merasa penting dan dihargai

#5 Berikan respon secepat dan setepat mungkin

#6 Beri layanan terbaik hingga melebihi ekspektasi konsumen

#7 Jangan menjanjikan sesuatu kecuali bisa ditepati

#8 Terbuka dan empatik dalam menerima saran dan kritik

#9 Segera selesaikan masalah sebelum bertambah rumit

#10 Bangun kesan positif agar konsumen mengingat bisnis Anda

By providing memorable social media customer service, companies not only create deeper connections with consumers, but they glean valuable insights on how to improve their products or services.

-Amy Jo Martin

@HaloBCA Layanan Pelanggan yang Senantiasa di Sisi Anda