RCA 2015 Generation Z and the Future of Food

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Why Do People Differ Across Age?

Age effectsPeople Change

Cohort effectsCircumstances Change

Last Four Generations

Boomers (1946 – 1964)The first ”modern” children, adolescents and adults. Holds the current definition power in Western societies. Will never grow old.

Generation X (1965 – 1982)The latchkey kids who became helicopter parents.

Grown up in the shadow of the counter cultural movement and the Boomers

Millennials (1983 – 1995/2004)Children of doting helicopter parents. Great optimism and strong ego. More diverse and tolerant, but also more narcissistic.

Generation Z/ Homelander (1996 – 2010 or 2004+)Googlito Ergo Sum: I google + Google knows me = I exist





Food Gen Z




Demographics and Social

▪ Culturally and ethnically diverse

- racially mixed (54% Caucasian)

- living without both parents(31%)

▪ Baby bust: birth rate dropped 10% since 2007

▪ Parenting: from helicopters to drones -millennial moms not as indulgent?

Social and Cultural

▪ A less “delinquent” generation (booze & drugs are down)

▪ Halted/reversed child obesity

▪ Look up to parents

▪ Mental stress/eating disorders up

▪ But failure is increasingly an option

▪ Digital Natives

▪ Multitask between 5 screens

▪ 8 seconds’ attention span

▪ Communicate in pictures

▪ Expect

- customizable interfaces,

- instant gratification

▪ But troubled by loss of privacy

▪ and prefer Face-to-Face!



▪ Will be 9 billion people when grown up

▪ Will face climate change and resource depletion

▪ Innate sense of sustainability

▪ Wholesome, bio-diverse

▪ Attuned to “green-washing tactics”

▪ Generation Z girls more likely to be vegetarians for ethical and diet reasons


▪ Financially cautious and realistic

▪ More entrepreneurial, less college-bound than Millennials

▪ Expect flexible payment options,

e.g. mobile payment

▪ Open to the “sharing economy”

▪ Prefer “access” over “ownership”

Little Foodies

▪ Generation Z nutritionally conscious

▪ More inclined to cook from scratch

▪ Eating in beats eating out

▪ Ethnic, cross-over, fusion foods

▪ Demand transparency

(environment, animals, people)

Good-bye McDonalds, Hello Chipotle!

Emerging Food Snobs?

She brings plain green tea for lunch - not top grade Matcha Tea like

we do!

Wildcards & Speculations

▪ Increasing interest for ‘urban homesteading’

▪ Food cart/trailers, pop-up restaurants?

▪ Science backlash? Anti-GMO/ Anti-Vax

▪ Vertical farming

▪ In-vitro meats

As future parents:

▪ Continuing breastfeeding trend

▪ Might choose “less bad” to balance cost concerns

Thank You!

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