RDAP 16 Lightning: Spreading the love: Bringing data management training to site locations

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Spreading the love:Bringing data management training to site


Tina GriffinUniversity of Illinois at Chicago

UIC Locations

Focus on 4 Health Science locationsPurpose:

• Bring Data management training

to site locations in person

• Give site librarians training to meet their


FormatHalf day workshopsFour 1 hour sessions

(independent registration)Held in library computer labs

General audience target: Faculty, students, staff

Intro to Data management DMP, data life cycle, organization, storage,

sharing, federal funder requirements Organization and Documentation

File name conventions, Folder structure practices

Live demo and activities for Bulk Rename Utility and Colectica

Storing and Sharing Data Types of storage, Backups, UIC infrastructure

options, Data dictionaries, de-identifying options Implementation

Mapping projects, knowing habits/behaviors, staff training, incentivizing, staff buy-in, dealing with volume and decision fatigue


Marketing and Promotion

Branded event as: Work Smarter: Master Data Management

Email through listservs and contacts (site liaison mediated)

Flyers Newsletters Personal invitation/Walk-Throughs Refreshments $25 Amazon gift card raffled at

each session

Data(4 of 5 events at 4

sites) Total attendees: 112 Unique attendees: 48 ~30% of pre-registered actually attend

Outcomes still being evaluated as we have one more site event

Intro Organization




27 37 26 22 112

Faculty Student

Staff Other Total

14 17 15 2 48