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Strategies for Quality Staff Recruitment and Retention

Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Amy Anderson and Lisa ScullyApril 16 2009April 16, 2009

IU Bloomington’s Strategy• A brief history behind all of this• The significance in keeping your “stars”

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Office of the Registrar (IUB)

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Search Process

Communicate to ApplicantsAcknowledge all applications

Request missing pieces, with deadline for submission

Provide approximate time frame

Communicate to Candidates• Prior to setting interview

Provide basic, critical info about the job all candidates should know, but which take valuable pp

for search process

Follow up with all applicants, whether interviewed or not, when a hiring decision has been made and close the loop with them.

interview time to explain, egovertime rulesdress codesparking situation

Allow candidate to review info prior to accepting interview

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Search Process Communications

Sample Email: Missing Application Materials Sample Email: Applicant No Longer a Candidate

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Evaluating Potential “Stars”Develop your instruments

a. Database of applicantsi. Viewable by all administrative staffii. Can be used for researching previous and current

li tapplicantsiii. Consider confidentiality when using this method

b. Paper formsi. Consider some standardized criteria such as:

Education, Experience, Relations, Professional and Time & Interest

ii. Check with your office HR contact for legality of using such a tool at your campus

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Turning Applicants into CandidatesRecords Assistant Pre-Screening Instrument

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Recruitment Power Point

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009

Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

The Interview• Allow sufficient time for the test(s) as well as the face-to-

face interview • Offer water or soft drinks (if feasible)

• Lead-off question: After reviewing our power point presentation, what excited or concerned you about the job?

• Ask open-ended questions to get the candidate to talk as much as possible.

• Provide common set of questions to committee members, to provide equal playing field to evaluate responses

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Screening Tests – All CandidatesExample – Logic Test Example – Coding/Alphabetizing Test

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Screening Tests – Position Specific.


AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Evaluating the Interview(s)Records Assistant First Interview

Evaluation ScaleRecords Assistant Second Interview

Evaluation Scale

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Training & Orientation• Centralize office materials• Publicize location• Recognize and allow for staff involvement g

in contribution to materials• Periodically review by administrative staff

for policy/procedural updates• Discuss performance reviews as part of


AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Staff Development

Examples of “Culture of Caring”

• BREG consistently rates among highest campus organizations in per-staff donations in annual United Way campaign (at least 50% when campus average is <20%)

Examples of Commitment to Personal/Professional Development

• Staff encouraged to pursue higher ed while employed full time.

Fee Courtesy covers portion of tuition Many have completed undergraduate and

• Our office donated over 500 pounds of food to our local Hoosier Hills Food Bank in 2008

• Divisions adopt families for Christmas, even doing Christmas shopping for a relative of an employee who was undergoing cancer treatments

graduate degrees

• Excellence in Training for Clericals Academic year long bi-weekly classes on

professional, personal issues.

• Training ClassesFred Pryor/Career Track – office pays feesUITS – office pays fees HR – free

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Staff Retention

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

Special thanks…to Sofia Panigada, Russ Parker, Grant Simpson and Darren Hawkins for their contributions to this project!

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars

DesignWorks is a service of Carol Simpson Productions

Questions?Lisa Scully ~ Senior Assistant Registrar, ProcessingIUB Office of the 855-6758

Amy Anderson ~ Assistant Registrar, SystemsIUB Office of the 855-2472

AACRAO ~ April 16, 2009Reaching for, and Keeping! the Stars