Reaching Individuals and Families of the Concho …...2020/04/06  · phone bill if you have a data...

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A G N U S D E I April 2020

Reaching Individuals and Families of the Concho Valley with the Transforming Love of Jesus Christ!

3355 W. Beauregard

San Angelo, Texas 76904

(325) 949-6260

Send articles, announcements

and feedback to

How much can the world change in a matter of a few

weeks? Who would have expected government, business, church and

daily life would be disrupted? Who would have figured that toilet paper

and hand sanitizer would become the “new currency?” This certainly

did not surprise God. God sometimes lets mankind bear the burdens of

their choices. God is most concerned with the condition of our souls. If

our souls are aligned with God, then everything else will make more

sense: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and

all these things will be added to you” (Matt. 6:33, ESV).

Knowing that God is in control has helped us transition to

conducting virtual services. Right now, we are using Facebook Live as

a way to stream our services. To use Facebook Live, you need an

account. You can watch Facebook Live from a computer, tablet, or a

smart phone. If you need help have a grandchild to set one up for you,

or call the church office. The service doesn’t add any cost to your cell

phone bill if you have a data plan. In any case, if you need me or the

ladies in the front office to help you, please let us know. Once you are

registered on Facebook, go to the search engine for finding groups or

friends simply type in Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd San

Angelo. When you find us, press “like” and then you will automatically

receive our live streams. You can always go back later and watch a

service by clicking on the image from our ACGS page. In other words,

you can watch the service or Bible Study when it starts or anytime


We will live-stream a 10:30 AM Service on Sunday mornings and

a 6:30 PM 15-minute Bible study on Wednesday night. Our plan is to

keep the services brief to help us focus while watching and listening.

You can share these messages with other friends by clicking “share” on

your newsfeed. This will help spread Gods Word to many others. We

have an important message to share with others at this important time

in history. When lives and habits are disrupted, people are more likely

to make life-changing decisions. Now is the time to pray for others and

to share the Good News!

“ ...if my people

who are called by

my name humble

themselves, and

pray and seek my

face and turn from

their wicked ways,

then I will hear

from heaven and

will forgive their

sin and heal

their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14



We also need to take care of one another. One of the advantages of having a

smaller church is that we know and care for one another. Normal routines are disrupted

and some of us are caught off-guard. You don’t have to hold a position in the church to

use your church directory, look up information, and give a friendly call to one another. We

are all in this together. If you need help during this time of social distancing, please call

the church office and we will figure out a way to help. We want to be there for you. You

are important to us. Each one of us is the “arms” and the “feet” of Christ.

Now is the time to pray for our country: “If my people who are called by my name

humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I

will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14, ESV).

We will get through this “together” in the Lord!

Fr. Hal+

Thank you to everyone who donated to our Project Dignidad Easter Basket mission. Despite the hardships imposed by

the COVID-19 restrictions, God’s disciples are still faithful, grateful and serving Him and His people.

We congratulate Bishop Mark and Cindy upon their

retirement as the Presiding Bishop of the Diocese of the

Southwest. We thank them for their prayers, visits,

ministry, and defending the faith while serving as our

founding Bishop. Bishop Mark will not fully retire from

ministry, however. He will maintain his permanent

residency in Albuquerque and will also serve as Interim

Rector at Christ Church Phoenix AZ. We are thankful for

his ministry and hopefully we'll see him here at Good

Shepherd when Glenn Polhemus is ordained to the


Please continue

checking your

Facebook feed

for words of

encouragement, our

Wednesday evening

bible study, and of

course our Sunday

morning virtual


Please look for us on

Facebook at

Anglican Church of

the Good Shepherd




10:30 AM

Reading of the Passion according to St. Matthew

The Holy Eucharist


6:00 pm -

The Holy Eucharist

The Stripping of the Altar

GOOD FRIDAY ~ April 10

6:00 PM

Solemn Celebration of the

Lord’s Passion and Death


10:30 AM

Festival Holy Eucharist

The deadline to place an announcement in the weekly bulletin is

Wednesdays at Noon and the deadline for the Parish Newsletter is the

third Friday of the month. Submissions should be sent to Jenny at the

church office, or drop it off at the church

office Monday-Friday, 9-11:30AM or Noon-2:00PM. Thank you.

Discretionary Offerings

On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, cash placed in the offering plates is designated for

the Pastor’s Discretionary account. Checks may also be written payable to the church, with

discretionary fund in the memo. Thank you for your generosity.

My Emmanuel God sent His only Son, a child upon this earth, to wash away my sin,


No hope except to die, a promise to fulfill the Master's loving plan,

My Emmanuel.

Holy Treasure, Precious Jewel, Living Water, Prince of Peace.

Blessed Savior God With Us,


You fill my heart with love, provide my daily bread, wash away every fear,


O wondrous Counselor, O Holy King of kings, Sustain me with Your peace,

My Emmanuel.

Holy Treasure, Precious Jewel, Living Water, Prince of Peace.

Blessed Savior God with us,


Halleluiah, Christ is King! Halleluiah, Christ is King! Halleluiah, Christ is King!


Halleluiah! God with Us! Halleluiah, God with us! Halleluiah, God with us!

My Emmanuel.

Happy Easter 2020 Jean Stinnett

Even if we are unable to gather & walk, we will make modifications, as appropriate, to support this important PHC fundraiser.

Update from Archbishop Beach on Behalf of

the College of Bishops Re: COVID-19

An important update and announcement from Archbishop

Beach on behalf of the College of Bishops.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus Christ,

We serve a faithful and loving God, and He has called us to serve Him in challenging

times. The coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, and while many despair and

are living in fear, we have hope and peace because in Jesus Christ we know how the story

ends. This has not taken the Lord by surprise, and it gives us an incredible opportunity

to live in faith toward God, in love toward our neighbors, and in service toward our


I write to you after meeting with our bishops this afternoon. We considered the advice

given by the President of the United States’ Coronavirus Team, the Centers for Disease

Control, the Public Health Agency of Canada and by governmental authorities in Canada,

Mexico, and the United States strongly advising that no public gatherings of 10 or more

people be held. It is our desire to partner with our civic officials as they seek to exercise

their duty to protect our communities. Therefore, the College of Bishops is asking our

congregations not to hold in-person worship services or gatherings until further notice,

but to offer, when possible, worship services on a virtual platform. We realize these are

extreme measures that we had hoped to avoid, but for the health and welfare of everyone

in our churches and communities, this is something we all must put into practice


Each diocesan bishop will communicate to his diocese regarding the specifics of how this

will be applied in each local diocesan context.

Let us continue to pray for one another, the people we serve, and the communities in

which we live.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord

your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9, ESV).

Faithfully in Jesus Christ,

The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach

Archbishop and Primate, Anglican Church in North America

Reaching Individuals and Families of the Concho Valley with the Transforming Love of Jesus Christ!

Copyright: No portion of this publication may be copied or stored electronically without prior written permission of the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd.

P.O. Box 61698

San Angelo, Texas 76901-1698

(325) 949-6260

A Message from Fr. Hal

Holy Week Schedule

PHC Life Walk

Emmanuel - Jean Stinnett

Coronavirus Guidelines and

Stop the Spread Info

Covid-19 Update From Archbishop Beach






4/13 Tiana Hennings


Sharon Weber

March Birthdays