Real-time Liquidity Management - Citibank · Liquidity Management in a Real-time World As we move...

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Real-time Liquidity Management

Mark Smith | Liz John | Ron ChakravartiApril 4, 2019


Liquidity Management in a Real-time WorldAs we move to an increasingly real-time world, Treasury will need new solutions to

manage liquidity in more agile ways

Multiple File Interfaces

Episodic View of Positions

Manual Funding Processes

Extra Liquidity Buffers

Batch Mobility


Real-time Visibility

Just-in-Time Self-Funding

End-to-end Automation

Agile Group















Today: Solutions at Three Stages of Development




Liquidity Sharing

Cross-Currency Sweeps

Liquidity Forecasting


Liquidity Sharing

Intraday liquidity is

dispersed across group

• Sub-optimal funding

• Manual liquidity control

• Inefficient DOL needs

• Unnecessary cash buffers

Balances required for funding intraday group flows are spread across multiple

locales, entities, currencies and accounts



Liquidity Sharing: Putting Intraday Liquidity to Use

• Efficient intraday funds usage

• Automated liquidity control

• Minimized daylight overdrafts

• Streamlined cash requirements

Share intraday liquidity

across global operations

Notionally “share” intraday net available balances across entities, currencies and

accounts to fund group flows, with automated controls and limits management



Active management of all

local FX is a challenge

Cross-Currency Sweeps

Centralization of FX, combined with elimination of manual processes, can be

difficult to achieve

• Local dealing can create risks

and lead to higher spreads

• Full IHB centralization

absorbs valuable resources

• Currency liquidity can

become a challenge



Integrate bank sweep and

FX for non-core currencies

• Full automation via dynamic

funding limits and controls

• Same-day FX with full visibility

and traceability of rates

• Streamlined local accounts,

eliminates non-functional

currency at subs

Sweep funds with currency conversion, using live FX rates, for end-to-end automation

of liquidity concentration and funding


Cross-Currency Sweeps: End-to-End Automation


Liquidity Forecasting: Enterprise View of Working Capital

Accurate cash forecasting is a Treasury top priority, but improvement is hampered by

episodic and partial views into commercial cash flow drivers

Cash forecasting is a

manual, error prone process

• Drives excess operating

liquidity/funding buffers

• Grosses up balance sheet,

dilutes asset returns

• Challenges hedging, potentially

leading to earnings volatility



AI-driven transformation

of data into coherent cash


• Advanced automation,

improved forecast accuracy

• Analytics to enhance

Treasury decisioning

• Liquidity optimization and

improved risk management

Access coherent view of cash forecast from business cash conversion cycle,

allowing for optimized deployment of net liquidity


Liquidity Forecasting: Enterprise View of Working Capital



Real Time Liquidity Management: What We’re Working On



on best usage of




on follow-the-sun

basisReal Time Multi Banking

Real Time Liquidity Forecasting

Real Time Cash Optimization


Visibility over

cash positionsProjection of

Treasury deals

and flows



across accounts



of cash flows



Real-time Liquidity Management: Fintech in the Citi Ecosystem



Best in Class Partnerships

Most Global

Focus on


Experience and


Citi’s Strengths

“We see the solution

to…challenges and

opportunities to be

partnerships among the new

and existing players in the

market, leveraging the

strength of each.”

Mike Corbat

CEO, Citigroup

Solving Challenges



Citi Liquidity Fintech Day



Let’s Co-Create


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