
Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Referencing Tips

IntroductionAfter the creation of your web site, it is essential to pay attention to its referencing. Referencing

the internet allows in effect to optimize the positioning of your site, and because of this, its

visibility. When they carry out their research, the Internet users use search engines as the primary

tool. That is why the internet referencing will aim to include your site on the first pages of Google

results, and will aim even the first rows. For this, there are many strategies for referencing to

know, knowing that each method of referencing offers the advantages and disadvantages to the


The referencing is divided into several techniques. The surcharge (sponsored) is the one who offers

the fastest results. Nevertheless, the latter is not necessarily on the long term and requires a

certain budget. There is also a natural search. The latter is free and is to optimize its editorial

content by placing keywords likely to be typed by internet users, and especially to place a few

links pointing to its web site. These links, or "get backlinks", are truly the most important part,

and there are several variants of the referencing to obtain.

Free referencing automatic is notably one of the fastest ways of obtaining links. The latter is in

effect to register automatically on multiple directories. However, even if this method allows you to

save both time and money, the fact that the descriptions of directories are identical can bring to

prejudice. Place links on sites with similar thematic and content descriptions are unique allows

you a good referencing Google and excellent visibility. Be that as it may, go by professionals for

referencing internet is advised to achieve an effective search of his site.

1. Give a different and explicit nameto each of your pages

The title of your pages is very important, it will be included in search results. Find them in the tag<title>your header and try to have a title in relation to the content of your page. Make sure you do not have a long title (up to 60 characters).</title>

2. Treat the description of your pages

In the same way that your title, description (meta description tag), must be in relation to your title. Needless to overload this tag by keywords, this is ignored in account. On the other hand, an effective description values your page in search results, and potentially improves the number of clicks.

3. Give meaning to your domain name

Few people think, but choose a good domain name is important. The keywords contained inside are taken into account by search engines. Use therefore a short and easy to remember domain name including the most important keywords (3 maximum). The official separator is the "-". Example: Your site provides a list of all the free concerts in France? The ideal domain name could be: www.concert-gratuit.fr observe the domain suffix (.fr, .com,. co.uk,...) according to your geographical area.

4. The importance of the name of the images

The robots are unable to see the images. They use the name of the image and the Alt tag to reference, where the importance of naming them in the most relevant way possible. The Alt tag to specify an alternate text for an image. Fill it with attention, remember, the choice of keywords is very important. Example:<img alt="Logo Mon Entreprise" src="http://www.votresite.com/images/logo-mon-entreprise.jpg">

5. Organize your pages

Robots do not interpret internet sites like you and us. It's terribly sad, but not seeing images, robots give importance to this text in your page. The structure a little like a table of contents. Observing this, your content will be tiered. With different levels of importance. To indicate these different levels, use the tag Hn (H1, H2,..., H5). Example:<h1>Title of your page</h1>text of introduction to your page<h2>under Title 1</h2>your text<h2>under Title 2</h2>your text * Attention: there may be only a single level H1 per page.

6. A relevant content

The whole of this text on your pages must be optimized by the use of relevant keywords, that is to say the words that you want to be referenced as well as the number of requests they generate. Some words can also be placed between the tags <strong></strong> meaning the robots that this text is most important.

7. Think the keywords

Choose the 'good' keywords is not easy, however retain two notions which keywords must meet: • the interest. They must be frequently typed by users of search engines. • The feasibility. Avoid key words too strong competition if you want your keywords to be able to position themselves in the first results of the engines within acceptable time frames. Several tools exist for doing so: "generators of keywords. The results on the search engines. The Related Searches. The audit of the competition.

8. Take care of your links: lessquantity, qualityThere are 3 different types of links: internal, outbound and inbound. Each of them is to dress up. No need to have a phenomenal number. Google and others promote the qualitative link. Therefore, care about the origin of your back links and the destination of your external links. To get a link back (backlink) efficient, working the anchor of the link. The present keywords in the anchor are taken into account by Google. Dispose of several anchors with different targets allows to expand are fields of action. It is also essential to do not always return to the home page, but rather to deep pages

9. The robots are your friends

Whether to instruct robots using a text file (named robots.txt) pages that you want to index. Create a Site map: site map helps a site indexing, because it ensures that all pages are accessible by bots. Use unique expressions: submit a unique content. Avoid copying and pasting content. If the text on your site already exists on another site, it will not be taken into account to improve your positioning.

10. What you should not do

• Autoenrollment in directories

• have more images than text

• as anchor of "click here" link

• buy or sell links

• put hidden text

• duplicated content (mirror site)

• bad use of the 301 (redirect double)

• overloading the tag Keyword