Reporting war By Asha Gizelle M

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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This is a 15 minute slideshow that I presented for my Politics, Journalism and Society class. And the chosen theme was Reporting War...


1963-2002Remembering Daniel Pearl

“Killing him so brutally, in front of a video camera, marked a new low in man’s inhumanity to man”

Judea Pearl, Father of Daniel Pearl

REPORTING WARWar coverage is manipulative, deliberate and

sensationalized VS

BUT What if wars were NEVER

reported at all?

The trailblazers: Birth of War Correspondence

*War Correspondence has been existing since the time of journalism

*Before modern journalism long, epic-like accounts were penned after the end of a war.

*Recent conflicts such as the Persian Gulf Wars and Kosovo War received a great deal of coverage. And as they call it, the rest is history!

Did You Know?

*In the 19th century, a war correspondent was also known as a Special Correspondent.

*Many third world wars received less substantial coverage, because the media is less interested and with the poor infrastructure system, it makes it more expensive. And the conflicts are far more dangerous for war correspondence.

Do you recognise the grumpy looking young man in the picture,

seated second from the left?

This is a group shot of war correspondents taken during the

Second Boer War

Sir Winston Churchill 1874 -1965

In 1899, Winston Churchill headed to South Africa as a newspaper correspondent for the Morning Post to cover the Boer War between British and Dutch settlers.


My First Standpoint:



Why Are War Correspondences Crucial?

• People need to stay abreast of any and every latest happening, be it good or bad.

• Wars also have societal impact, be it nationwide or worldwide

• The government could use war correspondences to harness people’s support. Thus it is shaped into a subtle propaganda.

Why Are War Correspondences Crucial?

• People love dramas, bloodshed and gore. Everyone is curious enough to know what really happened, who died, and henceforth.

• It allows people, nations and the world to live through a historic event.

• Last but not least, war coverage makes news more sellable than ever!

War reports are rehearsed, manipulated and strategised.

Why not have war reported off-handedly on a much spontaneous note?

*That is because they need to serve the perspective of the nation or the news agency.

*The reporters need to set their tone right to deliver the right kind of war coverage.

Here is a one minute video to show that war reporting are actually rehearsed in advance!

Why are wars so glamorous?

A war theme is known to be a very saleable theme, be it on print or on screen.

It is known to be one of the most appealing theme that a storyline or an idea could actually be born out of it.





My Second Standpoint:

But what if wars were NEVER reported at all?


If there weren’t any sensationalized news about wars or extensive coverage on war and

terror, life would be almost a fairytale.

It is close to impossible to have such a life because:

• Wars have been there since the birth of time.

• It has always been a war of good over evil.

• Wars have taken form into battles among nations or sometimes even battles by proxy.

If wars and terrors were NEVER reported:

Lessons would never been learnt

A nation would make its own history without any recordings

The younger generations would be left in the dark as to of how the nation was build.

There would be no marking on the milestones of the world history.

Coverage of war renders various

perspectives accordingly

It could be the Asian perspective…

It could be the British, American or even the Russian perspective…

Or it could be a whole new perspective that adds dimension to news-making…

Without such different perspectives, the reading masses wouldn’t be able to get a pristine clear picture of the story.

It is often said that a coin has two sides.

And a war report is no different…

For e.g.: We would be duped into thinking that the Bush Administration is always right

If such extreme reports like those you see on the Iraq War Logs NEVER existed, we would be missing out on the crude details of war and terror.

15,000 new civilian deaths uncovered in leak

 The leaked US war logs contain details of thousands more civilian deaths in Iraq, according to estimates by Iraq Body Count

Allegations of prisoner abuse by US troops after

Abu GhraibPresident Bush promised an immediate stop to prisoner abuse after Abu Ghraib, but the war logs detail a stream of similar claims against coalition troops...

Without in-depth war coverage, we will never be able to get our hands on

nitty-gritty details.

When we read a story of a young child’s body covered with holes, we

believe it; We believe the media. But in reality they were holes drilled on

the young body with cruel intentions.

Pictures that are worth a thousand (or more) words!

• Pictures play a crucial role in war reporting• They are taken to tell a story.• Previously, wars were painted by an artist. • And then photographs came into the

“picture”.• Pictures are known to create waves in the

media, across a nation or sometimes even across the globe.

• Pictures turn up the war coverage and reports by a notch or two!

• Some may not remember the event but will recall the pictures!

The downside of pictures on war coverage and terrorism

War and Terror Pictures That Can Never Be Erased With Time….

War and Terror Pictures That Can Never Be Erased With Time….

War and Terror Pictures That Can Never Be Erased With Time….

War and Terror Pictures That Can Never Be Erased With Time…

War and Terror Pictures That Can Never Be Erased With Time…

War and Terror Pictures That Can Never Be Erased With Time…

Proudly Conceived By:Asha Gizelle M


Politics, Journalism & Society