Representation in the Inbetweeners

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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Representation in The Inbetweeners

By James Perkins


•Representation is a key concept which allows us to deconstruct a range of topics, bearing in mind the relationship between the media producers, their target audience and you the consumer.


• Age is a factor because the show revolves around 4 17-18 year olds and highlights some of the stereotypes which are often associated with teenagers, however this group of boys are different and strive to become stereotypes to fit in. Also, since they are 17 they are nearly adults and still trying new things which creates humour throughout the series when they are posed with adult situations.


•All 4 of the main characters are white and represents the stereotypical english town where there are very few other races, however race is played on throughout the series and is used to create humour but also to show how the boys are perceived by other races when they venture out from their home town.


•All of the 4 main characters are male and this shows the male race as being very diverse and dominant, throughout the series we see how the boys see females as sex objects and this is a main theme which runs throughout the series which often creates humour.

Historical Era

•The programme is set in the present which engages the audience and shows how different locations live in the same time period as the viewer.

Location and Setting

•The programme is set in a suburb outside London and is stereotypical of the middle-class. This can create different stereo-types such as cockneys and upper-class citizens but the two are merged together as the location is halfway in-between.

Physical Ability

•The 4 main characters are all physically able but have their own personal/mental disabilities which are revealed throughout the series. Disability is used in the series to show how modern society see’s disabled people as more powerful if not equal.

Regional Identity

•The regional identity is defined by the mise-en-scene of posh housing estates and the community living very close together. This is however juxtaposed by the diversity of the characters.

Significant Events

•Every episode has a particular significant event and is focused on throughout with it often being resolved at the end, this is where inbetweeners appeals most because there is always something new but some reoccurring events can create humour.


•Sexuality is played on throughout the series, all of the 4 main characters are straight but they often joke about Neil’s dad and his sexuality, throughout the series there isn’t the stereotypical gay person which makes a difference from other shows.

Social Class and Status

•All of the characters are verging on middle-class or higher, however will has come from an upper-class school and his journey to fit in with unfamiliar surroundings and people creates humour and is just one of the elements which creates humour.