Reputation Management for Social Business

Post on 18-Sep-2014

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As a small business owner you face many difficulties. Don't let your ego be one of them.


Reputa'on  Management  Protec'ng  Your  Brand  From  Yourself  

Duncan  Connor  

You  do  not  own  your  brand.  

You  do  not  own  your  reputa'on.  

It  belongs  to  everybody  else.  

(If  you  don’t  understand  these  facts,  we  can’t  go  any  further.)  

Reputa'on   Public  Rela'ons  

Social  Space   Best  Prac'ces  

Reputa'on  Management  

Reputa'on  Management  

Your  reputa*on  is  a  decep*ve  thing.  One  moment  it  looks  as  solid  as  Mount  Rushmore,  and  the  next  you  could  be  fran*cally  trying  to  krazy  glue  it  back  together.  

The  purpose  of  this  book  is  to  help  you  to  understand:    •   What  behaviors  your  reputa*on  comprises.  

•   What  to  do  when  your  ac*ons,  the  ac*ons  of  others,  or  circumstances  affect  your  reputa*on.  

•   How  social  space  has  changed  reputa*on  percep*on  and  management.  

•   What  your  business  can  do  to  build  and  protect  its  reputa*on,  and  to  mi*gate  any  nega*ve  publicity  it  might  be  the  subject  of.  

What  Does  Google  Tell  Your  Customers?  SEO  MaMers,  User  Experience  MaMers  More  Social  Listening  What  Is  Reputa'on?  

 Respect    Integrity    Confidence  

Case  Study:  Domino’s  Pizza  


Working  With  Reporters  Press  Releases  Why  Do  People  Want  To  Know  About  You?  Outsourcing  Your  Reputa'on  Help!  I  Screwed  Up!  Case  Study:  Anthony  Weiner,  TwiMer,  and  Infidelity  

Public  Rela'ons  

Would  You  Follow  Your  Company’s  TwiMer?  Everybody’s  Talking  At  Me  How  To  Make  Friends  and  Influence  People  All  the  Cool  Kids  Are  On  Facebook  Guess  Who’s  GeZng  Engaged?  Case  Study:  @aplusk,  TwiMer,  and  Penn  State  

Social  Space  

Rules  of  Engagement  Four  Types  of  Customer  SEO  S'll  MaMers  Reputa'on  Is  A  Contact  Sport  

Best  Prac'ces  

What  you  are  is  what  you  have  been.    What  you  will  be  is  what  you  do  now.  


If  you  go  to  a  job  interview,  or  even  on  a  date,  there’s  a  good  chance  that  the  person  siIng  opposite  you  has  run  your  name  through  a  search  engine,  just  to  see  if  there’s  anything  they  ought  to  know  about  you  that  you  might  not  want  to  talk  about  while  you’re  trying  to  make  a  good  first  impression.    There  is  a  painful  fact  that  you  have  to  recognize  when  it  comes  to  your  business  and  managing  your  brand.  It  comes  in  two  parts:  

1.  If  you’re  not  on  the  first  four  pages  of  a  Google  search,  you  might  as  well  not  exist.  2.  If  you  are  on  the  first  four  pages  of  a  Google  search,  you  are  those  results.  

If  you  do  show  up,  whatever  those  search  results  say  about  you  is  the  first  impression  a  searcher  will  have  of  you  or  your  company.  All  that  most  poten*al  customers  will  ever  know  about  you  is  what  a  Google  search  results  page    shows  –  and  if  the  searcher  gets  a  nega*ve  impression  of  you  based  on  those  results,  you’ll  have  a  very  hard  road  to  conver*ng  them  into  poten*al  subscribers,  customers  or  clients.  

Un*l  a  few  years  ago  I  was  un-­‐Googleable.  Ac*ng  with  great  foresight,  my  parents  named  me  Duncan  Connor,  and  because  of  the  volume  of  informa*on  about  the  Highlander  movies  and  TV  show  sites,  I  was  invisible.  

Duncan  MacLeod  

Connor  MacLeod  

Duncan  Connor  

It  took  establishing,  maintaining,  and  building  networks  in  LinkedIn,  TwiVer,  and  on  blog  sites,  including  my  own,  to  finally  exist  without  the  tagline  “There  can  be  only  one.”  

“Just  like  managing  your  staff,  managing  your  reputa5on  depends  on  paying  a7en5on  and  no5cing  when  things  change.”  

Search  engine  ranking  is  import  to  generate  traffic  for  your  site.  The  truth  is  that  few  Internet  searchers  look  beyond  the  third  page,  and  most  don’t  even  check  results  a[er  page  one.  I’m  not  going  to  go  into  details  about  how  SEO  works  here  because  this  book  isn’t  about  SEO.  What  I’m  going  to  discuss  here  is  how  good  search  engine  ranking  is  a  double-­‐edged  sword.  

In  April  2011,  published  data  from  Op*fy  showing  that  the  top  three  organic  search  results  get  60  percent  of  all  the  clicks.  

Being  ranked  on  page  one  is  a  big  deal,  especially  for  commonly  searched  phrases.  The  flip-­‐side  of  that  coin  is  that  Internet  searchers  make  decisions  about  your  site,  and  your  company,  very  quickly.  If  you  show  up  in  the  top  five  places  on  page  one  of  Google  and  your  Web  site  is  hard  to  navigate,  or  has  badly  wriVen  copy  –  or  worse,  inaccurate  informa*on  and  advice,  your  search  ranking  may  do  you  more  harm  than  good.    

Good  SEO  can  help  people  find  your  site,  what  your  site  looks  like  is  en*rely  up  to  you.  

But  if  you  really  want  to  know  what  your  brand  looks  like,  you  have  to  listen.  

SEO  MaMers  

User  Experience  MaMers  More.  

“With  60  percent  of  clicks  going  to  the  top  three  results,  ranking  at  the  top  of  the  first  page  is  more  valuable  than  ever.”  

You  have  to  listen  everywhere.  Your  company  might  be  being  talked  about  on  TwiVer,  Facebook,  LinkedIn,  Google+,  YouTube,  and  hundreds  of  thousands  of  blogs  -­‐-­‐  and  that’s  just  passively  listening  to  people  spontaneously  talking  about  you.  You  can  ac*vely  seek  out  opinions  by  including  surveys  on  receipts,  or  in  your  drip  email  campaigns,  or  by  talking  to  your  in-­‐store  customers.  

To  make  this  manageable,  let’s  focus  on  the  online  sources  of  feedback.        

Not  dissa*sfied  enough  to  complain  

Spectacularly  right  Heinously  wrong  

Social  Listening  

Start  using  social  listening  tools  like  Google  Alerts,  Lexicon,  Jodange,  or  Twendz  (all  free)  or  Radian6,  Alterian,  or  Collec*ve  Intellect  (paid)  because  they  take  the  work  out  of  having  to  perform  mul*ple  searches  on  mul*ple  plahorms  just  to  see  if  you  were  men*oned.    

“Customers  and  clients  tend  to  not  talk  about  your  company  unless  you’re  doing  something  spectacularly  right,  or  heinously  wrong.”    So  if  you’re  in  the  middle  ground  of  keeping  your  customers  happy,  but  not  exceeding  their  expecta*ons,  you’re  probably  going  to  have  to  make  the  first  move  in  order  to  get  feedback.  

The  real  difficulty  with  social  listening  is  that  it  puts  you  in  the  posi*on  of  a  radio  operator.  You  can  hear  things,  just  not  clearly,  and  the  noise  and  sta*c  makes  it  hard  to  discern  exactly  what  is  you’re  being  told,  or  what  it  means.  If  you  can’t  (or  won’t)  adjust  the  dial  a  liVle,  tweaking  here  and  there,  you’re  only  going  to  get  a  vague  idea  of  the  situa*on.      

What  you  need  is  the  best  radio  you  can  find.  And  by  radio,  I  mean  applica*on.  It’s  not  feasible  that  you’ll  have  your  ear  to  the  ground  in  the  hundreds  of  places  you  might  be  men*oned.  But  an  applica*on  that’s  built  to  spot  men*ons  of  your  name,  or  your  company  name,  and  report  back  to  you…that  could  be  very  valuable.  

Do   Say   Share   Honest   Transparent   Consistent   Engaged   Relevant  



Integrity   Confidence  

Reputa*on  =  Trust  

Any  sales  person  will  tell  you  that  business  isn’t  done  board-­‐room  to  board-­‐room,  it’s  hammered  out  in  individual  rela*onships,  person-­‐to-­‐person,  and  there  are  character  traits  that  are  good  indicators  of  whether  someone  will  want  to  do  business  with  you.  If  you  put  these  characteris*cs  together,  you  can  build  a  picture  of  what  your  company  looks  like  to  its  customers,  and  build  a  strategic  plan  to  work  on  your  weaknesses.  

What  is  Reputa'on?  

Do   Say   Share  



Your  reputa*on  doesn’t  begin  online.  George  Washington  said  that  reputa*on  is  a  shadow,  and  that  character  is  the  real  thing.  Reputa*on  begins  with  character,  and  people  will  assume  that  what  you  do,  say,  or  share  is  informed  by  your  character.  

What  you  do,  say,  and  share  are  the  best  evidence  of  who  you  are  and  what  you  believe  in.  What  you  put  out  into  the  world  reflects  your  aItude  and  your  values  –  for  the  worse  or  for  the  beVer.  Would  you  have  second  thoughts  about  doing  business  with  someone  who  listed  the  Occupy  Wall  Street  movement  on  their  list  of  interests  on  their  Linked  In  profile?    

Happiness  is  when  what  you  think,  what  you  say,  and  what  you  do  are  in  harmony.  -­‐  Gandhi  

Tip If you want people to say positive things about your brand, do positive things with your brand. If people can see that your company is engaged, they won’t have to convince them of it.

How  much  *me  do  you  spend  talking  about  what  you  offer,  or  what  your  company  does?  How  many  of  your  status  updates  and  tweets  are  about  you?  How  many  are  about  the  work  and  successes  of  other  followers?  How  many  URL  links  do  you  post  for  other  sites  compared  to  links  to  your  own  site?    

Do  you  respond  to  comments  on  your  blog?  Do  you  make  your  blog  posts  a  star*ng  point  for  conversa*ons,  and  then  monitor  those  conversa*ons  to  find  opportuni*es  to  connect  with  readers?  

If  you  don’t  like  what  Google  says  about  you,  you  have  the  power  to  put  informa*on  out  there  that  will  correct  any  possible  mispercep*ons.    

What  is  Reputa'on?  

Honest   Transparent   Consistent  



Every  year  there’s  a  list  of  “least  trustworthy”  professions  that  finds  its  way  into  circula*on.  The  list  usually  includes  poli*cians,  bankers,  lawyers,  and  realtors.  So  why  are  so  many  people  suspicious  of  the  ability  and  mo*ves  of  individuals  in  these  professions?  For  the  most  part  it’s  because  most  people  will  go  through  a  home  purchase  fewer  than  five  or  six  *mes  in  their  en*re  life,  they’ll  probably  never  see  how  laws  are  passed,  and  (hopefully)  won’t  have  to  see  the  inside  of  a  courtroom.  Since  these  ins*tu*ons  are  unfamiliar  and  lack  transparency,  the  public  finds  it  hard  to  trust  the  people  who  work  in  them.        

The  integrity  of  men  is  to  be  measured  by  their  conduct,  not  by  their  professions.  -­‐-­‐  Junius  

Tip Jargon has no place in your marketing copy, and should be avoided wherever possible. Distinguish yourself by your character, not your vocabulary.

Merriam-­‐Webster  defines  integrity  as:  Firm  adherence  to  a  code  of  especially  moral  or  ar5s5c  values.  

Just  as  a  chain  is  only  as  strong  as  its  weakest  link,  your  business  code  of  ethics,  or  your  company  mission  statement,  is  only  as  trustworthy  as  the  consistency  with  which  it  is  executed.  

You  might  say  that  your  employees  are  your  most  important  asset,  but  if  you  fire  them  so  that  your  execu*ves  can  keep  their  company  cars,  someone  is  going  to  call  you  on  the  inconsistency.  

Don  Knauss,  CEO  of  Clorox,  said,  “Any  ac*vity  that  we  engage  in  will  be  fair  and  defensible,  no  excep*ons…all  organiza*ons  must  balance  the  need  to  further  top  line  growth  while  maintaining  their  ethical  principles.  

Knauss  added  that  “businesses  without  an  imbedded  founda*on  of  principles  will  not  survive.”  

What  is  Reputa'on?  

Engaged   Relevant   Well-­‐Informed  



Confidence  might  be  described  as  a  customer’s  belief  that  you’re  going  to  be  an  advocate  on  their  behalf.  Whether  you’re  a  mortgage  broker  or  a  barista  in  a  coffee  shop,  your  customer  wants  you  to  put  yourself  in  their  shoes  and  offer  them  your  professional  insight  to  help  them  make  the  best  decision  possible.  

What  is  Reputa'on?  

We  are  what  we  repeatedly  do.  Excellence,  then,  is  not  an  act,  but  a  habit.  –  Aristotle  

Tip Go beyond the tired “twelve touches” routine. Your customers don’t want you to touch them, they want you to actually get to know them and what they want.

In  the  last  several  years,  the  financial  sector  has  found  itself  losing  the  confidence  of  consumers  all  over  the  world.  When  the  banking  industry  threw  its  arms  in  the  air  and  collec*vely  wailed  “but  we  didn’t  know  those  credit  default  swaps  were  poten*ally  toxic”  the  public  refused  to  let  them  off  the  hook:  What  else  didn’t  you  know?  Why  didn’t  you  know?  How  do  we  know  our  money  is  safe  in  your  hands?  

In  one  short  spell,  banks  demonstrated  to  the  public  that  they  weren’t  well-­‐informed.  And,  by  sympathizing  with  CEOs  earning  millions  of  dollars,  rather  than  the  families  who  were  losing  their  homes,  re*rement  accounts,  and  jobs,  the  banking  industry  demonstrated  it  wasn’t  engaged  with  its  customers.    

In  a  2009  survey  conducted  by  research  company,  BrandKeys,  Domino’s  Pizza,  the  world’s  largest  pizza  delivery  company,  ranked  first  among  pizza  companies  for  convenience,  but  last  for  taste,  *ed  with  children’s  pizza  company,  Chuck  E.  Cheese’s.  

Sales  in  2009  were  down  5  percent  from  2008,  and  the  company  had  posted  seven  nega*ve  growth  quarters  in  a  row.  Something  had  to  change.    

Case  Study  

Domino’s  Pizza  

“People  said  our  pizza  wasn’t  good  enough,  so  we  changed  everything  about  it.  But  we  weren’t  going  to  call  it  ‘new  and  improved’  and  expect  that  to  break  through.  We  had  to  blow  up  the  bridge.”  

Russell  Weiner,  Domino’s  Chief  Marke*ng  Officer,  came  up  with  an  interes*ng  marke*ng  strategy:  the  raw  truth.  He  cra[ed  a  commercial  sharing  customer  reviews  of  Domino’s  pizza,  and  the  comments  were  less  than  flaVering:  “Domino’s  pizza  crust,  to  me,  is  like  cardboard.”  “The  sauce  tastes  like  ketchup,”  and  “microwave  pizza  is  far  superior.”  

BazaarVoice  Taste  Test  In  February  2010,  social  commerce  Web  site,  BazaarVoice,  ran  a  blind  taste  test  to  compare  Domino’s  new  recipe  with  Pizza  Hut  and  Papa  John’s.  Domino’s  won,  taking  50  percent  of  the  first  place  votes,  and  an  average  score  of  3.8/5  compared  to  Pizza  Hut’s  3.2/5  and  Papa  John’s  3.0/5.  

In 2009 the public had lost faith in its political leaders, corporations, and the banking system. Domino’s Pizza gave Americans something they felt starved of: honesty.

Domino’s  changed  every  part  of  their  recipe,  tes*ng  dozens  of  combina*ons  of  dough,  sauce,  and  cheese.  The  “Pizza  Turnaround”  commercials  began  airing  in  December  2009,  and  driven  by  an  introductory  price  for  the  new  formula  pizza,  Domino’s  stock  price  has  risen  from  $7.73  when  the  ad  debuted,  to  $30.51  less  than  two  years  later.  While  many  companies  ignore  feedback  from  dissa*sfied  customers,  choosing  to  focus  on  the  customers  who  don’t  need  to  be  persuaded  to  buy  their  product,  Domino’s  paid  aVen*on  and  acted  on  the  cri*cism  it  received.  As  a  result,  Domino’s  has  rebuilt  the  reputa*on  for  quality  that  once  propelled  it  to  be  the  fastest  growing  franchise  corpora*on  in  the  United  States  

Responsibility  is  the  price  of  greatness.  Public  Rela'ons  

Press  Releases  

Press  releases  might  appear  daun*ng  at  first,  but  they’re  only  about  as  complicated  as  an  email  marke*ng  newsleVer.  While  there  isn’t  an  industry  standard  for  formaIng,  there’s  definitely  an  industry  expecta*on.  You  should  be  aware  of  what  informa*on  a  reporter  expects  to  see,  and  roughly  where  they  expect  to  see  it.  

When you send your press release it’s important to log the organizations you sent it to. If they use a quote, plug the whole quote into a search engine and find out who re-published information from your press release. Add these secondary publishers to your list to contact directly with your next press release.


CONTACT:  Contact  Name          Deputy  Contact  Name      Posi*on          Posi*on      Company          Company      Phone  Number        Phone  Number  


Sub-­‐header  that  gives  an  idea  of  the  purpose  of  the  press  release  

Month  Day,  Year  –  City,  State  –  Begin  your  press  release  here.  Keep  it  to  a  few  informa*ve  paragraphs  that  include  per*nent  data.  While  you’d  like  reporters  to  call  you,  you  should  provide  enough  informa*on  that  they  don’t  need  to.  A[er  all,  you  don’t  want  to  repeat  the  same  informa*on  to  a  dozen  reporters,  do  you?  

Use  the  following  characters  to  indicate  that  the  reader  has  reached  the  end  of  the  press  release.  


The  next  thing  you  need  to  do  is  get  your  statement  in  front  of  as  many  people  as  possible.  You  can  do  this  by:  1.  Emailing  your  press  release  to  reporters  

that  you  know.  2.  Making  an  announcement  over  your  social  

marke*ng  plahorms.  3.  Send  your  press  release  to  influen*al  

bloggers.  4.  Create  a  page  on  your  Web  site  for  press  

releases  and  post  your  press  releases  there.  That  way  they  will  be  indexed  by  search  engines  and  can  be  found  by  reporters  in  the  future.  

Working  With  Reporters  

“Industry  press  helps  legi5mize  you  to  suppliers  and  poten5al  investors,  but  it  doesn’t  do  much  to  draw  local  customers.”  

If  you  have  something  to  say  to  the  world,  you  stand  a  much  beVer  chance  of  geIng  your  message  out  if  you  send  out  a  press  release,  or  beVer  yet,  contact  journalists  directly.  

Journalists  are  always  looking  for  great  content,  whether  it’s  an  inves*ga*ve  piece  into  corporate  prac*ces,  or  a  public  interest  story  about  a  company  that  has  moved  its  business  premises  a[er  more  than  50  years  at  an  established  loca*on.  

The  advantage  to  geIng  your  story  covered  in  the  press  is  that  it  will  appear  on  the  news  source’s  site,  and  on  the  sites  of  any  affiliates  that  use  that  source  for  content.    

Five  Tips  for  Working  With  Reporters  1.  Learn  the  names  and  find  the  social  media  contact  

informa*on  for  reporters  who  cover  your  business  sector  in  your  geographic  region.  You  should  work  on  building  good  rela*onships  with  up  to  half  a  dozen  of  them.  

2.  Talk  to  reporters  if  they  call  you.  And  if  they  interview  you  send  them  a  note  so  that  they  remember  to  call  you  for  industry  informa*on  next  *me  they  have  a  story  about  your  sector.  

3.  Get  the  editorial  calendars  for  industry  publica*ons.  Call  or  email  the  editor  to  let  them  know  you  could  contribute  to  the  story  in  a  specific  way.  

4.  Get  involved  in  your  community,  and  let  reporters  know  what  you’re  doing.  

5.  Write  a  press  release  for  new  products,  high-­‐level  staffing  changes,  financial  investment,  or  a  new  business  partnership.  Email  it  to  your  new  journalist  friends.  They  probably  won’t  use  it,  but  there’s  always  a  chance,  and  it  will  keep  you  on  their  mind  for  related  stories.  

Consider presenting your story to Daily Source, Examiner, or your local Patch publication. For more targeted coverage, find popular blogs in your industry and contact the authors to offer yourself as an expert in your field.

Working  With  Reporters  

It’s  all  very  well  for  me  to  say  that  you  should  seek  out  business  news  reporters,  but  that  doesn’t  help  you  to  find  them.  

The  chart  below,  from  Arke*  Web  Watch  and,  shows  the  number  of  business  news  journalists  who  have  an  account  in  the  various  social  networks.  As  you  can  see,  LinkedIn  is  out  in  front  with  92  percent  of  journalists  having  an  account  on  that  plahorm,  compared  to  85  percent  and  84  percent  for  Facebook  and  TwiVer,  respec*vely.  

92% 85% 84%



28% 20% 18% 15% 14%

Social Media Use by Journalists % of respondents,

August 2011 Source: Arketi Web Watch

Now,  before  you  rush  off  to  update  your  LinkedIn  account,  you  should  know  that  most  journalists  use  LinkedIn  like  you  and  I  do  –  as  a  way  to  make  business  contacts,  compare  their  resume  to  their  peers,  and  see  what’s  moving  in  the  job  market.    

Un*l  CNN  and  FoxNews  are  asking  you  to  send  your  comments  and  breaking  news  to  their  LinkedIn  accounts,  I’d  assume  that  news  reporters  are  looking  at  Facebook  and  TwiVer  to  engage  with  their  audience.  

There  are  a  few  reasons  that  someone  might  use  a  search  engine  to  look  for  you  or  your  company.    

Why  Do  People  Want  to  Know  

About  You?  

They’re  a  business  that  wants  to  do  business  with  you.  A  business  might  look  at  your  Website  to  find  out  who  the  key  employees  on  your  “About  Us”  page,  or  to  see  what  current  and  former  customers  think  of  your  company.  What  they  find  could  affect  whether  you’re  offered  their  business.  

“If  you  leave  it  5ll  you  have  nega5ve  content  appearing  on  the  top  of  search  results,  then  it  can  be  very  5me  consuming  and  difficult  to  get  rid  of.”  

If you don’t address negative impressions of you or your company on search engines, it could hurt more than your reputation.

They’re  a  poten*al  customer  who’s  thinking  of  using  your  business.  They’ll  typically  look  for  reviews  of  your  company  or  product  offerings.  They  might  check  out  your  blog  to  see  what  you  know  about  your  industry,  and  they  might  check  out  other  blogs  to  see  what  your  industry  thinks  about  your  company.  

If  you’re  looking  for  investment,  you  can  guarantee  that  your  poten*al  investors  will  want  to  know  what  Google  says  about  your  company  and  the  people  who  run  it.  They’ll  be  interested  to  know  how  your  customers  feel  about  the  service  they  get,  and  how  confident  your  customers  are  in  your  ability  to  deliver  on  promises.    

Prospec*ve  employees  will  likely  check  out  your  company  to  help  them  decide  whether  they  think  they’ll  be  a  good  fit  with  your  business,  or  if  they  can  support  the  products  or  services  you  offer.  

Taking Ownership Whether you write every syllable that appears on all of your social sites, or if you only occasionally post an update and trust your social media messaging to an intern our an outsource company, you are responsible for everything that is published under your name. Sure, there’s probably a legal loophole that says you’re not, but if you’re looking for legal loopholes it’s already too late for your reputation. In the wake of the BP oil spill in April 2010, BP got into a battle over who was responsible for the leak. Ultimately it didn’t matter to ordinary citizens when it came time to fill their cars. If it has your name on it, you have to own it.

I  have  a  tremendous  amount  of  respect  for  the  actor  and  techpreneur,  Ashton  Kutcher.  His  work  to  break  the  child  sex-­‐trafficking  trade  is  inspira*onal,  and  his  commitment  to  inves*ng  in  innova*ve  entrepreneurs  is  second  to  no-­‐one.  Most  of  us  aren’t  keynote  speaking  at  tech  conferences,  we’re  not  heading  up  venture  capital  pitch  days,  or  going  to  fund  raisers  for  mul*ple  chari*es.  And  that  doesn’t  include  a  busy  ac*ng  career.    

Deep  fact-­‐checking  of  on-­‐the-­‐fly  tweets  is  something  most  TwiVera*  don’t  do,  but  as  you  get  more  followers  and  become  more  influen*al,  you  become  responsible  for  making  sure  you’re  not  sharing  inaccurate  informa*on.  That’s  why  Kutcher  said  he  needed  to  find  a  way  to  “properly  manage”  his  account  (more  about  that  in  the  Case  Study  in  the  Social  Media  sec*on  of  this  book.)  

Outsourcing  Your  


If  you  think  that  you  should  save  some  *me  by  outsourcing  your  social  media  engagement,  I  can  certainly  see  how  that  would  be  appealing.  But  your  followers  on  TwiVer  and  Facebook  expect  your  updates  to  be…well,  from  you.    If  you  have  the  *me,  you  should  be  pos*ng  every  update  yourself,  but  if  you’re  not  twee*ng  for  yourself,  let  your  followers  know..  

Beat Back-Link Spam Back-links in blog comments have relatively little SEO value compared to those embedded in the site copy. If you’re an expert in a field, offer your expertise and opinion to bloggers in exchange for links.

When  it  comes  to  building  SEO,  there  are  companies  out  there  who  will  promise  to  create  back-­‐links  to  your  Web  site.  These  back-­‐links  are  not  created  as  anchor  text,  which  is  where  they  give  you  the  best  SEO  li[,  they  usually  appear  in  the  comments  aVached  to  blogs  that  may  or  may  not  have  anything  to  do  with  your  business,  your  business  sector,  or  anything  connected  to  you.  

The  picture  below  is  a  no*fica*on  I  received  about  a  comment  on  my  blog  at  –  as  you  can  probably  tell,  the  comment  is  not  wriVen  by  a  na*ve  English  speaker,  which  is  a  good  sign  that  it’s  probably  comment-­‐spam.  

Outsourcing  Your  


Companies  that  create  low-­‐value,  high-­‐frequency  back-­‐links  charge  pennies  per  link,  and  can  add  thousands  of  meaningless  comments  to  blogs  every  day.  Real  commenters  who  make  regular  contribu*ons  will  see  that  the  URLs  they  post  with  their  comments  actually  get  clicked  because  they’ve  demonstrated  they  have  something  to  say.  The  owners  of  the  URL  for  comments  like  the  one  above  not  only  run  the  risk  of  looking  like  they  aren’t  literate,  they  run  the  risk  of  bloggers  marking  their  comments  as  spam  –  which  may  affect  how  search  engines  view  their  URL.  

Author : pregnancy photography poses (IP: , E-mail : URL : Whois : Comment: You actually make it seem really easy together with your presentation but I to find this matter to be actually one thing which I believe I would by no means understand. It seems too complex and very large for me. I’m looking ahead to your subsequent submit, I’ll attempt to get the cling of it!

“If  it  has  your  name  on  it,  you  have  to  own  it.”  

Make  no  mistake,  publicity  is  a  double-­‐edged  sword.  It’s  a  magnifying  glass  that  can  make  you  more  visible  or  burn  you.  For  most  people  and  organiza*ons,  the  pedestal  that  publicity  can  put  them  on  is  has*ly  built,  and  unstable.  

How  far  you  fall  is  o[en  determined  by  how  much  you  believed  your  own  hype.  From  Michael  Vick  to  to  Lindsay  Lohan  to  Tiger  Woods  to  Mel  Gibson,  polished  public  images  have  become  tarnished  by  dog  figh*ng,  alcoholism,  marital  infidelity,  and  general  crazy  behavior.    Help!  

I  Screwed  Up!  

“Act  thoughtlessly  once,  it’s  out  of  character.  Do  it  every  day,  it  is  your  character.”  

The upside of screwing up… If people are surprised when you screw up that’s a good thing. It means that you didn’t meet their expectations, sure, but it means that they’re accustomed to you behaving better. You might actually get the benefit of any doubt when you try to fix things.

When  you  screw  up  –  and  you  will  screw  up  a  couple  of  *mes  in  your  career  -­‐-­‐  the  important  thing  isn’t  so  much  what  you  did,  it’s  what  you  do  next.  Percep*on  is  o[en  that  a  person  isn’t  sorry  they  screwed  up,  they’re  sorry  they  screwed  up  and  got  caught.  From  a  reputa*on  perspec*ve,  what  you  did  speaks  of  your  integrity,  how  you  respond  will  affect  the  respect  others  have  for  you.  

How  to  respond:  1.  I  did  it.  2.  I’m  sorry  I  did  it.  3.  It  won’t  happen  again…  4.  …because  I’m  taking  these  steps.  5.  Here’s  how  I’m  going  to  make  it  up  to  you.  6.  Thank  you  for  your  understanding.  

How  NOT  to  respond:  Any  apology  that  is  followed  by  “but”  or  “if”  is  not  an  apology.  “I’m  sorry  if  I  offended  you”  and  “I’m  sorry,  but  you  don’t  understand  what  was  going  on”  shi[  the  responsibility  for  the  offense  onto  the  person  who  was  offended.  An  apology  that  shi[s  the  blame  to  nobody,  such  as  “Errors  were  made  in  processing  your  account”  is  also  inadequate.    

Unless  there  is  a  legal  reason  to  not  document  your  culpability  (if  you’re  a  doctor,  for  example)  you  should  take  responsibility.  Failing  to  do  so  will  undermine  how  people  feel  about  your  integrity.  

Un*l  June  2011,  most  people  wouldn’t  have  been  able  to  tell  you  who  Anthony  Weiner  is.  All  that  changed  in  three  short  weeks.  

Anthony  Weiner  (D-­‐NY)  was  a  Congressional  representa*ve  from  New  York.  On  May  27th  2011,  he  sent  a  link  to  an  adult  woman  who  was  following  him  on  TwiVer.  He  had  intended  to  send  it  as  a  direct  (private)  message,  but  instead  posted  a  link  to  a  picture.  He  quickly  removed  the  link,  and  the  tweet,  but  not  before  the  picture  had  been  saved  by  a  user  iden*fied  as  “Dan  Wolfe”  who  sent  it  to,  which  published  it  the  next  day.  Case  Study  

Anthony  Weiner  TwiMer  and  

Infidelity  The  unfortunately  named  congressman  denied  that  the  picture  was  of  his  junior  member  (there  were  no  end  of  jokes  for  this  one)  for  nine  days,  before  admiIng  that  he  had  “engaged  in  several  inappropriate  conversa*ons  conducted  over  TwiVer,  Facebook,  email  and  occasionally  on  the  phone.”  

“Maybe  it  did  start  being  a  photo  of  mine  and  now  looks  something  different  or  maybe  it  is  from  another  account.”  

In  the  end,  Weiner  resigned,  and  the  Congress  con*nued  to  go  about  its  business.  One  of  the  women  involved,  Traci  Nobles,  is  set  to  release  a  tell-­‐all  book  about  the  scandal,  while  Weiner  is  raising  money  for  a  run  for  mayor  of  New  York  in  2013.  

Chris  Lee  (R-­‐NY)  Compare  Weiner’s  case  to  fellow  New  York  Congressman,  Chris  Lee,  who  solicited  a  male-­‐to-­‐female  transsexual  he  found  on  Craigslist,  and  sent  emails  which  included  shirtless  photos  of  himself.    Lee  didn’t  use  a  fake  name,  and  used  an  email  account  that  was  easily  traced  back  to  him.  A[er  a  Web  search  for  the  Congressman’s  name,  the  woman  sent  all  the    correspondence  to  the  news  blog,  Gawker,  who  confronted  Lee  with  the  informa*on  and  published  their  expose  on    February  9th  2011.  

The public is much more forgiving of people who admit their mistakes than those who lie to cover them up.

Lee  resigned  the  same  day,  and  the  scandal  is  now  mostly  forgoVen.  Maybe  it’s  Weiner’s  name,  or  perhaps  it’s  his  aVempted  cover-­‐up  which  kept  the  story  in  the  news  for    almost  a  month,  that  made  Weiner’s  transgression  more  memorable.    

Just  because  your  voice  reaches  halfway  around  the  world  doesn’t  mean  you  are  wiser  than  when  it  reached  only  to  the  end  of  the  bar.  

Social  Space  

As  we  saw  earlier,  there  are  building  blocks  that  your  reputa*on  stands  on.  Or  falls.    

When  your  ac*ons,  the  ac*ons  of  others,  or  bad  luck  have  the  poten*al  to  tarnish  your  reputa*on,  it’s  up  to  you  to  mi*gate  that  risk.  If  your  reputa*on  is  important  to  you.  

Would  You  Follow  Your  Company’s  


For  most  of  us  the  only  way  our  TwiVer  and  Facebook  followers  feel  like  they  have  a  rela*onship  with  us  is  from  the  interac*ons  they  have  with  us  on  those  plahorms.  And  because  of  that,  it’s  cri*cally  important  that  those  interac*ons  are  genuine,  authen*c,  and  transparent.  Sure,  those  are  buzzwords,  but  it  doesn’t  make  the  idea  behind  them  any  less  true.  

The  most  effec*ve  way  to  do  that  is  to  be  aware  of  how  things  look  from  outside  your  company.  Be  honest.  Brutally  honest.  Solicit  feedback  from  your  harshest  cri*cs.  Imagine  the  worst  possible  ways  that  your  ac*ons  could  be  interpreted  and  assume  that  the  world  will  interpret  them  that  way.  When  you  know  how  bad  it  could  be,  you  can  take  steps  to  make  sure  your  protect  your  reputa*on.  If  you  need  proof,  just  look  at  the  Domino’s  Pizza  Case  Study.  

“It  is  so  much  simpler  just  to  be  yourself.  You  never  have  to  worry  about  remembering  what  you  said  about  something  to  make  sure  you  aren’t  contradic5ng  yourself.”  

Quick statistic Over 20 percent of all Web page views are on social networking sites.

Everybody’s  Talking  At  Me  

As  any  marketer  will  tell  you,  the  key  to  being  successful  in  social  space  is  having  followers  who  will  amplify  your  message  for  you.  They’ll  also  tell  you  that  the  way  to  find  those  followers  is  to  get  a  lot  of  followers.  They’ll  tell  you  that  you  can  earn  reciprocal  retweets  and  shares  from  them  by  repea*ng  their  messages  to  your  other  followers.  The  marketers  who  proffer  this  advice  are  mistaken,  though  they’re  not  en*rely  wrong.  

The  problem  is  that  most  businesses  become  so  concerned  with  building  a  huge  following  that  they  neglect  the  real  reason  they’re  there  in  the  first  place  –  engagement.  Simple  link  reciprocity  isn’t  enough  -­‐-­‐  hoping  that  rela*ve  strangers  want  to  talk  about  you  is  fu*le.  If  you  want  to  have  your  message  seen  by  the  most  people,  you  have  to  get  your  friends  to  talk  about  you.  Which  means  that  you  have  to  have  rela*onships,  not  just  followers  and  fans.  

“A  thousand  uninterested  fans  don’t  help  your  company  grow  and  reach  sales  goals  like  a  hundred  engaged  fans  can.”  

Your Followers

Followers who actually read your messages

Followers who amplify your


At  any  moment,  only  a  small  number  of  your  followers  are  likely  to  be  paying  aVen*on  to  your  TwiVer  stream  or  Facebook  page,  and  even  fewer  of  them,  or  sharing  your  tweets  and  updates,  its  important  to  foster  rela*onships  with  your  most  ac*ve  followers.  

How  To  Make  Friends  and  Influence  People  

Influencers  Robert  Scoble  and  Neil  Patel  are  two  of  my  favorite  people  to  follow  on  TwiVer,  Facebook,  and  Google+.    Even  though  they’re  clearly  very  busy  men,  they  find  *me  to  connect  on  a  1-­‐to-­‐1  basis  with  an  enormous  number  of  their  followers,  to  let  them  know  what  tech  companies  and  techpreneurs  are  developing  something  new  and  interes*ng,  or  to  provide  fascina*ng  insights  into  how  to  improve  business  processes.  As  you  can  see,  Robert  and  Neil  have    been  ac*ve  TwiVer  users  for  a  long  *me  and  have  amassed  a  lot  of  followers,  many  of  whom  have  listed  them  

How to Make Friends With People Who Influence

People. 1.  Don’t be a jerk. 2.  Tell them something

they don’t know about something they care about.

3.  Respect their privacy. 4.  Don’t sell to them. 5.  Be yourself. Unless

you’re a jerk.

All  The  Cool  Kids  Are  On  Facebook  

If  you  spent  your  work  week  connec*ng  to  businesses  on  social  networks,  Facebook  would  take  every  day  except  Friday,  which  would  be  used  between  all  the  other  social  networks  combined.  

“If  people  are  going  to  connect  with  your  brand,  there’s  a  significantly  be7er-­‐than-­‐average  chance  that  they’ll  be  connec5ng  on  Facebook.”  

80% 6%

3% 5% 6%





Don't know

Preferred Social Network for Brand Connection % of social network users, May 2011 Source: Edison Research and Arbitron

When  it  comes  to  making  a  good  impression  with  your  customers,  your  first  priority  must  be  to  build  a  Facebook  page.  I’m  not  talking  about  throwing  together  a  page  for  people  to  like,  though  that’s  beVer  then  nothing.  Facebook  introduced  FBML,  Facebook  Markup  Language,  similar  to  HTML,  and  just  as  powerful.  There’s  no  reason  you  shouldn’t  have  video,  pictures,  custom  graphics,  interac*ve  surveys,  and  anything  else  you  have  on  your  corporate  Web  site.    

You  should  consider  making  a  preVy  serious  investment  in  your  Facebook  page,  because  it’s  where  most  people  are  going  to  find  you,  through  recommenda*ons  from  friends,  and  allows  you  to  engage  with  poten*al  customers  in  a  way  that  search  engines  don’t.  

Facebook accounts for 80 percent of all customer-to-brand connections that occur on social networks. If you don’t have a Facebook page you’re missing out on your audience’s preferred way of connecting with you.

Guess  Who’s  GeZng  Engaged?  

“When  there’s  a  buzz  on  the  blogosphere  that  your  company  has  shipped  a  defec5ve  product,  is  closing  its  doors,  or  is  under  inves5ga5on,  for  example,  a  press  release  on  the  wire  is  no  longer  the  fastest  or  most  effec5ve  way  to  respond.”  

Social media users are smart. They’re early-adopters and influencers. If you’re authentic, engaged, and consistent, you’ll quickly build a group of ambassadors who will provide positive word of mouth that makes it clear you’re a leader in your field.

Marketers  are  gradually  becoming  aware  that  they  aren’t  in  control  of  the  message  –  the  message  is  in  the  hands  and  TwiVer  accounts  of  cultural  influencers.  These  are  people  with  large  followings,  who  have  the  power  to  persuade  their  fans  to  do  or  buy  or  sell  or  boycoV  anything  you  might  decide  to  put  into  the  market.  Influencers  have  already  won  the  endorsement  of  their  fans,  they’re  engaged  and  ac*ve,  and  anything  they  say  is  okay  with  them  is  probably  going  to  be  okay  with  their  fans.  

Five  Things  That  Show  You’re  Engaged  1.  Treat  your  followers  like  any  other  business  contact.  Check  in  with  them  on  a  regular  basis,  get  to  know  what  they  enjoy,  and  how  you  might  be  able  to  help  them  to  grow  their  business  and  brand.  2.  Pay  aVen*on  to  what  you  post  and  tweet.  If  it  has  no  value  to  your  followers  it  has  no  chance  of  being  shared.    3.  Let  your  personality  come  through.  You  have  one,  so  let  people  see  it.  Let  people  see  what  you’re  doing,  what  you’re  struggling  with,  what  you  find  interes*ng,  and  what  you  need  help  with  –  give  them  something  to  differen*ate  you  from  the  rest  of  their  followers.  4.  You  are  who  you  follow,  so  be  careful.  If  you  follow  a  par*cularly  divisive  person  or  organiza*on,  or  join  a  controversial  LinkedIn  group,  it  could  cost  you  followers  who  don’t  like  who  your  friends  are.  5.  Don’t  be  afraid  to  cull.  If  you’re  following  someone  who  isn’t  pos*ng  useful  informa*on,  stop  following  them.    

Here’s  a  sad  truth:  Falsehood  flies,  and  the  truth  comes  limping  a[er  it.    That’s  a  300  year  old  quote  from  Jonathan  Swi[.  It’s  probably  truer  now  than  it  was  in  1710.  Social  networking  has  made  it  possible  for  videos  like  Rebecca  Black’s  “Friday”  to  be  a  YouTube  smash,  and  for  Jus*n  Bieber  and  Lily  Allen  to  find  themselves  with  recording  contracts  because  of  the  size  of  their  followings  on  YouTube  and  MySpace,  respec*vely.  

aplusk ashton kutcher Twitter Management 10 Nov

aplusk ashton kutcher As of immediately I will stop tweeting until I find a way to properly manage this feed. I feel awful about this error. Won’t happen again. 10 Nov

aplusk ashton kutcher As an advocate in the fight against child sexual exploitation, I could not be more remorseful for all involved in the Penn St. case. 10 Nov

aplusk ashton kutcher Heard why Joe was fired, fully recant previous tweet! Didn’t have full story. #admitwhenyoumakemistakes 10 Nov`

aplusk ashton kutcher How do you fire JoPa? #insult #noclass As a Hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste. 10 Nov

This  is  a  recrea*on  of  the  @aplusk  TwiVer  feed,  compiled  from  a  report  appearing  on  Ashton  Kutcher  deleted  the  boVom  two  tweets  on  11/10/2011.      

Case  Study  

@aplusk  TwiMer  and  Penn  State  

In  2002,  Jerry  Sandusky,  an  assistant  coach  at  Penn  State  University  at  that  *me,  had  been  witnessed  allegedly  sexually  abusing  a  young  boy  in  the  Penn  State  athle*c  department  showers.  When  PSU’s  head  coach,  Joe  Paterno,  reported  the  incident  to  his  superiors  and  the  campus  police,  no  ac*on  was  taken.  When  the  allega*ons  came  to  light,  Paterno  issued  a  statement  that  he  regreVed  not  having  “done  more,”  and  tendered  his  resigna*on,  effec*ve  at  the  end  of  the  football  season.  The  Penn  State  Board  of  Regents  rejected  Paterno’s  resigna*on  and,  instead,  fired  him.  

Ashton  Kutcher’s  TwiVer  stream  looked  something  like  this:  

I  have  a  tremendous  amount  of  respect  for  Ashton  Kutcher.  His  TwiVer  stream  is  engaging,  warm,  and  socially  aware.  His  work  for  charity  is  inspira*onal,  and  his  commitment  to  inves*ng  in  innova*ve  entrepreneurs  is  second  to  no-­‐one.  Add  to  that  a  busy  ac*ng  career,  and  it’s  easy  to  understand  that,  if  Kutcher  is  twee*ng  for  himself,  not  every  tweet  is  going  to  be  pitch-­‐perfect.  Which  is  why  he  decided  to  “manage”  his  feed  by  having  his  company,  Katalyst,  act  as  editors  for  his  TwiVer  updates.  

Case  Study  

@aplusk  TwiMer  and  Penn  State  

All  in  the  space  of  a  couple  of  hours,  Kutcher  returned  from  work  and  saw  that  Joe  Paterno  had  been  terminated  by  Penn  State  University  –  and  he  presumed  it  was  for  football  performance  reasons,  and  he  fired  off  the  first  message.  

Soon  a[er,  and  as  some  of  his  followers  rushed  to  condemn  him,  Kutcher  caught  up  on  the  story,  and  sent  the  next  two  tweets.  

In  his  blog  post  that  evening,  Kutcher  reflected  on  how  TwiVer  has  changed  from  a  way  to  discuss  ideas  to  a  self-­‐publishing  medium,    and  then  tweeted  that  he  was  going  to  stop  twee*ng  un*l  he  could  properly  manage  his  account,  and  sent  a  link  to  his  blog  post  which  discusses  in  greater  depth  why  he  was  quiIng  TwiVer.    

This  was  a  story  that  could  easily  have  caused  a  lot  of  trouble  for  Kutcher,  had  he  not  been  so  earnest  and  smart  in  his  response.  He  apologized  for  his  misunderstanding,  did  what  he  could  to  make  it  right,  and  reminded  people  of  his  support  for  organiza*ons  that  fight  against  child  abuse.  

If @aplusk was a newspaper… Kutcher’s 8 million subscribers means he has a readership equal to the combined daily circulation of the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, NYTimes, LATimes, SanJose Mercury News, Washington Post, NY Daily News, NY Post, and the Chicago Tribune.

“A  collec5on  of  over  8  million  followers  is  not  to  be  taken  for  granted.  I  feel  responsible  to  deliver  informed  opinions  and  not  spread  gossip  or  rumors  through  my  twi7er  feed.”  

Responsibility  is  the  price  of  greatness.  Best  Prac'ces  

As  we  saw  earlier,  there  are  building  blocks  that  your  reputa*on  stands  on.  Or  falls.    

When  your  ac*ons,  the  ac*ons  of  others,  or  bad  luck  have  the  poten*al  to  tarnish  your  reputa*on,  it’s  up  to  you  to  mi*gate  that  risk.  If  your  reputa*on  is  important  to  you.  

When  you’re  examining  your  brand,  you  only  need  to  do  four  things  to  improve  Google’s  percep*on  of  you:  1.  Increase  posi*ve  men*ons  2.  Decrease  nega*ve  men*ons  3.  Improve  posi*ve  to  nega*ve  

men*ons  ra*o  4.  Engage  users  who  post  

mul*ple  nega*ve  comments  

“Don’t  let  the  noise  of  other’s  opinions  drown  out  your  own  inner  voice.  Have  the  courage  to  follow  your  heart  and  intui5on.  They  somehow  already  know  what  you  truly  want  to  become.”  

Rules  of  Engagement  

Six Keys to Social Engagement 1. It’s not about you, it’s about them. 2.  You don’t own your brand, your followers, friends, and critics do. 3.  Social Media is NOT just another way to talk at your customer. 4.  If you’re not talking 1-on-1, you’re not engaged. 5.  Listen to what’s being said about you. Change if you need to. 6.  Trust starts with you.

Brand  Ambassadors  These  guys  have  tried  your  product  and  they  have  a  posi*ve  impression  of  what  your  company  is/does.  You’ll  find  them  talking  about  your  company,  and  recommending  your  products,  on  their  blog,  on  TwiVer,  on  Facebook.  Companies  like  Apple,  Coca  Cola,  and  Starbucks  have  fostered  this  kind  of  rela*onship  with  their  customers.  

Dreamers  These  are  the  people  who  can  see  the  possibili*es  in  your  product,  who  can  absolutely  see  the  upside  of  ownership,  but  for  whatever  reason  have  not  made  a  purchase  yet.  They’re  typically  listeners  in  social  space,  and  consumers  of  blogs  about  the  products  they  like.  Address  the  reasons  they  haven’t  bought  yet,  and  you’ll  create  brand  ambassadors.  

Cynics  You’ve  met  these  people,  probably  at  a  conference.  They  see  a  new  product  and,  without  knowing  too  much  about  it,  dismiss  it  as  irrelevant  or  unworkable.  For  some  reason  they  don’t  like  your  product,  and  they  see  no  reason  to  try  it  out.  They  post  bad  reviews  of  your  products  that  get  link-­‐backs  and  tweeted  and  shared.  Tread  carefully,  engaging  with  Cynics  can  be  more  damaging  than  helpful.    

Cri'cal  Pa'ents  There’s  nothing  more  dangerous  to  your  future  than  consumers  who  have  tried  your  product  and  have  a  nega*ve  impression  of  it,  or  of  your  company.  The  single  most  important  thing  you  have  to  do  when  you  find  these  people  is  repair  their  experience.  I’m  not  sugges*ng  that  you  give  away  the  store  to  people  who  don’t  like  your  products,  but  it  won’t  hurt  to  ask  them  what  went  wrong,  and  how  to  make  it  beVer.  

There  Are  Only  Four  Types  of  Customer  

Know  Which  Customer  

Your  Campaign  Is  Talking  To  

SEO  S'll  MaMers  

White  Hat  SEO  (Do)  

Black  Hat  SEO  (Don’t)  

Sneaky  tac*cs  to  “outsmart”  search  engines  for  short-­‐term  gain.  

Accurate meta tagging and coding of each Web page, along with content optimization will give you a search engine results page (SERPs) boost. �

Great exclusive/unique content. Google has included a readability element in their Panda and Freshness algorithm updates. This means that copy that doesn’t read well, or is heavy enough on keywords that it sounds awkward, will reduce your page rank. However, if you are creating your own content exclusively for your site, your ranking will improve. �

Anchor linking from other sites. For most sites this comes down to content. Getting your content on other sites, listed with a link back to your site, can generate human traffic to your site, and it will also help your rank SERPS. It’s like a recommendation from a trusted friend. �

Take time to comment on other people’s blogs. If you post informative comments, the Webmaster will probably link to your page eventually. �

Keyword stuffing – excessive use of keywords, or use of keywords that aren’t relevant to the page content. �

URL redirects from multiple sites to your site or a single page on your site. �

Using links on your page to link to a link farm. A link farm is one of those sites that is full of links to other sites. When you link to it, it links back to you, along with hundreds of other sites. You might get a request to post a bunch of links on your site. It’s like a chain letter, and will get you banned from every reputable search engine. �

Cloaking – coding your site to display spammy pages to human visitors and non-spam pages to search engine Web crawlers that are looking for indexing data. �

Spamdexing. When you add keywords to your URL, sure it might let people know what you do, but it sets off alarm bells with search engines. �

Search  engine-­‐friendly  tac*cs  for  sustainable  SEO  growth  over  a  long  term.  

Before  you  think  that  the  black-­‐hat  tac*cs  don’t  look  so  bad,  you  should  know  that  the  punishment  can  be  a  killer  for  your  business.  Search  engines  will  stop  showing  your  site  in  the  results  pages.  Not  only  will  you  become  unsearchable,  your  could  earn  a  reputa*on  as  a  spam  site,  even  if  you’re  not.  

Reputa'on  Is  A  Contact  Sport  

“With  the  advent  of  microblogging,  the  number  of  ‘touches’  is  irrelevant.  The  key  now  is  constant  engaged  conversa5on.”  

Five Things That Can Make You Look Bad 1.  Email campaigns that don’t solve problems for your customers. 2.  Promoting links to spammy Web sites. 3.  Getting involved in flame wars with trolls. 4.  No way to contact your company from your Web site. 5.  Unresponsive customer service.

If  you  engage  with  your  audience  when  things  are  going  well,  there’s  a  much  beVer  chance  that  they’ll  give  you  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  when  you  need  them  to.  

That  means  that  you  have  to  stay  in  touch  with  your  followers,  not  just  as  a  group,  but  on  as  much  of  an  individual  basis  as  you  are  able  to.    

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SwayMaker  Digital  Marke'ng  

SwayMaker  is  an  Atlanta-­‐based  bou'que  digital  marke'ng  agency.  We  will  handle  your  PR,  SEO,  and  help  you  manage  your  brand  and  reputa'on.    

Contact  us  for  a  free  site  and  social  media  engagement  assessment,  and  sign  up  for  free  email  updates  from  our  blog.  

Did  you  like  this  book?  Hate  it?  Disagree  with  anything  in  it?  Please  send  your  feedback  to  

Who  Said  That?  1.  “What  you  are  is  what  you  have  been.  What  you  will  be  is  what  you  do  now.”  -­‐  Buddha  2.  “Just  like  managing  your  staff,  managing  your  reputa*on  depends  on  paying  aVen*on  and  no*cing  when  things  change.”  –  Kevin  

Sasser,  3.  “With  60  percent  of  clicks  going  to  the  top  three  results,  ranking  at  the  top  of  the  first  page  is  more  valuable  than  ever.”  –  

Op*,  Changing  Face  of  SERPS  Organic  CTR  Report  4.  “Customers  and  clients  tend  to  not  talk  about  your  company  unless  you’re  doing  something  spectacularly  right,  or  heinously  wrong.”  

–  George  Chidi,  Neon  Flag    5.  “People  said  our  pizza  wasn’t  good  enough,  so  we  changed  everything  about  it.  But  we  weren’t  going  to  call  it  ‘new  and  improved’  

and  expect  that  to  break  through.  We  had  to  blow  up  the  bridge.”  –  Russ  Weiner,    Domino’s  Pizza  6.  “Responsibility  is  the  price  of  greatness.”  –  Sir  Winston  Churchill  7.  “Industry  press  helps  legi*mize  you  to  suppliers  and  poten*al  investors,  but  it  doesn’t  do  much  to  draw  local  customers.”  –  George  

Chidi,  Neon  Flag  8.  “If  you  leave  it  *ll  you  have  nega*ve  content  appearing  on  the  top  of  search  results,  then  it  can  be  very  *me  consuming  and  difficult  

to  get  rid  of.”  –  Reputa*  9.  “If  it  has  your  name  on  it,  you  have  to  own  it.”  –  Duncan  Connor,  SwayMaker  Digital  Marke*ng  10.  “Act  thoughtlessly  once,  it’s  out  of  character.  Do  It  every  day,  it  is  your  character.”  –  George  Chidi,  Neon  Flag  11.  “Maybe  it  did  start  being  a  photo  of  mine  and  now  looks  something  different  or  maybe  it  is  from  another  account.”  –  Anthony  

Weiner  12.  “Just  because  your  voice  reaches  halfway  around  the  world  doesn’t  mean  you  are  wiser  than  when  it  reached  only  to  the  end  of  the  

bar.”  –  Edward  R.  Murrow  13.  “It  is  so  much  simpler  just  to  be  yourself.  You  never  have  to  worry  about  remembering  what  you  said  about  something  to  make  sure  

you  aren’t  contradic*ng  yourself.”  –  ScoV  StraVen,  UnMarke*ng  14.  “A  thousand  uninterested  fans  don’t  help  your  company  grow  and  reach  sales  goals  like  a  hundred  engaged  fans  can.”  –  15.  “If  people  are  going  to  connect  with  your  brand,  there’s  a  significantly  beVer-­‐than-­‐average  chance  that  they’ll  be  connec*ng  on  

Facebook.”  –  Duncan  Connor,  SwayMaker  Digital  Marge*ng  16.  When  there’s  a  buzz  on  the  blogosphere  tat  your  company  has  shipped  a  defec*ve  product,  is  closing  its  doors,  or  is  under  

inves*ga*on,  for  example,  a  press  release  on  the  wire  is  no  longer  the  fastest  or  most  effec*ve  way  to  respond.”  –  Joel  Postman,  

17.  “A  collec*on  of  over  8  million  followers  is  not  to  be  taken  for  granted.  I  feel  responsible  to  deliver  informed  opinions  and  not  spread  gossip  or  rumors  through  my  twiVer  feed.”  –  Ashton  Kutcher,  Katalyst  

18.  “Don’t  let  the  noise  of  other’s  opinions  drown  out  your  own  inner  voice.  Have  the  courage  to  follow  your  heart  and  intui*on.  They  somehow  already  know  what  you  truly  want  to  become.”  –  Steve  Jobs,  Apple  

19.  “With  the  advent  of  microblogging,  the  number  of  ‘touches’  is  irrelevant.  The  key  now  is  constant  engaged  conversa*on.”  –  Kevin  Sasser,