Research Article Clean Production in Auto repair...

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Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 66

Research Article

Abstract— This paper attempts to give a general view about the

existing auto repair workshop activities in Khartoum Industrial

Area with respect to clean production concepts. It concentrates

on the auto pair activities with regard to the generated wastes; its

volume, amount, and the general methods of their processing and

disposal of these wastes in Khartoum industrial area.

The paper gives a rough estimation of some waste elements in

auto repair workshop, to show the hazardous situation


The paper gives the latest standard methods of waste processing

and recycling of auto repair workshop by using special latest


Also the paper suggests that the future is very risky unless the

authorized persons are aware of what is going on auto repair

workshops, and to plan for guarantee cleaner production by

suitable scientific means. It also suggested establishment of special

unit dealing with encouraging works, studies, and researches for

treatment and recycling of out repair workshops wastes.

Index Terms— Clean production, Auto pair, Recycling, waste



leaner production is the continuous application of an

integrated preventive environmental strategy to processes,

of products and services to increase overall

Efficiency, and reduce risks to humans and the environment

and reducing the quantity and toxicity of all emissions and

wastes before they leave a process [1and 2].

A key to cleaner production is to know the flow processing of

work at automotive workshop so as to be aware of material

balances in terms of input of water, energy and raw materials,

and output as production of desired products, services, and

generation of wastes (air, liquid and solid wastes). Only by

knowing the inputs, process streams and outputs, will it be

possible to efficiently manage an optimization of inputs and

products and a minimization of waste generation

in our rapidly developing industry and society, traditional end-

of-pipe solution of environmental problems is no longer

acceptable. It is typically more expensive, less effective, and

carries the social shame of a reactive approach, as a treatment

after the harm has been done. Modern societies do not want

Environmental remediation, they want to prevent pollution and

identify waste before it is generated.

Cleaner production stakeholders have a strong desire for

industry to consider cleaner production opportunities in their

facilities and to follow through on their implementation. This

paper look at local and international initiatives stakeholder

community (including government, non government

organizations, consultants, industry) that contributes to the

initiation and implementation of cleaner production in

automotive service.

Presently a vehicle plays a very important role in our lives and

living without a car can be tough especially in Khartoum. The

importance of the vehicle doubled particularly after the

amazing growth and expansion of the tripartite city, hence

traveling in public transportation became extremely


For those who can suggested commuting in the public

transportation is unheard of necessity for time managing,

moreover the change in the ever growing middle class life

style, and the rapid pace of the city force people to be in

a hurry all the time, therefore a private vehicle is the ideal

solution in such situations [3]

In the last decade, Khartoum state expanded beyond limit in

terms of population, area and above all motorizes vehicles, on

the other hand, automobile dealers and companies adopted

new policies in selling their cars such as, easy payment and car

finance systems. Moreover, with the emergence of GIAD- the

only local car manufacturer- in the market buying a car

became much easier.

Nevertheless if you are driving your own car, be prepare to

face the worse when it break down, because breakdown and

failures cannot be predicted or avoided if you are driving

anywhere in the world. If faced with similar crisis while

traveling in Khartoum, you do not have to worry since several

maintenance centers are available round the clock for timely

repair. For periodical checkup, there are some reputed centers

to do so.

Clean Production in Auto repair

workshops 1Mohamed Gomma Elnour

2Hala Abbas Laz

1 University of Tabuk- Faculty of Engineering- the department of mechanical engineering–KSA.

E-mail: 2 University of Tabuk- Faculty of Science- department of mathematics.


(Received: June 15, 2013; Accepted: August 21, 2013)


Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 67

There are several maintenance centers, within the capital, and

if the default is minor, it can be rectified and repaired at any

gas or petrol station, because they are equipped with all the

needed facilities to handle such breakdowns.

For the periodical check-up and major breakdown there are

several workshops within the tripartite capital using the latest

technologies, and state-of-the-art-machineries to carry out this


Recently we have noticed there are international road between

the Sudan and other neighbours countries. This will persuade

the investor to create best automotive service in all the roads to

cover the maintenances with best technology procedures and to

be friendly with environment. This can not be achieved till we

put into operation the good idea to accept the approach of

implementation of cleaner production. In the initial stages the

auto-workshop may apply low and no-cost solutions element,

as attitude because of low awareness training, and poor

housekeeping and operational procedures. Generally

significant environmental benefits can often be achieved

through inexpensive solutions.

Everywhere the production, application, and disposal of

lubricants as an example have to cover the requirements of the

best possible protection of our nature and the environment in

general and of the living beings in special. For all cases of

direct contact between lubricants on one side and human

beings and the nature on the other side the compatibility has to

be checked. The gaining necessity for environmental

compatibility tests has to be understood by all those who are

working in the fields of application and disposal of lubricants

and the majority of auto parts recyclers are environmentally

responsible [4]. In Khartoum Industrial area these measures

are not put in consideration yet.

The waste water which is discharged into River Blue Nile has

high concentration of oil content. The average of oil content is

equal to 924.3 ppm this cause pollution to the natural water

resource and therefore effect the life cycle of human, although

the rate of contamination due to Environmental Production

Agency requiring not to exceed 15 ppm of free oil [5].

However, as even a small amount of oil can cause great harm

if it enters a storm water drain, a creek, or seeps into the soil.

It is essential that all recyclers are committed to the highest

operating standards in managing potential pollutants in

damaged and end-of-life vehicles. We have to be aware that

the pollution is international problem for the world.


The study had been done by descriptive method and collecting

the data through visiting the Khartoum industrial area

workshops. We have observed common problem in their

location, and they were established and sited beside river Nile

and their waste is polluted it, beside the following


Most of them are private owned, not specially designated as

auto repair workshop area. Work is done inside or outside

workshop, e.g. on footpaths or road and in inadequate to

safety, performing the job with missed special skillful

technician and technical knowledge.

Work is carried out on unsafe work surfaces, including

a surface that is steep, unstable, loose, slippery, and

boggy or has soft edges a surface that is too thin or

weak to bear a load or a lifting device . Also area

subjected to exposure to harmful chemicals or other


Poor visibility and lighting available at breakdown site,

service personnel wearing dark colored clothing.

Service vehicle is not a conspicuous color and does

not carry adequate signage so as to be clearly visible

and warn approaching drivers of maintenance activity

. Sometimes customers drive their own vehicle within


Spills-wet patches not cleaned up. Absorbent material

not available and floor surface slippery when wet, or

uneven with cracks and holes . Neither the employer

nor the host employer takes responsibility for the on-

site health and safety of the whole work.

Unlicensed operator drive road testing of vehicles

within their check requirement

Mechanic-tire fitter uses on-site equipment without the

host employer‟s permission , without having been

trained the safe use of the equipment without a

certificate of competency for the equipment, where

this is required.

Lifting equipment suitable for the task is not supplied

by employer and is not available at the breakdown

scene. Service person manually handles heavy

objects, e.g. truck wheels, brake drums, etc.

There is no monitoring of the service person‟s health,

safety and welfare while away from the workshop.

The service person has no means of emergency

communication with the workshop or emergency


Vehicle ramps and stands have no rated capacity

marked and the safe, working Load is unknown.

Vehicles on ramps not secured in such a way as to

prevent movement. No tag out-Lock

Lack of stock control leads to excess tires-parts –

crowding storage area.

Employee required working in awkward postures for

long durations inside the vehicle. Work for long

periods where awkward postures are adopted in parts

of the vehicle cabin that have restricted or constrained

access, such as foot wells, under dashboard, in boot

underneath rear window.

No loading calculations have been made on the

strength of the supporting structure. Engines are

manually handled after removal from the vehicle.

Using air lines to clear away dust as this will release

large numbers of asbestos fibers into the breathing

zones of employees.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 68

Using hand-operated equipment not suited to the task is

used to loosen and remove wheel nuts, e.g. short

spanner or shifting spanner is used.

Work methods are used that require awkward postures

or use of excessive force when changing tires. Final

on-road tire pressure exceeds the tire manufacturer‟s

maximum operating pressure.

Electrical equipment used in „wet‟ areas of workshop

fire fighters is ignored .

Some dealers doing repair works at streats having no even

definte fixed areas,and the waste from different kinds are

thrown arround the area causing a serous damage to social

health and to the enviroment.

Environmental operations plan for automotive workshop‟s

construction and maintenance activities took the initiative on

cleaner production for how to improve resource efficiency and

lower costs for the business and encourage the owner and staff

to help the environment and re-use the „unwanted resources‟

wastes . The process of recycling of waste guides to reducing

resources consumption , improve production efficiency, gains

in productivity, giving a further financial return and a great

deal of satisfaction at having an impact across their sorts of

things that can be recycled include solvents, used oil, oil filters

and metal parts. The management of operation plan for

automotive workshop’s construction and maintenance

activities can be illustrated basically Figure 1.

Figure (1) management flow digram of clean production in automotive workshop

Automotive workshop building

If you are building a purpose built automotive workshop there

are a few issues that you may have to keep in mind when it

comes to managing your environmental impacts. If you have a

good set-up from the beginning, avoiding and managing

problems in the future will be easy. The following guideline

addresses the three main areas of plumbing, bonding and

storage [6, 7].


If undertaking mechanical repairs area where oil spills, leaks

or storage is likely, make sure all drains in the following areas

drain to an oil separation system like:

workshop floor

new and used oil storage areas

car washing and degreasing bays

Your oil separation system and any other waste water

should drain to sewage, not to storm water drains.


To stop any liquids including wash water from flowing out of

your workshop or storage areas to storm water drains or open

ground, make sure they are bonded or slope inwards.

Depending upon the surface area and what you are trying to

drain, a bond could be something as simple as a speed-bump

or angle-iron across a workshop opening to a low wall around

a 1000L bulk oil storage tank.

If you think you may be doing repair work outside of these

bonded areas then the size of your proposed workshop may

already be too small. In this case make sure of your safety

collection to any produced waste.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 69


Store all chemicals including new and used oil and lubricants,

cleaning solvents, caustic or other contaminated wastes,

thinners, batteries and any parts containing liquids in a remote

safe , undercover area . Under no circumstances should

liquids, whether they be wastes or new products, be stored

outside the workshop unless it is under cover, safe bonded and

on sealed ground. If a spill or leak does occur, containment

and cleanup will be difficult and pollution will more than

likely occur. Sometimes a business may not need to do any

more than store their liquids inside the workshop if there is

bonding across the openings or the floor drains inwards.

Figure 2 shows the ideal design for a quick service workshop

Figure 2 Layout for quick service workshop

Waste water- Reuse and Minimization

Cleaner production spotlight about savings on water, energy

and raw materials and minimising waste generation, economic

benefits from its initial measures may be used for medium-cost

technological cleaner production solutions.

Fluids are used extensively in an automotive repair business.

Fluids are sometimes used within the engine or other vehicle

systems. They are also used for cleaning and other purposes.

Protecting the environment requires that we conserve, control

and recycle fluids wherever possible [8].

We have to think about: how much liquid waste we create- and

how we are going to guarantee its disposal. This can conclude

the followings:

Treatment of waste water by Centrifugal and Centripetal


In these stages we use an apparatus with the spiral path having

a shaft rotating with high velocity. Centrifugal force is

generated when a water waste is pouring in. Sludge particles

and light substances re-separate from it along every single

centimetre of the spiral path, which can be up to 700 cm in

length .While heavy particles move outwards centrifugally

towards the baffle sand are deposited, light liquids

simultaneously flow in wards towards the inner wall, sludge

dewaters by sedimentation and filtering, and then can be

removed. This process can be used in small and medium size


(See Figure 3)

Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 70

Figure3 waste water treatment by centrifugal and centripetal forces

Figure4 Wastewater System

Wastewater Systems

These include a variety of electrical, physical and chemical

process arrangements that result from tailoring systems of unit

operations to a specific treatment reuse application. The

assemblies range from simple filtration systems to large

complex plants see in Figure 4.

The system can take wastewater and give back clean water

plus a recovered by-product, affordably. Performance and

economies of these practical process solutions are what set us

apart and can help transform costly liabilities into raw material

or product assets and find new profit centers and help to

improve the bottom line. These systems will offer solutions to

avoid environmental hazards. Recycle the aqueous waste

effluent streams and meet the most stringent environmental

regulations while reducing the operating costs, even creating a

new profit center.

The system offers a comprehensive line of treatment. Standard

units combine use of cartridge-mixed media filtration, carbon

adsorption and multiple odor control options. Filter systems

are available in a variety of standard configurations for

treatment and reuse of wash-water. Complete reclaim systems

are available for new installations or retrofitted to existing

locations. Partial to "near-zero" discharge water recovery is

available. The designing can be addressed to the variable

nature of the applications besides washing equipment.

Materials of construction allow for operation in most harsh

environments. This kind of technology is more reliable for big

size plants and auto repair workshop.

Physical-Chemical Treatment

The Physical-Chemical Treatment System can be used in

special cases in automotive repair workshop where the

wastewater is severe contaminated with many elements. This

process is a quick and robust process that employs powdered

activated carbon. This advanced stand-alone process is capable

of tertiary treatment levels. The process can be operated in

conjunction with biological treatment. When operated in the

moving bed mode, carbon protects aerobic bacteria against

toxic shock loadings and upsets while controlling odor and

Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 71

color. Powdered activated carbon provides a significant

amount of surface area for biomass attachment and growth.

The system is well suited for "difficult-to-treat" wastewaters

where other alternatives are impractical or easily upset. Its

effectiveness and feel-safe performance for treatment of

hydrocarbon-impacted water is well known. This system also

serves excellent pretreatment functions in complex wastewater

reuse treatment trains [9,10, 11].

Solvent recovery

To reduce the wastewater pollution which generated by the

solvent cleaning operations of small automobile repair

workshops by effortless idea for making solvent tank is a very

simple piece of equipment easy to set up and operate. The

solvent tank system is introduced to individual workshops as a

simple three-part package namely the solvent tank. A few

supplementary tools and some joins to falicetate preparing the

aqueos solution in an open tank for washing purposes and

collection of waste water in anothere tank. The polluted water

is then discharged at suitable placeses, as in figure 5 . The

benefit is increased worker efficiency, improved working

position, no rusting of parts, cleaner workshop, eliminated the

need for detergent use and discharge into the environment[11].

Figure 5

Figure 6 Hydraulic filter crushers

End of life vehicle recycling

When a car reaches the end of its useful life it is usually sold

to a vehicle dismantler. The dismantler will remove parts that

can be sold for reuse, remove the potentially environmentally

polluting materials such as operating fluids and batteries, and

then sell the hulk to a shredding operation. Shredders are high

capacity hammer mills that break the hulk in to fist-sized parts.

Ferrous metals are then removed by magnetic separation and

non-ferrous metals are sorted both mechanically and by hand.

The proportion of end life vehicles currently recycled is much

greater than any other consumer product; even so the

remaining material is buried in landfill sites through the year.

These material is mainly made up of plastics, rubber, glass,

dirt, carpet fibers and seat foam [ 12 ] Generally the source of

pollution in end-of-life vehicles can be classified as following:


Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 72


Generally spills from motors, differentials and transmissions,

brake and power steering units, and residues in components,

hydraulic pipe work and transmission lines, oil filters. The

recovery of fluids by more effective de-pollution is one of the

areas of greatest concern regarding motor vehicles. Although

the disposal of fluids is a major issue, the effects of

inappropriate treatment of fluids removed during servicing are

also significant. Increasing amounts of engine oil are being

recovered and recycled however less than a third of waste oil

is recycled. Lubricating oil has the greatest pollution potential


Removed, oil filters in –end-life automobile can retain large

amounts of oil and this may be discharged with the filter

leading to further pollution. Vehicle dismantlers leave oil

filters on the engines and they are recycled along with them.

Oil can be recovered using special oil filter presses which

squeeze out the oil and the remaining flattened metal can be

recycled with other steel. Oil filter crushers can be available

for use on site at garages, although this is currently not

common practice. Nevertheless, it is hoped that oil filter

crushers will be increasingly introduced into civil amenity


Used oil filters are difficult to completely drain of oil, even

after draining, may contain oil trapped inside the filter. Used

filters are considered to be liquid waste and cannot be placed

in a bin or skip for disposal. Filters need to be managed by

Hydraulic filter crushers which separate the dirty oil from the


Best practice management of oil filter wastes involves the use

of a mechanical crusher to remove and recover most of the oil

they contain. See in Figure 6.

The free oil removed from the filter must be contained,

managed and stored separately (for collection into waste oil

storage drums) from the filters. Drained and mechanically

crushed oil filters (not containing free liquids) are then

classified as solid waste. Some metal recyclers may accept the

crushed filters that can then be passed to scrap metal with a

much reduced chance of environmental pollution [12 , 14].


Batteries require a separate collection, including those

containing more than 0.4% lead by weight, which includes

vehicle lead acid batteries. There is a well-established system

for the recovery of lead acid car batteries with many local

authorities and garages having collection points. The recycling

rate for car batteries is estimated to exceed 90%. However, a

significant number of batteries are still not recovered and

recycled (for example, many scrap cars still contain batteries

when they are shredded) [ 10 ]. Also we have to think about

thousands of bataris that replaced every year.


Petrol and diesel, including residues in fuel tanks, filters and

fuel lines

Chemically treated water - including radiator coolant and

windscreen washer fluids also are usually found in with end-

life vehicles.


Usually obtained from air-conditioning units and airbags.

In Sudan car scrap purchasers have traditionally broken up

vehicles for spare parts and sent the remains for crushing and

melting down to Giad Industry lately. No Sudanese legislation

has to come into force to improve the recyclability of vehicles

and minimize the environmental impact of disposal.

The composition of a typical car has changed substantially in

recent years. For example, ferrous metal content has decreased

significantly as lighter; more fuel-efficient materials such as

plastics are incorporated into vehicle design.

The reuse of parts and the reclamation of materials from motor

vehicles is not a new industry. Metal parts in particular have

for a long time a value, either in terms of reuse or recycling.

Nowadays there are many parts that can be recycled, from the

oil and its filter to plastic bumpers ,engines and in some cases

the whole body.

An analysis of vehicle manufacturer data for around seventy

popular 1998 car models shows in Figure 7[15 , 16].

Recovery and disposal of individual components Metals

Approximately 76% by weight of the average car is metal,

most of which is comprised of sheet steel. The overall metal

content of cars has declined rapidly during the last 20 years

accompanied by an increase in the proportion of non-ferrous

metals used in their manufacture, such as aluminum and

magnesium. Currently about 98% of the metals in a car are

recycled. These metals are recovered by the vehicle shredding

industry and subsequently utilize by the steel industry and re-

smelting plants. See Bruce Taylor [ 15 ].

Development of applications and marketing for recycled


Plastics used in the car industry have risen considerably, where

an average new car in 1984 contained 8.5% by weight of

plastics a similar car today contains around 11%. Plastics are

used for their distinctive qualities, such as impact and

corrosion resistance, in addition to low weight and cost due to

its light weight properties, the use of plastics can lead to

considerable energy savings, with a car weighting 1.3 tonnes

without plastics consuming approximately an extra 1000 liters

of fuel during its life compared to a car weighing 1.1 tonnes ,

with plastic. Despite the relatively high recycling rate for end

life vehicles, the proportion of plastics from end life vehicles

being recycled is extremely low. One reason for this is the

wide variety of polymer types used. Identification, by marking

Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 73

components at production or by improved sorting

technologies, will be vital if the practice of recovering plastic

parts is to become viable. One of the few plastic parts

currently being recovered from end- life vehicles is battery

cases. See Bruce Taylor [15,17].

The most common automotive plastics types are

polypropylene, polyethylene, polyurethane and

polyvinylchloride and accounts for approximately 41% of all

car plastics (common in bumpers, wheel arch liners and

dashboards), and like (most common in seat foam) it is easily

recycled. Viable markets from non-automotive sources already


Figure 7 Breakdown of modern vehicle materials (by weight).

Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters have only been fitted as standard in new

petrol injected-engine cars since 1992, so the business of their

recovery is still developing. In the US, there is a well-

established network of agents who collect the catalytic

converters and a similar system is developing in the UK. The

steel from the exhaust and the precious metals from the car can

be recovered when the cat is replaced. Platinum, rhodium and

palladium can be recovered for reuse, either in new auto cars

or for some other purpose, and as 68% of platinum and 90% of

rhodium used in Western Europe go into the production of

catalysts, this business is extremely viable. The ceramic casing

is also recovered as a powder for refining.

[ 9 ].

Glass recovery processes

In 1999, end life vehicles dropping had reached to middling

amount, with glass constituting approximately 3% of a

vehicles weight, in excess of automotive scrap glass were

theoretically available for recycling. This is likely to be

increasing with the rise in end life vehicles. Currently, the

majority of glass is sent to landfill and only a small proportion

is recycled.

There are two types of glass used in the auto industry,

toughened and laminated. Toughened glass is easy to remove

from vehicles after shattering. Laminated glass, however,

doesn't shatter and will need to be removed manually, which is

time-consuming. In addition, as the value of glass is relatively

low, it is currently not possible to recover the cost of removal


Storing and Transporting Recycled used Parts

Even with all the best de-pollution procedures, some parts

such as engines and power steering units might still leak oil

Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 74

while being transported or stored prior to sale in this case we

have to:

Place oil drip trays under any components that may leak

oil in your transport vehicle or parts storage area;

Where possible, wrap parts in plastic to avoid any leaks.

Avoid leaving any greasy or oily parts in your yard, where

rain may wash the oil away. At a minimum, greasy parts

should be placed inside vehicles in the yard until they can be

cleaned properly.

Improved tire recovery processes

To reduce waste and save money, good advice is to treat your

tires properly for maximum tire life. Simple maintenance and

correct inflation pressures mean you don't need to replace them

prematurely. A worn tire is not only dangerous, but uses more

fuel. When the time comes to change tires, considering the

environmental aspects of their replacements may also save


Tires account for around 3.5% of the weight of an average

vehicle. Waste prevention is a primary objective when looking

for future developments in scrap tire options. Ongoing

research into improvements in tire procurement and

construction has resulted in the life expectancy of tires

continuing to lengthen [ 9, 18 ].

Reuse of part-worn tires extracting the maximum safe life

from a tire saves valuable resources (oil, rubber, steel etc).

Before the tire can be resold it must be checked. Part-worn-

tires must have a minimum of 2mm tread remaining and be

marked as part-worn on both sides at the time of sale. Re-

treading doubles the life of a tire, reducing the numbers of new

tires needed and minimizing waste. Retreading involves either

replacing only the tread section or replacing rubber over the

whole outer surface of the tire . Using a retread tire for an

average car takes 4.5 gallons less oil than the equivalent new

tire yearly and for commercial vehicle tires saving is

estimated to be about 15 gallons per tire. Car tires can only be

retreaded once , but truck tires can be retreaded up to three


Despite the improved quality of retreading, there has been a

continuing decline in the passenger car retread market. While

the truck retread market remained steady. It isn't always

possible to retread tires which suffer too much damage.

Recycling through grinding is the most widespread materials

recovery process in granulated crumbs. This process produces

a range of crumb sizes through the progressive size reduction

process with the energy used to break up tires increasing as the

particle size decreases. Crumb is used in sports and play

surfaces, brake linings, landscaping mulch, carpet underlay,

absorbents for wastes and shoe soles. Crumb can also be

recycled in road asphalt. Rubberized asphalt can increase road

elasticity, temperature range and resistance to oxidation, which

can result in fewer ruts, potholes and cracks in the surface.

Some crumb can be used in formulations with virgin rubber,

but this is less than 5% of the total [19].

Recycling through cryogenic fragmentation, tires are shredded

and cooled to below minus 80 degrees C. A hammer mill then

pounds the chips to separate the components. The resultant

rubber granules can be used for athletics tracks, carpet

underlay, playground surfaces and rubberized asphalt for road

surfaces. The energy input required for such low temperatures

is relatively high.

Recycling through de-vulcanization, treating vulcanized rubber

with heat or chemicals can produce de-vulcanized rubber,

which can be used to replace part of the virgin material in

automotive and cycle tires, conveyor belts and footwear. The

variety of uses for this rubber has been limited due to its

uncreative nature leading to poor bonding strength. Possible

uses are for automotive components, building products,

coatings, sealants and containers for hazardous waste. The

developers believe it provides a valuable option for waste tires


Recycling through microwave technology and Advance

Molecular Agitation Technology (AMAT) has developed a

prototype using microwave technology. This breaks the tires

into their original components. The steel is of a high grade

quality and can therefore be sold for recovery . The carbon and

oil are also reusable. The amount of emissions produced is

minimal. In terms of energy recovery tires have a high calorific

value, about 20% greater than that of coal, which on burning

can be harnessed to produce heat energy. Compared to

recovery of energy by direct burning, is a self-contained

process, which avoids the release of large volumes of

combustion gases. This saves on the cost of cleaning or

"scrubbing" systems needed with normal incineration to

remove pollutants from the gases. It also means that the

process can be controlled to recover products for resale energy

recovery through incineration. In cement kilns, tires are able to

replace up to about 25% of the coal which would otherwise be

used in cement kilns, and reduce nitrogen oxide emissions.

Other uses of waste tires these include:

o boat and dock fenders

o under road surfaces

o sports tracks

o weights on silage sheeting on farms

o crash barriers at motor racing circuits

o children's play surfaces and furniture

o protection for young plants and trees

o compost heap containers

o roof tiles

o noise control products

Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 75

o structural support for earth walls

o motorway embankments

o artificial reefs and coastal defenses

Statistical Analysis

According to information collected from Traffic Central

Administration for the general park of automobile, we can

estimate the expected wastes of repair activates and


The table bellow illustrates the total number of automobiles

registered in Traffic Central Administration:

Table 1

Number of registered automobiles in Sudan

Year Total number of automobiles

2000 2 306 137

2001 2 411 145

2002 2 465 637

2003 2 722 539

2004 2 747 792

2005 2 872 594

We can obtain the regression line of the number of automobiles (let it y) on year (let it X) to estimate the total number of

automobiles in 2015.

Using the least square method, [20, 21, 22]

Year X X

2 Y XY

2000 -3 9 2 306 137 - 6918411

2001 -2 4 2 411 145 - 4822290

2002 -1 1 2 465 637 - 2465637

2003 1 1 2 722 539 2722539

2004 2 4 2 747 792 5495584

2005 3 9 2 872 594 8617782

Total 28 15 525 844 2 629 567







Y = 2587640.7 + 93913.107 X (1)

Where the origin X =0 corresponds to Jan. 2003, and X is

measured in half years.

We can rewrite equation (1) by:

Y = 2587640.7 + 187826.21 X (2)

Where the origin at Jan. 2003, and X is measured in years.

At 2015 the number of automobiles becomes: 4841555.22 ≈


Calculation of automotive general repair waste elements

Engine oil: as an average any automobile is expected to

change the oil three times per year each six liters, so the oil to

be treated as waste is:

6 X 4841555 = 29049330 liters

Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences, 2013, 1 (3): 66-77, ISSN: 2328-4595 (PRINT), ISSN: 2328-4609 (ONLINE) 76

Oil filter: also the number of filters my be changed per year


Batteries: in normal conditions the number my be changed

once per year this means the number of waste batteries is


Tiers: in standard case the average to change is a set per year

(four tiers), then the number is: 19366220

The liquefied automobile per year in many studies estimated

5%, of the whole park so the total number is ≈ 242078

In addition there is a huge amount of water used for washing

of engine and for whole body. Also there is many solvent are

used for parts cleaning.

From above estimation it is clear that a huge amount of

automobile waste spread all over the country.


It can simply be summarized as follows:-

It was observed that availability of information on

workshop hazardous waste was extremely poor, with a

general absence of monitoring, information

management systems and regular reporting.

As a result of this it is impossible for competent

authorities and decision-makers to assess really the

extent of workshop‟s hazardous waste problems, their

potential harmful environmental impacts, and to

formulate appropriate solutions.

The development and expansion of the existing

information management capability is central to the

elevation of the quality of decisions made on the basis

of properly collected and analyzed information.

It was noted that there was poor networking and

functional relations between government, industry,

academic institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations

and Community Based Organizations, with little

knowledge transfer or sharing of information,

dissemination of lessons learned and best practices

among national stakeholders.

The country is not heavily industrialized and does not

producing any technology for waste processing .

In some cases waste management problems are due to

outdated technology; cross boundary effects exist, in

which pollution created by workshop hazardous waste

in one town may have environmental effects in another

by contamination of air, ground or surface water;

Inadequacy of legislation for workshop hazardous waste;

Lack of trained personnel to establish, enforce, and

implement workshop hazardous waste management


Lack of trained manpower to control trans-boundary

movements of workshop hazardous waste;

Lack of information for decision-making, particularly on

worshop waste production and disposal;

Lack of understanding and experience in appropriate

technologies; that can be used inwaste processing

,specially in autorepair workshop waste.

Severe lack of finances to provide human and physical

resources of worshop waste disposal


Cleaner production and eco-efficiency in the automotive

workshops are defined and links to a series of case

studies,. The conceptual and procedural approach to that

demand all phases of the life cycle of a automobile with its

service process. This should be addressed with the

objective of prevention and minimisation of short and long

term of risks to humans and to the environment . To insure

clear production in automotive workshop an effort shoud

be done including the following:-

o Memorandum of understanding and contracts on

purchase of any new vehicles technologies should

have in the procurement policies means of dealing

with the after waste.

o Facilitate technical support cleaner production in

automotive workshop businesses to the sudanese

require to profit opportunities for growth.

o Need for investment in research and development for

new technology and waste minimization options for

automotive workshops.

o Formulating easy funding mechanisms in automotive

workshop waste disposal processing .

o Elimination of the use of disposable items as far as

useful in the workshop.

o Reduction in waste production and improvement in

waste management.

o Ecouriging cost saving projects being incorporated into

a cleaner production program, and approaches as

environmental management projects.

o Persuade the sustainability and continued progress of

the cleaner production process in locally industrial

area of Khartoum.

o Promote supportive relevant legislations and regulation

in order to empowerment efficient management of

hazardous waste in the automotive workshop.

o Insure proper management strategy of automotive

workshops waste.


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